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[v3,0/5] Introduce a "promisor-remote" capability

Message ID 20241206124248.160494-1-christian.couder@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Introduce a "promisor-remote" capability | expand


Christian Couder Dec. 6, 2024, 12:42 p.m. UTC
This work is part of some effort to better handle large files/blobs in
a client-server context using promisor remotes dedicated to storing
large blobs. To help understand this effort, this series now contains
a patch (patch 5/5) that adds design documentation about this effort.

Earlier this year, I sent 3 versions of a patch series with the goal
of allowing a client C to clone from a server S while using the same
promisor remote X that S already use. See:


Junio suggested to implement that feature using:

"a protocol extension that lets S tell C that S wants C to fetch
missing objects from X (which means that if C knows about X in its
".git/config" then there is no need for end-user interaction at all),
or a protocol extension that C tells S that C is willing to see
objects available from X omitted when S does not have them (again,
this could be done by looking at ".git/config" at C, but there may be
security implications???)"

This patch series implements that protocol extension called
"promisor-remote" (that name is open to change or simplification)
which allows S and C to agree on C using X directly or not.

I have tried to implement it in a quite generic way that could allow S
and C to share more information about promisor remotes and how to use

For now, C doesn't use the information it gets from S when cloning.
That information is only used to decide if C is OK to use the promisor
remotes advertised by S. But this could change in the future which
could make it much simpler for clients than using the current way of
passing information about X with the `-c` option of `git clone` many
times on the command line.

Another improvement could be to not require GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 when S
and C have agreed on using S.

Changes compared to version 2

Summary of the changes: there are few changes in the C code, but a
numberof them in the tests, and a new design doc.

  - To avoid conflicts and benefit from recent improvements (like leak
    checks) this series has been rebased to a recent master:
    23692e08c6 (The thirteenth batch, 2024-12-04)

  - In patch 3/5, some functions are not passed a
    `struct repository *repo` argument anymore as this argument is only used
    in patch 4/5, so it's better to introduce it in that patch.

  - In patch 3/5, a memory leak was fixed using
    git_config_get_string_tmp() instead of git_config_get_string() as
    suggested by Patrick.

  - In patch 3/5, a number of tests using `git fetch` are added. This
    is why there are a number of other refactorings and improvements
    in the tests described in some points below.

  - In patch 3/5, some tests using `git clone` had a title that used
    "fetch" instead of "clone". This has been corrected.

  - In patch 3/5, the test helper function initialize_server() now
    takes 2 arguments to make it more generic.

  - In patch 3/5, a new copy_to_server2() test helper function has
    been introduced.

  - In patch 3/5, a test repacking with a filter was writting outside
    the test directory which has been corrected using

  - In patch 3/5, a test was using `touch "$promisor_file"`. This was
    replaced with `>"$promisor_file"`.

  - In patch 4/5, some functions are now passed a
    `struct repository *repo` argument. This is related to the
    corresponding change in patch 3/5 that removed this argument.

  - In patch 4/5, some tests using `git clone` had a title that used
    "fetch" instead of "clone". This has been corrected (in the same
    way as in patch 3/5).

  - Patch 5/5 is new. It adds design documentation that could help
    understand the broader context of this patch series, as this was
    requested by some reviewers. This patch is optional. I am OK with
    removing it or discussing it as a single separate patch.

Thanks to Junio, Patrick, Eric and Taylor for their suggestions.

CI tests


Unfortunately some tests (linux-sha256, linux-reftable, linux-gcc and
linux-gcc-default) failed after around 46 minutes as the dependencies
couldn't be intalled.

One test, linux-TEST-vars, failed much earlier, in what doesn't look
like a CI issue as I could reproduce the failure locally when setting
but in the meantime I think I can send this as-is so we can start

Range diff compared to version 2

1:  0d9d094181 = 1:  13dd730641 version: refactor strbuf_sanitize()
2:  fc53229eff = 2:  8f2aecf6a1 strbuf: refactor strbuf_trim_trailing_ch()
3:  5c507e427f ! 3:  57e1481bc4 Add 'promisor-remote' capability to protocol v2
    @@ promisor-remote.c: void promisor_remote_get_direct(struct repository *repo,
     +  BUG("Unhandled 'enum accept_promisor' value '%d'", accept);
    -+static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    -+                             struct strvec *accepted,
    -+                             const char *info)
    ++static void filter_promisor_remote(struct strvec *accepted, const char *info)
     +  struct strbuf **remotes;
    -+  char *accept_str;
    ++  const char *accept_str;
     +  enum accept_promisor accept = ACCEPT_NONE;
    -+  if (!git_config_get_string("promisor.acceptfromserver", &accept_str)) {
    ++  if (!git_config_get_string_tmp("promisor.acceptfromserver", &accept_str)) {
     +          if (!accept_str || !*accept_str || !strcasecmp("None", accept_str))
     +                  accept = ACCEPT_NONE;
     +          else if (!strcasecmp("All", accept_str))
    @@ promisor-remote.c: void promisor_remote_get_direct(struct repository *repo,
     +          free(decoded_url);
     +  }
    -+  free(accept_str);
     +  strbuf_list_free(remotes);
    @@ promisor-remote.c: void promisor_remote_get_direct(struct repository *repo,
     +  struct strvec accepted = STRVEC_INIT;
     +  struct strbuf reply = STRBUF_INIT;
    -+  filter_promisor_remote(the_repository, &accepted, info);
    ++  filter_promisor_remote(&accepted, info);
     +  if (!accepted.nr)
     +          return NULL;
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  git -C "$1" rev-list --objects --all --missing=print > all.txt &&
     +  perl -ne 'print if s/^[?]//' all.txt >missing.txt &&
     +  test_line_count = "$2" missing.txt &&
    -+  test "$3" = "$(cat missing.txt)"
    ++  if test "$2" -lt 2
    ++  then
    ++          test "$3" = "$(cat missing.txt)"
    ++  else
    ++          test -f "$3" &&
    ++          sort <"$3" >expected_sorted &&
    ++          sort <missing.txt >actual_sorted &&
    ++          test_cmp expected_sorted actual_sorted
    ++  fi
     +initialize_server () {
    ++  count="$1"
    ++  missing_oids="$2"
     +  # Repack everything first
     +  git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  # Repack without the largest object and create a promisor pack on server
     +  git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d \
    -+      --filter=blob:limit=5k --filter-to="$(pwd)" &&
    ++      --filter=blob:limit=5k --filter-to="$(pwd)/pack" &&
     +  promisor_file=$(ls server/objects/pack/*.pack | sed "s/\.pack/.promisor/") &&
    -+  touch "$promisor_file" &&
    ++  >"$promisor_file" &&
    -+  # Check that only one object is missing on the server
    -+  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    ++  # Check objects missing on the server
    ++  check_missing_objects server "$count" "$missing_oids"
    ++copy_to_server2 () {
    ++  oid_path="$(test_oid_to_path $1)" &&
    ++  path="server/objects/$oid_path" &&
    ++  path2="server2/objects/$oid_path" &&
    ++  mkdir -p $(dirname "$path2") &&
    ++  cp "$path" "$path2"
     +test_expect_success "setup for testing promisor remote advertisement" '
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  # Copy the largest object from server to server2
     +  obj="HEAD:foo" &&
     +  oid="$(git -C server rev-parse $obj)" &&
    -+  oid_path="$(test_oid_to_path $oid)" &&
    -+  path="server/objects/$oid_path" &&
    -+  path2="server2/objects/$oid_path" &&
    -+  mkdir -p $(dirname "$path2") &&
    -+  cp "$path" "$path2" &&
    ++  copy_to_server2 "$oid" &&
    -+  initialize_server &&
    ++  initialize_server 1 "$oid" &&
     +  # Configure server2 as promisor remote for server
     +  git -C server remote add server2 "file://$(pwd)/server2" &&
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  git -C server config uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant true
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.advertise set to 'true'" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.advertise set to 'true'" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.advertise set to 'false'" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.advertise set to 'false'" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise false &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
     +  # Reinitialize server so that the largest object is missing again
    -+  initialize_server
    ++  initialize_server 1 "$oid"
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'None'" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'None'" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh (new)
     +  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
     +  # Check that the largest object is not missing on the server
    -+  check_missing_objects server 0 ""
    ++  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
    ++  # Reinitialize server so that the largest object is missing again
    ++  initialize_server 1 "$oid"
    ++test_expect_success "init + fetch with promisor.advertise set to 'true'" '
    ++  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
    ++  mkdir client &&
    ++  git -C client init &&
    ++  git -C client config remote.server2.promisor true &&
    ++  git -C client config remote.server2.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/server2/*" &&
    ++  git -C client config remote.server2.url "file://$(pwd)/server2" &&
    ++  git -C client config remote.server.url "file://$(pwd)/server" &&
    ++  git -C client config remote.server.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/server/*" &&
    ++  git -C client config promisor.acceptfromserver All &&
    ++  GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 git -C client fetch --filter="blob:limit=5k" server &&
    ++  # Check that the largest object is still missing on the server
    ++  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.advertise set to 'true' but don't delete the client" '
    ++  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  # Clone from server to create a client
    ++  GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 git clone -c remote.server2.promisor=true \
    ++          -c remote.server2.fetch="+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/server2/*" \
    ++          -c remote.server2.url="file://$(pwd)/server2" \
    ++          -c promisor.acceptfromserver=All \
    ++          --no-local --filter="blob:limit=5k" server client &&
    ++  # Check that the largest object is still missing on the server
    ++  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    ++test_expect_success "setup for subsequent fetches" '
    ++  # Generate new commit with large blob
    ++  test-tool genrandom bar 10240 >template/bar &&
    ++  git -C template add bar &&
    ++  git -C template commit -m bar &&
    ++  # Fetch new commit with large blob
    ++  git -C server fetch origin &&
    ++  git -C server update-ref HEAD FETCH_HEAD &&
    ++  git -C server rev-parse HEAD >expected_head &&
    ++  # Repack everything twice and remove .promisor files before
    ++  # each repack. This makes sure everything gets repacked
    ++  # into a single packfile. The second repack is necessary
    ++  # because the first one fetches from server2 and creates a new
    ++  # packfile and its associated .promisor file.
    ++  rm -f server/objects/pack/*.promisor &&
    ++  git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
    ++  rm -f server/objects/pack/*.promisor &&
    ++  git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
    ++  # Unpack everything
    ++  rm pack-* &&
    ++  mv server/objects/pack/pack-* . &&
    ++  packfile=$(ls pack-*.pack) &&
    ++  git -C server unpack-objects --strict <"$packfile" &&
    ++  # Copy new large object to server2
    ++  obj_bar="HEAD:bar" &&
    ++  oid_bar="$(git -C server rev-parse $obj_bar)" &&
    ++  copy_to_server2 "$oid_bar" &&
    ++  # Reinitialize server so that the 2 largest objects are missing
    ++  printf "%s\n" "$oid" "$oid_bar" >expected_missing.txt &&
    ++  initialize_server 2 expected_missing.txt &&
    ++  # Create one more client
    ++  cp -r client client2
    ++test_expect_success "subsequent fetch from a client when promisor.advertise is true" '
    ++  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 git -C client pull origin &&
    ++  git -C client rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
    ++  test_cmp expected_head actual &&
    ++  cat client/bar >/dev/null &&
    ++  check_missing_objects server 2 expected_missing.txt
    ++test_expect_success "subsequent fetch from a client when promisor.advertise is false" '
    ++  git -C server config promisor.advertise false &&
    ++  GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 git -C client2 pull origin &&
    ++  git -C client2 rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
    ++  test_cmp expected_head actual &&
    ++  cat client2/bar >/dev/null &&
    ++  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
4:  1c2794f139 ! 4:  7fcc619e41 promisor-remote: check advertised name or URL
    @@ promisor-remote.c: char *promisor_remote_info(struct repository *repo)
     +  return 0;
    - static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    -@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    +-static void filter_promisor_remote(struct strvec *accepted, const char *info)
    ++static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    ++                             struct strvec *accepted,
    ++                             const char *info)
    + {
        struct strbuf **remotes;
    -   char *accept_str;
    +   const char *accept_str;
        enum accept_promisor accept = ACCEPT_NONE;
     +  struct strvec names = STRVEC_INIT;
     +  struct strvec urls = STRVEC_INIT;
    -   if (!git_config_get_string("promisor.acceptfromserver", &accept_str)) {
    +   if (!git_config_get_string_tmp("promisor.acceptfromserver", &accept_str)) {
                if (!accept_str || !*accept_str || !strcasecmp("None", accept_str))
                        accept = ACCEPT_NONE;
     +          else if (!strcasecmp("KnownUrl", accept_str))
    @@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
                else if (!strcasecmp("All", accept_str))
                        accept = ACCEPT_ALL;
    -@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    +@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct strvec *accepted, const char *info)
        if (accept == ACCEPT_NONE)
    @@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
        /* Parse remote info received */
        remotes = strbuf_split_str(info, ';', 0);
    -@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    +@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct strvec *accepted, const char *info)
                if (remote_url)
                        decoded_url = url_percent_decode(remote_url);
    @@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
                        strvec_push(accepted, decoded_name);
    -@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct repository *repo,
    +@@ promisor-remote.c: static void filter_promisor_remote(struct strvec *accepted, const char *info)
    +           free(decoded_url);
    -   free(accept_str);
     +  strvec_clear(&names);
     +  strvec_clear(&urls);
    +@@ promisor-remote.c: char *promisor_remote_reply(const char *info)
    +   struct strvec accepted = STRVEC_INIT;
    +   struct strbuf reply = STRBUF_INIT;
    +-  filter_promisor_remote(&accepted, info);
    ++  filter_promisor_remote(the_repository, &accepted, info);
    +   if (!accepted.nr)
    +           return NULL;
      ## t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh ##
    -@@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'None'" '
    -           --no-local --filter="blob:limit=5k" server client &&
    -   test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
    +@@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "init + fetch with promisor.advertise set to 'true'" '
    +   check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    + '
    -+  # Check that the largest object is not missing on the server
    -+  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
    -+  # Reinitialize server so that the largest object is missing again
    -+  initialize_server
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'KnownName'" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'KnownName'" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.
     +  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with 'KnownName' and different remote names" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownName' and different remote names" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.
     +  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
     +  # Reinitialize server so that the largest object is missing again
    -+  initialize_server
    ++  initialize_server 1 "$oid"
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'KnownUrl'" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'KnownUrl'" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.
     +  check_missing_objects server 1 "$oid"
    -+test_expect_success "fetch with 'KnownUrl' and different remote urls" '
    ++test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownUrl' and different remote urls" '
     +  ln -s server2 serverTwo &&
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "fetch with promisor.
     +          --no-local --filter="blob:limit=5k" server client &&
     +  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
    -   # Check that the largest object is not missing on the server
    -   check_missing_objects server 0 ""
    - '
    ++  # Check that the largest object is not missing on the server
    ++  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
    ++  # Reinitialize server so that the largest object is missing again
    ++  initialize_server 1 "$oid"
    + test_expect_success "clone with promisor.advertise set to 'true' but don't delete the client" '
    +   git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
-:  ---------- > 5:  c25c94707f doc: add technical design doc for large object promisors

Christian Couder (5):
  version: refactor strbuf_sanitize()
  strbuf: refactor strbuf_trim_trailing_ch()
  Add 'promisor-remote' capability to protocol v2
  promisor-remote: check advertised name or URL
  doc: add technical design doc for large object promisors

 Documentation/config/promisor.txt             |  27 +
 Documentation/gitprotocol-v2.txt              |  54 ++
 .../technical/large-object-promisors.txt      | 530 ++++++++++++++++++
 connect.c                                     |   9 +
 promisor-remote.c                             | 243 ++++++++
 promisor-remote.h                             |  36 +-
 serve.c                                       |  26 +
 strbuf.c                                      |  16 +
 strbuf.h                                      |  10 +
 t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh         | 309 ++++++++++
 trace2/tr2_cfg.c                              |  10 +-
 upload-pack.c                                 |   3 +
 version.c                                     |   9 +-
 13 files changed, 1266 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/technical/large-object-promisors.txt
 create mode 100755 t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh


Junio C Hamano Dec. 9, 2024, 8:04 a.m. UTC | #1
Christian Couder <christian.couder@gmail.com> writes:

> This work is part of some effort to better handle large files/blobs in
> a client-server context using promisor remotes dedicated to storing
> large blobs. To help understand this effort, this series now contains
> a patch (patch 5/5) that adds design documentation about this effort.

is a CI-run on 'seen' with this topic.  linux-TEST-vars job is failing.

A CI-run for the same topics in 'seen' but without this topic is

This topic seems to break linux-TEST-vars CI job (where different
settings like + export GIT_TEST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_BRANCH_NAME=master
is used).
Christian Couder Dec. 9, 2024, 10:40 a.m. UTC | #2
On Mon, Dec 9, 2024 at 9:04 AM Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> wrote:
> Christian Couder <christian.couder@gmail.com> writes:
> > This work is part of some effort to better handle large files/blobs in
> > a client-server context using promisor remotes dedicated to storing
> > large blobs. To help understand this effort, this series now contains
> > a patch (patch 5/5) that adds design documentation about this effort.
> https://github.com/git/git/actions/runs/12229786922/job/34110073072
> is a CI-run on 'seen' with this topic.  linux-TEST-vars job is failing.
> A CI-run for the same topics in 'seen' but without this topic is
> https://github.com/git/git/actions/runs/12230853182/job/34112864500
> This topic seems to break linux-TEST-vars CI job (where different
> settings like + export GIT_TEST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_BRANCH_NAME=master
> is used).

Yeah, in the "CI tests" section in the cover letter I wrote:

> One test, linux-TEST-vars, failed much earlier, in what doesn't look
> like a CI issue as I could reproduce the failure locally when setting
> but in the meantime I think I can send this as-is so we can start
> discussing.

I noticed that fcb2205b77 (midx: implement support for writing
incremental MIDX chains, 2024-08-06)
which introduced GIT_TEST_MULTI_PACK_INDEX_WRITE_INCREMENTAL adds lines like:


at the top of a number of repack related test scripts like
t7700-repack.sh, so I guess that it should be OK to add the same lines
at the top of the t5710 test script added by this series. This should
fix the CI failures.

I have made this change in my current version.


Yeah, not sure why
Christian Couder Dec. 9, 2024, 10:42 a.m. UTC | #3
On Mon, Dec 9, 2024 at 11:40 AM Christian Couder
<christian.couder@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, not sure why

Sorry for this. It's an editing mistake.
Junio C Hamano Dec. 9, 2024, 11:01 p.m. UTC | #4
Christian Couder <christian.couder@gmail.com> writes:

> I noticed that fcb2205b77 (midx: implement support for writing
> incremental MIDX chains, 2024-08-06)
> which introduced GIT_TEST_MULTI_PACK_INDEX_WRITE_INCREMENTAL adds lines like:
> at the top of a number of repack related test scripts like
> t7700-repack.sh, so I guess that it should be OK to add the same lines
> at the top of the t5710 test script added by this series. This should
> fix the CI failures.
> I have made this change in my current version.


Is it because the feature is fundamentally incompatible with the
multi-pack index (or its incremental writing), or is it merely
because the way the feature is verified assumes that the multi-pack
index is not used, even though the protocol exchange, capability
selection, and the actual behaviour adjustment for the capability
are all working just fine?  I am assuming it is the latter, but just
to make sure we know where we stand...

Thanks, again.
Christian Couder Jan. 27, 2025, 3:05 p.m. UTC | #5
On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 12:01 AM Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> wrote:
> Christian Couder <christian.couder@gmail.com> writes:
> > I noticed that fcb2205b77 (midx: implement support for writing
> > incremental MIDX chains, 2024-08-06)
> > which introduced GIT_TEST_MULTI_PACK_INDEX_WRITE_INCREMENTAL adds lines like:
> >
> >
> > at the top of a number of repack related test scripts like
> > t7700-repack.sh, so I guess that it should be OK to add the same lines
> > at the top of the t5710 test script added by this series. This should
> > fix the CI failures.
> >
> > I have made this change in my current version.
> Thanks.
> Is it because the feature is fundamentally incompatible with the
> multi-pack index (or its incremental writing),

It's not an incompatibility with the feature developed in this series.

Adding the following test script on top of master or even fcb2205b77
(midx: implement support for writing incremental MIDX chains,
2024-08-06), shows that it fails in the same way without any code
change to `git` itself from this series:

diff --git a/t/t5709-midx-increment-write.sh b/t/t5709-midx-increment-write.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8801222374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t5709-midx-increment-write.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+test_description='test midx incremental write'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+# Setup the repository with three commits, this way HEAD is always
+# available and we can hide commit 1 or 2.
+test_expect_success 'setup: create "template" repository' '
+       git init template &&
+       test_commit -C template 1 &&
+       test_commit -C template 2 &&
+       test_commit -C template 3 &&
+       test-tool genrandom foo 10240 >template/foo &&
+       git -C template add foo &&
+       git -C template commit -m foo
+# A bare repo will act as a server repo with unpacked objects.
+test_expect_success 'setup: create bare "server" repository' '
+       git clone --bare --no-local template server &&
+       mv server/objects/pack/pack-* . &&
+       packfile=$(ls pack-*.pack) &&
+       git -C server unpack-objects --strict <"$packfile"
+check_missing_objects () {
+       git -C "$1" rev-list --objects --all --missing=print > all.txt &&
+       perl -ne 'print if s/^[?]//' all.txt >missing.txt &&
+       test_line_count = "$2" missing.txt &&
+       if test "$2" -lt 2
+       then
+               test "$3" = "$(cat missing.txt)"
+       else
+               test -f "$3" &&
+               sort <"$3" >expected_sorted &&
+               sort <missing.txt >actual_sorted &&
+               test_cmp expected_sorted actual_sorted
+       fi
+initialize_server () {
+       count="$1"
+       missing_oids="$2"
+       # Repack everything first
+       git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
+       # Remove promisor file in case they exist, useful when reinitializing
+       rm -rf server/objects/pack/*.promisor &&
+       # Repack without the largest object and create a promisor pack on server
+       git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d \
+           --filter=blob:limit=5k --filter-to="$(pwd)/pack" &&
+       promisor_file=$(ls server/objects/pack/*.pack | sed
"s/\.pack/.promisor/") &&
+       >"$promisor_file" &&
+       # Check objects missing on the server
+       check_missing_objects server "$count" "$missing_oids"
+copy_to_server2 () {
+       oid_path="$(test_oid_to_path $1)" &&
+       path="server/objects/$oid_path" &&
+       path2="server2/objects/$oid_path" &&
+       mkdir -p $(dirname "$path2") &&
+       cp "$path" "$path2"
+test_expect_success "setup for testing promisor remote advertisement" '
+       # Create another bare repo called "server2"
+       git init --bare server2 &&
+       # Copy the largest object from server to server2
+       obj="HEAD:foo" &&
+       oid="$(git -C server rev-parse $obj)" &&
+       copy_to_server2 "$oid" &&
+       initialize_server 1 "$oid" &&
+       # Configure server2 as promisor remote for server
+       git -C server remote add server2 "file://$(pwd)/server2" &&
+       git -C server config remote.server2.promisor true &&
+       git -C server2 config uploadpack.allowFilter true &&
+       git -C server2 config uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant true &&
+       git -C server config uploadpack.allowFilter true &&
+       git -C server config uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant true
+test_expect_success "setup for subsequent fetches" '
+       # Generate new commit with large blob
+       test-tool genrandom bar 10240 >template/bar &&
+       git -C template add bar &&
+       git -C template commit -m bar &&
+       # Fetch new commit with large blob
+       git -C server fetch origin &&
+       git -C server update-ref HEAD FETCH_HEAD &&
+       git -C server rev-parse HEAD >expected_head &&
+       # Repack everything twice and remove .promisor files before
+       # each repack. This makes sure everything gets repacked
+       # into a single packfile. The second repack is necessary
+       # because the first one fetches from server2 and creates a new
+       # packfile and its associated .promisor file.
+       rm -f server/objects/pack/*.promisor &&
+       git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
+       rm -f server/objects/pack/*.promisor &&
+       git -C server -c repack.writebitmaps=false repack -a -d &&
+       # Unpack everything
+       rm pack-* &&
+       mv server/objects/pack/pack-* . &&
+       packfile=$(ls pack-*.pack) &&
+       git -C server unpack-objects --strict <"$packfile" &&
+       # Copy new large object to server2
+       obj_bar="HEAD:bar" &&
+       oid_bar="$(git -C server rev-parse $obj_bar)" &&
+       copy_to_server2 "$oid_bar" &&
+       # Reinitialize server so that the 2 largest objects are missing
+       printf "%s\n" "$oid" "$oid_bar" >expected_missing.txt &&
+       initialize_server 2 expected_missing.txt

the file makes it work.

This could probably be simplified, but I think it shows that it's just
the incremental writing of the multi-pack index that is incompatible
or has a bug when doing some repacking.

> or is it merely
> because the way the feature is verified assumes that the multi-pack
> index is not used, even though the protocol exchange, capability
> selection, and the actual behaviour adjustment for the capability
> are all working just fine?  I am assuming it is the latter, but just
> to make sure we know where we stand...

Let me know if you need more than the above, but I think it's fair for
now to just use:


at the top of the tests, like it's done in the version 4 of this
series I will send soon.
Junio C Hamano Jan. 27, 2025, 7:38 p.m. UTC | #6
Christian Couder <christian.couder@gmail.com> writes:

>> or is it merely
>> because the way the feature is verified assumes that the multi-pack
>> index is not used, even though the protocol exchange, capability
>> selection, and the actual behaviour adjustment for the capability
>> are all working just fine?  I am assuming it is the latter, but just
>> to make sure we know where we stand...
> Let me know if you need more than the above,

Hard to say if I got a test script when I asked for a simple yes-or-no

> but I think it's fair for
> now to just use:
> at the top of the tests, like it's done in the version 4 of this
> series I will send soon.

Doesn't it mean that people should not use multi-pack-index or
incremental writing with this feature?  If we cannot make both of
them work together even in our controlled testing environment, how
would the users know what combinations of features are safe to use
and what are incompatible?  That sounds far from fair at least to me.

I see Taylor is included in the Cc: list, so hopefully, we'll get
the anomalies you found in the multi-pack stuff resolved and see how
well these two things would work together.
