@@ -1147,6 +1147,35 @@ static int set_context_ipconfig(struct network_context *context,
return 0;
+ * @brief
+ * Attempt to add an oFono context.
+ *
+ * This evaluates the oFono context with the specified path and
+ * dictionary. If it finds one of type 'internet', it adds the
+ * context to the modem context list; adds the modem to the context
+ * hash, keyed off the context path; and, if the context has a valid
+ * APN, the modem is attached, and has a network registration
+ * interface, a connman network object is created for the context.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] modem A pointer to the mutable modem data
+ * instance associated with @a
+ * context_path.
+ * @param[in] context_path A pointer to an immutable, null-
+ * terminated C string containing the
+ * path of the context to evaluate.
+ * @param[in] dict A pointer to a D-Bus message iterator
+ * for the dictionary associated with
+ * the context to evaluate.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 If successful.
+ * @retval -ENOMEM If memory could not be allocated for a context
+ * instance.
+ * @retval -EINVAL If the context was not of type 'internet'.
+ *
+ * @private
+ *
+ */
static int add_cm_context(struct modem_data *modem, const char *context_path,
DBusMessageIter *dict)