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[1/3] common: enable testing of realtime quota when supported

Message ID 173706977075.1931302.14612584705333190739.stgit@frogsfrogsfrogs (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series [1/3] common: enable testing of realtime quota when supported | expand

Commit Message

Darrick J. Wong Jan. 16, 2025, 11:40 p.m. UTC
From: Darrick J. Wong <djwong@kernel.org>

If the kernel advertises realtime quota support, test it.

However, this has a plot twist -- because rt quota only works if the xfs
is formatted with rtgroups, we have to mount a filesystem to see if
rtquota is actually supported.  Since it's time consuming to format and
mount the scratch filesystem, we'll assume that the test and scratch
fses have the same support.

This will cause problems if one sets SCRATCH_RTDEV but not TEST_RTDEV.

Signed-off-by: "Darrick J. Wong" <djwong@kernel.org>
 common/populate |   10 ++++++---
 common/quota    |   20 +++---------------
 common/xfs      |   62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/common/populate b/common/populate
index 9c3d49efebb3a4..41f5941070efc8 100644
--- a/common/populate
+++ b/common/populate
@@ -245,9 +245,13 @@  _populate_xfs_qmount_option()
 	if [ ! -f /proc/fs/xfs/xqmstat ]; then
 		# No quota support
-	elif [ "${USE_EXTERNAL}" = "yes" ] && [ ! -z "${SCRATCH_RTDEV}" ]; then
-		# Quotas not supported on rt filesystems
-		return
+	elif [ "${USE_EXTERNAL}" = "yes" ] && [ -n "${SCRATCH_RTDEV}" ]; then
+		# We have not mounted the scratch fs, so we can only check
+		# rtquota support from the test fs.  Skip the quota options if
+		# the test fs does not have an rt section.
+		test -n "${TEST_RTDEV}" || return
+		_xfs_kmod_supports_rtquota || return
+		_xfs_test_supports_rtquota || return
 	elif [ -z "${XFS_QUOTA_PROG}" ]; then
 		# xfs quota tools not installed
diff --git a/common/quota b/common/quota
index 4ef0d4775067ee..6735d0fec48991 100644
--- a/common/quota
+++ b/common/quota
@@ -23,12 +23,7 @@  _require_quota()
 	if [ ! -f /proc/fs/xfs/xqmstat ]; then
 	    _notrun "Installed kernel does not support XFS quotas"
-	if [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_RTDEV" ]; then
-	    _notrun "Quotas not supported on realtime test device"
-	fi
-	if [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$SCRATCH_RTDEV" ]; then
-	    _notrun "Quotas not supported on realtime scratch device"
-	fi
+	_require_xfs_rtquota_if_rtdev
 	_notrun "disk quotas not supported by this filesystem type: $FSTYP"
@@ -44,12 +39,7 @@  _require_xfs_quota()
     $here/src/feature -q $TEST_DEV
     [ $? -ne 0 ] && _notrun "Installed kernel does not support XFS quota"
-    if [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_RTDEV" ]; then
-	_notrun "Quotas not supported on realtime test device"
-    fi
-    if [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$SCRATCH_RTDEV" ]; then
-	_notrun "Quotas not supported on realtime scratch device"
-    fi
+    _require_xfs_rtquota_if_rtdev
     [ -n "$XFS_QUOTA_PROG" ] || _notrun "XFS quota user tools not installed"
@@ -153,11 +143,7 @@  _require_prjquota()
     $here/src/feature -P $_dev
     [ $? -ne 0 ] && _notrun "Installed kernel does not support project quotas"
-    if [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes ]; then
-	if [ -n "$TEST_RTDEV" -o -n "$SCRATCH_RTDEV" ]; then
-	    _notrun "Project quotas not supported on realtime filesystem"
-	fi
-    fi
+    test "$FSTYP" = "xfs" && _require_xfs_rtquota_if_rtdev
diff --git a/common/xfs b/common/xfs
index 32a048b15efc04..282fd7b931c3ad 100644
--- a/common/xfs
+++ b/common/xfs
@@ -2079,3 +2079,65 @@  _require_xfs_scratch_metadir()
+# Does the xfs kernel module support realtime quota?
+_xfs_kmod_supports_rtquota() {
+	local xqmfile="/proc/fs/xfs/xqm"
+	test -e "$xqmfile" || modprobe xfs
+	test -e "$xqmfile" || return 1
+	grep -q -w rtquota "$xqmfile"
+# Does this mounted filesystem support realtime quota?  This is the only way
+# to check that the fs really supports it because the kernel ignores quota
+# mount options for pre-rtgroups realtime filesystems.
+_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota() {
+	local mntpt="$1"
+	local dev="$2"
+	local rtdev="$3"
+	test -d "$mntpt" || \
+		echo "_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota needs a mountpoint"
+	test "$USE_EXTERNAL" == "yes" || \
+		echo "_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota needs USE_EXTERNAL=yes"
+	test -n "$rtdev" || \
+		echo "_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota needs an rtdev"
+	$here/src/feature -U $dev || \
+		$here/src/feature -G $dev || \
+		$here/src/feature -P $dev
+# Do we support realtime quotas on the (mounted) test filesystem?
+_xfs_test_supports_rtquota() {
+	_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota "$TEST_DIR" "$TEST_DEV" "$TEST_RTDEV"
+# Do we support realtime quotas on the (mounted) scratch filesystem?
+_xfs_scratch_supports_rtquota() {
+	_xfs_fs_supports_rtquota "$SCRATCH_MNT" "$SCRATCH_DEV" "$SCRATCH_RTDEV"
+# Make sure that we're set up for realtime quotas if external rt devices are
+# configured.  The test filesystem has to be mounted before each test, so we
+# can check that quickly, and we make the bold assumption that the same will
+# apply to any scratch fs that might be created.
+_require_xfs_rtquota_if_rtdev() {
+	test "$USE_EXTERNAL" = "yes" || return
+	if [ -n "$TEST_RTDEV$SCRATCH_RTDEV" ]; then
+		_xfs_kmod_supports_rtquota || \
+			_notrun "Kernel driver does not support rt quota"
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$TEST_RTDEV" ]; then
+		_xfs_test_supports_rtquota || \
+			_notrun "Quotas not supported on realtime device"
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$SCRATCH_RTDEV" ] && [ -z "$TEST_RTDEV" ]; then
+		_notrun "Quotas probably not supported on realtime scratch device; set TEST_RTDEV"
+	fi