@@ -53,3 +53,15 @@ else
aws s3 cp --no-progress --acl public-read build/tmp/deploy/images/*/"$DTB" "${S3_TARGET}"
+# Deploy the dpkg status file (/var/lib/dpkg/status) to AWS for the CIP CVE checker (debian-cve-checker)
+# to periodically extract and report pending CVEs.
+# * CI builds will override the previous dpkg status files
+# * AWS S3 bucket structure
+# * download.cip-project.org/cip-core/cve-checks/
+# * dpkg-status: folder to store the dpkg status files generated by the CI and released images
+# * cve-reports: folder to store the cve-reports generated from the dpkg status files
+# * they can be linked from the release website
+aws s3 cp --no-progress build/tmp/deploy/images/$TARGET/$DPKG_STATUS s3://download.cip-project.org/cip-core/cve-checks/dpkg-status/$DPKG_STATUS_FILENAME