diff mbox series

[1/8] Bluetooth: eir: Add helpers for managing service data

Message ID 20220505230550.3450617-1-luiz.dentz@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Headers show
Series [1/8] Bluetooth: eir: Add helpers for managing service data | expand


Context Check Description
tedd_an/pre-ci_am success Success
tedd_an/checkpatch success Checkpatch PASS
tedd_an/gitlint success Gitlint PASS
tedd_an/subjectprefix success PASS
tedd_an/buildkernel success Build Kernel PASS
tedd_an/buildkernel32 success Build Kernel32 PASS
tedd_an/incremental_build success Pass
tedd_an/testrunnersetup success Test Runner Setup PASS
tedd_an/testrunnerl2cap-tester success Total: 40, Passed: 40 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunnerbnep-tester success Total: 1, Passed: 1 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunnermgmt-tester fail Total: 493, Passed: 491 (99.6%), Failed: 2, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunnerrfcomm-tester success Total: 10, Passed: 10 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunnersco-tester success Total: 12, Passed: 12 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunnersmp-tester success Total: 8, Passed: 8 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0
tedd_an/testrunneruserchan-tester success Total: 4, Passed: 4 (100.0%), Failed: 0, Not Run: 0

Commit Message

Luiz Augusto von Dentz May 5, 2022, 11:05 p.m. UTC
From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>

This adds helpers for accessing and appending service data (0x16) ad

Signed-off-by: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>
 include/net/bluetooth/hci.h |  1 +
 net/bluetooth/eir.c         | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/bluetooth/eir.h         |  4 ++++
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+)


bluez.test.bot@gmail.com May 6, 2022, 12:10 a.m. UTC | #1
This is automated email and please do not reply to this email!

Dear submitter,

Thank you for submitting the patches to the linux bluetooth mailing list.
This is a CI test results with your patch series:
PW Link:https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/bluetooth/list/?series=638909

---Test result---

Test Summary:
CheckPatch                    FAIL      22.41 seconds
GitLint                       PASS      8.48 seconds
SubjectPrefix                 PASS      7.15 seconds
BuildKernel                   PASS      41.27 seconds
BuildKernel32                 PASS      37.28 seconds
Incremental Build with patchesPASS      250.41 seconds
TestRunner: Setup             PASS      601.80 seconds
TestRunner: l2cap-tester      PASS      20.58 seconds
TestRunner: bnep-tester       PASS      7.72 seconds
TestRunner: mgmt-tester       FAIL      122.10 seconds
TestRunner: rfcomm-tester     PASS      11.74 seconds
TestRunner: sco-tester        PASS      11.63 seconds
TestRunner: smp-tester        PASS      11.49 seconds
TestRunner: userchan-tester   PASS      8.12 seconds

Test: CheckPatch - FAIL - 22.41 seconds
Run checkpatch.pl script with rule in .checkpatch.conf
[2/8] Bluetooth: hci_core: Introduce hci_recv_event_data\CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#138: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_core.c:3035:
+	hdr = (void *) hdev->recv_event->data;

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#146: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_core.c:3043:
+			ev = (void *) hdev->recv_event->data + offset;

total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 2 checks, 67 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

/github/workspace/src/12840314.patch has style problems, please review.

NOTE: Ignored message types: UNKNOWN_COMMIT_ID

NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.

[3/8] Bluetooth: Add initial implementation of CIS connections\WARNING:PREFER_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_MACRO: Prefer __packed over __attribute__((packed))
#249: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci.h:2066:
+} __attribute__ ((packed));

WARNING:PREFER_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_MACRO: Prefer __packed over __attribute__((packed))
#254: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci.h:2071:
+} __attribute__ ((packed));

ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#298: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:655:

WARNING:LEADING_SPACE: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#298: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:655:

WARNING:SPACING: Unnecessary space before function pointer arguments
#323: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:749:
+	void (*cleanup)		(struct hci_conn *conn);

ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#370: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1103:
+^I^I^I^I^I^I        bdaddr_t *ba,$

ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#371: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1104:
+^I^I^I^I^I^I        __u8 ba_type)$

WARNING:SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT: suspect code indent for conditional statements (16, 23)
#379: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1112:
+		if (c->type != ISO_LINK)
+		       continue;

WARNING:TABSTOP: Statements should start on a tabstop
#380: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1113:
+		       continue;

ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#394: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1127:
+^I^I^I^I^I^I        __u8 handle)$

WARNING:SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT: suspect code indent for conditional statements (16, 23)
#402: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1135:
+		if (c->type != ISO_LINK)
+		       continue;

WARNING:TABSTOP: Statements should start on a tabstop
#403: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1136:
+		       continue;

ERROR:COMPLEX_MACRO: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parentheses
#547: FILE: net/bluetooth/af_bluetooth.c:41:

WARNING:BRACES: braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks
#769: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1411:
+		if (!cis) {
+			return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+		}

WARNING:UNNECESSARY_ELSE: else is not generally useful after a break or return
#908: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1550:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	else

CHECK:PARENTHESIS_ALIGNMENT: Alignment should match open parenthesis
#970: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1612:
+		le = hci_connect_le_scan(hdev, dst, dst_type,

ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#972: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1614:
+                                          CONN_REASON_ISO_CONNECT);$

WARNING:LEADING_SPACE: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#972: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1614:
+                                          CONN_REASON_ISO_CONNECT);$

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#1280: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_core.c:3808:
+	struct hci_iso_hdr *hdr = (void *) skb->data;

ERROR:TRAILING_STATEMENTS: trailing statements should be on next line (or did you mean 'else if'?)
#1525: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_event.c:4344:
+			} if (hdev->le_pkts) {

ERROR:SPACING: space required after that ',' (ctx:VxV)
#1625: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_event.c:6737:
+	bt_dev_dbg(hdev,"acl_handle 0x%4.4x cis_handle 0x%4.4x cig_id 0x%2.2x "

WARNING:SPLIT_STRING: quoted string split across lines
#1626: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_event.c:6738:
+	bt_dev_dbg(hdev,"acl_handle 0x%4.4x cis_handle 0x%4.4x cig_id 0x%2.2x "
+		   "cis_id 0x%2.2x", acl_handle, cis_handle, ev->cig_id,

CHECK:LINE_SPACING: Please don't use multiple blank lines
#1690: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_event.c:6888:

total: 8 errors, 12 warnings, 3 checks, 1537 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

NOTE: Whitespace errors detected.
      You may wish to use scripts/cleanpatch or scripts/cleanfile

/github/workspace/src/12840316.patch has style problems, please review.

NOTE: Ignored message types: UNKNOWN_COMMIT_ID

NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.

[4/8] Bluetooth: Add BTPROTO_ISO socket type\WARNING:FILE_PATH_CHANGES: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

WARNING:SPDX_LICENSE_TAG: Missing or malformed SPDX-License-Identifier tag in line 1
#182: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/iso.h:1:

WARNING:BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: Block comments use * on subsequent lines
#183: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/iso.h:2:
+   BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux

WARNING:UNNECESSARY_ELSE: else is not generally useful after a break or return
#257: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_core.c:3829:
+		return;
+	} else {

WARNING:SPDX_LICENSE_TAG: Missing or malformed SPDX-License-Identifier tag in line 1
#282: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1:

WARNING:BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: Block comments use * on subsequent lines
#283: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:2:
+   BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux

CHECK:UNCOMMENTED_DEFINITION: spinlock_t definition without comment
#325: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:44:
+	spinlock_t	lock;

CHECK:MACRO_ARG_PRECEDENCE: Macro argument 'c' may be better as '(c)' to avoid precedence issues
#335: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:54:
+#define iso_conn_lock(c)	spin_lock(&c->lock);

WARNING:TRAILING_SEMICOLON: macros should not use a trailing semicolon
#335: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:54:
+#define iso_conn_lock(c)	spin_lock(&c->lock);

CHECK:MACRO_ARG_PRECEDENCE: Macro argument 'c' may be better as '(c)' to avoid precedence issues
#336: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:55:
+#define iso_conn_unlock(c)	spin_unlock(&c->lock);

WARNING:TRAILING_SEMICOLON: macros should not use a trailing semicolon
#336: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:55:
+#define iso_conn_unlock(c)	spin_unlock(&c->lock);

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#342: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:61:
+#define iso_pi(sk) ((struct iso_pinfo *) sk)

CHECK:ALLOC_SIZEOF_STRUCT: Prefer kzalloc(sizeof(*conn)...) over kzalloc(sizeof(struct iso_conn)...)
#410: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:129:
+	conn = kzalloc(sizeof(struct iso_conn), GFP_KERNEL);

WARNING:BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#427: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:146:
+ * Must be called on the locked socket. */

CHECK:LINE_SPACING: Please don't use multiple blank lines
#516: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:235:

CHECK:BRACES: braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement
#735: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:454:
+		if (iso_pi(sk)->conn->hcon) {
+		} else

CHECK:BRACES: Unbalanced braces around else statement
#742: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:461:
+		} else

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#858: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:577:
+	struct sockaddr_iso *sa = (struct sockaddr_iso *) addr;

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#899: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:618:
+	struct sockaddr_iso *sa = (struct sockaddr_iso *) addr;

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#1034: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:753:
+	struct sockaddr_iso *sa = (struct sockaddr_iso *) addr;

CHECK:BRACES: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{'
#1212: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:931:
+	switch (optname) {

CHECK:BRACES: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{'
#1281: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1000:
+	switch (optname) {

CHECK:BRACES: braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement
#1492: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1211:
+	if (!status) {
+	} else

CHECK:BRACES: Unbalanced braces around else statement
#1498: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1217:
+	} else

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#1545: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1264:
+			hdr = (void *) skb->data + 4;

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#1548: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1267:
+			hdr = (void *) skb->data;

WARNING:LINE_SPACING: Missing a blank line after declarations
#1622: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1341:
+			struct sk_buff *rx_skb = conn->rx_skb;
+			conn->rx_skb = NULL;

total: 0 errors, 10 warnings, 17 checks, 1699 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

/github/workspace/src/12840317.patch has style problems, please review.

NOTE: Ignored message types: UNKNOWN_COMMIT_ID

NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.

[5/8] Bluetooth: Add initial implementation of BIS connections\ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible
#501: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1064:
+^I^I^I^I^I^I        bdaddr_t *ba,$

WARNING:SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT: suspect code indent for conditional statements (16, 23)
#539: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1205:
+		if (bacmp(&c->dst, BDADDR_ANY) || c->type != ISO_LINK)
+		       continue;

WARNING:TABSTOP: Statements should start on a tabstop
#540: FILE: include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h:1206:
+		       continue;

WARNING:BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#847: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:814:
+ * */

CHECK:BRACES: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{'
#1167: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1876:

ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that '=' (ctx:WxV)
#1181: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c:1890:
+	u16 interval, sync_interval =0;

WARNING:BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#1485: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_event.c:3909:
+	 * Using Advertising handle get the connection state and update*/

CHECK:BRACES: Unbalanced braces around else statement
#1755: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_request.c:830:
+	else {

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'Annoucement' may be misspelled - perhaps 'Announcement'?
#1963: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_sync.c:1062:
+	 * advertising so it cannot used for the likes of Broadcast Annoucement

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'Annoucement' may be misspelled - perhaps 'Announcement'?
#1969: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_sync.c:1068:
+	/* Check if PA data doesn't contains a Basic Audio Annoucement then

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'Annoucement' may be misspelled - perhaps 'Announcement'?
#1976: FILE: net/bluetooth/hci_sync.c:1075:
+	/* Check if advertising data already has a Broadcast Annoucement since

total: 2 errors, 7 warnings, 2 checks, 1917 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

NOTE: Whitespace errors detected.
      You may wish to use scripts/cleanpatch or scripts/cleanfile

/github/workspace/src/12840321.patch has style problems, please review.

NOTE: Ignored message types: UNKNOWN_COMMIT_ID

NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.

[6/8] Bluetooth: ISO: Add broadcast support\WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'Whe' may be misspelled - perhaps 'When'?
Whe using BTPROTO_ISO for broadcast the roles are:

WARNING:REPEATED_WORD: Possible repeated word: 'match'
#291: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:479:
+ * match func - pass NULL to ignore/not match
+ * match func data - pass -1 to ignore/not match

CHECK:SPACING: No space is necessary after a cast
#322: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:690:
+	struct sockaddr_iso *sa = (struct sockaddr_iso *) addr;

CHECK:LINE_SPACING: Please don't use multiple blank lines
#546: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1346:

ERROR:ASSIGN_IN_IF: do not use assignment in if condition
#650: FILE: net/bluetooth/iso.c:1474:
+	} else if ((ev2 = hci_recv_event_data(hdev,

total: 1 errors, 2 warnings, 2 checks, 557 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

/github/workspace/src/12840319.patch has style problems, please review.

NOTE: Ignored message types: UNKNOWN_COMMIT_ID

NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.

Test: TestRunner: mgmt-tester - FAIL - 122.10 seconds
Run test-runner with mgmt-tester
Total: 493, Passed: 491 (99.6%), Failed: 2, Not Run: 0

Failed Test Cases
Read Exp Feature - Success                           Failed       0.128 seconds
Read Exp Feature - Success (Index None)              Failed       0.124 seconds

Linux Bluetooth
diff mbox series


diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h b/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h
index 62a9bb022aed..fe7935be7dc4 100644
--- a/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h
+++ b/include/net/bluetooth/hci.h
@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@  enum {
 #define EIR_SSP_RAND_R192	0x0F /* Simple Pairing Randomizer R-192 */
 #define EIR_DEVICE_ID		0x10 /* device ID */
 #define EIR_APPEARANCE		0x19 /* Device appearance */
+#define EIR_SERVICE_DATA	0x16 /* Service Data */
 #define EIR_LE_BDADDR		0x1B /* LE Bluetooth device address */
 #define EIR_LE_ROLE		0x1C /* LE role */
 #define EIR_SSP_HASH_C256	0x1D /* Simple Pairing Hash C-256 */
diff --git a/net/bluetooth/eir.c b/net/bluetooth/eir.c
index 7e930f77ecab..7d77fb00c2bf 100644
--- a/net/bluetooth/eir.c
+++ b/net/bluetooth/eir.c
@@ -55,6 +55,19 @@  u8 eir_append_appearance(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *ptr, u8 ad_len)
 	return eir_append_le16(ptr, ad_len, EIR_APPEARANCE, hdev->appearance);
+u8 eir_append_service_data(u8 *eir, u16 eir_len, u16 uuid, u8 *data,
+			   u8 data_len)
+	eir[eir_len++] = sizeof(u8) + sizeof(uuid) + data_len;
+	eir[eir_len++] = EIR_SERVICE_DATA;
+	put_unaligned_le16(uuid, &eir[eir_len]);
+	eir_len += sizeof(uuid);
+	memcpy(&eir[eir_len], data, data_len);
+	eir_len += data_len;
+	return eir_len;
 static u8 *create_uuid16_list(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *data, ptrdiff_t len)
 	u8 *ptr = data, *uuids_start = NULL;
@@ -333,3 +346,21 @@  u8 eir_create_scan_rsp(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 instance, u8 *ptr)
 	return scan_rsp_len;
+void *eir_get_service_data(u8 *eir, size_t eir_len, u16 uuid, size_t *len)
+	while ((eir = eir_get_data(eir, eir_len, EIR_SERVICE_DATA, len))) {
+		u16 value = get_unaligned_le16(eir);
+		if (uuid == value) {
+			if (len)
+				*len -= 2;
+			return &eir[2];
+		}
+		eir += *len;
+		eir_len -= *len;
+	}
+	return NULL;
diff --git a/net/bluetooth/eir.h b/net/bluetooth/eir.h
index 43f1945bffc5..62f2374078f2 100644
--- a/net/bluetooth/eir.h
+++ b/net/bluetooth/eir.h
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@  u8 eir_create_scan_rsp(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 instance, u8 *ptr);
 u8 eir_append_local_name(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *eir, u8 ad_len);
 u8 eir_append_appearance(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 *ptr, u8 ad_len);
+u8 eir_append_service_data(u8 *eir, u16 eir_len, u16 uuid, u8 *data,
+			   u8 data_len);
 static inline u16 eir_precalc_len(u8 data_len)
@@ -92,3 +94,5 @@  static inline void *eir_get_data(u8 *eir, size_t eir_len, u8 type,
 	return NULL;
+void *eir_get_service_data(u8 *eir, size_t eir_len, u16 uuid, size_t *len);