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[BlueZ,0/1,v3] ExcludeAdapter configuration setting for input plugin

Message ID 20220709192317.1704-1-shwoseph@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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shwoseph July 9, 2022, 7:23 p.m. UTC
As a bluez user I have run into cases where the input plugin can be problematic because it binds both HID PSMs on all bluetooth adapters. Simply disabling the plugin is not an ideal solution if you want to, for example, run an application that binds PSMs 17 and 19 on adapterA while using a bluetooth input device on adapterB. This proposed feature would allow users to determine which of their adapters can be engaged by the input plugin. Using the ExcludeAdapters key in input.conf a comma separated list of bdaddrs can be specified that the input plugin will not start a server on.

shwoseph (1):
  ExcludeAdapter configuration setting for input profile

 profiles/input/device.c   | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 profiles/input/device.h   |  4 ++++
 profiles/input/input.conf |  4 ++++
 profiles/input/manager.c  | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)