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[4/5] fstests: remove tools/auto-qa

Message ID 20250306213921.3769440-5-david@fromorbit.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series fstests: remove old SGI QE scripts | expand

Commit Message

Dave Chinner March 6, 2025, 9:34 p.m. UTC
From: Dave Chinner <dchinner@redhat.com>

This is a 2000s era SGI test script that no-one uses anymore. It
likely doesn't even work because it is dependent on CVS and/or
the SGI proprietary ptools revision control system for source
control. Hence it clearly hasn't been used for years, so remove it.

Signed-off-by: Dave Chinner <dchinner@redhat.com>
 tools/auto-qa | 568 --------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 568 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 tools/auto-qa
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/auto-qa b/tools/auto-qa
deleted file mode 100755
index 1beb28359..000000000
--- a/tools/auto-qa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@ 
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# automatic qa system. 31/08/00 dxm@sgi.com
-# Usage: auto_qa start-state [stop-state]
-# Do auto_qa from start-state up to stop-state inclusive
-# or if no stop-state given then do it until reach "done" state.
-    echo "$*" >&2
-    echo "$*" >> $LOG
-    sync
-    if [ "$started" = "1" ] 
-    then
-	echo "auto-qa stopped" | wall
-	started=0
-    fi
-    _log "$*"
-    # send special email if a cron'd qa run fails
-    case $state
-    in
-	cron*)
-	    mail -s "XFS QA status report" $EMAIL < $LOG 2>&1
-	;;
-    esac
-    status=1
-    exit 1
-    [ -x "$KWORKAREA" ] || return
-    [ -r "$KWORKAREA/Makefile" ] \
-	|| _fail "can't read kernel makefile $KWORKAREA/Makefile"
-    eval `awk '
-	BEGIN { FS = "[ \t=]+" }
-	/^VERSION =/ { a=$2 }
-	/^PATCHLEVEL =/ { b=$2 }
-	/^SUBLEVEL =/ { c=$2 }
-	/^EXTRAVERSION =/ { d=$2 }
-	END { 
-	    print "VERSION=" a "." b "." c d " ; SVERSION=" a "." b "." c
-	}
-   ' < $KWORKAREA/Makefile`
-# this should be constant
-HOST=`hostname -s`
-if [ ! -z "$CVSROOT" ]; then
-    export WORKAREA="$ROOT/xfs-cmds"
-    [ -z "$WORKAREA" ] && export WORKAREA="$ROOT/xfs-cmds"
-export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin/ptools:/usr/local/bin"
-SUDO="su -c"
-# do some cleanup on exit
-    umount $SCRATCH_DEV &> /dev/null
-    umount $TEST_DEV &> /dev/null
-    if [ "$started" = 1 ]
-    then
-	echo "auto-qa stopped" | wall
-	started=0
-    fi
-trap "_cleanup; exit \$status" 0 1 2 3 15
-# clean exit
-    status=0
-    exit 0
-    state=`cat $STATE`
-    echo $1 > $STATE
-    _get_state
-    new=$1
-    # if have state XXXX-state then preserve XXXX-newstate
-    case $state
-    in
-	*-*)
-	    case $new
-	    in
-		*-*)
-		    _set_state $new
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    _set_state `echo $state | sed "s/-.*$/-$new/"`
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    _set_state $new
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    $ROOT/su -c "$*" < /dev/null ;# HACK - we need a hacked su at the mo
-    exec $ROOT/su -c "(shutdown -r now \"auto-qa rebooting\" )&" < /dev/null
-    if [ -z "$CVSROOT" ]; then
-	_log "	*** p_tupdate"
-	cd "$1"
-	WORKAREA="$1" p_tupdate 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! p_tupdate failed"
-	_log "	*** non-trunk files"
-	cd "$1"
-	WORKAREA="$1" p_list -c 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! p_list failed"
-    else
-	_log "	*** cvs update"
-	cd "$1"
-	cvs -z3 update -d
-    fi
-    [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_RTDEV" ] && \
-    [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_LOGDEV" ] && \
-    _sudo /sbin/mkfs.xfs -f $TEST_OPTIONS $MKFS_OPTIONS $* $TEST_DEV
-    mkfs_status=$?
-    if [ "$USE_BIG_LOOPFS" = yes ]; then
-        [ -z "$RETAIN_AG_BYTES" ] && RETAIN_AG_BYTES=0
-        _sudo $QADIR/tools/ag-wipe -q -r $RETAIN_AG_BYTES $TEST_DEV
-    fi
-    return $mkfs_status
-    [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_RTDEV" ] && \
-    [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" = yes -a ! -z "$TEST_LOGDEV" ] && \
-    _sudo mount -t xfs $TEST_OPTIONS $MOUNT_OPTIONS $* $TEST_DEV $TEST_DIR
-    _sudo cp -f "$KWORKAREA/arch/i386/boot/bzImage" "$IMAGE" 2>&1 \
-		|| _fail "	    !!! install kernel failed"
-    _sudo cp -f "$KWORKAREA/System.map" "$SYSTEMMAP" 2>&1 \
-		|| _fail "	    !!! install kernel failed"
-    if [ -z "$KMODULES" -o "$KMODULES" = yes ]; then
-	_sudo make EXTRAVERSION=-$EXTRA modules_install 2>&1 \
-		|| _fail "	    !!! install modules failed"
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$KINSTALL" -o "$KINSTALL" = lilo ]; then
-	_log "	*** reinit lilo"
-	_sudo /sbin/lilo 2>&1 \
-		|| _fail "	    !!! reinit lilo failed"
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$KINSTALL" -o "$KINSTALL" = lilo ]; then
-	_sudo /sbin/lilo -R $EXTRA $KERNEL_OPTIONS 2>&1 \
-		|| _fail "	    !!! lilo failed"
-    fi
-    echo not yet implemented
-    echo not yet implemented
-    [ -d "$KWORKAREA" ]	|| _fail "    !!! QA kernel workarea \"$KWORKAREA\" not found"
-    [ -r "$CONFIG" ]	|| _fail "    !!! Can't read config file $CONFIG"
-_log "*** XFS QA (`date`)"
-# check preconditions for starting state
-case $1
-    cron-init)
-	case $state
-	in
-	    *done)
-		;;
-	    *)
-		_fail "    !!! cron-init while not in \"*done\" state"
-		;;
-	esac
-	;;
-    cron-restarted)
-	# we don't auto restart after reboot, but cron the restart
-	# to happen a bit later - it's much easier and safer that way
-	if [ "$state" != "cron-restarted" ]
-	then
-	    _fail "    !!! cron-restarted while not in \"cron-restarted\" state"
-	fi
-	;;
-[ -n "$1" ] && _set_state $1
-[ -n "$2" ] && stop_state=$2
-[ "$UID" -eq 0 ]	&& _fail "    !!! QA most be run as a normal user"
-[ -d "$ROOT" ]		|| _fail "    !!! QA root \"$ROOT\" not found"
-[ -d "$WORKAREA" ]	|| _fail "    !!! QA workarea \"$WORKAREA\" not found"
-cd $QADIR
-. "$COMMON_CONFIG" 	|| _fail "    !!! Couldn't source $COMMON_CONFIG"
-cd $ROOT
-echo "auto-qa started" | wall
-while true
-    _get_state
-    _log "    *** state $state start (`date`)"
-    _log "	(user=$USER, host=$HOST)"
-    new_state=""
-    start_state=$state
-    case $state
-    in
-	*init)
-	    echo "" > $ROOT/qa.log
-	    echo "" > $ROOT/qa.full
-	    _log "******************************************************"
-	    _log "QA init $VERSION (`date`)"
-	    _log "******************************************************"
-	    new_state="updatetools"
-	    ;;
-	*updatetools)
-	    _update_workarea "$WORKAREA"
-	    new_state="cleantools"
-	    ;;
-	*cleantools)
-	    # we need to configure or else we might fail to clean
-	    for pkg in attr acl xfsprogs xfsdump xfstests
-	    do
-		[ -d $WORKAREA/$pkg ] || continue
-		cd $WORKAREA/$pkg
-		_log "	*** clean $pkg tools"
-		make realclean 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! clean $pkg failed"
-	    done
-	    new_state="buildtools"
-	    ;;
-	*buildtools)
-	    _log "	*** build and install tools"
-	    for pkg in attr acl xfsprogs xfsdump xfstests 
-	    do
-		[ -d $WORKAREA/$pkg ] || continue
-		cd $WORKAREA/$pkg
-		make configure 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! configure $pkg failed"
-		make default 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! build $pkg failed"
-		_sudo make install install-dev 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! install $pkg failed"
-		# attr and acl now have install-lib targets as well
-		[ "$pkg" = "attr" -o "$pkg" = "acl" ] || continue
-		_sudo make install-lib 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! install $pkg failed"
-	    done
-	    new_state="updatekernel"
-	    ;;
-	*updatekernel)
-	    _check_kernel
-	    _update_workarea "$KWORKAREA"
-	    new_state="cleankernel"
-	    ;;
-	*cleankernel)
-	    _check_kernel
-	    _log "	*** clean kernel"
-	    cd "$KWORKAREA"
-	    make mrproper 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! clean kernel failed"
-	    _log "	*** install configuration file"
-	    cp -f $CONFIG "$KWORKAREA/.config" 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to install config"
-	    _log "	*** remove version file"
-	    rm -f include/linux/version.h 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to clean version"
-	    new_state="reconfig"
-	    ;;
-	*reconfig)
-	    _check_kernel
-	    _log "	*** reconfig kernel"
-	    # we better start from scratch if this fails
-	    _change_state "cleankernel"
-	    cd "$KWORKAREA"
-	    # we want to use default options for any new config options.
-	    echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" | \
-		make EXTRAVERSION=-$EXTRA oldconfig 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! reconfig oldconfig failed"
-	    make EXTRAVERSION=-$EXTRA dep 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! reconfig dep failed"
-	    new_state="buildkernel"
-	    ;;
-	*buildkernel)
-	    _check_kernel
-	    _log "	*** build kernel"
-	    _log "          --- kernel ($IMAGE)"
-	    [ -z "$KMODULES" -o "$KMODULES" = yes ] && \
-            _log "          --- modules ($MODULES)"
-	    _change_state "cleankernel" ; # we better start from scratch if this fails
-	    cd "$KWORKAREA"
-	    [ -z "$KTARGET" ] && KTARGET=bzImage
-	    [ -z "$KMODULES" -o "$KMODULES" = yes ] && \
-		KTARGET="$KTARGET modules"
-	    make -j4 EXTRAVERSION=-$EXTRA $KTARGET 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! build $KTARGET failed"
-	    new_state="install"
-	    ;;
-	*install)
-	    _check_kernel
-	    _log "	*** blat old modules"
-	    _sudo rm -rf $MODULES
-	    _log "	*** install kernel"
-	    cd "$KWORKAREA"
-	    case `uname -m`
-	    in
-		i386|i686)	_i386_install ;;
-		ia64)		_ia64_install ;;
-	    esac
-	    new_state="restart"
-	    ;;
-	*restart)
-	    _log "	    *** select qa kernel"
-	    case `uname -m`
-	    in
-		i386|i686)	_i386_restart ;;
-		ia64)		_ia64_restart ;;
-	    esac
-	    _log "	    *** prepare to restart"
-	    _change_state "restarted"
-	    _log "	    *** restarting"
-	    _restart # doesn't return
-	    ;;
-	*restarted)
-	    _log "	    *** QA reentered after restart"
-	    new_state="check"
-	    ;;
-	*check)
-	    uname=`uname -a`
-	    _log "	    *** uname $uname"
-	    if [ "$MODULAR" -eq 0 ]; then
-		new_state="reset"
-	    else
-		new_state="probe"
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	*probe)
-	    _log "	    *** modules dependencies"
-	    _sudo depmod -a  2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to depmod -a" 
-	    _log "	    *** unmounting XFS mounts"
-	    _sudo umount -a -t xfs 2>&1
-	    _log "	    *** removing modules"
-	    for m in xfsidbg xfs kdbm_pg kdbm_vm
-	    do
-		_sudo rmmod $m 2> /dev/null
-	    done
-	    _log "	    *** installing modules"
-	    _sudo modprobe xfs 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to modprobe xfs"
-	    new_state="reset"
-	    ;;
-	*reset)
-	    _log "	    *** unmounting TEST_DEV"
-	    _sudo umount $TEST_DEV 2>&1
-	    _log "	    *** unmounting SCRATCH_DEV"
-	    _sudo umount $SCRATCH_DEV 2>&1
-	    _log "	    *** clean TEST_DEV"
-	    _test_mkfs_xfs 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to mkfs TEST_DEV"
-	    _log "	    *** mounting TEST_DEV"
-	    _test_mount 2>&1 \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to mount"
-	    new_state="run"
-	    ;;
-	soak-run)
-	    cd $QADIR
-	    _log "	    *** run soak test"
-	    _sudo ./soak $SOAK_PASSES $SOAK_STRESS $SOAK_PROC \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to run soak test"
-	    new_state="done"
-	    ;;
-	bench-run)
-	    cd $QADIR
-	    # $BENCHMARK is typically unset, which equates to "all"
-	    #
-	    _log "	    *** run benchmarks"
-	    _sudo ./bench $BENCH_PASSES `id -nu && id -ng` $BENCHMARK \
-			|| _fail "	    !!! failed to run benchmarks"
-	    _log ""
-	    _log "	    *** send results mail"
-	    mail -s "XFS QA benchmark results" $EMAIL < $QADIR/bench.out 2>&1
-	    new_state="done"
-	    ;;
-	*run)
-	    cd $QADIR
-	    _log "	    *** run tests ($CHECK_OPTIONS)"
-	    _sudo ./check -l $CHECK_OPTIONS 2>&1 | tee $ROOT/qa.out
-	    _log ""
-	    _log "	    *** send status mail"
-	    mail -s "XFS QA status report" $EMAIL < $ROOT/qa.out 2>&1
-	    new_state="done"
-	    ;;
-	*done)
-	    _log "*** requested QA state transitions complete"
-	    _success
-	    ;;
-	*nothing)
-	    new_state="done"
-	    _log "    *** do nothing"
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    _fail "	   !!! unknown state $state"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    _log "    *** state $state done (`date`)"
-    [ "$new_state" = "" ] && _fail "    !!! no new state set"
-    if [ -n "$stop_state" ]
-    then
-        # remove hyphen prefixes
-	s1=`echo $start_state | sed 's/.*-//'`
-	s2=`echo $stop_state | sed 's/.*-//'`
-	if [ $s1 = $s2 ]
-	then
-	    # we have been requested to stop here and not go on
-	    new_state="done"
-	fi
-    fi
-    _change_state $new_state