Show patches with: Series = [BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc       |   4 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[BlueZ,4/4] build: Replace use of g_memdup with util_memdup [BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc - - - 2-- 2022-01-06 Luiz Augusto von Dentz vudentz Accepted
[BlueZ,3/4] shared/util: Add util_memdup [BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc - - - 2-- 2022-01-06 Luiz Augusto von Dentz vudentz Accepted
[BlueZ,2/4] attrib: Remove gatt-service.{c,h} and attrib-server.{c,h} [BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc - - - 2-- 2022-01-06 Luiz Augusto von Dentz vudentz Accepted
[BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc [BlueZ,1/4] shared/util: Rename btd_malloc to util_malloc - - - 11-- 2022-01-06 Luiz Augusto von Dentz vudentz Accepted