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-# xfscrash # crash testing setup for XFS
-*** disclaimers ***
- work-in-progress, buyer-beware, your-mileage-may-vary, this-is-a-hack
-*** what xfscrash does ***
- xfscrash allows realistic testing of XFS log recovery and XFS check/repair
- by generating log activity on an XFS partition, then rebooting the machine
- at a random point. When the machine comes back up, xfscrash is restarted
- and then tests either the log recovery or xfs_repair on the dirtied
- filesystem. All going well the process continues.
-*** getting ready for crash testing ***
- Most filesystems (ext2 included) can't withstand having the machine
- they're running on rebooted while they're active. So the crash test
- machine needs to have all filesystems other than the test FS mounted
- read-only so they won't get trashed when the machine reboots.
-*** mouting FSes read-only ***
- Following is a recipe for making a redhat linux (6.2) machine with a single
- ext2 FS mounted on root able to be booted read-only. Your Mileage May
- Vary - don't try this on an important machine.
- The idea is to move anything that needs to be r/w into the /initrd_init
- directory, replacing the moved directories with links to the moved ones.
- That way the /initrd_init directory may be copied to a ramdisk, and
- mounted over /initrd on the root FS which never gets remounted r/w.
- # go to single user
- init 1
- # make a mount point for the ramdisk
- mkdir /initrd
- # link across to the /initrd_init directory for when
- # the ramdisk isn't mounted
- ln -s /initrd_init/dev .
- ln -s /initrd_init/etc .
- ln -s /initrd_init/proc .
- ln -s /initrd_init/sbin .
- ln -s /initrd_init/tmp .
- ln -s /initrd_init/var .
- # make the /initrd_init directory
- mkdir /initrd_init
- cd /initrd_init
- # move /dev
- mv /dev .
- ln -s /dev /initrd/dev
- # move /etc
- mv /etc .
- ln -s /etc /initrd/etc
- # make proc mount
- mkdir proc
- # move /tmp
- mkdir tmp
- rm -rf /tmp
- ln -s /tmp /initrd/tmp
- # link /sbin
- ln -s /sbin .
- # setup a tree for parts of /var
- mkdir var var/cache var/lock var/lock/console var/lock/subsys
- mkdir var/log var/preserve var/run
- touch /var/run/utmp /var/log/utmp /var/log/wtmp
- # move parts of /var
- rm -rf /var/cache /var/lock /var/log /var/preserve /var/run
- ln -s /initrd/var/cache /var/cache
- ln -s /initrd/var/lock /var/lock
- ln -s /initrd/var/log /var/log
- ln -s /initrd/var/preserve /var/preserve
- ln -s /initrd/var/run /var/run
- # make a mount for /var/shm
- mkdir var/shm
- ln -s /var/shm /initrd/var/shm
- # move /var/spool
- mkdir var/spool
- mkdir var/spool/mail var/spool/anacron var/spool/at var/spool/lpd
- mkdir var/spool/rwho var/spool/mqueue var/spool/cron
- rm -rf /var/spool
- ln -s /var/spool /initrd/var/spool
- # move /var/tmp
- mkdir var/tmp
- rm -rf /var/tmp
- ln -s /var/tmp /initrd/var/tmp
- # trim /dev - too many inodes here - remove anything you don't need
- # (small ramdisk has a small number of inodes)
- rm -rf /initrd/dev/<....>
- All going well, all the directories you've made should link through
- /initrd and into /initrd_init, and the machine should come back up
- if you restart it.
- You want to keep the contents of /initrd_init to a minimum because
- this stuff has to fit into the ramdisk.
-*** getting the ramdisk going ***
- See the rc.sysinit file for some details of what to do to get the
- ro-root/ramdisk up and running.
- Once everything is going, the root FS should never be remounted to
- r/w on boot and should be in r/o mode when the machine comes up.
- All going well, any open files have been redirected through the
- symlinks onto the ramdisk, so you should be able to remount the
- root FS to r/w and then remount it back to r/o.
- Since there's no r/w filesystems mounted, it should be ok to
- reboot the machine with 'reboot -fn' and everything should come
- back without dirty filesystems and without having to fsck.
-*** starting xfscrash ***
- The simplest way to restart xfscrash on reboot is to start it
- in the background from rc.local. The script logs to /dev/tty1,
- /dev/console & a logfile by default, so the output should be
- easy to find.
- Link the xfscrash directory off an NFS mounted FS so you can make
- changes while the machine is rebooting and so you can touch the
- 'stop' and 'start' control files.
- To configure the system, change the parameters in the configuration
- section of the 'xfscrash' script.
- To start the system, touch the 'start' control file and then either
- reboot or manually run the 'xfscrash' script.
- To stop the system, touch the 'stop' control file and wait for the
- next cycle to start when the control file will be checked and
- the test terminated.
deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# xfscrash - control the XFS crash tests
-# this is an example of what to add to rc.sysinit on a redhat linux
-# system to get the ro-root/ramdisk system up and running
-if [ -f / ]
- echo "*** MAKE RAMDISK ***"
- dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1024k count=4
- mkfs -i 1024 /dev/ram0 4096
- echo "*** MOUNT RAMDISK ***"
- mount -n -w /dev/ram0 /mnt
- echo "*** INIT RAMDISK ***"
- cp -a /initrd_init/* /mnt
- rm -f /mnt/00_INITRD_REAL
- touch /mnt/00_INITRD_RAMDISK
- umount -n /mnt
- echo "*** REMOUNT RAMDISK ***"
- mount -n /dev/ram0 /initrd
- echo "*** FIX MTAB ***"
- >/etc/mtab
- rm -f /etc/mtab~ /etc/mtab~~
- mount -f -o ro /
- mount -f -o rw /dev/ram0 /initrd
- # old code
- # Remount the root filesystem read-write.
- action "Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode" mount -n -o remount,rw /
- # Clear mtab
- >/etc/mtab
- # Remove stale backups
- rm -f /etc/mtab~ /etc/mtab~~
- # Enter root and /proc into mtab.
- mount -f /
- mount -f /proc
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@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# xfscrash - control the XFS crash tests
- #######################
-### configuration stuff ########################################################
- #######################
-# remount, repair or corrupt
-# where to find xfscrash
-# put log files here
-# put output to these places
-OUTPUT="$LOG/xfscrash.log /dev/tty1 /dev/console"
-# awk...
-# clear FS if >= this percent full at start of run. 100 is a good
-# number - only used on corrupt test so far
-case `hostname -s`
- leesa)
- # mount test partition here
- TEST_MNT=/mnt/arch0
- # build test partition here
- TEST_DEV=/dev/hda6
- # backup test partition to here (or empty)
- BACKUP_DEV=/dev/hda8
- # backup block size for dd
- BACKUP_BS=1024k
- # base stress time
- # stress random time
- ;;
- lumpy)
- # mount test partition here
- TEST_MNT=/mnt/scratch_0
- # build test partition here
- TEST_DEV=/dev/sdc5
- # backup test partition to here (or empty)
- BACKUP_DEV= ;#/dev/sdc6
- # backup block size for dd
- BACKUP_BS=10240k
- # base stress time
- # stress random time
- ;;
- *)
- echo "!!! no configuration data for host `hostname -s`"
- exit 1
- ;;
-# avoid stress
-AVOID="-f resvsp=0 -f unresvsp=0"
-# DIY stress command
-STRESS="/usr/local/bin/fsstress -d $TEST_MNT/stress -n 10000000 -p 1 $AVOID"
-#STRESS="/usr/local/bin/randholes -l 10000000 -c 100000 -b 512 $TEST_MNT/stress/holes"
-# stress command for the corrupt test
-CORRUPT_STRESS="/usr/local/bin/fsstress -d $TEST_MNT/stress -n 10000 -p 1 $AVOID"
- tee -a $OUTPUT > /dev/null
- echo "$*" | _log
- _echo " *** Mounting $TEST_DEV on $TEST_MNT"
- if ! mount -t xfs $TEST_DEV $TEST_MNT
- then
- _echo " !!! unable to mount"
- exit 1
- fi
- _echo " *** Unmounting $TEST_DEV"
- if ! umount $TEST_DEV &> /dev/null
- then
- _echo " !!! unable to unmount"
- exit 1
- fi
- expect=$1
- fail=0
- if [ $expect -eq 0 ]
- then
- _echo " *** xfs_repair -n ($LOG/repair_clean.out)"
- xfs_repair -n $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/repair_clean.out || fail=1
- fi
- if [ $fail -eq 0 ]
- then
- _echo " *** FS checks ok"
- else
- if [ $expect -eq 0 ]
- then
- _echo " !!! FS check failed - inconsistent FS"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/*.out for details)"
- exit 1
- else
- _echo " *** inconsistent fs (as expected)"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -e core ]
- then
- _echo " !!! core file found!"
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f core
- _echo " *** repair"
- _echo " *** repair pass 1 (RO)"
- xfs_repair -n $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/repair_1.out \
- && _echo " !!! no errors found (eh?)" \
- || _echo " *** errors found (expected)"
- _check_core
- _echo " *** repair pass 2 (RW)"
- if xfs_repair $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/repair_2.out
- then
- _echo " *** FS checks ok (now)"
- else
- _echo " !!! xfs_repair returned error code"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/repair_*.out for details)"
- exit 1
- fi
- _check_core
- _echo " *** repair pass 3 (RO)"
- if xfs_repair -n $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/repair_3.out
- then
- _echo " *** FS checks ok"
- else
- _echo " !!! errors found after repair (unexpected)"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/repair_*.out for details)"
- exit 1
- fi
- _check_core
- rm -f $XFSCRASH/counter $XFSCRASH/start $XFSCRASH/stop $XFSCRASH/active
- if [ $reboot != -1 ]
- then
- kill $reboot
- fi
- od -tu -N 4 /dev/random | gawk -v v=$1 'NR==1 { print $2 % v }'
- if [ $count -ne 1 -a "$BACKUP_DEV" != "" ]
- then
- _echo " *** Backing up $TEST_DEV to $BACKUP_DEV"
- if ! dd if=$TEST_DEV of=$BACKUP_DEV bs=$BACKUP_BS &> $LOG/dd.out
- then
- _echo " !!! unable to backup fs"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/dd.out)"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- _echo " *** skipping back up step"
- fi
- _echo " *** dumping log to $LOG/logprint.out"
- rm -f core
- xfs_logprint $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/logprint.out
- if [ -e core ]
- then
- _echo " !!! xfs_logprint dumped core"
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint.out
- echo "*** CORE DUMPED ***" >> $LOG/logprint.out
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint.out
- fi
- _echo " *** dumping log (-t -i) to $LOG/logprint_inode.out"
- rm -f core
- xfs_logprint -t -i $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/logprint_inode.out
- if [ -e core ]
- then
- _echo " !!! xfs_logprint dumped core"
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint_inode.out
- echo "*** CORE DUMPED ***" >> $LOG/logprint_inode.out
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint_inode.out
- fi
- _echo " *** dumping log (-t -b) to $LOG/logprint_buf.out"
- rm -f core
- xfs_logprint -t -b $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/logprint_buf.out
- if [ -e core ]
- then
- _echo " !!! xfs_logprint dumped core"
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint_buf.out
- echo "*** CORE DUMPED ***" >> $LOG/logprint_buf.out
- echo "" >> $LOG/logprint_buf.out
- fi
-# _df_device : get an IRIX style df line for a given device
-# - returns "" if not mounted
-# - returns fs type in field two (ala IRIX)
-# - joins line together if split by fancy df formatting
-# - strips header etc
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]
- then
- echo "Usage: _df_device device" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- df -T 2> /dev/null | $AWK_PROG -v what=$1 '
- match($1,what) && NF==1 {
- v=$1
- getline
- print v, $0
- exit
- }
- match($1,what) {
- print
- exit
- }
- '
-# _df_dir : get an IRIX style df line for device where a directory resides
-# - returns fs type in field two (ala IRIX)
-# - joins line together if split by fancy df formatting
-# - strips header etc
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]
- then
- echo "Usage: _df_dir device" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- df -T $1 2> /dev/null | $AWK_PROG -v what=$1 '
- NR == 2 && NF==1 {
- v=$1
- getline
- print v, $0;
- exit 0
- }
- NR == 2 {
- print;
- exit 0
- }
- {}
- '
- # otherwise, nada
-# return percentage used disk space for mounted device
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]
- then
- echo "Usage: _used device" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- _df_device $1 | $AWK_PROG '{ sub("%", "") ; print $6 }'
- used=`_used $TEST_DEV`
- if [ $used -ge $FULL_LIMIT ]
- then
- _echo " *** $used % used on $TEST_DEV - deleting files"
- rm -rf $TEST_MNT/stress
- fi
-# loop, stressing, unounting and checking
-# no (expected) rebooting...
- count=0
- # don't want to restart if we reboot...
- _cleanup
- while true
- do
- if [ -e $XFSCRASH/stop ]
- then
- _echo "### XFS Crash stopped "
- exit 0
- fi
- _echo "*** run $count"
- let "count = count + 1"
- _check 0
- _mount
- _check_free
- _unmount
- done
-_echo ""
-_echo ""
-echo "XFSCRASH [output to $OUTPUT]"
-_echo ""
-if [ "$1" = "start" ]
- touch $XFSCRASH/start
-if [ "$1" = "stop" ]
- touch $XFSCRASH/stop
-trap "_cleanup; exit \$status" 0 1 2 3 15
-if [ -e $XFSCRASH/stop ]
- _echo "### XFS Crash stopped "
- exit 0
-if [ -e $XFSCRASH/start ]
- _echo "### XFS Crash started "
- _cleanup
- rm -f $LOG/*.out $LOG/*.log core
- touch $XFSCRASH/active
- _echo " *** Building fresh XFS FS"
- umount $TEST_DEV &> /dev/null
- if ! mkfs -t xfs -f $TEST_DEV &> $LOG/mkfs.out
- then
- _echo " !!! unable to mkfs"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/mkfs.out)"
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ ! -e $XFSCRASH/active ]
- _echo "### XFS Crash inactive "
- exit 0
-if [ -r $XFSCRASH/counter ]
- count=`cat $XFSCRASH/counter`
- count=0
-_echo "### Crash test run $count (mode=$MODE, log=$LOG/{*.out,*.log})"
-let "count = count +1"
-echo $count > $XFSCRASH/counter
-# real test starts here
-_echo " *** Checking for R/O root"
-if ! mount | grep "on / type" | grep -q "(ro)"
- _echo " !!! root not mounted readonly"
- exit 1
-_echo " *** Loading XFS modules"
-if ! modprobe xfs
- _echo " !!! unable to modprobe xfs"
- exit 1
-_echo " *** Unmounting $TEST_DEV"
-umount $TEST_DEV &> /dev/null
-if [ $MODE != "corrupt" ]
- _backup
-case $MODE
- remount)
- _check 1 # expect errors
- _mount
- _unmount
- ;;
- repair)
- _repair
- ;;
- corrupt)
- _corrupt
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- _echo "xfscrash: MODE must be remount or repair"
- exit 1
- ;;
-_check 0 # don't expect errors
-_echo " *** Cleaning XFS FS"
-if ! rm -rf $TEST_MNT/stress $TEST_MNT/lost+found &> $LOG/clean.out
- _echo " !!! unable to clean XFS FS"
- _echo " !!! (see $LOG/clean.out)"
- exit 1
-_echo " *** Making stress directory"
-if ! mkdir $TEST_MNT/stress
- _echo " !!! unable to mkdir stress"
- exit 1
-let "bang = STRESS_TIME + `_random $STRESS_RANDOM`"
-_echo " *** Preparing random reboot (in $bang seconds)"
- sleep $bang
- _echo " *** BANG ****"
- reboot -fn
-) &
-_echo " *** Causing stress & waiting for the inevitable"
-$STRESS | _log
-exit 0