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[v1,1/2] doc-rst: Add Intel IPU3 documentation

Message ID 1529033373-15724-2-git-send-email-yong.zhi@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Zhi, Yong June 15, 2018, 3:29 a.m. UTC
From: Rajmohan Mani <rajmohan.mani@intel.com>

This patch adds the details about the IPU3 Imaging Unit driver.

Signed-off-by: Rajmohan Mani <rajmohan.mani@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Tian Shu Qiu <tian.shu.qiu@intel.com>
 Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst |   1 +
 Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst  | 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 305 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst


Sakari Ailus July 18, 2018, 2:34 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Yong,

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:29:32PM -0500, Yong Zhi wrote:
> From: Rajmohan Mani <rajmohan.mani@intel.com>
> This patch adds the details about the IPU3 Imaging Unit driver.
> Signed-off-by: Rajmohan Mani <rajmohan.mani@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Tian Shu Qiu <tian.shu.qiu@intel.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst |   1 +
>  Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst  | 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 305 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
> diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
> index 679238e..179a393 100644
> --- a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
> @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
>  	davinci-vpbe
>  	fimc
>  	imx
> +	ipu3
>  	ivtv
>  	max2175
>  	meye
> diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a4550d8
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
> +.. include:: <isonum.txt>
> +
> +===============================================================
> +Intel Image Processing Unit 3 (IPU3) Imaging Unit (ImgU) driver
> +===============================================================
> +
> +Copyright |copy| 2018 Intel Corporation
> +
> +Introduction
> +============
> +
> +This file documents Intel IPU3 (3rd generation Image Processing Unit) Imaging
> +Unit driver located under drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3.
> +
> +The Intel IPU3 found in certain Kaby Lake (as well as certain Sky Lake)
> +platforms (U/Y processor lines) is made up of two parts namely Imaging Unit
> +(ImgU) and CIO2 device (MIPI CSI2 receiver).
> +
> +The CIO2 device receives the raw bayer data from the sensors and outputs the
> +frames in a format that is specific to IPU3 (for consumption by IPU3 ImgU).
> +CIO2 driver is available as drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3/ipu3-cio2* and is
> +enabled through the CONFIG_VIDEO_IPU3_CIO2 config option.
> +
> +The Imaging Unit (ImgU) is responsible for processing images captured
> +through IPU3 CIO2 device. The ImgU driver sources can be found under
> +drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3 directory. The driver is enabled through the
> +CONFIG_VIDEO_IPU3_IMGU config option.
> +
> +The two driver modules are named ipu3-csi2 and ipu3-imgu, respectively.
> +
> +The driver has been tested on Kaby Lake platforms (U/Y processor lines).
> +
> +The driver implements V4L2, Media controller and V4L2 sub-device interfaces.
> +Camera sensors that have CSI-2 bus, which are connected to the IPU3 CIO2
> +device are supported. Support for lens and flash drivers depends on the
> +above sensors.
> +
> +ImgU device nodes
> +=================
> +
> +The ImgU is represented as a single V4L2 subdev, which provides a V4L2 subdev
> +interface to the user space.
> +
> +CIO2 device
> +===========
> +
> +The CIO2 is represented as a single V4L2 subdev, which provides a V4L2 subdev
> +interface to the user space. There is a video node for each CSI-2 receiver,
> +with a single media controller interface for the entire device.
> +
> +Media controller
> +----------------
> +
> +The media device interface allows to configure the ImgU links, which defines
> +the behavior of the IPU3 firmware. The link configuration tells the firmware
> +whether viewfinder or postview ISP pipeline should be enabled.
> +
> +Device operation
> +----------------
> +
> +With IPU3, once the input video node ("ipu3-imgu":0, in <entity>:<pad-number>
> +format) is queued with buffer (in packed raw bayer format), IPU3 ISP starts
> +processing the buffer and produces the video output in YUV format and
> +statistics output on respective output nodes. The driver is expected to have
> +buffers ready for all of parameter, output and statistics nodes, when input
> +video node is queued with buffer.
> +
> +At a minimum, all of input, main output, 3A statistics, and either of
> +viewfinder or postview video nodes should be enabled for IPU3 to start image
> +processing. viewfinder and postview video nodes are mutually exclusive.
> +
> +input, output, viewfinder and postview video nodes
> +--------------------------------------------------
> +
> +The frames (in packed raw bayer format specific to IPU3) received by the
> +input video node is processed by the IPU3 Imaging Unit and is output to 2
> +video nodes, with each targeting different purpose (main output and viewfinder
> +or postview output).
> +
> +Details on raw bayer format specific to IPU3 can be found as below.
> +Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-meta-intel-ipu3.rst
> +
> +The driver supports V4L2 Video Capture Interface as defined at :ref:`devices`.
> +
> +Only the multi-planar API is supported. More details can be found at
> +:ref:`planar-apis`.
> +
> +
> +parameters video node
> +---------------------
> +
> +The parameter video node receives the ISP algorithm parameters that are used
> +to configure how the ISP algorithms process the image.
> +
> +Details on raw bayer format specific to IPU3 can be found as below.
> +Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-meta-intel-ipu3.rst
> +
> +3A statistics video node
> +------------------------
> +
> +3A statistics video node is used by the ImgU driver to output the 3A (auto
> +focus, auto exposure and auto white balance) statistics for the frames that
> +are being processed by the ISP to user space applications. User space
> +applications can use this statistics data to arrive at desired algorithm
> +parameters for ISP.
> +
> +CIO2 device nodes
> +=================
> +
> +CIO2 is represented as a single V4L2 sub-device with a video node for each
> +CSI-2 receiver. The video node represents the DMA engine.
> +
> +Configuring the Intel IPU3
> +==========================
> +
> +The Intel IPU3 ImgU driver supports V4L2 interface. Using V4L2 ioctl calls,
> +the ISP can be configured and enabled.
> +
> +The IPU3 ImgU pipelines can be configured using media controller APIs,
> +defined at :ref:`media_controller`.
> +
> +Capturing frames in raw bayer format
> +------------------------------------
> +
> +IPU3 MIPI CSI2 receiver is used to capture frames (in packed raw bayer
> +format) from the raw sensors connected to the CSI2 ports. The captured
> +frames are used as input to the ImgU driver.
> +
> +Image processing using IPU3 ImgU requires tools such as v4l2n [#f1]_,
> +raw2pnm [#f1]_, and yavta [#f2]_ due to the following unique requirements
> +and / or features specific to IPU3.
> +
> +-- The IPU3 CSI2 receiver outputs the captured frames from the sensor in
> +packed raw bayer format that is specific to IPU3
> +
> +-- Multiple video nodes have to be operated simultaneously
> +
> +Let us take the example of ov5670 sensor connected to CSI2 port 0, for a
> +2592x1944 image capture.
> +
> +Using the media contorller APIs, the ov5670 sensor is configured to send
> +frames in packed raw bayer format to IPU3 CSI2 receiver.
> +
> +# This example assumes /dev/media0 as the ImgU media device
> +
> +export MDEV=/dev/media0
> +
> +# and that ov5670 sensor is connected to i2c bus 10 with address 0x36
> +
> +export SDEV="ov5670 10-0036"
> +
> +# Establish the link for the media devices using media-ctl [#f3]_
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ov5670 ":0 -> "ipu3-csi2 0":0[1]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-csi2 0":1 -> "ipu3-cio2 0":0[1]
> +
> +# Set the format for the media devices
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ov5670 ":0 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ipu3-csi2 0":0 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ipu3-csi2 0":1 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
> +
> +Once the media pipeline is configured, desired sensor specific settings
> +(such as exposure and gain settings) can be set, using the yavta tool.
> +
> +e.g
> +
> +yavta -w 0x009e0903 444 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
> +
> +yavta -w 0x009e0913 1024 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
> +
> +yavta -w 0x009e0911 2046 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
> +
> +Once the desired sensor settings are set, frame captures can be done as below.
> +
> +e.g
> +
> +yavta --data-prefix -u -c10 -n5 -I -s2592x1944 --file=/tmp/frame-#.bin
> +-f IPU3_GRBG10 media-ctl -d $MDEV -e ipu3-cio2 0
> +
> +With the above command, 10 frames are captured at 2592x1944 resolution, with
> +sGRBG10 format and output as IPU3_GRBG10 format.
> +
> +The captured frames are available as /tmp/frame-#.bin files.
> +
> +Processing the image in raw bayer format
> +----------------------------------------
> +
> +Configuring ImgU V4L2 subdev for image processing
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with media controller APIs to
> +have all the video nodes setup correctly.
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":2 -> "output":0[1]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":3 -> "viewfinder":0[0]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":4 -> "postview":0[1]
> +
> +media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":5 -> "3a stat":0[1]
> +
> +In this particular example, postview node is enabled.
> +
> +RAW bayer frames go through the following ISP pipeline HW blocks to
> +have the processed image output to the DDR memory.
> +
> +RAW bayer frame -> Input Feeder -> Bayer Down Scaling (BDS) -> Geometric
> +Distortion Correction (GDC) -> DDR
> +
> +The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with the supported resolutions
> +in all the above HW blocks, for a given input resolution.
> +
> +For a given supported resolution for an input frame, the Input Feeder,
> +Bayer Down Scaling and GDC blocks should be configured with the supported
> +resolutions. This information can be obtained by looking at the following
> +IPU3 ISP configuration table.
> +
> +https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/board-overlays/+/master
> +
> +Under baseboard-poppy/media-libs/arc-camera3-hal-configs-poppy/files/gcss
> +directory, graph_settings_ov5670.xml can be used as an example.
> +
> +The following steps prepare the ImgU ISP pipeline for the image processing.
> +
> +1. The ImgU V4L2 subdev data format should be set by using the
> +VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_FMT on pad 0, using the GDC width and height obtained above.
> +
> +2. The ImgU V4L2 subdev cropping should be set by using the
> +VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_SELECTION on pad 0, with V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP as the target,
> +using the input feeder height and width.
> +
> +3. The ImgU V4L2 subdev composing should be set by using the
> +VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_SELECTION on pad 0, with V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE as the target,
> +using the BDS height and width.
> +
> +For the ov5670 example, for an input frame with a resolution of 2592x1944
> +(which is input to the ImgU subdev pad 0), the corresponding resolutions
> +for input feeder, BDS and GDC are 2592x1944, 2592x1944 and 2560x1920
> +respectively.
> +
> +Once this is done, the received raw bayer frames can be input to the ImgU
> +V4L2 subdev as below, using the open source application v4l2n.
> +
> +For an image captured with 2592x1944 [#f4]_ resolution, with desired output
> +resolution as 2560x1920 and viewfinder resolution as 2560x1920, the following
> +v4l2n command can be used. This helps process the raw bayer frames and
> +produces the desired results for the main output image and the viewfinder
> +output, in NV12 format.
> +
> +v4l2n --pipe=4 --load=/tmp/frame-#.bin --open=$MDEV
> +--fmt=type:VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE,width=2592,height=1944,pixelformat=0X47337069
> +--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=1 --output=/tmp/frames.out
> +--open= --fmt=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,width=2560,height=1920,pixelformat=NV12
> +--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=2 --output=/tmp/frames.vf
> +--open= --fmt=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,width=2560,height=1920,pixelformat=NV12
> +--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=3 --open=
> +--output=/tmp/frames.3A --fmt=type:META_CAPTURE,?
> +--reqbufs=count:1,type:META_CAPTURE --pipe=1,2,3,4 --stream=5

You could drop the directories from the file names, i.e. use the current

> +
> +Converting the raw bayer image into YUV domain
> +----------------------------------------------
> +
> +The processed images after the above step, can be converted to YUV domain
> +as below.
> +
> +Main output frames
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +raw2pnm -x2560 -y1920 -fNV12 /tmp/frames.out /tmp/frames.out.pnm
> +
> +where 2560x1920 is output resolution, NV12 is the video format, followed
> +by input frame and output PNM file.
> +
> +Viewfinder output frames
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +raw2pnm -x2560 -y1920 -fNV12 /tmp/frames.vf /tmp/frames.vf.pnm
> +
> +where 2560x1920 is output resolution, NV12 is the video format, followed
> +by input frame and output PNM file.
> +
> +Example user space code for IPU3
> +================================
> +
> +User space code that configures and uses IPU3 is available here.
> +
> +https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/arc-camera/+/master/

You could put this as a reference as well.

> +
> +The source can be located under hal/intel directory.
> +
> +References
> +==========
> +
> +include/uapi/linux/intel-ipu3.h
> +
> +.. [#f1] https://github.com/intel/nvt
> +
> +.. [#f2] http://git.ideasonboard.org/yavta.git
> +
> +.. [#f3] http://git.ideasonboard.org/?p=media-ctl.git;a=summary
> +
> +.. [#f4] ImgU limitation requires an additional 16x16 for all input resolutions

This isn't a reference; just put it where you have [#f4] now.
diff mbox


diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
index 679238e..179a393 100644
--- a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/index.rst
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@  For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
+	ipu3
diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4550d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ 
+.. include:: <isonum.txt>
+Intel Image Processing Unit 3 (IPU3) Imaging Unit (ImgU) driver
+Copyright |copy| 2018 Intel Corporation
+This file documents Intel IPU3 (3rd generation Image Processing Unit) Imaging
+Unit driver located under drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3.
+The Intel IPU3 found in certain Kaby Lake (as well as certain Sky Lake)
+platforms (U/Y processor lines) is made up of two parts namely Imaging Unit
+(ImgU) and CIO2 device (MIPI CSI2 receiver).
+The CIO2 device receives the raw bayer data from the sensors and outputs the
+frames in a format that is specific to IPU3 (for consumption by IPU3 ImgU).
+CIO2 driver is available as drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3/ipu3-cio2* and is
+enabled through the CONFIG_VIDEO_IPU3_CIO2 config option.
+The Imaging Unit (ImgU) is responsible for processing images captured
+through IPU3 CIO2 device. The ImgU driver sources can be found under
+drivers/media/pci/intel/ipu3 directory. The driver is enabled through the
+CONFIG_VIDEO_IPU3_IMGU config option.
+The two driver modules are named ipu3-csi2 and ipu3-imgu, respectively.
+The driver has been tested on Kaby Lake platforms (U/Y processor lines).
+The driver implements V4L2, Media controller and V4L2 sub-device interfaces.
+Camera sensors that have CSI-2 bus, which are connected to the IPU3 CIO2
+device are supported. Support for lens and flash drivers depends on the
+above sensors.
+ImgU device nodes
+The ImgU is represented as a single V4L2 subdev, which provides a V4L2 subdev
+interface to the user space.
+CIO2 device
+The CIO2 is represented as a single V4L2 subdev, which provides a V4L2 subdev
+interface to the user space. There is a video node for each CSI-2 receiver,
+with a single media controller interface for the entire device.
+Media controller
+The media device interface allows to configure the ImgU links, which defines
+the behavior of the IPU3 firmware. The link configuration tells the firmware
+whether viewfinder or postview ISP pipeline should be enabled.
+Device operation
+With IPU3, once the input video node ("ipu3-imgu":0, in <entity>:<pad-number>
+format) is queued with buffer (in packed raw bayer format), IPU3 ISP starts
+processing the buffer and produces the video output in YUV format and
+statistics output on respective output nodes. The driver is expected to have
+buffers ready for all of parameter, output and statistics nodes, when input
+video node is queued with buffer.
+At a minimum, all of input, main output, 3A statistics, and either of
+viewfinder or postview video nodes should be enabled for IPU3 to start image
+processing. viewfinder and postview video nodes are mutually exclusive.
+input, output, viewfinder and postview video nodes
+The frames (in packed raw bayer format specific to IPU3) received by the
+input video node is processed by the IPU3 Imaging Unit and is output to 2
+video nodes, with each targeting different purpose (main output and viewfinder
+or postview output).
+Details on raw bayer format specific to IPU3 can be found as below.
+The driver supports V4L2 Video Capture Interface as defined at :ref:`devices`.
+Only the multi-planar API is supported. More details can be found at
+parameters video node
+The parameter video node receives the ISP algorithm parameters that are used
+to configure how the ISP algorithms process the image.
+Details on raw bayer format specific to IPU3 can be found as below.
+3A statistics video node
+3A statistics video node is used by the ImgU driver to output the 3A (auto
+focus, auto exposure and auto white balance) statistics for the frames that
+are being processed by the ISP to user space applications. User space
+applications can use this statistics data to arrive at desired algorithm
+parameters for ISP.
+CIO2 device nodes
+CIO2 is represented as a single V4L2 sub-device with a video node for each
+CSI-2 receiver. The video node represents the DMA engine.
+Configuring the Intel IPU3
+The Intel IPU3 ImgU driver supports V4L2 interface. Using V4L2 ioctl calls,
+the ISP can be configured and enabled.
+The IPU3 ImgU pipelines can be configured using media controller APIs,
+defined at :ref:`media_controller`.
+Capturing frames in raw bayer format
+IPU3 MIPI CSI2 receiver is used to capture frames (in packed raw bayer
+format) from the raw sensors connected to the CSI2 ports. The captured
+frames are used as input to the ImgU driver.
+Image processing using IPU3 ImgU requires tools such as v4l2n [#f1]_,
+raw2pnm [#f1]_, and yavta [#f2]_ due to the following unique requirements
+and / or features specific to IPU3.
+-- The IPU3 CSI2 receiver outputs the captured frames from the sensor in
+packed raw bayer format that is specific to IPU3
+-- Multiple video nodes have to be operated simultaneously
+Let us take the example of ov5670 sensor connected to CSI2 port 0, for a
+2592x1944 image capture.
+Using the media contorller APIs, the ov5670 sensor is configured to send
+frames in packed raw bayer format to IPU3 CSI2 receiver.
+# This example assumes /dev/media0 as the ImgU media device
+export MDEV=/dev/media0
+# and that ov5670 sensor is connected to i2c bus 10 with address 0x36
+export SDEV="ov5670 10-0036"
+# Establish the link for the media devices using media-ctl [#f3]_
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ov5670 ":0 -> "ipu3-csi2 0":0[1]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-csi2 0":1 -> "ipu3-cio2 0":0[1]
+# Set the format for the media devices
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ov5670 ":0 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ipu3-csi2 0":0 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -V "ipu3-csi2 0":1 [fmt:SGRBG10/2592x1944]
+Once the media pipeline is configured, desired sensor specific settings
+(such as exposure and gain settings) can be set, using the yavta tool.
+yavta -w 0x009e0903 444 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
+yavta -w 0x009e0913 1024 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
+yavta -w 0x009e0911 2046 $(media-ctl -d $MDEV -e "$SDEV")
+Once the desired sensor settings are set, frame captures can be done as below.
+yavta --data-prefix -u -c10 -n5 -I -s2592x1944 --file=/tmp/frame-#.bin
+-f IPU3_GRBG10 media-ctl -d $MDEV -e ipu3-cio2 0
+With the above command, 10 frames are captured at 2592x1944 resolution, with
+sGRBG10 format and output as IPU3_GRBG10 format.
+The captured frames are available as /tmp/frame-#.bin files.
+Processing the image in raw bayer format
+Configuring ImgU V4L2 subdev for image processing
+The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with media controller APIs to
+have all the video nodes setup correctly.
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":2 -> "output":0[1]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":3 -> "viewfinder":0[0]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":4 -> "postview":0[1]
+media-ctl -d $MDEV -l "ipu3-imgu":5 -> "3a stat":0[1]
+In this particular example, postview node is enabled.
+RAW bayer frames go through the following ISP pipeline HW blocks to
+have the processed image output to the DDR memory.
+RAW bayer frame -> Input Feeder -> Bayer Down Scaling (BDS) -> Geometric
+Distortion Correction (GDC) -> DDR
+The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with the supported resolutions
+in all the above HW blocks, for a given input resolution.
+For a given supported resolution for an input frame, the Input Feeder,
+Bayer Down Scaling and GDC blocks should be configured with the supported
+resolutions. This information can be obtained by looking at the following
+IPU3 ISP configuration table.
+Under baseboard-poppy/media-libs/arc-camera3-hal-configs-poppy/files/gcss
+directory, graph_settings_ov5670.xml can be used as an example.
+The following steps prepare the ImgU ISP pipeline for the image processing.
+1. The ImgU V4L2 subdev data format should be set by using the
+VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_FMT on pad 0, using the GDC width and height obtained above.
+2. The ImgU V4L2 subdev cropping should be set by using the
+VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_SELECTION on pad 0, with V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP as the target,
+using the input feeder height and width.
+3. The ImgU V4L2 subdev composing should be set by using the
+VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_SELECTION on pad 0, with V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE as the target,
+using the BDS height and width.
+For the ov5670 example, for an input frame with a resolution of 2592x1944
+(which is input to the ImgU subdev pad 0), the corresponding resolutions
+for input feeder, BDS and GDC are 2592x1944, 2592x1944 and 2560x1920
+Once this is done, the received raw bayer frames can be input to the ImgU
+V4L2 subdev as below, using the open source application v4l2n.
+For an image captured with 2592x1944 [#f4]_ resolution, with desired output
+resolution as 2560x1920 and viewfinder resolution as 2560x1920, the following
+v4l2n command can be used. This helps process the raw bayer frames and
+produces the desired results for the main output image and the viewfinder
+output, in NV12 format.
+v4l2n --pipe=4 --load=/tmp/frame-#.bin --open=$MDEV
+--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=1 --output=/tmp/frames.out
+--open= --fmt=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,width=2560,height=1920,pixelformat=NV12
+--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=2 --output=/tmp/frames.vf
+--open= --fmt=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,width=2560,height=1920,pixelformat=NV12
+--reqbufs=type:VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE,count:1 --pipe=3 --open=
+--output=/tmp/frames.3A --fmt=type:META_CAPTURE,?
+--reqbufs=count:1,type:META_CAPTURE --pipe=1,2,3,4 --stream=5
+Converting the raw bayer image into YUV domain
+The processed images after the above step, can be converted to YUV domain
+as below.
+Main output frames
+raw2pnm -x2560 -y1920 -fNV12 /tmp/frames.out /tmp/frames.out.pnm
+where 2560x1920 is output resolution, NV12 is the video format, followed
+by input frame and output PNM file.
+Viewfinder output frames
+raw2pnm -x2560 -y1920 -fNV12 /tmp/frames.vf /tmp/frames.vf.pnm
+where 2560x1920 is output resolution, NV12 is the video format, followed
+by input frame and output PNM file.
+Example user space code for IPU3
+User space code that configures and uses IPU3 is available here.
+The source can be located under hal/intel directory.
+.. [#f1] https://github.com/intel/nvt
+.. [#f2] http://git.ideasonboard.org/yavta.git
+.. [#f3] http://git.ideasonboard.org/?p=media-ctl.git;a=summary
+.. [#f4] ImgU limitation requires an additional 16x16 for all input resolutions