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[v3,0/2] http: store credential when PKI auth is used

Message ID 20210312024027.33418-1-john@szakmeister.net (mailing list archive)
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Series http: store credential when PKI auth is used | expand


John Szakmeister March 12, 2021, 2:40 a.m. UTC
Essentially the same, but rejecting the correcting credential this time.

John Szakmeister (2):
  http: store credential when PKI auth is used
  http: drop the check for an empty proxy password before approving

 http.c | 13 +++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


brian m. carlson March 12, 2021, 9:03 p.m. UTC | #1
On 2021-03-12 at 02:40:25, John Szakmeister wrote:
> Essentially the same, but rejecting the correcting credential this time.
> John Szakmeister (2):
>   http: store credential when PKI auth is used
>   http: drop the check for an empty proxy password before approving
>  http.c | 13 +++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

I looked and this seems sensible.