diff mbox series

[bpf-next,v1,3/3] bpf/selftests: Add xdp bpf_load_tcp_hdr_options tests

Message ID 20211001215858.1132715-4-joannekoong@fb.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Delegated to: BPF
Headers show
Series Add XDP support for bpf_load_hdr_opt | expand


Context Check Description
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next success VM_Test
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-PR success PR summary
netdev/cover_letter success Link
netdev/fixes_present success Link
netdev/patch_count success Link
netdev/tree_selection success Clearly marked for bpf-next
netdev/subject_prefix success Link
netdev/cc_maintainers warning 12 maintainers not CCed: shuah@kernel.org john.fastabend@gmail.com songliubraving@fb.com andrii@kernel.org linux-kselftest@vger.kernel.org yhs@fb.com ast@kernel.org kuba@kernel.org daniel@iogearbox.net davem@davemloft.net hawk@kernel.org kpsingh@kernel.org
netdev/source_inline success Was 0 now: 0
netdev/verify_signedoff success Link
netdev/module_param success Was 0 now: 0
netdev/build_32bit success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/kdoc success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/verify_fixes success Link
netdev/checkpatch warning WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating? WARNING: line length of 81 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 83 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 87 exceeds 80 columns
netdev/build_allmodconfig_warn success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/header_inline success Link

Commit Message

Joanne Koong Oct. 1, 2021, 9:58 p.m. UTC
This patch adds tests for bpf_load_tcp_hdr_options used by xdp

- Tests ipv4 and ipv6 packets with TCPOPT_EXP and non-TCPOPT_EXP
tcp options set. Verify that options can be parsed and loaded
- Tests error paths: TCPOPT_EXP with invalid magic, option with
invalid kind_len, non-existent option, invalid flags, option size
smaller than kind_len, invalid packet

Signed-off-by: Joanne Koong <joannekoong@fb.com>
 .../bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 158 ++++++++++++++
 .../bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 198 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 356 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c


Song Liu Oct. 1, 2021, 11:13 p.m. UTC | #1
On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 3:04 PM Joanne Koong <joannekoong@fb.com> wrote:
> This patch adds tests for bpf_load_tcp_hdr_options used by xdp
> programs.
> test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c:
> - Tests ipv4 and ipv6 packets with TCPOPT_EXP and non-TCPOPT_EXP
> tcp options set. Verify that options can be parsed and loaded
> successfully.
> - Tests error paths: TCPOPT_EXP with invalid magic, option with
> invalid kind_len, non-existent option, invalid flags, option size
> smaller than kind_len, invalid packet
> Signed-off-by: Joanne Koong <joannekoong@fb.com>
> ---
>  .../bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 158 ++++++++++++++
>  .../bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 198 ++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 356 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
>  create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..bd77593fb2dd
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +/* Copyright (c) 2021 Facebook */
> +
> +#include "test_progs.h"
> +#include "network_helpers.h"
> +#include "test_tcp_hdr_options.h"
> +#include "test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.skel.h"
> +
> +struct xdp_exprm_opt {
> +       __u8 kind;
> +       __u8 len;
> +       __u16 magic;
> +       struct bpf_test_option data;
> +} __packed;
> +
> +struct xdp_regular_opt {
> +       __u8 kind;
> +       __u8 len;
> +       struct bpf_test_option data;
> +} __packed;
> +
> +struct xdp_test_opt {
> +       struct xdp_exprm_opt exprm_opt;
> +       struct xdp_regular_opt regular_opt;
> +} __packed;
> +
> +struct xdp_ipv4_packet {
> +       struct ipv4_packet pkt_v4;
> +       struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
> +} __packed;
> +
> +struct xdp_ipv6_packet {
> +       struct ipv6_packet pkt_v6;
> +       struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
> +} __packed;
> +
> +static __u8 opt_flags = OPTION_MAX_DELACK_MS | OPTION_RAND;
> +static __u8 exprm_max_delack_ms = 12;
> +static __u8 regular_max_delack_ms = 21;
> +static __u8 exprm_rand = 0xfa;
> +static __u8 regular_rand = 0xce;
> +
> +static void init_test_opt(struct xdp_test_opt *test_opt,
> +                         struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel)
> +{
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.kind = TCPOPT_EXP;
> +       /* +1 for kind, +1 for kind-len, +2 for magic, +1 for flags, +1 for
> +        */
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.len = 3 + TCP_BPF_EXPOPT_BASE_LEN;
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(skel->rodata->test_magic);
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.data.flags = opt_flags;
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.data.max_delack_ms = exprm_max_delack_ms;
> +       test_opt->exprm_opt.data.rand = exprm_rand;
> +
> +       test_opt->regular_opt.kind = skel->rodata->test_kind;
> +       /* +1 for kind, +1 for kind-len, +1 for flags, +1 FOR
> +        */
> +       test_opt->regular_opt.len = 5;
> +       test_opt->regular_opt.data.flags = opt_flags;
> +       test_opt->regular_opt.data.max_delack_ms = regular_max_delack_ms;
> +       test_opt->regular_opt.data.rand = regular_rand;
> +}
> +
> +static void check_opt_out(struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel)
> +{
> +       struct bpf_test_option *opt_out;
> +       __u32 duration = 0;
> +
> +       opt_out = &skel->bss->exprm_opt_out;
> +       CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "exprm flags",
> +             "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != exprm_max_delack_ms, "exprm max_delack_ms",
> +             "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->rand != exprm_rand, "exprm rand",
> +             "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);
> +
> +       opt_out = &skel->bss->regular_opt_out;
> +       CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "regular flags",
> +             "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != regular_max_delack_ms, "regular max_delack_ms",
> +             "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->rand != regular_rand, "regular rand",
> +             "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);
> +}
> +
> +void test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options(void)
> +{
> +       int err, prog_fd, prog_err_path_fd, prog_invalid_pkt_fd;
> +       struct xdp_ipv6_packet ipv6_pkt, invalid_pkt;
> +       struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel;
> +       struct xdp_ipv4_packet ipv4_pkt;
> +       struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
> +       __u32 duration, retval, size;
> +       char buf[128];
> +
> +       /* Load XDP program to introspect */
> +       skel = test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options__open_and_load();
> +       if (CHECK(!skel, "skel open and load",
> +                 "%s skeleton failed\n", __func__))
> +               return;
> +
> +       prog_fd = bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt);
> +
> +       init_test_opt(&test_opt, skel);
> +
> +       /* Init the packets */
> +       ipv4_pkt.pkt_v4 = pkt_v4;
> +       ipv4_pkt.pkt_v4.tcp.doff += 3;
> +       ipv4_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
> +
> +       ipv6_pkt.pkt_v6 = pkt_v6;
> +       ipv6_pkt.pkt_v6.tcp.doff += 3;
> +       ipv6_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
> +
> +       invalid_pkt.pkt_v6 = pkt_v6;
> +       /* Set to an offset that will exceed the xdp data_end */
> +       invalid_pkt.pkt_v6.tcp.doff += 4;
> +       invalid_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
> +
> +       /* Test on ipv4 packet */
> +       err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_fd, 1, &ipv4_pkt, sizeof(ipv4_pkt),
> +                               buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
> +       CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
> +             "xdp_tcp_hdr_options ipv4", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
> +             skel->bss->err_val, retval);

Shall we skip the following checks if the test_run fails?

> +       check_opt_out(skel);
> +
> +       /* Test on ipv6 packet */
> +       err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_fd, 1, &ipv6_pkt, sizeof(ipv6_pkt),
> +                               buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
> +       CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
> +             "xdp_tcp_hdr_options ipv6", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
> +             skel->bss->err_val, retval);
> +       check_opt_out(skel);
> +
> +       /* Test error paths */
> +       prog_err_path_fd =
> +               bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt_err_paths);
> +       err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_err_path_fd, 1, &ipv6_pkt, sizeof(ipv6_pkt),
> +                               buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
> +       CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
> +             "xdp_tcp_hdr_options err_path", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
> +             skel->bss->err_val, retval);


> +
> +       /* Test invalid packet */
> +       prog_invalid_pkt_fd =
> +               bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt_invalid_pkt);
> +       err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_invalid_pkt_fd, 1, &invalid_pkt,
> +                               sizeof(invalid_pkt), buf, &size, &retval,
> +                               &duration);
> +       CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
> +             "xdp_tcp_hdr_options invalid_pkt", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
> +             skel->bss->err_val, retval);
> +
> +       test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options__destroy(skel);
> +}

Andrii Nakryiko Oct. 1, 2021, 11:40 p.m. UTC | #2
On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 3:04 PM Joanne Koong <joannekoong@fb.com> wrote:
> This patch adds tests for bpf_load_tcp_hdr_options used by xdp
> programs.
> test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c:
> - Tests ipv4 and ipv6 packets with TCPOPT_EXP and non-TCPOPT_EXP
> tcp options set. Verify that options can be parsed and loaded
> successfully.
> - Tests error paths: TCPOPT_EXP with invalid magic, option with
> invalid kind_len, non-existent option, invalid flags, option size
> smaller than kind_len, invalid packet
> Signed-off-by: Joanne Koong <joannekoong@fb.com>
> ---
>  .../bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 158 ++++++++++++++
>  .../bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c      | 198 ++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 356 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
>  create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c


> +static void check_opt_out(struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel)
> +{
> +       struct bpf_test_option *opt_out;
> +       __u32 duration = 0;
> +
> +       opt_out = &skel->bss->exprm_opt_out;
> +       CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "exprm flags",
> +             "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != exprm_max_delack_ms, "exprm max_delack_ms",
> +             "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->rand != exprm_rand, "exprm rand",
> +             "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);
> +
> +       opt_out = &skel->bss->regular_opt_out;
> +       CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "regular flags",
> +             "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != regular_max_delack_ms, "regular max_delack_ms",
> +             "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
> +       CHECK(opt_out->rand != regular_rand, "regular rand",
> +             "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);

Please use ASSERT_xxx() macros for new tests. CHECK()s are confusing
and actually require more typing and work to output actual arguments
that failed. In this case, you'd just write

ASSERT_EQ(opt_out->rand, regular_rand, "regular_rand");

And if they are not equal, ASSERT_EQ() will print actual values of
both opt_out->rand and regular_rand.

> +}
> +
> +void test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options(void)
> +{
> +       int err, prog_fd, prog_err_path_fd, prog_invalid_pkt_fd;
> +       struct xdp_ipv6_packet ipv6_pkt, invalid_pkt;
> +       struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel;
> +       struct xdp_ipv4_packet ipv4_pkt;
> +       struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
> +       __u32 duration, retval, size;
> +       char buf[128];
> +

diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd77593fb2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ 
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+/* Copyright (c) 2021 Facebook */
+#include "test_progs.h"
+#include "network_helpers.h"
+#include "test_tcp_hdr_options.h"
+#include "test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.skel.h"
+struct xdp_exprm_opt {
+	__u8 kind;
+	__u8 len;
+	__u16 magic;
+	struct bpf_test_option data;
+} __packed;
+struct xdp_regular_opt {
+	__u8 kind;
+	__u8 len;
+	struct bpf_test_option data;
+} __packed;
+struct xdp_test_opt {
+	struct xdp_exprm_opt exprm_opt;
+	struct xdp_regular_opt regular_opt;
+} __packed;
+struct xdp_ipv4_packet {
+	struct ipv4_packet pkt_v4;
+	struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
+} __packed;
+struct xdp_ipv6_packet {
+	struct ipv6_packet pkt_v6;
+	struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
+} __packed;
+static __u8 opt_flags = OPTION_MAX_DELACK_MS | OPTION_RAND;
+static __u8 exprm_max_delack_ms = 12;
+static __u8 regular_max_delack_ms = 21;
+static __u8 exprm_rand = 0xfa;
+static __u8 regular_rand = 0xce;
+static void init_test_opt(struct xdp_test_opt *test_opt,
+			  struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel)
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.kind = TCPOPT_EXP;
+	/* +1 for kind, +1 for kind-len, +2 for magic, +1 for flags, +1 for
+	 */
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.len = 3 + TCP_BPF_EXPOPT_BASE_LEN;
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(skel->rodata->test_magic);
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.data.flags = opt_flags;
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.data.max_delack_ms = exprm_max_delack_ms;
+	test_opt->exprm_opt.data.rand = exprm_rand;
+	test_opt->regular_opt.kind = skel->rodata->test_kind;
+	/* +1 for kind, +1 for kind-len, +1 for flags, +1 FOR
+	 */
+	test_opt->regular_opt.len = 5;
+	test_opt->regular_opt.data.flags = opt_flags;
+	test_opt->regular_opt.data.max_delack_ms = regular_max_delack_ms;
+	test_opt->regular_opt.data.rand = regular_rand;
+static void check_opt_out(struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel)
+	struct bpf_test_option *opt_out;
+	__u32 duration = 0;
+	opt_out = &skel->bss->exprm_opt_out;
+	CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "exprm flags",
+	      "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
+	CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != exprm_max_delack_ms, "exprm max_delack_ms",
+	      "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
+	CHECK(opt_out->rand != exprm_rand, "exprm rand",
+	      "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);
+	opt_out = &skel->bss->regular_opt_out;
+	CHECK(opt_out->flags != opt_flags, "regular flags",
+	      "flags = 0x%x", opt_out->flags);
+	CHECK(opt_out->max_delack_ms != regular_max_delack_ms, "regular max_delack_ms",
+	      "max_delack_ms = 0x%x", opt_out->max_delack_ms);
+	CHECK(opt_out->rand != regular_rand, "regular rand",
+	      "rand = 0x%x", opt_out->rand);
+void test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options(void)
+	int err, prog_fd, prog_err_path_fd, prog_invalid_pkt_fd;
+	struct xdp_ipv6_packet ipv6_pkt, invalid_pkt;
+	struct test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options *skel;
+	struct xdp_ipv4_packet ipv4_pkt;
+	struct xdp_test_opt test_opt;
+	__u32 duration, retval, size;
+	char buf[128];
+	/* Load XDP program to introspect */
+	skel = test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options__open_and_load();
+	if (CHECK(!skel, "skel open and load",
+		  "%s skeleton failed\n", __func__))
+		return;
+	prog_fd = bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt);
+	init_test_opt(&test_opt, skel);
+	/* Init the packets */
+	ipv4_pkt.pkt_v4 = pkt_v4;
+	ipv4_pkt.pkt_v4.tcp.doff += 3;
+	ipv4_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
+	ipv6_pkt.pkt_v6 = pkt_v6;
+	ipv6_pkt.pkt_v6.tcp.doff += 3;
+	ipv6_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
+	invalid_pkt.pkt_v6 = pkt_v6;
+	/* Set to an offset that will exceed the xdp data_end */
+	invalid_pkt.pkt_v6.tcp.doff += 4;
+	invalid_pkt.test_opt = test_opt;
+	/* Test on ipv4 packet */
+	err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_fd, 1, &ipv4_pkt, sizeof(ipv4_pkt),
+				buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
+	CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
+	      "xdp_tcp_hdr_options ipv4", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
+	      skel->bss->err_val, retval);
+	check_opt_out(skel);
+	/* Test on ipv6 packet */
+	err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_fd, 1, &ipv6_pkt, sizeof(ipv6_pkt),
+				buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
+	CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
+	      "xdp_tcp_hdr_options ipv6", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
+	      skel->bss->err_val, retval);
+	check_opt_out(skel);
+	/* Test error paths */
+	prog_err_path_fd =
+		bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt_err_paths);
+	err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_err_path_fd, 1, &ipv6_pkt, sizeof(ipv6_pkt),
+				buf, &size, &retval, &duration);
+	CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
+	      "xdp_tcp_hdr_options err_path", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
+	      skel->bss->err_val, retval);
+	/* Test invalid packet */
+	prog_invalid_pkt_fd =
+		bpf_program__fd(skel->progs._xdp_load_hdr_opt_invalid_pkt);
+	err = bpf_prog_test_run(prog_invalid_pkt_fd, 1, &invalid_pkt,
+				sizeof(invalid_pkt), buf, &size, &retval,
+				&duration);
+	CHECK(err || retval != XDP_PASS,
+	      "xdp_tcp_hdr_options invalid_pkt", "err val %d, retval %d\n",
+	      skel->bss->err_val, retval);
+	test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options__destroy(skel);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fe6e1ebd78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/test_xdp_tcp_hdr_options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ 
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+/* Copyright (c) 2021 Facebook */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <linux/bpf.h>
+#include <linux/if_ether.h>
+#include <linux/ip.h>
+#include <linux/ipv6.h>
+#include <linux/tcp.h>
+#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
+#include <bpf/bpf_endian.h>
+#include "test_tcp_hdr_options.h"
+struct bpf_test_option regular_opt_out;
+struct bpf_test_option exprm_opt_out;
+const __u16 test_magic = 0xeB9F;
+const __u8 test_kind = 0xB9;
+int err_val = 0;
+static void copy_opt_to_out(struct bpf_test_option *test_option, __u8 *data)
+	test_option->flags = data[0];
+	test_option->max_delack_ms = data[1];
+	test_option->rand = data[2];
+static int parse_xdp(struct xdp_md *xdp, __u64 *out_flags)
+	void *data_end = (void *)(long)xdp->data_end;
+	__u64 tcphdr_offset = 0, nh_off;
+	void *data = (void *)(long)xdp->data;
+	struct ethhdr *eth = data;
+	int ret;
+	nh_off = sizeof(*eth);
+	if (data + nh_off > data_end) {
+		err_val = 1;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Calculate the offset to the tcp hdr */
+	if (eth->h_proto == __bpf_constant_htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) {
+		tcphdr_offset = sizeof(struct ethhdr) +
+			sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
+	} else if (eth->h_proto == bpf_htons(ETH_P_IP)) {
+		tcphdr_offset = sizeof(struct ethhdr) +
+			sizeof(struct iphdr);
+	} else {
+		err_val = 2;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	*out_flags = tcphdr_offset << BPF_LOAD_HDR_OPT_TCP_OFFSET_SHIFT;
+	return XDP_PASS;
+int _xdp_load_hdr_opt(struct xdp_md *xdp)
+	struct tcp_exprm_opt exprm_opt = { 0 };
+	struct tcp_opt regular_opt = { 0 };
+	__u64 flags = 0;
+	int ret;
+	ret = parse_xdp(xdp, &flags);
+	if (ret != XDP_PASS)
+		return ret;
+	/* Test TCPOPT_EXP */
+	exprm_opt.kind = TCPOPT_EXP;
+	exprm_opt.len = 4;
+	exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(test_magic);
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &exprm_opt,
+			       sizeof(exprm_opt), flags);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		err_val = 3;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	copy_opt_to_out(&exprm_opt_out, exprm_opt.data);
+	/* Test non-TCP_OPT_EXP */
+	regular_opt.kind = test_kind;
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &regular_opt,
+			       sizeof(regular_opt), flags);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		err_val = 4;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	copy_opt_to_out(&regular_opt_out, regular_opt.data);
+	return XDP_PASS;
+int _xdp_load_hdr_opt_err_paths(struct xdp_md *xdp)
+	struct tcp_exprm_opt exprm_opt = { 0 };
+	struct tcp_opt regular_opt = { 0 };
+	__u64 flags = 0;
+	int ret;
+	ret = parse_xdp(xdp, &flags);
+	if (ret != XDP_PASS)
+		return ret;
+	/* Test TCPOPT_EXP with invalid magic */
+	exprm_opt.kind = TCPOPT_EXP;
+	exprm_opt.len = 4;
+	exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(test_magic + 1);
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &exprm_opt,
+			       sizeof(exprm_opt), flags);
+	if (ret != -ENOMSG) {
+		err_val = 3;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Test TCPOPT_EXP with 0 magic */
+	exprm_opt.magic = 0;
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &exprm_opt,
+			       sizeof(exprm_opt), flags);
+	if (ret != -ENOMSG) {
+		err_val = 4;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(test_magic);
+	/* Test TCPOPT_EXP with invalid kind length */
+	exprm_opt.len = 5;
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &exprm_opt,
+			       sizeof(exprm_opt), flags);
+	if (ret != -EINVAL) {
+		err_val = 5;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Test that non-existent option is not found */
+	regular_opt.kind = test_kind + 1;
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &regular_opt,
+			       sizeof(regular_opt), flags);
+	if (ret != -ENOMSG) {
+		err_val = 6;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Test invalid flags */
+	regular_opt.kind = test_kind;
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &regular_opt, sizeof(regular_opt),
+			       flags | BPF_LOAD_HDR_OPT_TCP_SYN);
+	if (ret != -EINVAL) {
+		err_val = 7;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Test non-TCP_OPT_EXP with option size smaller than kind len */
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &regular_opt,
+			       sizeof(regular_opt) - 2, flags);
+	if (ret != -ENOSPC) {
+		err_val = 8;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	return XDP_PASS;
+int _xdp_load_hdr_opt_invalid_pkt(struct xdp_md *xdp)
+	struct tcp_exprm_opt exprm_opt = { 0 };
+	__u64 flags = 0;
+	int ret;
+	ret = parse_xdp(xdp, &flags);
+	if (ret != XDP_PASS)
+		return ret;
+	exprm_opt.kind = TCPOPT_EXP;
+	exprm_opt.len = 4;
+	exprm_opt.magic = __bpf_htons(test_magic);
+	ret = bpf_load_hdr_opt(xdp, &exprm_opt,
+			       sizeof(exprm_opt), flags);
+	if (ret != -EINVAL) {
+		err_val = 3;
+		return XDP_DROP;
+	}
+	return XDP_PASS;
+char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";