Show patches with: Archived = No       |   523 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
expand: Add bypass for literal "]" in expandmeta expand: Add bypass for literal "]" in expandmeta - - - --- 2025-03-09 Herbert Xu herbert Under Review
expand: Fix scanright zero handling when fnmatch is disabled expand: Fix scanright zero handling when fnmatch is disabled - - - --- 2025-03-09 Herbert Xu herbert Under Review
builtin: diagnose attempt to printf '' as number builtin: diagnose attempt to printf '' as number - - - --- 2024-11-19 Paul Eggert herbert Deferred
AT&T Unix PC : 18-glibc-stdio AT&T Unix PC : 18-glibc-stdio - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 17-monitor-mode AT&T Unix PC : 17-monitor-mode - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 15-realloc-null AT&T Unix PC : 15-realloc-null - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 14-broken-wait-h (amended) AT&T Unix PC : 14-broken-wait-h (amended) - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 13-wait3-replacement AT&T Unix PC : 13-wait3-replacement - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 12-sigaction AT&T Unix PC : 12-sigaction - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 11-simplify-wait-loop AT&T Unix PC : 11-simplify-wait-loop - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 10-ctype AT&T Unix PC : 10-ctype - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
AT&T Unix PC : 09-type-sizes AT&T Unix PC : 09-type-sizes - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
Portability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 08-vsnprintf Portability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 08-vsnprintf - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 07-sys-functions P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 07-sys-functions - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 06-stdbool P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 06-stdbool - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 05-sys-headers P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 05-sys-headers - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 04-mksignames P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 04-mksignames - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 03-name-max P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 03-name-max - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 02-stat64 P*rtability of dash to legacy systems, such as AT&T Unix PC : 02-stat64 - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
Another attempt of my work with a new subject, first item Another attempt of my work with a new subject, first item - - - --- 2024-11-17 Alain Knaff herbert Changes Requested
bltin: fix timescmd with C23 bltin: fix timescmd with C23 - - - --- 2024-11-17 Sam James herbert Accepted
expand: Fix scanleft/right for !FNMATCH_IS_ENABLED && quotes expand: Fix scanleft/right for !FNMATCH_IS_ENABLED && quotes - - - --- 2024-11-17 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
builtin: Reduce size of conv_escape builtin: Reduce size of conv_escape - - - --- 2024-11-16 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[1/1] man: Clarify the `trap` condition `EXIT` man: Clarify the `trap` condition `EXIT` - - - --- 2024-10-23 Christoph Anton Mitterer herbert Accepted
builtin: Keep backslash on undefined escape sequences builtin: Keep backslash on undefined escape sequences - - - --- 2024-10-21 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
histedit: When editing, use `el_set` with `EL_PROMPT_ESC` rather than `EL_PROMPT`. histedit: When editing, use `el_set` with `EL_PROMPT_ESC` rather than `EL_PROMPT`. - - - --- 2024-08-23 sebastien peterson boudreau herbert Accepted
[v2] bltin/test: align -nt and -ot with POSIX.1-2024 [v2] bltin/test: align -nt and -ot with POSIX.1-2024 - - - --- 2024-07-28 наб herbert Accepted
jobs: Add comment about reset_input in forkchild jobs: Add comment about reset_input in forkchild - - - --- 2024-07-24 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
eval: Reset input for pipelines eval: Reset input for pipelines - - - --- 2024-07-24 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
bltin/test: = and != are strcmp, not strcoll bltin/test: = and != are strcmp, not strcoll - - - --- 2024-07-08 наб herbert Accepted
bltin/test: align -nt and -ot with POSIX.1-2024 bltin/test: align -nt and -ot with POSIX.1-2024 - - - --- 2024-07-08 наб herbert Changes Requested
[1/1] add tests adding a test suite - - - --- 2024-07-06 Buck Evan herbert Changes Requested
parser: Do not read past single quote in dollarsq_escape parser: Do not read past single quote in dollarsq_escape - - - --- 2024-07-06 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
expand: Preserve MBCHAR in argstr when EXP_MBCHAR is set expand: Preserve MBCHAR in argstr when EXP_MBCHAR is set - - - --- 2024-07-03 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v2] fix build on systems without memrchr(3) [v2] fix build on systems without memrchr(3) - - - --- 2024-06-24 Martijn Dekker herbert Accepted
fix build on systems without memrchr(3) fix build on systems without memrchr(3) - - - --- 2024-06-22 Martijn Dekker herbert Superseded
expand: Fix leading white space regression in ifsbreakup expand: Fix leading white space regression in ifsbreakup - - - --- 2024-06-22 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[3/3] parser: Add dollar single quote Add dollar single quote - - - --- 2024-06-10 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[2/3] parser: Merge first and last chkeofmark branches in parsesub Add dollar single quote - - - --- 2024-06-10 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[1/3] parser: Move non-variable case in parsesub to end Add dollar single quote - - - --- 2024-06-10 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
parser: Fix PEOF infinite loop in getmbc parser: Fix PEOF infinite loop in getmbc - - - --- 2024-06-09 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
input: Fix pungetc on PEOF input: Fix pungetc on PEOF - - - --- 2024-06-09 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v2] expand: Check d_type in expmeta before recursing [v2] expand: Check d_type in expmeta before recursing - - - --- 2024-06-08 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
expand: Check d_type in expmeta before recursing expand: Check d_type in expmeta before recursing - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
expand: Rewrite expmeta meta detection expand: Rewrite expmeta meta detection - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v3,3/3] input: Use tee(2) for stdin pipe Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v3,2/3] input: Use lseek on stdin when possible Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v3,1/3] input: Move newline loop into preadbuffer Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,13/13] builtin: Process multi-byte characters in read(1) Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,12/13] builtin: Use pgetc in read(1) Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,11/13] input: Always push in setinputfile Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,10/13] parser: Add support for multi-byte characters Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,09/13] input: Add pgetc_eoa Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,08/13] input: Allow MB_LEN_MAX calls to pungetc Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,07/13] expand: Add multi-byte support to pmatch Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,06/13] expand: Support multi-byte characters during field splitting Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,05/13] expand: Process multi-byte characters in expmeta Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,04/13] expand: Process multi-byte characters in subevalvar Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,03/13] expand: Count multi-byte characters for VSLENGTH Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,02/13] shell: Use strcoll instead of strcmp where applicable Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v5,01/13] shell: Call setlocale Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-06-02 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
expand: Fix expmeta resource leakage expand: Fix expmeta resource leakage - - - --- 2024-06-01 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
jobs: Fix resource leak in makejob jobs: Fix resource leak in makejob - - - --- 2024-05-26 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
eval: Fix pipe fd leakage in evalbackcmd eval: Fix pipe fd leakage in evalbackcmd - - - --- 2024-05-26 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
memalloc: Force functions to be out-of-line memalloc: Force functions to be out-of-line - - - --- 2024-05-26 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
mystring: Add dotdir mystring: Add dotdir - - - --- 2024-05-26 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
parser: Fix here-doc EOF marker bug with negative chars parser: Fix here-doc EOF marker bug with negative chars - - - --- 2024-05-24 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
shell: Disable fnmatch by default shell: Disable fnmatch by default - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v2] options: Always reset OPTIND in getoptsreset [v2] options: Always reset OPTIND in getoptsreset - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
options: Always reset OPTIND in getoptsreset options: Always reset OPTIND in getoptsreset - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Superseded
man: Document the value unlimited for ulimit man: Document the value unlimited for ulimit - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
man: Remove reference to PS expansion man: Remove reference to PS expansion - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v2,3/3] input: Use tee(2) for stdin pipe Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v2,2/3] input: Use lseek on stdin when possible Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v2,1/3] input: Move newline loop into preadbuffer Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,13/13] builtin: Process multi-byte characters in read(1) Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,12/13] builtin: Use pgetc in read(1) Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,11/13] input: Always push in setinputfile Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,10/13] parser: Add support for multi-byte characters Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,09/13] input: Add pgetc_eoa Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,08/13] input: Allow MB_LEN_MAX calls to pungetc Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,07/13] expand: Add multi-byte support to pmatch Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,06/13] expand: Support multi-byte characters during field splitting Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,05/13] expand: Process multi-byte characters in expmeta Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,04/13] expand: Process multi-byte characters in subevalvar Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,03/13] expand: Count multi-byte characters for VSLENGTH Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,02/13] shell: Use strcoll instead of strcmp where applicable Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v4,01/13] shell: Call setlocale Add multi-byte supportAdd multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
expand: Add support for caret expand: Add support for caret - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
expand: Always compile test fnmatch and glob expand: Always compile test fnmatch and glob - - - --- 2024-05-19 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
[v4] Allow trap to un-ignore SIGINT/SIGQUIT in async subshells [v4] Allow trap to un-ignore SIGINT/SIGQUIT in async subshells - - - --- 2024-05-18 Johannes Altmanninger herbert Accepted
memalloc: Use void * instead of pointer memalloc: Use void * instead of pointer - - - --- 2024-05-18 Herbert Xu herbert Accepted
Fix non-Linux build Fix non-Linux build - - - --- 2024-05-12 Martijn Dekker herbert Accepted
[3/3] input: Use tee(2) for stdin pipe Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[2/3] input: Use lseek on stdin when possible Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[1/3] input: Move newline loop into preadbuffer Improve performance when reading stdin - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v3,13/13] builtin: Process multi-byte characters in read(1) Add multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v3,12/13] builtin: Use pgetc in read(1) Add multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v3,11/13] memalloc: Use void * instead of pointer Add multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
[v3,10/13] input: Always push in setinputfile Add multi-byte support - - - --- 2024-05-05 Herbert Xu herbert Changes Requested
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