diff mbox series

[v2] drm/msm/dpu: Fall back to a single DSC encoder (1:1:1) on small SoCs

Message ID 20250122-dpu-111-topology-v2-1-505e95964af9@somainline.org (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable, archived
Headers show
Series [v2] drm/msm/dpu: Fall back to a single DSC encoder (1:1:1) on small SoCs | expand

Commit Message

Marijn Suijten Jan. 22, 2025, 4:23 p.m. UTC
Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
(2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
installed on the Fairphone 5.

By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.

Cc: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>
Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>
Note that this doesn't paint the full picture in case there are SoCs
with more DSC hardware blocks, but when multiple virtual encoders
have already allocated most of them.  My initial plan was to code
ahead for dynamically tracking and reallocating these blocks in RM, if
some virtual encoder could potentially be using too many DSC encoders
which, while "power optimal", may not be able to support the number of
requested displays/interfaces.  Such a solution would automatically
ensure DSCmerge is *not* used when there are not enough hardware blocks
available in the first place.
Changes in v2:
- Fairphone is one word, lowercase the P from phone (Luca);
- Skip unnecessary if (dpu_enc->dsc) check and always count the number
  of non-NULL dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i] instead (Dmitry);
- Revert irrelevant whitespace cleanup in DSC comment, even if
  worthless enough to send separately (Dmitry);
- Drop dsc_common_mode=0 initialization and move existing 0-assignment
  from a random place in the function down to where this variable is
  actually being updated (Dmitry);
- Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250121-dpu-111-topology-v1-1-d01987205c53@somainline.org
 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c | 47 +++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

base-commit: 1573c8d4cb206a2d1454ff711e79f8df2353290b
change-id: 20240204-dpu-111-topology-b12c1de82c8a

Best regards,


Dmitry Baryshkov Jan. 22, 2025, 6:44 p.m. UTC | #1
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 05:23:44PM +0100, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
> DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
> (2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
> Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
> installed on the Fairphone 5.
> By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
> 1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
> this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
> more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
> DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
> DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
> Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.
> Cc: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>
> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>
> ---
> Note that this doesn't paint the full picture in case there are SoCs
> with more DSC hardware blocks, but when multiple virtual encoders
> have already allocated most of them.  My initial plan was to code
> ahead for dynamically tracking and reallocating these blocks in RM, if
> some virtual encoder could potentially be using too many DSC encoders
> which, while "power optimal", may not be able to support the number of
> requested displays/interfaces.  Such a solution would automatically
> ensure DSCmerge is *not* used when there are not enough hardware blocks
> available in the first place.
> ---
> Changes in v2:
> - Fairphone is one word, lowercase the P from phone (Luca);
> - Skip unnecessary if (dpu_enc->dsc) check and always count the number
>   of non-NULL dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i] instead (Dmitry);
> - Revert irrelevant whitespace cleanup in DSC comment, even if
>   worthless enough to send separately (Dmitry);
> - Drop dsc_common_mode=0 initialization and move existing 0-assignment
>   from a random place in the function down to where this variable is
>   actually being updated (Dmitry);
> - Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250121-dpu-111-topology-v1-1-d01987205c53@somainline.org
> ---
>  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c | 47 +++++++++++++++--------------
>  1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@linaro.org>
Luca Weiss Jan. 23, 2025, 10:02 a.m. UTC | #2
On Wed Jan 22, 2025 at 5:23 PM CET, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
> DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
> (2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
> Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
> installed on the Fairphone 5.
> By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
> 1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
> this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
> more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
> DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
> DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
> Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.

Still works fine, like v1!

Tested-by: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>


> Cc: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>
> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>
> ---
> Note that this doesn't paint the full picture in case there are SoCs
> with more DSC hardware blocks, but when multiple virtual encoders
> have already allocated most of them.  My initial plan was to code
> ahead for dynamically tracking and reallocating these blocks in RM, if
> some virtual encoder could potentially be using too many DSC encoders
> which, while "power optimal", may not be able to support the number of
> requested displays/interfaces.  Such a solution would automatically
> ensure DSCmerge is *not* used when there are not enough hardware blocks
> available in the first place.
> ---
> Changes in v2:
> - Fairphone is one word, lowercase the P from phone (Luca);
> - Skip unnecessary if (dpu_enc->dsc) check and always count the number
>   of non-NULL dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i] instead (Dmitry);
> - Revert irrelevant whitespace cleanup in DSC comment, even if
>   worthless enough to send separately (Dmitry);
> - Drop dsc_common_mode=0 initialization and move existing 0-assignment
>   from a random place in the function down to where this variable is
>   actually being updated (Dmitry);
> - Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250121-dpu-111-topology-v1-1-d01987205c53@somainline.org
> ---
>  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c | 47 +++++++++++++++--------------
>  1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> index 5172ab4dea995a154cd88d05c3842d7425fc34ce..b585cd17462345f94bcc2ddd57902cc7c312ae63 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> @@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ bool dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(struct drm_encoder *drm_enc)
>  		if (dpu_enc->phys_encs[i])
>  			intf_count++;
> -	/* See dpu_encoder_get_topology, we only support 2:2:1 topology */
> -	if (dpu_enc->dsc)
> -		num_dsc = 2;
> +	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +		if (dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i])
> +			num_dsc++;
>  	return (num_dsc > 0) && (num_dsc > intf_count);
>  }
> @@ -686,13 +686,19 @@ static struct msm_display_topology dpu_encoder_get_topology(
>  	if (dsc) {
>  		/*
> -		 * In case of Display Stream Compression (DSC), we would use
> -		 * 2 DSC encoders, 2 layer mixers and 1 interface
> -		 * this is power optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> -		 * screens
> +		 * Use 2 DSC encoders and 2 layer mixers per single interface
> +		 * when Display Stream Compression (DSC) is enabled,
> +		 * and when enough DSC blocks are available.
> +		 * This is power-optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> +		 * screens.
>  		 */
> -		topology.num_dsc = 2;
> -		topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		if (dpu_kms->catalog->dsc_count >= 2) {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 2;
> +			topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		} else {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 1;
> +			topology.num_lm = 1;
> +		}
>  		topology.num_intf = 1;
>  	}
> @@ -2020,7 +2026,6 @@ static void dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl,
>  static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>  				 struct drm_dsc_config *dsc)
>  {
> -	/* coding only for 2LM, 2enc, 1 dsc config */
>  	struct dpu_encoder_phys *enc_master = dpu_enc->cur_master;
>  	struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl = enc_master->hw_ctl;
>  	struct dpu_hw_dsc *hw_dsc[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC];
> @@ -2030,22 +2035,24 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>  	int dsc_common_mode;
>  	int pic_width;
>  	u32 initial_lines;
> +	int num_dsc = 0;
>  	int i;
>  	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++) {
>  		hw_pp[i] = dpu_enc->hw_pp[i];
>  		hw_dsc[i] = dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i];
> -		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i]) {
> -			DPU_ERROR_ENC(dpu_enc, "invalid params for DSC\n");
> -			return;
> -		}
> +		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i])
> +			break;
> +
> +		num_dsc++;
>  	}
> -	dsc_common_mode = 0;
>  	pic_width = dsc->pic_width;
> -	dsc_common_mode = DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
> +	dsc_common_mode = 0;
> +	if (num_dsc > 1)
> +		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
>  	if (dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(enc_master->parent))
>  		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_MULTIPLEX;
>  	if (enc_master->intf_mode == INTF_MODE_VIDEO)
> @@ -2054,14 +2061,10 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>  	this_frame_slices = pic_width / dsc->slice_width;
>  	intf_ip_w = this_frame_slices * dsc->slice_width;
> -	/*
> -	 * dsc merge case: when using 2 encoders for the same stream,
> -	 * no. of slices need to be same on both the encoders.
> -	 */
> -	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / 2;
> +	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / num_dsc;
>  	initial_lines = dpu_encoder_dsc_initial_line_calc(dsc, enc_ip_w);
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +	for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++)
>  		dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(ctl, hw_dsc[i], hw_pp[i],
>  					 dsc, dsc_common_mode, initial_lines);
>  }
> ---
> base-commit: 1573c8d4cb206a2d1454ff711e79f8df2353290b
> change-id: 20240204-dpu-111-topology-b12c1de82c8a
> Best regards,
Jessica Zhang Jan. 23, 2025, 11:46 p.m. UTC | #3
On 1/22/2025 8:23 AM, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
> DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
> (2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
> Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
> installed on the Fairphone 5.
> By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
> 1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
> this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
> more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
> DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
> DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
> Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.
> Cc: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>
> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>

Hi Marijn,

Thanks for the patch. LGTM

Reviewed-by: Jessica Zhang <quic_jesszhan@quicinc.com>


Jessica Zhang

> ---
> Note that this doesn't paint the full picture in case there are SoCs
> with more DSC hardware blocks, but when multiple virtual encoders
> have already allocated most of them.  My initial plan was to code
> ahead for dynamically tracking and reallocating these blocks in RM, if
> some virtual encoder could potentially be using too many DSC encoders
> which, while "power optimal", may not be able to support the number of
> requested displays/interfaces.  Such a solution would automatically
> ensure DSCmerge is *not* used when there are not enough hardware blocks
> available in the first place.
> ---
> Changes in v2:
> - Fairphone is one word, lowercase the P from phone (Luca);
> - Skip unnecessary if (dpu_enc->dsc) check and always count the number
>    of non-NULL dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i] instead (Dmitry);
> - Revert irrelevant whitespace cleanup in DSC comment, even if
>    worthless enough to send separately (Dmitry);
> - Drop dsc_common_mode=0 initialization and move existing 0-assignment
>    from a random place in the function down to where this variable is
>    actually being updated (Dmitry);
> - Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250121-dpu-111-topology-v1-1-d01987205c53@somainline.org
> ---
>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c | 47 +++++++++++++++--------------
>   1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> index 5172ab4dea995a154cd88d05c3842d7425fc34ce..b585cd17462345f94bcc2ddd57902cc7c312ae63 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> @@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ bool dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(struct drm_encoder *drm_enc)
>   		if (dpu_enc->phys_encs[i])
>   			intf_count++;
> -	/* See dpu_encoder_get_topology, we only support 2:2:1 topology */
> -	if (dpu_enc->dsc)
> -		num_dsc = 2;
> +	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +		if (dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i])
> +			num_dsc++;
>   	return (num_dsc > 0) && (num_dsc > intf_count);
>   }
> @@ -686,13 +686,19 @@ static struct msm_display_topology dpu_encoder_get_topology(
>   	if (dsc) {
>   		/*
> -		 * In case of Display Stream Compression (DSC), we would use
> -		 * 2 DSC encoders, 2 layer mixers and 1 interface
> -		 * this is power optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> -		 * screens
> +		 * Use 2 DSC encoders and 2 layer mixers per single interface
> +		 * when Display Stream Compression (DSC) is enabled,
> +		 * and when enough DSC blocks are available.
> +		 * This is power-optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> +		 * screens.
>   		 */
> -		topology.num_dsc = 2;
> -		topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		if (dpu_kms->catalog->dsc_count >= 2) {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 2;
> +			topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		} else {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 1;
> +			topology.num_lm = 1;
> +		}
>   		topology.num_intf = 1;
>   	}
> @@ -2020,7 +2026,6 @@ static void dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl,
>   static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   				 struct drm_dsc_config *dsc)
>   {
> -	/* coding only for 2LM, 2enc, 1 dsc config */
>   	struct dpu_encoder_phys *enc_master = dpu_enc->cur_master;
>   	struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl = enc_master->hw_ctl;
>   	struct dpu_hw_dsc *hw_dsc[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC];
> @@ -2030,22 +2035,24 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   	int dsc_common_mode;
>   	int pic_width;
>   	u32 initial_lines;
> +	int num_dsc = 0;
>   	int i;
>   	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++) {
>   		hw_pp[i] = dpu_enc->hw_pp[i];
>   		hw_dsc[i] = dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i];
> -		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i]) {
> -			DPU_ERROR_ENC(dpu_enc, "invalid params for DSC\n");
> -			return;
> -		}
> +		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i])
> +			break;
> +
> +		num_dsc++;
>   	}
> -	dsc_common_mode = 0;
>   	pic_width = dsc->pic_width;
> -	dsc_common_mode = DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
> +	dsc_common_mode = 0;
> +	if (num_dsc > 1)
> +		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
>   	if (dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(enc_master->parent))
>   		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_MULTIPLEX;
>   	if (enc_master->intf_mode == INTF_MODE_VIDEO)
> @@ -2054,14 +2061,10 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   	this_frame_slices = pic_width / dsc->slice_width;
>   	intf_ip_w = this_frame_slices * dsc->slice_width;
> -	/*
> -	 * dsc merge case: when using 2 encoders for the same stream,
> -	 * no. of slices need to be same on both the encoders.
> -	 */
> -	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / 2;
> +	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / num_dsc;
>   	initial_lines = dpu_encoder_dsc_initial_line_calc(dsc, enc_ip_w);
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +	for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++)
>   		dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(ctl, hw_dsc[i], hw_pp[i],
>   					 dsc, dsc_common_mode, initial_lines);
>   }
> ---
> base-commit: 1573c8d4cb206a2d1454ff711e79f8df2353290b
> change-id: 20240204-dpu-111-topology-b12c1de82c8a
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>
Danila Tikhonov Feb. 18, 2025, 4:25 p.m. UTC | #4
On 1/22/25 19:23, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
> DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
> (2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
> Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
> installed on the Fairphone 5.
> By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
> 1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
> this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
> more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
> DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
> DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
> Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.
Thanks for the patch!

I've been testing this for some time now on a few of my devices with
DSC (1:1:1) topology and it works great.

Tested-by: Danila Tikhonov <danila@jiaxyga.com>


> Cc: Luca Weiss <luca.weiss@fairphone.com>
> Signed-off-by: Marijn Suijten <marijn.suijten@somainline.org>
> ---
> Note that this doesn't paint the full picture in case there are SoCs
> with more DSC hardware blocks, but when multiple virtual encoders
> have already allocated most of them.  My initial plan was to code
> ahead for dynamically tracking and reallocating these blocks in RM, if
> some virtual encoder could potentially be using too many DSC encoders
> which, while "power optimal", may not be able to support the number of
> requested displays/interfaces.  Such a solution would automatically
> ensure DSCmerge is *not* used when there are not enough hardware blocks
> available in the first place.
> ---
> Changes in v2:
> - Fairphone is one word, lowercase the P from phone (Luca);
> - Skip unnecessary if (dpu_enc->dsc) check and always count the number
>    of non-NULL dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i] instead (Dmitry);
> - Revert irrelevant whitespace cleanup in DSC comment, even if
>    worthless enough to send separately (Dmitry);
> - Drop dsc_common_mode=0 initialization and move existing 0-assignment
>    from a random place in the function down to where this variable is
>    actually being updated (Dmitry);
> - Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250121-dpu-111-topology-v1-1-d01987205c53@somainline.org
> ---
>   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c | 47 +++++++++++++++--------------
>   1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> index 5172ab4dea995a154cd88d05c3842d7425fc34ce..b585cd17462345f94bcc2ddd57902cc7c312ae63 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
> @@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ bool dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(struct drm_encoder *drm_enc)
>   		if (dpu_enc->phys_encs[i])
>   			intf_count++;
> -	/* See dpu_encoder_get_topology, we only support 2:2:1 topology */
> -	if (dpu_enc->dsc)
> -		num_dsc = 2;
> +	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +		if (dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i])
> +			num_dsc++;
>   	return (num_dsc > 0) && (num_dsc > intf_count);
>   }
> @@ -686,13 +686,19 @@ static struct msm_display_topology dpu_encoder_get_topology(
>   	if (dsc) {
>   		/*
> -		 * In case of Display Stream Compression (DSC), we would use
> -		 * 2 DSC encoders, 2 layer mixers and 1 interface
> -		 * this is power optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> -		 * screens
> +		 * Use 2 DSC encoders and 2 layer mixers per single interface
> +		 * when Display Stream Compression (DSC) is enabled,
> +		 * and when enough DSC blocks are available.
> +		 * This is power-optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
> +		 * screens.
>   		 */
> -		topology.num_dsc = 2;
> -		topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		if (dpu_kms->catalog->dsc_count >= 2) {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 2;
> +			topology.num_lm = 2;
> +		} else {
> +			topology.num_dsc = 1;
> +			topology.num_lm = 1;
> +		}
>   		topology.num_intf = 1;
>   	}
> @@ -2020,7 +2026,6 @@ static void dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl,
>   static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   				 struct drm_dsc_config *dsc)
>   {
> -	/* coding only for 2LM, 2enc, 1 dsc config */
>   	struct dpu_encoder_phys *enc_master = dpu_enc->cur_master;
>   	struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl = enc_master->hw_ctl;
>   	struct dpu_hw_dsc *hw_dsc[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC];
> @@ -2030,22 +2035,24 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   	int dsc_common_mode;
>   	int pic_width;
>   	u32 initial_lines;
> +	int num_dsc = 0;
>   	int i;
>   	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++) {
>   		hw_pp[i] = dpu_enc->hw_pp[i];
>   		hw_dsc[i] = dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i];
> -		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i]) {
> -			DPU_ERROR_ENC(dpu_enc, "invalid params for DSC\n");
> -			return;
> -		}
> +		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i])
> +			break;
> +
> +		num_dsc++;
>   	}
> -	dsc_common_mode = 0;
>   	pic_width = dsc->pic_width;
> -	dsc_common_mode = DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
> +	dsc_common_mode = 0;
> +	if (num_dsc > 1)
> +		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
>   	if (dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(enc_master->parent))
>   		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_MULTIPLEX;
>   	if (enc_master->intf_mode == INTF_MODE_VIDEO)
> @@ -2054,14 +2061,10 @@ static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
>   	this_frame_slices = pic_width / dsc->slice_width;
>   	intf_ip_w = this_frame_slices * dsc->slice_width;
> -	/*
> -	 * dsc merge case: when using 2 encoders for the same stream,
> -	 * no. of slices need to be same on both the encoders.
> -	 */
> -	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / 2;
> +	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / num_dsc;
>   	initial_lines = dpu_encoder_dsc_initial_line_calc(dsc, enc_ip_w);
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
> +	for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++)
>   		dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(ctl, hw_dsc[i], hw_pp[i],
>   					 dsc, dsc_common_mode, initial_lines);
>   }
> ---
> base-commit: 1573c8d4cb206a2d1454ff711e79f8df2353290b
> change-id: 20240204-dpu-111-topology-b12c1de82c8a
> Best regards,
Dmitry Baryshkov Feb. 27, 2025, 4:37 a.m. UTC | #5
On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 17:23:44 +0100, Marijn Suijten wrote:
> Some SoCs such as SC7280 (used in the Fairphone 5) have only a single
> DSC "hard slice" encoder.  The current hardcoded use of 2:2:1 topology
> (2 LM and 2 DSC for a single interface) make it impossible to use
> Display Stream Compression panels with mainline, which is exactly what's
> installed on the Fairphone 5.
> By loosening the hardcoded `num_dsc = 2` to fall back to `num_dsc =
> 1` when the catalog only contains one entry, we can trivially support
> this phone and unblock further panel enablement on mainline.  A few
> more supporting changes in this patch ensure hardcoded constants of 2
> DSC encoders are replaced to count or read back the actual number of
> DSC hardware blocks that are enabled for the given virtual encoder.
> Likewise DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL can no longer be unconditionally enabled.
> [...]

Applied, thanks!

[1/1] drm/msm/dpu: Fall back to a single DSC encoder (1:1:1) on small SoCs

Best regards,
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
index 5172ab4dea995a154cd88d05c3842d7425fc34ce..b585cd17462345f94bcc2ddd57902cc7c312ae63 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_encoder.c
@@ -622,9 +622,9 @@  bool dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(struct drm_encoder *drm_enc)
 		if (dpu_enc->phys_encs[i])
-	/* See dpu_encoder_get_topology, we only support 2:2:1 topology */
-	if (dpu_enc->dsc)
-		num_dsc = 2;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
+		if (dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i])
+			num_dsc++;
 	return (num_dsc > 0) && (num_dsc > intf_count);
@@ -686,13 +686,19 @@  static struct msm_display_topology dpu_encoder_get_topology(
 	if (dsc) {
-		 * In case of Display Stream Compression (DSC), we would use
-		 * 2 DSC encoders, 2 layer mixers and 1 interface
-		 * this is power optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
-		 * screens
+		 * Use 2 DSC encoders and 2 layer mixers per single interface
+		 * when Display Stream Compression (DSC) is enabled,
+		 * and when enough DSC blocks are available.
+		 * This is power-optimal and can drive up to (including) 4k
+		 * screens.
-		topology.num_dsc = 2;
-		topology.num_lm = 2;
+		if (dpu_kms->catalog->dsc_count >= 2) {
+			topology.num_dsc = 2;
+			topology.num_lm = 2;
+		} else {
+			topology.num_dsc = 1;
+			topology.num_lm = 1;
+		}
 		topology.num_intf = 1;
@@ -2020,7 +2026,6 @@  static void dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl,
 static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
 				 struct drm_dsc_config *dsc)
-	/* coding only for 2LM, 2enc, 1 dsc config */
 	struct dpu_encoder_phys *enc_master = dpu_enc->cur_master;
 	struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl = enc_master->hw_ctl;
 	struct dpu_hw_dsc *hw_dsc[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC];
@@ -2030,22 +2035,24 @@  static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
 	int dsc_common_mode;
 	int pic_width;
 	u32 initial_lines;
+	int num_dsc = 0;
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++) {
 		hw_pp[i] = dpu_enc->hw_pp[i];
 		hw_dsc[i] = dpu_enc->hw_dsc[i];
-		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i]) {
-			DPU_ERROR_ENC(dpu_enc, "invalid params for DSC\n");
-			return;
-		}
+		if (!hw_pp[i] || !hw_dsc[i])
+			break;
+		num_dsc++;
-	dsc_common_mode = 0;
 	pic_width = dsc->pic_width;
-	dsc_common_mode = DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
+	dsc_common_mode = 0;
+	if (num_dsc > 1)
+		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_SPLIT_PANEL;
 	if (dpu_encoder_use_dsc_merge(enc_master->parent))
 		dsc_common_mode |= DSC_MODE_MULTIPLEX;
 	if (enc_master->intf_mode == INTF_MODE_VIDEO)
@@ -2054,14 +2061,10 @@  static void dpu_encoder_prep_dsc(struct dpu_encoder_virt *dpu_enc,
 	this_frame_slices = pic_width / dsc->slice_width;
 	intf_ip_w = this_frame_slices * dsc->slice_width;
-	/*
-	 * dsc merge case: when using 2 encoders for the same stream,
-	 * no. of slices need to be same on both the encoders.
-	 */
-	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / 2;
+	enc_ip_w = intf_ip_w / num_dsc;
 	initial_lines = dpu_encoder_dsc_initial_line_calc(dsc, enc_ip_w);
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_ENC; i++)
+	for (i = 0; i < num_dsc; i++)
 		dpu_encoder_dsc_pipe_cfg(ctl, hw_dsc[i], hw_pp[i],
 					 dsc, dsc_common_mode, initial_lines);