Show patches with: Series = [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk       |   9 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[RFC,9/9] tools: Add support to generate RSI using SIRK [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,8/9] profiles: Add initial code for csip plugin [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,7/9] shared/csip: Add initial code for handling CSIP [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 31- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,6/9] main.conf: Add CSIP profile configurable options [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 31- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,5/9] core: Check if device has RSI [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,4/9] core: Add initial implementation of DeviceSet interface [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,3/9] doc: Add set-api [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,2/9] shared/ad: Add RSI data type [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 4-- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded
[RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk [RFC,1/9] shared/crypto: Add bt_crypto_sirk - - - 102- 2023-03-03 Luiz Augusto von Dentz Superseded