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[06/11] meson: drop separate version library

Message ID 20250129-b4-pks-meson-improvements-v1-6-ab709f0be12c@pks.im (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
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Series meson: cleanups, improvements, smallish fixes | expand

Commit Message

Patrick Steinhardt Jan. 29, 2025, 7:11 a.m. UTC
When building `libgit.a` we link it against a `libgit_version.a` library
that contains the version information that we inject at build time. The
intent of this is to avoid rebuilding all of `libgit.a` whenever the
version changes. But that wouldn't happen in the first place, as we know
to just rebuild the files that depend on the generated "version-def.h"

This is an artifact of an earlier version of the Meson build infra that
didn't ultimately land. We didn't yet have "version-def.h", and instead
injected the version via preprocessor directives. And here we would have
rebuilt all of `libgit.a` indeed in case the version changes, because
the preprocessor directive applied to all files.

Stop building the separate library and instead add "version-def.h" to
the list of source files directly.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt <ps@pks.im>
 meson.build | 21 +++++----------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index e022235815..1e1e478d17 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@  libgit_sources = [
+  'version.c',
@@ -1505,26 +1506,14 @@  version_def_h = custom_target(
   depends: [git_version_file],
   env: version_gen_environment,
-# Build a separate library for "version.c" so that we do not have to rebuild
-# everything when the current Git commit changes.
-libgit_version_library = static_library('git-version',
-  sources: [
-    'version.c',
-    version_def_h,
-  ],
-  c_args: libgit_c_args + [
-    '-DGIT_VERSION_H="' + version_def_h.full_path() + '"',
-  ],
-  dependencies: libgit_dependencies,
-  include_directories: libgit_include_directories,
+libgit_sources += version_def_h
 libgit = declare_dependency(
   link_with: static_library('git',
     sources: libgit_sources,
-    c_args: libgit_c_args,
-    link_with: libgit_version_library,
+    c_args: libgit_c_args + [
+      '-DGIT_VERSION_H="' + version_def_h.full_path() + '"',
+    ],
     dependencies: libgit_dependencies,
     include_directories: libgit_include_directories,