diff mbox series

[BlueZ,v1] client/player: Fix changing preset SDU

Message ID 20250307163435.49599-1-luiz.dentz@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New
Headers show
Series [BlueZ,v1] client/player: Fix changing preset SDU | expand


Context Check Description
tedd_an/pre-ci_am success Success
tedd_an/BuildEll success Build ELL PASS
tedd_an/BluezMake success Bluez Make PASS
tedd_an/MakeCheck success Bluez Make Check PASS
tedd_an/MakeDistcheck success Make Distcheck PASS
tedd_an/CheckValgrind success Check Valgrind PASS
tedd_an/CheckSmatch success CheckSparse PASS
tedd_an/bluezmakeextell success Make External ELL PASS
tedd_an/ScanBuild success Scan Build PASS

Commit Message

Luiz Augusto von Dentz March 7, 2025, 4:34 p.m. UTC
From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>

This fixes changing preset SDU when configuring multiple channels, the
SDU of the configuration is the one the needs to be adjusted not the
preset itself.
 client/player.c | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


bluez.test.bot@gmail.com March 7, 2025, 5:40 p.m. UTC | #1
This is automated email and please do not reply to this email!

Dear submitter,

Thank you for submitting the patches to the linux bluetooth mailing list.
This is a CI test results with your patch series:
PW Link:https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/bluetooth/list/?series=941596

---Test result---

Test Summary:
CheckPatch                    PENDING   0.24 seconds
GitLint                       PENDING   0.22 seconds
BuildEll                      PASS      20.72 seconds
BluezMake                     PASS      1612.41 seconds
MakeCheck                     PASS      13.27 seconds
MakeDistcheck                 PASS      160.99 seconds
CheckValgrind                 PASS      215.93 seconds
CheckSmatch                   PASS      284.98 seconds
bluezmakeextell               PASS      98.79 seconds
IncrementalBuild              PENDING   0.28 seconds
ScanBuild                     PASS      882.16 seconds

Test: CheckPatch - PENDING
Desc: Run checkpatch.pl script

Test: GitLint - PENDING
Desc: Run gitlint

Test: IncrementalBuild - PENDING
Desc: Incremental build with the patches in the series

Linux Bluetooth
diff mbox series


diff --git a/client/player.c b/client/player.c
index 17817c45a921..9d38347d6b91 100644
--- a/client/player.c
+++ b/client/player.c
@@ -2296,8 +2296,12 @@  static DBusMessage *endpoint_select_properties_reply(struct endpoint *ep,
 		/* Adjust the SDU size based on the number of
 		 * locations/channels that is being requested.
-		if (channels > 1)
-			qos->sdu *= channels;
+		if (channels > 1) {
+			if (ep->broadcast)
+				cfg->qos.bcast.io_qos.sdu *= channels;
+			else
+				cfg->qos.ucast.io_qos.sdu *= channels;
+		}
 	dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter);