Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   1164 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
multipath-tools/libmultipath discovery.c - - - --- 2009-11-23 New
multipath-tools: multipath should allow only path with valid size to get added in the map - - - --- 2009-11-23 Chauhan, Vijay New
multipath-toosl: Use current name of the divice node ($name) - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
multipath-tools: add library dependencies - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
multipath-tools: add a soname to the library - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
: multipath-tools: check header file instead of intalled lib - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
: multipath-tools: fix path to FAQ - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
: multipath-tools: fix udev rule for dmraid - - - --- 2009-11-21 Guido Günther New
multipath-tools: multipath should allow only path with valid size to get added in the map - - - --- 2009-11-20 Chauhan, Vijay New
dmraid/lib/events libdmraid-events-isw.c - - - --- 2009-11-19 New
dmraid/lib/format/ataraid pdc.h - - - --- 2009-11-18 New
dmraid/lib/metadata metadata.c - - - --- 2009-11-04 New
multipath-tools/multipathd main.c - - - --- 2009-11-02 New
dmraid ./dmraid.spec lib/format/ataraid/pdc.c ... - - - --- 2009-11-02 New
multipath-tools: Add dev_loss_tmo and fast_io_fail multipath.conf parameters - - - --- 2009-10-23 Benjamin Marzinski New
multipath-tools: rdac path checked leads to I/O hang when volumes are unmapped from storage. - - - --- 2009-10-20 Chauhan, Vijay New
Re: Do not overload dispatch queue (Was: Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10) - - - --- 2009-10-04 Mike Galbraith New
Re: Do not overload dispatch queue (Was: Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10) - - - --- 2009-10-04 Mike Galbraith New
Do not overload dispatch queue (Was: Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10) - - - --- 2009-10-03 Vivek Goyal New
Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10 - - - --- 2009-10-03 Mike Galbraith New
Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10 - - - --- 2009-10-03 Mike Galbraith New
Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10 - - - --- 2009-10-02 Mike Galbraith New
[9/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: The document of a cgroup support for dm-ioband - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[8/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: Add a cgroup support to dm-ioband - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[7/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: The document of blkio-cgroup - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[6/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: Page tracking hooks - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[5/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: The body of blkio-cgroup - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[4/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: Refactoring io-context initialization - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
[3/9] blkio-cgroup-v13: The new page_cgroup framework - - - --- 2009-10-02 Ryo Tsuruta New
multipath-tools devmap_name/devmap_name.c kpar ... - - - --- 2009-10-01 bmarzins New
multipath-tools/multipath multipath.rules - - - --- 2009-09-29 bmarzins New
multipath-tools ./multipath.conf.defaults libm ... - - - --- 2009-09-28 bmarzins New
multipath-tools ./multipath.conf.defaults libm ... - - - --- 2009-09-28 bmarzins New
multipath-tools/libmultipath configure.c - - - --- 2009-09-28 bmarzins New
Re: IO scheduler based IO controller V10 - - - --- 2009-09-27 Jens Axboe New
[28/28] io-controller: debug elevator fair queuing support - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[27/28] io-controller: Support per cgroup per device weights and io class - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[26/28] io-controller: Per io group bdi congestion interface - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[25/28] io-controller: Per cgroup request descriptor support - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[24/28] io-controller: map async requests to appropriate cgroup - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[23/28] io-controller: blkio_cgroup patches from Ryo to track async bios. - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[22/28] io-controller: anticipatory changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[21/28] io-controller: deadline changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[20/28] io-controller: noop changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[19/28] io-controller: Avoid expiring ioq for single ioq scheduler if only root group - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[18/28] io-conroller: Prepare elevator layer for single queue schedulers - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[17/28] io-controller: Separate out queue and data - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[16/28] io-controller: Wait for requests to complete from last queue before new queue is scheduled - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[15/28] io-controller: Allow CFQ specific extra preemptions - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[14/28] io-controller: Keep track of late preemptions - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[13/28] io-controller: Implement wait busy for io queues - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[12/28] io-controller: Introduce group idling - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[11/28] io-controller: Debug hierarchical IO scheduling - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[10/28] io-controller: Export disk time used and nr sectors dipatched through cgroups - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[09/28] io-controller: cfq changes to use hierarchical fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[08/28] io-controller: Common hierarchical fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[07/28] io-controller: cgroup related changes for hierarchical group support - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[06/28] io-controller: Core scheduler changes to support hierarhical scheduling - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[05/28] io-controller: Modify cfq to make use of flat elevator fair queuing - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[04/28] io-controller: Common flat fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[03/28] io-controller: Keep a cache of recently expired queues - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[02/28] io-controller: Core of the elevator fair queuing - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
[01/28] io-controller: Documentation - - - --- 2009-09-24 Vivek Goyal New
Re: [PATCH] io-controller: Fix task hanging when there are more than one groups - - - --- 2009-09-24 Gui Jianfeng New
Add a tracepoint for block request remapping - - - --- 2009-09-21 Junichi Nomura New
io-controller: Fix another bug that causing system hanging - - - --- 2009-09-18 Gui Jianfeng New
dmraid dmraid.spec - - - --- 2009-09-17 New
dmraid/lib/format/ataraid jm.c - - - --- 2009-09-17 New
dmraid dmraid.spec - - - --- 2009-09-16 New
dmraid/lib - - - --- 2009-09-16 New
Re: [PATCH] io-controller: Fix task hanging when there are more than one groups - - - --- 2009-09-15 Vivek Goyal New
[9/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: The document of a cgroup support for dm-ioband - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[8/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: Add a cgroup support to dm-ioband - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[7/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: The document of blkio-cgroup - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[6/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: Page tracking hooks - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[5/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: The body of blkio-cgroup - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[4/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: Refactoring io-context initialization - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
[3/9] blkio-cgroup-v12: The new page_cgroup framework - - - --- 2009-09-14 Ryo Tsuruta New
io-controller: Fix task hanging when there are more than one groups - - - --- 2009-09-11 Gui Jianfeng New
[26/23] io-controller: fix writer preemption with in a group - - - --- 2009-09-08 Vivek Goyal New
[25/23] io-controller: fix queue vs group fairness - - - --- 2009-09-08 Vivek Goyal New
Re: [PATCH 07/23] io-controller: Common hierarchical fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-09-03 IKEDA, Munehiro New
[23/23] io-controller: debug elevator fair queuing support - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[22/23] io-controller: Support per cgroup per device weights and io class - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[21/23] io-controller: Per io group bdi congestion interface - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[20/23] io-controller: Per cgroup request descriptor support - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[19/23] io-controller: map async requests to appropriate cgroup - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[18/23] io-controller: blkio_cgroup patches from Ryo to track async bios. - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[17/23] io-controller: anticipatory changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[16/23] io-controller: deadline changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[15/23] io-controller: noop changes for hierarchical fair queuing - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[14/23] io-conroller: Prepare elevator layer for single queue schedulers - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[13/23] io-controller: Separate out queue and data - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[12/23] io-controller: Wait for requests to complete from last queue before new queue is scheduled - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[11/23] io-controller: Introduce group idling - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[10/23] io-controller: Debug hierarchical IO scheduling - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[09/23] io-controller: Export disk time used and nr sectors dipatched through cgroups - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[08/23] io-controller: cfq changes to use hierarchical fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[07/23] io-controller: Common hierarchical fair queuing code in elevaotor layer - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
[06/23] io-controller: cgroup related changes for hierarchical group support - - - --- 2009-08-28 Vivek Goyal New
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