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[0/2] gitk: text wrapping in ctext (commit headers, subject, and body)

Message ID pull.1835.git.1733767737.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series gitk: text wrapping in ctext (commit headers, subject, and body) | expand


Derrick Stolee via GitGitGadget Dec. 9, 2024, 6:08 p.m. UTC
Using gitk to view diffs of source code without hard linebreaks is a bit
painful without dynamic word wrapping, for which I could not find a
preference. The only related one I found was for wrapping the commit subject
(called a comment in the source code, I guess), and that did not seem to be
reconfigurable in a running gitk.

On the off chance that such features might also be useful to somebody else I
am sharing them publicly, as two semi-related changes:

gitk: add text wrapping preferences

Add a new preference "wrapdefault" which allows enabling char/word wrap.
Impacts all text in the ctext widget for which no other preference exists.

Also make the (existing) preference "wrapcomment" configurable graphically.
Its setting impacts only the "comment" part of the ctext widget.

gitk: make headings of preferences bold

Make preference groups like "Diff display options" stand out more.

Christoph Sommer (2):
  gitk: make headings of preferences bold
  gitk: add text wrapping preferences

 gitk-git/gitk | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

base-commit: e66fd72e972df760a53c3d6da023c17adfc426d6
Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1835%2Fsommer%2Fmaster-v1
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1835/sommer/master-v1
Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1835