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[GSoC,RFC,0/6] Add --subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch

Message ID 20250303220029.10716-1-lucasseikioshiro@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Add --subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch | expand


Lucas Seiki Oshiro March 3, 2025, 10 p.m. UTC

This is a "scratch-my-own-itch" patch, adding a new flag to format-patch. This
flag allows the user add an extra prefix to the subject, placed before the
actual prefix, like the "[GSoC]" in the subject of this patchset.

This is specially targeted for new users or developers from mentoring projects
like GSoC or Outreachy. Currently, if we want to add to the subject something
like "[Newbie]", "[GSoC]" or "[Outreachy]", we need to perform some hacks like
passing --subject-prefix="GSoC][PATCH" or changing it manually in the patch

With this new flag, this patchset could be created by using:

`git format-patch -6 --subject-extra-prefix="GSoC" --rfc --to="..."`

This would be only a feature request but I thought it would be better to 
present a first solution, so I'm sending my implementation as a RFC patchset.


Lucas Seiki Oshiro (6):
  builtin/log: add subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch
  builtin/log: die if -k and --suject-extra-prefix are used together
  revision: add subject_extra_field to struct rev_info
  builtin/log: fill subject extra prefix in format-patch
  log-tree: add subject prefix in output email subject
  t4014: add tests for the new flag --subject-extra-prefix

 builtin/log.c           |  7 +++++++
 log-tree.c              | 12 ++++++++----
 revision.h              |  2 ++
 t/t4014-format-patch.sh | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


Junio C Hamano March 3, 2025, 11:08 p.m. UTC | #1
Lucas Seiki Oshiro <lucasseikioshiro@gmail.com> writes:

> Subject: Re: [GSoC][RFC PATCH 0/6] Add --subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch

Hmph, instead use "--rfc=GSoC" to do [GSoC PATCH n/m] and please do
not pile more "extra" on top?
Patrick Steinhardt March 4, 2025, 7:32 a.m. UTC | #2
On Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 03:08:43PM -0800, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Lucas Seiki Oshiro <lucasseikioshiro@gmail.com> writes:
> > Subject: Re: [GSoC][RFC PATCH 0/6] Add --subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch
> Hmph, instead use "--rfc=GSoC" to do [GSoC PATCH n/m] and please do
> not pile more "extra" on top?

I do understand though that `--rfc=GSoC` is not exactly discoverable for
a newcomer. Maybe a simpler fix would be to introduce an alias for that
option that is more discoverable? I don't have a great idea for how to
name it -- the best that comes to mind is `--patch-prefix`, which
mirrors `--subject-prefix`.

        Prepends the string `<prefix>` to the subject prefix. As the
        subject prefix defaults to "PATCH", you’ll get "<prefix> PATCH"
        by default.

        When `--rfc` is given, the prefix will be set to "RFC" . RFC
        means "Request For Comments"; use this when sending an
        experimental patch for discussion rather than application.
        "--rfc=WIP" may also be a useful way to indicate that a patch is
        not complete yet ("WIP" stands for "Work In Progress").

        If the convention of the receiving community for a particular
        extra string is to have it after the subject prefix, the string
        <prefix> can be prefixed with a dash ("-") to signal that the rest
        of the <prefix> string should be appended to the subject prefix
        instead, e.g., --patch-prefix='-(WIP)' results in "PATCH (WIP)".

We would hide away the optional value `[=<rfc>]` of the `--rfc` option
and instead advertise `--patch-prefix=<prefix>`. This would of course
only be a cosmetic change, we'd still accept the optional argument so
that we don't break backwards compatibility.

Junio C Hamano March 4, 2025, 1:05 p.m. UTC | #3
Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> writes:

> Lucas Seiki Oshiro <lucasseikioshiro@gmail.com> writes:
>> Subject: Re: [GSoC][RFC PATCH 0/6] Add --subject-extra-prefix flag to format-patch
> Hmph, instead use "--rfc=GSoC" to do [GSoC PATCH n/m] and please do
> not pile more "extra" on top?

Or even --subject-prefix="GSoC PATCH".

Once you stop treating [GSoC] as if it is an independent prefix,
everything will fall into place naturally without adding anything

To put it differently, which one wastes more precious horizontal
screen estate on the Subject line, where practically only 50 or so
columns are usable?

    Subject: [A][B][C][D][PATCH 0/6] This is my first contribution
    Subject: [A B C D PATCH 0/6] This is my first contribution
Junio C Hamano March 4, 2025, 10:06 p.m. UTC | #4
Patrick Steinhardt <ps@pks.im> writes:

> I do understand though that `--rfc=GSoC` is not exactly discoverable for
> a newcomer. Maybe a simpler fix would be to introduce an alias for that
> option that is more discoverable? I don't have a great idea for how to
> name it -- the best that comes to mind is `--patch-prefix`, which
> mirrors `--subject-prefix`.

The problem with it is that having "patch" vs "subject" prefix will
make it confusing which one is which.

Let's step back and examine what we already have.

 * The "--subject-prefix" is configurable and format.subjectPrefix
   is meant to go to .git/config for repositories that work with
   projects with special needs (they tell you to use not [PATCH] but
   subproject specific moniker like [PATCH rcu] instead).

 * The "--rfc[=<word>]" has no configuration and it is deliberately
   so, as it is meant to be used as needed, on occasions that call
   for it, pretty much decided per invocation.

Are these two points above not clear in our documentation?  If so,
we should fix it, but I do not think giving a synonym to --rfc is a
good way to clarify it.

If it is a GSoC topic sent to this list, it _will_ be GSoC topic for
the entire iterations of the same topic.  So it would be good to use
--subject-prefix="GSoC PATCH" (or configure format.subjectPrefix in
the repository to use that, if a student works with us only on GSoC
topics during the Summer-of-Code program duration), and on occasion,
when students are not so sure about their patches (yet), use of --rfc
would be a good way, which would give us "[RFC GSoC PATCH 0/6]", to
mark the patches as such.

Another problem with --patch-prefix synonym is that --rfc is not
necessarily a prefix.  With

	git format-patch --rfc='-WIP' --subject-prefix='GSoC PATCH'

you would get "[GSoC PATCH WIP 0/6]" instead.

In any case, I think it is the root cause of this disease to treat
GSoC mark as something extra that requires a new marker that is
separate from the usual PATCH marker.  Using whatever mechanism you
would use your string in place for the standard PATCH mark to make
it say "GSoC PATCH" would be the most appropriate, without mucking
with an extra option, be it '--rfc' or '--subject-extra-prefix', I
would say.

Lucas Seiki Oshiro March 4, 2025, 11:19 p.m. UTC | #5
> Once you stop treating [GSoC] as if it is an independent prefix,
> everything will fall into place naturally without adding anything
> extra.

So, instead of changing the behavior of format-patch, would it be
better if we changed the documentation to ask these patches to be
sent with `[GSoC PATCH]` or similar instead of `[GSoC][PATCH]`?

I mean, in
https://git.github.io/General-Microproject-Information/ :

When you submit your patch, please mention that you plan to apply
for the GSoC or Outreachy. You can use "[GSoC][PATCH ...]" or 
"[Outreachy][PATCH ...]" in the subject of the emails you send for
that purpose.
Junio C Hamano March 5, 2025, 2:06 a.m. UTC | #6
Lucas Seiki Oshiro <lucasseikioshiro@gmail.com> writes:

>> Once you stop treating [GSoC] as if it is an independent prefix,
>> everything will fall into place naturally without adding anything
>> extra.
> So, instead of changing the behavior of format-patch, would it be
> better if we changed the documentation to ask these patches to be
> sent with `[GSoC PATCH]` or similar instead of `[GSoC][PATCH]`?

Yup, I do not know offhand who are managing these descriptions, but
having extra moniker in the same [square bracket] as PATCH is a more
common practice, and we should follow suit.

Lucas Seiki Oshiro March 5, 2025, 2:26 p.m. UTC | #7
> Yup, I do not know offhand who are managing these descriptions, but
> having extra moniker in the same [square bracket] as PATCH is a more
> common practice, and we should follow suit.

Ok, thanks!

I just created a PR in git.github.io <http://git.github.io/> replacing the mentions of 
`[GSoC][PATCH]` by `[GSoC PATCH]`:
