@@ -346,6 +346,45 @@ If the cursor points at an inode, dump the extended attribute block mapping btre
Dump all keys and pointers in intermediate btree nodes, and all records in leaf btree nodes.
+.BI "btheight [\-b " blksz "] [\-n " recs "] [\-w " max "|\-w " min "] btree types..."
+For a given number of btree records and a btree type, report the number of
+records and blocks for each level of the btree, and the total number of blocks.
+The btree type must be given after the options.
+A raw btree geometry can be provided in the format
+"record_bytes:key_bytes:ptr_bytes:header_type", where header_type is one of
+"short", "long", "shortcrc", or "longcrc".
+The supported btree types are:
+.IR bnobt ,
+.IR cntbt ,
+.IR inobt ,
+.IR finobt ,
+.IR bmapbt ,
+.IR refcountbt ,
+.IR rmapbt .
+Options are as follows:
+.RS 1.0i
+.TP 0.4i
+.B \-b
+is used to override the btree block size.
+The default is the filesystem block size.
+.B \-n
+is used to specify the number of records to store.
+This argument is required.
+.B \-w max
+shows only the best case scenario, which is when the btree blocks are
+maximally loaded.
+.B \-w min
+shows only the worst case scenario, which is when the btree blocks are
+half full.
.B check
See the
.B blockget