@@ -207,71 +207,13 @@ def decode_path(path):
return path
def run_git_hook(cmd, param=[]):
- """Execute a hook if the hook exists."""
- if verbose:
- sys.stderr.write("Looking for hook: %s\n" % cmd)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- hooks_path = gitConfig("core.hooksPath")
- if len(hooks_path) <= 0:
- hooks_path = os.path.join(os.environ["GIT_DIR"], "hooks")
- if not isinstance(param, list):
- param=[param]
- # resolve hook file name, OS depdenent
- hook_file = os.path.join(hooks_path, cmd)
- if platform.system() == 'Windows':
- if not os.path.isfile(hook_file):
- # look for the file with an extension
- files = glob.glob(hook_file + ".*")
- if not files:
- return True
- files.sort()
- hook_file = files.pop()
- while hook_file.upper().endswith(".SAMPLE"):
- # The file is a sample hook. We don't want it
- if len(files) > 0:
- hook_file = files.pop()
- else:
- return True
- if not os.path.isfile(hook_file) or not os.access(hook_file, os.X_OK):
- return True
- return run_hook_command(hook_file, param) == 0
-def run_hook_command(cmd, param):
- """Executes a git hook command
- cmd = the command line file to be executed. This can be
- a file that is run by OS association.
- param = a list of parameters to pass to the cmd command
- On windows, the extension is checked to see if it should
- be run with the Git for Windows Bash shell. If there
- is no file extension, the file is deemed a bash shell
- and will be handed off to sh.exe. Otherwise, Windows
- will be called with the shell to handle the file assocation.
- For non Windows operating systems, the file is called
- as an executable.
- """
- cli = [cmd] + param
- use_shell = False
- if platform.system() == 'Windows':
- (root,ext) = os.path.splitext(cmd)
- if ext == "":
- exe_path = os.environ.get("EXEPATH")
- if exe_path is None:
- exe_path = ""
- else:
- exe_path = os.path.join(exe_path, "bin")
- cli = [os.path.join(exe_path, "SH.EXE")] + cli
- else:
- use_shell = True
- return subprocess.call(cli, shell=use_shell)
+ """args are specified with -a <arg> -a <arg> -a <arg>"""
+ args = ['git', 'hook', 'run', '--ignore-missing', cmd]
+ if param:
+ args.append("--")
+ for p in param:
+ args.append(p)
+ return subprocess.call(args) == 0
def write_pipe(c, stdin):
if verbose: