diff mbox series

[5.10,v2,1/3] commit 5d6651fe8583 ("rtw88: 8821c: support RFE type2 wifi NIC")

Message ID 20220628134351.4182-1-tangmeng@uniontech.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable
Delegated to: Netdev Maintainers
Headers show
Series [5.10,v2,1/3] commit 5d6651fe8583 ("rtw88: 8821c: support RFE type2 wifi NIC") | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/tree_selection success Not a local patch

Commit Message

Meng Tang June 28, 2022, 1:43 p.m. UTC
From: Guo-Feng Fan <vincent_fann@realtek.com>

RFE type2 is a new NIC which has one RF antenna shares with BT.
Update phy parameter to verstion V57 to allow initial procedure
to load extra AGC table for sharing antenna NIC.

Signed-off-by: Guo-Feng Fan <vincent_fann@realtek.com>
Signed-off-by: Ping-Ke Shih <pkshih@realtek.com>
Tested-by: Kai-Heng Feng <kai.heng.feng@canonical.com>
Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <kvalo@codeaurora.org>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210202055012.8296-4-pkshih@realtek.com
Signed-off-by: Meng Tang <tangmeng@uniontech.com>
 drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c     |   2 +
 drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h     |   7 +
 drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c |  47 +++
 drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h |  14 +
 .../wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c   | 397 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h   |   1 +
 6 files changed, 468 insertions(+)


Greg KH June 30, 2022, 11:28 a.m. UTC | #1
On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 09:43:49PM +0800, Meng Tang wrote:
> From: Guo-Feng Fan <vincent_fann@realtek.com>
> RFE type2 is a new NIC which has one RF antenna shares with BT.
> Update phy parameter to verstion V57 to allow initial procedure
> to load extra AGC table for sharing antenna NIC.
> Signed-off-by: Guo-Feng Fan <vincent_fann@realtek.com>
> Signed-off-by: Ping-Ke Shih <pkshih@realtek.com>
> Tested-by: Kai-Heng Feng <kai.heng.feng@canonical.com>
> Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <kvalo@codeaurora.org>
> Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210202055012.8296-4-pkshih@realtek.com
> Signed-off-by: Meng Tang <tangmeng@uniontech.com>
> ---
>  drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c     |   2 +
>  drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h     |   7 +
>  drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c |  47 +++
>  drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h |  14 +
>  .../wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c   | 397 ++++++++++++++++++
>  .../wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h   |   1 +
>  6 files changed, 468 insertions(+)

How does this meet the stable kernel rules?

This looks like new hardware support to me, right?  What bugfix does
this resolve for 5.10 kernels?

And for newer support, why can you not just move to 5.15?


greg k-h
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c
index 2ef1416899f0..c09d2a8b51dd 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.c
@@ -1551,6 +1551,8 @@  static int rtw_chip_board_info_setup(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev)
 	rtw_phy_setup_phy_cond(rtwdev, 0);
+	if (rfe_def->agc_btg_tbl)
+		rtw_load_table(rtwdev, rfe_def->agc_btg_tbl);
 	rtw_load_table(rtwdev, rfe_def->phy_pg_tbl);
 	rtw_load_table(rtwdev, rfe_def->txpwr_lmt_tbl);
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h
index 8ba0b0824ae9..7769cad3f731 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/main.h
@@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@  enum rtw_rfe_fem {
 struct rtw_rfe_def {
 	const struct rtw_table *phy_pg_tbl;
 	const struct rtw_table *txpwr_lmt_tbl;
+	const struct rtw_table *agc_btg_tbl;
 #define RTW_DEF_RFE(chip, bb_pg, pwrlmt) {				  \
@@ -1048,6 +1049,12 @@  struct rtw_rfe_def {
 	.txpwr_lmt_tbl = &rtw ## chip ## _txpwr_lmt_type ## pwrlmt ## _tbl, \
+#define RTW_DEF_RFE_EXT(chip, bb_pg, pwrlmt, btg) {			  \
+	.phy_pg_tbl = &rtw ## chip ## _bb_pg_type ## bb_pg ## _tbl,	  \
+	.txpwr_lmt_tbl = &rtw ## chip ## _txpwr_lmt_type ## pwrlmt ## _tbl, \
+	.agc_btg_tbl = &rtw ## chip ## _agc_btg_type ## btg ## _tbl, \
+	}
 #define RTW_PWR_TRK_5G_1		0
 #define RTW_PWR_TRK_5G_2		1
 #define RTW_PWR_TRK_5G_3		2
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c
index f9615f76f173..4514c4e8ee58 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.c
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@  static void rtw8821ce_efuse_parsing(struct rtw_efuse *efuse,
 	ether_addr_copy(efuse->addr, map->e.mac_addr);
+enum rtw8821ce_rf_set {
 static int rtw8821c_read_efuse(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 *log_map)
 	struct rtw_efuse *efuse = &rtwdev->efuse;
@@ -224,6 +231,40 @@  static void rtw8821c_cfg_ldo25(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, bool enable)
 	rtw_write8(rtwdev, REG_LDO_EFUSE_CTRL + 3, ldo_pwr);
+static void rtw8821c_switch_rf_set(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 rf_set)
+	u32 reg;
+	rtw_write32_set(rtwdev, REG_DMEM_CTRL, BIT_WL_RST);
+	rtw_write32_set(rtwdev, REG_SYS_CTRL, BIT_FEN_EN);
+	reg = rtw_read32(rtwdev, REG_RFECTL);
+	switch (rf_set) {
+		reg |= B_BTG_SWITCH;
+		rtw_write32_mask(rtwdev, REG_ENRXCCA, MASKBYTE2, BTG_CCA);
+		rtw_write32_mask(rtwdev, REG_ENTXCCK, MASKLWORD, BTG_LNA);
+		break;
+		rtw_write32_mask(rtwdev, REG_ENRXCCA, MASKBYTE2, WLG_CCA);
+		rtw_write32_mask(rtwdev, REG_ENTXCCK, MASKLWORD, WLG_LNA);
+		break;
+		break;
+	case SWITCH_TO_BT:
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	rtw_write32(rtwdev, REG_RFECTL, reg);
 static void rtw8821c_set_channel_rf(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 channel, u8 bw)
 	u32 rf_reg18;
@@ -257,9 +298,14 @@  static void rtw8821c_set_channel_rf(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 channel, u8 bw)
 	if (channel <= 14) {
+		if (rtwdev->efuse.rfe_option == 0)
+			rtw8821c_switch_rf_set(rtwdev, SWITCH_TO_WLG);
+		else if (rtwdev->efuse.rfe_option == 2)
+			rtw8821c_switch_rf_set(rtwdev, SWITCH_TO_BTG);
 		rtw_write_rf(rtwdev, RF_PATH_A, RF_LUTDBG, BIT(6), 0x1);
 		rtw_write_rf(rtwdev, RF_PATH_A, 0x64, 0xf, 0xf);
 	} else {
+		rtw8821c_switch_rf_set(rtwdev, SWITCH_TO_WLA);
 		rtw_write_rf(rtwdev, RF_PATH_A, RF_LUTDBG, BIT(6), 0x0);
@@ -1410,6 +1456,7 @@  static const struct rtw_intf_phy_para_table phy_para_table_8821c = {
 static const struct rtw_rfe_def rtw8821c_rfe_defs[] = {
 	[0] = RTW_DEF_RFE(8821c, 0, 0),
+	[2] = RTW_DEF_RFE_EXT(8821c, 0, 0, 2),
 static struct rtw_hw_reg rtw8821c_dig[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h
index 8d1e8ff71d7e..b8d6b1b29387 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c.h
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@  _rtw_write32s_mask(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u32 addr, u32 mask, u32 data)
 #define GET_PHY_STAT_P1_RXSNR_B(phy_stat)                                      \
 	le32_get_bits(*((__le32 *)(phy_stat) + 0x06), GENMASK(15, 8))
+#define REG_SYS_CTRL	0x000
+#define BIT_FEN_EN	BIT(26)
 #define REG_INIRTS_RATE_SEL 0x0480
 #define REG_HTSTFWT	0x800
 #define REG_RXPSEL	0x808
@@ -204,6 +206,11 @@  _rtw_write32s_mask(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u32 addr, u32 mask, u32 data)
 #define REG_FA_CCK	0xa5c
 #define REG_RXDESC	0xa2c
 #define REG_ENTXCCK	0xa80
+#define BTG_LNA		0xfc84
+#define WLG_LNA		0x7532
+#define REG_ENRXCCA	0xa84
+#define BTG_CCA		0x0e
+#define WLG_CCA		0x12
 #define REG_PWRTH2	0xaa8
 #define REG_CSRATIO	0xaaa
 #define REG_TXFILTER	0xaac
@@ -217,6 +224,11 @@  _rtw_write32s_mask(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u32 addr, u32 mask, u32 data)
 #define REG_RFESEL0	0xcb0
 #define REG_RFESEL8	0xcb4
 #define REG_RFECTL	0xcb8
+#define B_BTG_SWITCH	BIT(16)
+#define B_CTRL_SWITCH	BIT(18)
+#define B_WL_SWITCH	(BIT(20) | BIT(22))
+#define B_WLG_SWITCH	BIT(21)
+#define B_WLA_SWITCH	BIT(23)
 #define REG_RFEINV	0xcbc
 #define REG_AGCTR_B	0xe08
 #define REG_RXIGI_B	0xe50
@@ -227,6 +239,8 @@  _rtw_write32s_mask(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u32 addr, u32 mask, u32 data)
 #define REG_CCA_OFDM	0xf08
 #define REG_FA_OFDM	0xf48
 #define REG_CCA_CCK	0xfcc
+#define REG_DMEM_CTRL	0x1080
+#define BIT_WL_RST	BIT(16)
 #define REG_ANTWT	0x1904
 #define REG_IQKFAILMSK	0x1bf0
 #define BIT_MASK_R_RFE_SEL_15	GENMASK(31, 28)
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c
index 970f903f7dc7..8e8915c5c498 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.c
@@ -1342,6 +1342,399 @@  static const u32 rtw8821c_agc[] = {
 RTW_DECL_TABLE_PHY_COND(rtw8821c_agc, rtw_phy_cfg_agc);
+static const u32 rtw8821c_agc_btg_type2[] = {
+	0x80001004,	0x00000000,	0x40000000,	0x00000000,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000013,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020013,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040013,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060013,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080013,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100013,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120013,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140013,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160013,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180013,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF01E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xEF200013,
+	0x81C, 0xEE220013,
+	0x81C, 0xED240013,
+	0x81C, 0xEC260013,
+	0x81C, 0xEB280013,
+	0x81C, 0xEA2A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE92C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE82E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE7300013,
+	0x81C, 0x8B320013,
+	0x81C, 0x8A340013,
+	0x81C, 0x89360013,
+	0x81C, 0x88380013,
+	0x81C, 0x873A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x863C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x853E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x84400013,
+	0x81C, 0x83420013,
+	0x81C, 0x82440013,
+	0x81C, 0x81460013,
+	0x81C, 0x08480013,
+	0x81C, 0x074A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x064C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x054E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x04500013,
+	0x81C, 0x03520013,
+	0x81C, 0x88540003,
+	0x81C, 0x87560003,
+	0x81C, 0x86580003,
+	0x81C, 0x855A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x845C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x835E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x82600003,
+	0x81C, 0x81620003,
+	0x81C, 0x07640003,
+	0x81C, 0x06660003,
+	0x81C, 0x05680003,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x01700003,
+	0x81C, 0x01720003,
+	0x81C, 0x01740003,
+	0x81C, 0x01760003,
+	0x81C, 0x01780003,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0003,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000813,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020813,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040813,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060813,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080813,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100813,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120813,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140813,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160813,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180813,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x941E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x93200813,
+	0x81C, 0x92220813,
+	0x81C, 0x91240813,
+	0x81C, 0x90260813,
+	0x81C, 0x8F280813,
+	0x81C, 0x8E2A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8D2C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8C2E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8B300813,
+	0x81C, 0x8A320813,
+	0x81C, 0x89340813,
+	0x81C, 0x88360813,
+	0x81C, 0x87380813,
+	0x81C, 0x863A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x853C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x843E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x83400813,
+	0x81C, 0x82420813,
+	0x81C, 0x81440813,
+	0x81C, 0x07460813,
+	0x81C, 0x06480813,
+	0x81C, 0x054A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x044C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x034E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x02500813,
+	0x81C, 0x01520813,
+	0x81C, 0x88540803,
+	0x81C, 0x87560803,
+	0x81C, 0x86580803,
+	0x81C, 0x855A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x845C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x835E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x82600803,
+	0x81C, 0x81620803,
+	0x81C, 0x07640803,
+	0x81C, 0x06660803,
+	0x81C, 0x05680803,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x01700803,
+	0x81C, 0x01720803,
+	0x81C, 0x01740803,
+	0x81C, 0x01760803,
+	0x81C, 0x01780803,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0803,
+	0x90001005,	0x00000000,	0x40000000,	0x00000000,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000013,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020013,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040013,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060013,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080013,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100013,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120013,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140013,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160013,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180013,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF01E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xEF200013,
+	0x81C, 0xEE220013,
+	0x81C, 0xED240013,
+	0x81C, 0xEC260013,
+	0x81C, 0xEB280013,
+	0x81C, 0xEA2A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE92C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE82E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE7300013,
+	0x81C, 0x8B320013,
+	0x81C, 0x8A340013,
+	0x81C, 0x89360013,
+	0x81C, 0x88380013,
+	0x81C, 0x873A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x863C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x853E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x84400013,
+	0x81C, 0x83420013,
+	0x81C, 0x82440013,
+	0x81C, 0x81460013,
+	0x81C, 0x08480013,
+	0x81C, 0x074A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x064C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x054E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x04500013,
+	0x81C, 0x03520013,
+	0x81C, 0x88540003,
+	0x81C, 0x87560003,
+	0x81C, 0x86580003,
+	0x81C, 0x855A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x845C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x835E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x82600003,
+	0x81C, 0x81620003,
+	0x81C, 0x07640003,
+	0x81C, 0x06660003,
+	0x81C, 0x05680003,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x01700003,
+	0x81C, 0x01720003,
+	0x81C, 0x01740003,
+	0x81C, 0x01760003,
+	0x81C, 0x01780003,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0003,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000813,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020813,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040813,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060813,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080813,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100813,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120813,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140813,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160813,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180813,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x941E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x93200813,
+	0x81C, 0x92220813,
+	0x81C, 0x91240813,
+	0x81C, 0x90260813,
+	0x81C, 0x8F280813,
+	0x81C, 0x8E2A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8D2C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8C2E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8B300813,
+	0x81C, 0x8A320813,
+	0x81C, 0x89340813,
+	0x81C, 0x88360813,
+	0x81C, 0x87380813,
+	0x81C, 0x863A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x853C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x843E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x83400813,
+	0x81C, 0x82420813,
+	0x81C, 0x81440813,
+	0x81C, 0x07460813,
+	0x81C, 0x06480813,
+	0x81C, 0x054A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x044C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x034E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x02500813,
+	0x81C, 0x01520813,
+	0x81C, 0x88540803,
+	0x81C, 0x87560803,
+	0x81C, 0x86580803,
+	0x81C, 0x855A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x845C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x835E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x82600803,
+	0x81C, 0x81620803,
+	0x81C, 0x07640803,
+	0x81C, 0x06660803,
+	0x81C, 0x05680803,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x01700803,
+	0x81C, 0x01720803,
+	0x81C, 0x01740803,
+	0x81C, 0x01760803,
+	0x81C, 0x01780803,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0803,
+	0xA0000000,	0x00000000,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000013,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020013,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040013,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060013,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080013,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100013,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120013,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140013,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160013,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180013,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xF01E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xEF200013,
+	0x81C, 0xEE220013,
+	0x81C, 0xED240013,
+	0x81C, 0xEC260013,
+	0x81C, 0xEB280013,
+	0x81C, 0xEA2A0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE92C0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE82E0013,
+	0x81C, 0xE7300013,
+	0x81C, 0x8A320013,
+	0x81C, 0x89340013,
+	0x81C, 0x88360013,
+	0x81C, 0x87380013,
+	0x81C, 0x863A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x853C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x843E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x83400013,
+	0x81C, 0x82420013,
+	0x81C, 0x81440013,
+	0x81C, 0x07460013,
+	0x81C, 0x06480013,
+	0x81C, 0x054A0013,
+	0x81C, 0x044C0013,
+	0x81C, 0x034E0013,
+	0x81C, 0x02500013,
+	0x81C, 0x01520013,
+	0x81C, 0x88540003,
+	0x81C, 0x87560003,
+	0x81C, 0x86580003,
+	0x81C, 0x855A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x845C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x835E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x82600003,
+	0x81C, 0x81620003,
+	0x81C, 0x07640003,
+	0x81C, 0x06660003,
+	0x81C, 0x05680003,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0003,
+	0x81C, 0x01700003,
+	0x81C, 0x01720003,
+	0x81C, 0x01740003,
+	0x81C, 0x01760003,
+	0x81C, 0x01780003,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0003,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0003,
+	0x81C, 0xFF000813,
+	0x81C, 0xFE020813,
+	0x81C, 0xFD040813,
+	0x81C, 0xFC060813,
+	0x81C, 0xFB080813,
+	0x81C, 0xFA0A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF90C0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF80E0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF7100813,
+	0x81C, 0xF6120813,
+	0x81C, 0xF5140813,
+	0x81C, 0xF4160813,
+	0x81C, 0xF3180813,
+	0x81C, 0xF21A0813,
+	0x81C, 0xF11C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x961E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x95200813,
+	0x81C, 0x94220813,
+	0x81C, 0x93240813,
+	0x81C, 0x92260813,
+	0x81C, 0x91280813,
+	0x81C, 0x8F2A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8E2C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8D2E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x8C300813,
+	0x81C, 0x8B320813,
+	0x81C, 0x8A340813,
+	0x81C, 0x89360813,
+	0x81C, 0x88380813,
+	0x81C, 0x873A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x863C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x853E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x84400813,
+	0x81C, 0x83420813,
+	0x81C, 0x82440813,
+	0x81C, 0x08460813,
+	0x81C, 0x07480813,
+	0x81C, 0x064A0813,
+	0x81C, 0x054C0813,
+	0x81C, 0x044E0813,
+	0x81C, 0x03500813,
+	0x81C, 0x02520813,
+	0x81C, 0x89540803,
+	0x81C, 0x88560803,
+	0x81C, 0x87580803,
+	0x81C, 0x865A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x855C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x845E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x83600803,
+	0x81C, 0x82620803,
+	0x81C, 0x07640803,
+	0x81C, 0x06660803,
+	0x81C, 0x05680803,
+	0x81C, 0x046A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x036C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x026E0803,
+	0x81C, 0x01700803,
+	0x81C, 0x01720803,
+	0x81C, 0x01740803,
+	0x81C, 0x01760803,
+	0x81C, 0x01780803,
+	0x81C, 0x017A0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017C0803,
+	0x81C, 0x017E0803,
+	0xB0000000,	0x00000000,
+RTW_DECL_TABLE_PHY_COND(rtw8821c_agc_btg_type2, rtw_phy_cfg_agc);
 static const u32 rtw8821c_bb[] = {
 	0x800, 0x9020D010,
 	0x804, 0x80018180,
@@ -1394,7 +1787,11 @@  static const u32 rtw8821c_bb[] = {
 	0x8C0, 0xFFE04020,
 	0x8C4, 0x47C00000,
 	0x8C8, 0x00025165,
+	0x82000400,	0x00000000,	0x40000000,	0x00000000,
+	0x8CC, 0x08190492,
+	0xA0000000,	0x00000000,
 	0x8CC, 0x08188492,
+	0xB0000000,	0x00000000,
 	0x8D0, 0x0000B800,
 	0x8D4, 0x860308A0,
 	0x8D8, 0x290B5612,
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h
index 5ea8b4fc7fba..cda98f5c4a01 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88/rtw8821c_table.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ 
 extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_mac_tbl;
 extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_agc_tbl;
+extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_agc_btg_type2_tbl;
 extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_bb_tbl;
 extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_bb_pg_type0_tbl;
 extern const struct rtw_table rtw8821c_rf_a_tbl;