@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/mdio.h>
#include <linux/phy.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/refcount.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
pub mod net;
pub mod page;
+pub mod platform;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod print;
pub mod rbtree;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Platform devices and drivers.
+//! Also called `platformdev`, `pdev`.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/platform_device.h`](../../../../include/linux/platform_device.h)
+use core::{marker::PhantomData, pin::Pin, ptr::addr_of_mut};
+use macros::vtable;
+use crate::{
+ bindings, device,
+ error::{from_result, Result},
+ str::CStr,
+ types::Opaque,
+/// A platform device.
+/// # Invariants
+/// The field `ptr` is non-null and valid for the lifetime of the object.
+pub struct Device(Opaque<bindings::platform_device>);
+impl Device {
+ /// Creates a new [`Device`] instance from a raw pointer.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// For the duration of `'a`,
+ /// - the pointer must point at a valid `platform_device`, and the caller
+ /// must be in a context where all methods defined on this struct
+ /// are safe to call.
+ unsafe fn from_raw<'a>(ptr: *mut bindings::platform_device) -> &'a mut Self {
+ // CAST: `Self` is a `repr(transparent)` wrapper around `bindings::platform_device`.
+ let ptr = ptr.cast::<Self>();
+ // SAFETY: by the function requirements the pointer is valid and we have unique access for
+ // the duration of `'a`.
+ unsafe { &mut *ptr }
+ }
+ /// Returns id of the platform device.
+ pub fn id(&self) -> i32 {
+ let platformdev = self.0.get();
+ // SAFETY: By the type invariants, we know that `self.ptr` is non-null and valid.
+ unsafe { (*platformdev).id }
+ }
+impl AsRef<device::Device> for Device {
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &device::Device {
+ let platformdev = self.0.get();
+ // SAFETY: By the type invariants, we know that `self.ptr` is non-null and valid.
+ unsafe { device::Device::as_ref(addr_of_mut!((*platformdev).dev)) }
+ }
+/// An adapter for the registration of a Platform driver.
+struct Adapter<T: Driver> {
+ _p: PhantomData<T>,
+impl<T: Driver> Adapter<T> {
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `pdev` must be passed by the corresponding callback in `platform_driver`.
+ unsafe extern "C" fn probe_callback(pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device) -> core::ffi::c_int {
+ from_result(|| {
+ // SAFETY: This callback is called only in contexts
+ // where we can exclusively access `platform_device` because
+ // it's not published yet, so the accessors on `Device` are okay
+ // to call.
+ let dev = unsafe { Device::from_raw(pdev) };
+ T::probe(dev)?;
+ Ok(0)
+ })
+ }
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `pdev` must be passed by the corresponding callback in `platform_driver`.
+ unsafe extern "C" fn remove_callback(pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device) {
+ // SAFETY: This callback is called only in contexts
+ // where we can exclusively access `platform_device` because
+ // it's not published yet, so the accessors on `Device` are okay
+ // to call.
+ let dev = unsafe { Device::from_raw(pdev) };
+ T::remove(dev);
+ }
+/// Driver structure for a particular Platform driver.
+/// Wraps the kernel's [`struct platform_driver`].
+/// This is used to register a driver for a particular PHY type with the kernel.
+/// # Invariants
+/// `self.0` is always in a valid state.
+/// [`struct platform_driver`]: srctree/include/linux/platform.h
+pub struct DriverVTable(Opaque<bindings::platform_driver>);
+// SAFETY: `DriverVTable` doesn't expose any &self method to access internal data, so it's safe to
+// share `&DriverVTable` across execution context boundaries.
+unsafe impl Sync for DriverVTable {}
+impl DriverVTable {
+ /// Creates a [`DriverVTable`] instance from [`Driver`].
+ ///
+ /// This is used by [`module_platform_driver`] macro to create a static array of `phy_driver`.
+ ///
+ /// [`module_platform_driver`]: crate::module_platform_driver
+ pub const fn new<T: Driver, const C: usize>(match_tbl: &'static DeviceIdTable<C>) -> Self {
+ let drv = Opaque::new(bindings::platform_driver {
+ probe: if T::HAS_PROBE {
+ Some(Adapter::<T>::probe_callback)
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ __bindgen_anon_1: bindings::platform_driver__bindgen_ty_1 {
+ remove: if T::HAS_REMOVE {
+ Some(Adapter::<T>::remove_callback)
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ },
+ driver: create_device_driver::<T, C>(match_tbl),
+ // SAFETY: The rest is zeroed out to initialize `struct platform_driver`.
+ ..unsafe { core::mem::MaybeUninit::<bindings::platform_driver>::zeroed().assume_init() }
+ });
+ DriverVTable(drv)
+ }
+const fn create_device_driver<T: Driver, const C: usize>(
+ match_tbl: &'static DeviceIdTable<C>,
+) -> bindings::device_driver {
+ bindings::device_driver {
+ name: T::NAME.as_char_ptr(),
+ of_match_table: match_tbl.get(),
+ // SAFETY: The rest is zeroed out to initialize `struct device_driver`.
+ ..unsafe { core::mem::MaybeUninit::<bindings::device_driver>::zeroed().assume_init() }
+ }
+/// A platform driver.
+pub trait Driver {
+ /// The friendly name
+ const NAME: &'static CStr;
+ /// Sets up device-specific structures during discovery.
+ fn probe(_dev: &mut Device) -> Result;
+ /// Clean up device-specific structures during removal.
+ fn remove(_dev: &mut Device);
+/// Registration structure for Platform driver.
+/// Registers [`DriverVTable`] instance with the kernel. It will be unregistered when dropped.
+/// # Invariants
+/// The `driver` is currently registered to the kernel via `__platform_driver_register`.
+pub struct Registration(Pin<&'static DriverVTable>);
+// SAFETY: The only action allowed in a `Registration` instance is dropping it, which is safe to do
+// from any thread because `platform_drivers_unregister` can be called from any thread context.
+unsafe impl Send for Registration {}
+impl Registration {
+ /// Registers a Platform driver.
+ pub fn new(drv: Pin<&'static DriverVTable>, m: &'static crate::ThisModule) -> Registration {
+ unsafe {
+ bindings::__platform_driver_register(drv.0.get(), m.0);
+ }
+ Self(drv)
+ }
+impl Drop for Registration {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe { bindings::platform_driver_unregister(self.0 .0.get()) }
+ }
+/// An identifier for Platform devices.
+/// Represents the kernel's [`struct of_device_id`]. This is used to find an appropriate
+/// Platform driver.
+/// [`struct of_device_id`]: srctree/include/linux/mod_devicetable.h
+pub struct DeviceId(&'static CStr);
+impl DeviceId {
+ /// A zeroed [`struct of_device_id`] used to signify end of of_device_id array.
+ ///
+ /// [`struct of_device_id`]: srctree/include/linux/mod_devicetable.h
+ pub const ZERO: bindings::of_device_id = bindings::of_device_id {
+ // SAFETY: The rest is zeroed out to initialize `struct of_device_id`.
+ ..unsafe { core::mem::MaybeUninit::<bindings::of_device_id>::zeroed().assume_init() }
+ };
+ /// Create new instance
+ pub const fn new(s: &'static CStr) -> Self {
+ Self(s)
+ }
+ const fn compatible(&self) -> [i8; 128] {
+ let compatible = self.0.as_bytes_with_nul();
+ let mut comp = [0i8; 128];
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < compatible.len() {
+ comp[i] = compatible[i] as _;
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ comp
+ }
+ // macro use only
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn to_rawid(&self) -> bindings::of_device_id {
+ let comp = self.compatible();
+ bindings::of_device_id {
+ compatible: comp,
+ // SAFETY: The rest is zeroed out to initialize `struct of_device_id`.
+ ..unsafe { core::mem::MaybeUninit::<bindings::of_device_id>::zeroed().assume_init() }
+ }
+ }
+/// An array of identifiers for platform driver
+pub struct DeviceIdTable<const C: usize>([bindings::of_device_id; C]);
+impl<const C: usize> DeviceIdTable<C> {
+ /// Create a new instance
+ pub const fn new(ids: [bindings::of_device_id; C]) -> Self {
+ Self(ids)
+ }
+ /// Returns a raw pointer to static table.
+ pub const fn get(&'static self) -> *const bindings::of_device_id {
+ self.0.as_ptr()
+ }
+// SAFETY: `DeviceIdTable` is only used in C side behind a *const pointer, and thus remains
+// immutable and thus can be shared across execution context boundaries.
+unsafe impl<const C: usize> Sync for DeviceIdTable<C> {}
+/// Declares a kernel module for Platform drivers.
+/// This creates a static [`struct platform_driver`] and registers it. It also creates an array of
+/// [`struct of_device_id`] for matching the driver to devicetree device.
+/// [`struct platform_driver`]: srctree/include/linux/platform.h
+/// [`struct of_device_id`]: srctree/include/linux/mod_devicetable.h
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # mod module_platform_driver_sample {
+/// use kernel::c_str;
+/// use kernel::platform::{self, DeviceId};
+/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// kernel::module_platform_driver! {
+/// driver: PlatformSimple,
+/// of_table: [DeviceId::new(c_str!("platform-simple"))],
+/// name: "rust_sample_platform",
+/// author: "Rust for Linux Contributors",
+/// description: "Rust sample Platform driver",
+/// license: "GPL",
+/// }
+/// struct PlatformSimple;
+/// #[vtable]
+/// impl platform::Driver for PlatformSimple {
+/// const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("PlatformSimple");
+/// }
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// This expands to the following code:
+/// ```ignore
+/// use kernel::c_str;
+/// use kernel::platform::{self, DeviceId};
+/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// struct Module {
+/// _reg: $crate::platform::Registration,
+/// }
+/// module! {
+/// type: Module,
+/// name: "rust_sample_platform",
+/// author: "Rust for Linux Contributors",
+/// description: "Rust sample Platform driver",
+/// license: "GPL",
+/// }
+/// const _: () = {
+/// static OF_TABLE: $crate::platform::DeviceIdTable = $crate::platform::DeviceIdTable<2>([
+/// (DeviceId::new(c_str!("platform-simple"))).to_rawid(),
+/// $crate::platform::DeviceId::ZERO,
+/// ]);
+/// static DRIVER: $crate::platform::DriverVTable =
+/// $crate::platform::DriverVTable::new::<MikrobusDriver, 2>(&OF_TABLE);
+/// impl $crate::Module for Module {
+/// fn init(module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
+/// let reg =
+/// $crate::platform::Registration::new(
+/// ::core::pin::Pin::static_ref(&DRIVER), module);
+/// Ok(Module { _reg: reg })
+/// }
+/// }
+/// }
+/// struct PlatformSimple;
+/// #[vtable]
+/// impl platform::Driver for PlatformSimple {
+/// const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("PlatformSimple");
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! module_platform_driver {
+ (@replace_expr $_t:tt $sub:expr) => {$sub};
+ (@count_devices $($x:expr),*) => {
+ 0usize $(+ $crate::module_platform_driver!(@replace_expr $x 1usize))*
+ };
+ (driver: $driver:ident, of_table: [$($of_id:expr),+ $(,)?], $($f:tt)*) => {
+ struct Module {
+ _reg: $crate::platform::Registration,
+ }
+ $crate::prelude::module! {
+ type: Module,
+ $($f)*
+ }
+ const _: () = {
+ // SAFETY: C will not read off the end of this constant since the last element is zero.
+ static OF_TABLE: $crate::platform::DeviceIdTable<
+ {$crate::module_platform_driver!(@count_devices $($of_id),+) + 1} > =
+ $crate::platform::DeviceIdTable::new(
+ [$($of_id.to_rawid()),*, $crate::platform::DeviceId::ZERO]);
+ static DRIVER: $crate::platform::DriverVTable =
+ $crate::platform::DriverVTable::new::<
+ $driver, {$crate::module_platform_driver!(@count_devices $($of_id),+) + 1}
+ >(&OF_TABLE);
+ impl $crate::Module for Module {
+ fn init(module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
+ let reg = $crate::platform::Registration::new(
+ ::core::pin::Pin::static_ref(&DRIVER), module);
+ Ok(Module { _reg: reg })
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };