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[11/13] fbdev: core: Use generic imageblit for as cfb_imageblit

Message ID 4f26491c-94dc-d020-c0f1-1374ad659562@c64.rulez.org (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series [01/13] fbdev: core: Copy cfbcopyarea to fb_copyarea | expand

Commit Message

Zsolt Kajtar Feb. 6, 2025, 7:54 p.m. UTC
fbdev: core: Use generic imageblit for as cfb_imageblit

Signed-off-by: Zsolt Kajtar <soci@c64.rulez.org>
  drivers/video/fbdev/core/cfbimgblt.c | 357 +--------------------------
  1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 349 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/drivers/video/fbdev/core/cfbimgblt.c b/drivers/video/fbdev/core/cfbimgblt.c
index 7d1d2f1a6..a5bb63913 100644
--- a/drivers/video/fbdev/core/cfbimgblt.c
+++ b/drivers/video/fbdev/core/cfbimgblt.c
@@ -7,363 +7,22 @@ 
   *  License.  See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
   *  more details.
- * NOTES:
- *
- *    This function copys a image from system memory to video memory. The
- *  image can be a bitmap where each 0 represents the background color and
- *  each 1 represents the foreground color. Great for font handling. It can
- *  also be a color image. This is determined by image_depth. The color image
- *  must be laid out exactly in the same format as the framebuffer. Yes I know
- *  their are cards with hardware that coverts images of various depths to the
- *  framebuffer depth. But not every card has this. All images must be rounded
- *  up to the nearest byte. For example a bitmap 12 bits wide must be two
- *  bytes width.
- *
- *  Tony:
- *  Incorporate mask tables similar to fbcon-cfb*.c in 2.4 API.  This speeds
- *  up the code significantly.
- *
- *  Code for depths not multiples of BITS_PER_LONG is still kludgy, which is
- *  still processed a bit at a time.
- *
- *  Also need to add code to deal with cards endians that are different than
- *  the native cpu endians. I also need to deal with MSB position in the word.
  #include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
  #include <linux/fb.h>
  #include <asm/types.h>
-#include "fb_draw.h"
-#define DEBUG
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define DPRINTK(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " fmt,__func__,## args)
-#define DPRINTK(fmt, args...)
-static const u32 cfb_tab8_be[] = {
-    0x00000000,0x000000ff,0x0000ff00,0x0000ffff,
-    0x00ff0000,0x00ff00ff,0x00ffff00,0x00ffffff,
-    0xff000000,0xff0000ff,0xff00ff00,0xff00ffff,
-    0xffff0000,0xffff00ff,0xffffff00,0xffffffff
-static const u32 cfb_tab8_le[] = {
-    0x00000000,0xff000000,0x00ff0000,0xffff0000,
-    0x0000ff00,0xff00ff00,0x00ffff00,0xffffff00,
-    0x000000ff,0xff0000ff,0x00ff00ff,0xffff00ff,
-    0x0000ffff,0xff00ffff,0x00ffffff,0xffffffff
-static const u32 cfb_tab16_be[] = {
-    0x00000000, 0x0000ffff, 0xffff0000, 0xffffffff
-static const u32 cfb_tab16_le[] = {
-    0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x0000ffff, 0xffffffff
-static const u32 cfb_tab32[] = {
-	0x00000000, 0xffffffff
-#define FB_WRITEL fb_writel
-#define FB_READL  fb_readl
-static inline void color_imageblit(const struct fb_image *image,
-				   struct fb_info *p, u8 __iomem *dst1,
-				   u32 start_index,
-				   u32 pitch_index)
-	/* Draw the penguin */
-	u32 __iomem *dst, *dst2;
-	u32 color = 0, val, shift;
-	int i, n, bpp = p->var.bits_per_pixel;
-	u32 null_bits = 32 - bpp;
-	u32 *palette = (u32 *) p->pseudo_palette;
-	const u8 *src = image->data;
-	u32 bswapmask = fb_compute_bswapmask(p);
-	dst2 = (u32 __iomem *) dst1;
-	for (i = image->height; i--; ) {
-		n = image->width;
-		dst = (u32 __iomem *) dst1;
-		shift = 0;
-		val = 0;
-		if (start_index) {
-			u32 start_mask = ~fb_shifted_pixels_mask_u32(p,
-						start_index, bswapmask);
-			val = FB_READL(dst) & start_mask;
-			shift = start_index;
-		}
-		while (n--) {
-			if (p->fix.visual == FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR ||
-			    p->fix.visual == FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR )
-				color = palette[*src];
-			else
-				color = *src;
-			color <<= FB_LEFT_POS(p, bpp);
-			val |= FB_SHIFT_HIGH(p, color, shift ^ bswapmask);
-			if (shift >= null_bits) {
-				FB_WRITEL(val, dst++);
-				val = (shift == null_bits) ? 0 :
-					FB_SHIFT_LOW(p, color, 32 - shift);
-			}
-			shift += bpp;
-			shift &= (32 - 1);
-			src++;
-		}
-		if (shift) {
-			u32 end_mask = fb_shifted_pixels_mask_u32(p, shift,
-						bswapmask);
-			FB_WRITEL((FB_READL(dst) & end_mask) | val, dst);
-		}
-		dst1 += p->fix.line_length;
-		if (pitch_index) {
-			dst2 += p->fix.line_length;
-			dst1 = (u8 __iomem *)((long __force)dst2 & ~(sizeof(u32) - 1));
-			start_index += pitch_index;
-			start_index &= 32 - 1;
-		}
-	}
-static inline void slow_imageblit(const struct fb_image *image, struct fb_info *p,
-				  u8 __iomem *dst1, u32 fgcolor,
-				  u32 bgcolor,
-				  u32 start_index,
-				  u32 pitch_index)
-	u32 shift, color = 0, bpp = p->var.bits_per_pixel;
-	u32 __iomem *dst, *dst2;
-	u32 val, pitch = p->fix.line_length;
-	u32 null_bits = 32 - bpp;
-	u32 spitch = (image->width+7)/8;
-	const u8 *src = image->data, *s;
-	u32 i, j, l;
-	u32 bswapmask = fb_compute_bswapmask(p);
-	dst2 = (u32 __iomem *) dst1;
-	fgcolor <<= FB_LEFT_POS(p, bpp);
-	bgcolor <<= FB_LEFT_POS(p, bpp);
-	for (i = image->height; i--; ) {
-		shift = val = 0;
-		l = 8;
-		j = image->width;
-		dst = (u32 __iomem *) dst1;
-		s = src;
-		/* write leading bits */
-		if (start_index) {
-			u32 start_mask = ~fb_shifted_pixels_mask_u32(p,
-						start_index, bswapmask);
-			val = FB_READL(dst) & start_mask;
-			shift = start_index;
-		}
-		while (j--) {
-			l--;
-			color = (*s & (1 << l)) ? fgcolor : bgcolor;
-			val |= FB_SHIFT_HIGH(p, color, shift ^ bswapmask);
-			/* Did the bitshift spill bits to the next long? */
-			if (shift >= null_bits) {
-				FB_WRITEL(val, dst++);
-				val = (shift == null_bits) ? 0 :
-					FB_SHIFT_LOW(p, color, 32 - shift);
-			}
-			shift += bpp;
-			shift &= (32 - 1);
-			if (!l) { l = 8; s++; }
-		}

-		/* write trailing bits */
- 		if (shift) {
-			u32 end_mask = fb_shifted_pixels_mask_u32(p, shift,
-						bswapmask);
-			FB_WRITEL((FB_READL(dst) & end_mask) | val, dst);
-		}
-		dst1 += pitch;
-		src += spitch;
-		if (pitch_index) {
-			dst2 += pitch;
-			dst1 = (u8 __iomem *)((long __force)dst2 & ~(sizeof(u32) - 1));
-			start_index += pitch_index;
-			start_index &= 32 - 1;
-		}
-	}
- * fast_imageblit - optimized monochrome color expansion
- *
- * Only if:  bits_per_pixel == 8, 16, or 32
- *           image->width is divisible by pixel/dword (ppw);
- *           fix->line_legth is divisible by 4;
- *           beginning and end of a scanline is dword aligned
- */
-static inline void fast_imageblit(const struct fb_image *image, struct fb_info *p,
-				  u8 __iomem *dst1, u32 fgcolor,
-				  u32 bgcolor)
-	u32 fgx = fgcolor, bgx = bgcolor, bpp = p->var.bits_per_pixel;
-	u32 ppw = 32/bpp, spitch = (image->width + 7)/8;
-	u32 bit_mask, eorx, shift;
-	const char *s = image->data, *src;
-	u32 __iomem *dst;
-	const u32 *tab = NULL;
-	size_t tablen;
-	u32 colortab[16];
-	int i, j, k;
-	switch (bpp) {
-	case 8:
-		tab = fb_be_math(p) ? cfb_tab8_be : cfb_tab8_le;
-		tablen = 16;
-		break;
-	case 16:
-		tab = fb_be_math(p) ? cfb_tab16_be : cfb_tab16_le;
-		tablen = 4;
-		break;
-	case 32:
-		tab = cfb_tab32;
-		tablen = 2;
-		break;
-	default:
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i = ppw-1; i--; ) {
-		fgx <<= bpp;
-		bgx <<= bpp;
-		fgx |= fgcolor;
-		bgx |= bgcolor;
-	}
-	bit_mask = (1 << ppw) - 1;
-	eorx = fgx ^ bgx;
-	k = image->width/ppw;
-	for (i = 0; i < tablen; ++i)
-		colortab[i] = (tab[i] & eorx) ^ bgx;
-	for (i = image->height; i--; ) {
-		dst = (u32 __iomem *)dst1;
-		shift = 8;
-		src = s;
-		/*
-		 * Manually unroll the per-line copying loop for better
-		 * performance. This works until we processed the last
-		 * completely filled source byte (inclusive).
-		 */
-		switch (ppw) {
-		case 4: /* 8 bpp */
-			for (j = k; j >= 2; j -= 2, ++src) {
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 4) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 0) & bit_mask], dst++);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 2: /* 16 bpp */
-			for (j = k; j >= 4; j -= 4, ++src) {
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 6) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 4) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 2) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 0) & bit_mask], dst++);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 1: /* 32 bpp */
-			for (j = k; j >= 8; j -= 8, ++src) {
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 7) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 6) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 5) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 4) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 3) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 2) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 1) & bit_mask], dst++);
-				FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> 0) & bit_mask], dst++);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * For image widths that are not a multiple of 8, there
-		 * are trailing pixels left on the current line. Print
-		 * them as well.
-		 */
-		for (; j--; ) {
-			shift -= ppw;
-			FB_WRITEL(colortab[(*src >> shift) & bit_mask], dst++);
-			if (!shift) {
-				shift = 8;
-				++src;
-			}
-		}
-		dst1 += p->fix.line_length;
-		s += spitch;
-	}
-void cfb_imageblit(struct fb_info *p, const struct fb_image *image)
-	u32 fgcolor, bgcolor, start_index, bitstart, pitch_index = 0;
-	u32 bpl = sizeof(u32), bpp = p->var.bits_per_pixel;
-	u32 width = image->width;
-	u32 dx = image->dx, dy = image->dy;
-	u8 __iomem *dst1;
-	if (p->state != FBINFO_STATE_RUNNING)
-		return;
-	if (p->flags & FBINFO_VIRTFB)
-		fb_warn_once(p, "Framebuffer is not in I/O address space.");
-	bitstart = (dy * p->fix.line_length * 8) + (dx * bpp);
-	start_index = bitstart & (32 - 1);
-	pitch_index = (p->fix.line_length & (bpl - 1)) * 8;
-	bitstart /= 8;
-	bitstart &= ~(bpl - 1);
-	dst1 = p->screen_base + bitstart;
-	if (p->fbops->fb_sync)
-		p->fbops->fb_sync(p);
-	if (image->depth == 1) {
-		if (p->fix.visual == FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR ||
-		    p->fix.visual == FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR) {
-			fgcolor = ((u32*)(p->pseudo_palette))[image->fg_color];
-			bgcolor = ((u32*)(p->pseudo_palette))[image->bg_color];
-		} else {
-			fgcolor = image->fg_color;
-			bgcolor = image->bg_color;
-		}
-		if (32 % bpp == 0 && !start_index && !pitch_index &&
-		    ((width & (32/bpp-1)) == 0) &&
-		    bpp >= 8 && bpp <= 32)
-			fast_imageblit(image, p, dst1, fgcolor, bgcolor);
-		else
-			slow_imageblit(image, p, dst1, fgcolor, bgcolor,
-					start_index, pitch_index);
-	} else
-		color_imageblit(image, p, dst1, start_index, pitch_index);
+#define FB_WRITEL         fb_writel
+#define FB_READL          fb_readl
+#define FB_MEM            __iomem
+#define FB_IMAGEBLIT      cfb_imageblit
+#define FB_SPACE          0
+#define FB_SPACE_NAME     "I/O"
+#define FB_SCREEN_BASE(a) ((a)->screen_base)
+#include "fb_imageblit.h"


  MODULE_AUTHOR("James Simmons <jsimmons@users.sf.net>");
  MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Generic software accelerated imaging drawing");