@@ -64,14 +64,26 @@ service_watchdog() {
reencrypt_existing_partition() {
part_size_blocks="$(cat /sys/class/block/"$(awk -v dev="$1" 'BEGIN{split(dev,a,"/"); print a[3]}' )"/size)"
# reduce the filesystem and partition by 32M to fit the LUKS header
+ partition_fstype=$(get_fstype "${1}")
reduced_size="$(expr "$part_size_blocks" - 65536 )"
reduced_size_in_byte="$(expr "$reduced_size" \* 512)"
reduced_size_in_kb="$(expr "$reduced_size_in_byte" / 1024)K"
- e2fsck -f "$1"
- if ! resize2fs "$1" "${reduced_size_in_kb}"; then
- panic "reencryption of filesystem $1 cannot continue!"
- fi
+ case $partition_fstype in
+ ext*)
+ # reduce the filesystem and partition by 32M to fit the LUKS header
+ e2fsck -f "$1"
+ if ! resize2fs "$1" "${reduced_size_in_kb}"; then
+ panic "reencryption of filesystem $1 cannot continue!"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ squashfs|"")
+ echo "skip disk resize as it is not supported or unnecessary for fstype: '$partition_fstype'"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ panic "cannot resize parition. unsupport fstype: $partition_fstype"
+ ;;
+ esac
if [ -x /usr/sbin/cryptsetup-reencrypt ]; then
/usr/sbin/cryptsetup-reencrypt --new --reduce-device-size "$reduce_device_size"k "$1" < "$2"