@@ -145,50 +145,121 @@ Methods void Release() [noreply]
agent, because when this method gets called it has
already been unregistered.
- void ConfigureIPv4(object device, string interface, dict config)
- This method gets called during a connection setup
- when a new set of IPv4 configuration values is to
- be written to a network interface. The connection
- is aborted if the method call returns an error or
- times out. The 'config' dictionary (a{sv}) maps
- string keys to values of types defined per key.
- The following key/value pairs are used, but more
+ void ConfigureIPv4(object device, dict config)
+ This method gets called during connection setup
+ and later while the connection is operational
+ whenever a new set of IPv4 configuration values is to
+ be written to a network interface. The connection is
+ aborted if the method call returns an error or times
+ out.
+ In case of a station-mode connection, the 'device'
+ parameter points at an object with a
+ net.connman.iwd.Device interface whose Name property
+ contains the name of network interface. In case of a
+ P2P connection, the object will have
+ a net.connman.iwd.p2p.Peer interface whose
+ ConnectectedInterface property contains the name of
+ the target network interface.
+ The 'config' dictionary (a{sv}) maps string keys to
+ values of types defined per key. Each call receives
+ the full set of values which supersede those from
+ previous calls.
+ The following key/value pairs are defined, but more
may be added in future versions.
string Method - Indicates whether the local address
was set statically (value "static") or obtained
automatically such as through DHCP (value "auto").
- Even when the address was obtained from the remote
+ Even when addresses were obtained from the remote
end some configuration bits, such as DNS addresses,
may have been overridden locally.
- string Address - Local IP address string.
- byte PrefixLength - Holds the prefix-length of the
- local subnet. For IPv4 this maps to the netmask.
+ array(dict) Addresses - Local IP addresses. Each
+ address is described by a set of key/value properties
+ as documented further down.
- string Gateway [optional] - Local subnet's gateway
- address if one exists.
+ array(dict) Routes - Routes for on-link and off-link
+ prefixes/subnets and default routers. Each route is
+ described by a set of key/value properties as
+ documented further down.
array(string) DomainNameServers [optional] - Holds
- the list of DNS addresses configured if any exist.
+ the list of DNS server addresses configured if any
+ exist.
array(string) DomainNames [optional] - Holds the
network's local domain names if any exist.
+ string MDNS [optional] - One of "true", "false" and
+ "resolve". Controls whether Multicast DNS support is
+ to be enabled on the link. When set to "resolve",
+ only resolution is enabled, but not host or service
+ registration and announcement (see systemd.network(5).)
+ The following properties are defined for local
+ addresses, but more may be added in the future:
+ string Address - Holds the IP address string.
+ byte PrefixLength [optional] - Prefix length
+ associated with the address's subnet (IPv4 only).
+ string Broadcast [optional] - Broadcast address
+ associated with the address's subnet (IPv4 only).
+ uint32 ValidLifetime [optional] - Remaining validity
+ and ownership time for this address assignment/lease,
+ in seconds at the time of the method call.
+ If absent the address doesn't expire.
+ uint32 PreferredLifetime [optional] - Number of
+ seconds left at the time of the method call for this
+ address to be preferred over other addresses.
+ The following properties are defined for routes,
+ but more may be added in the future:
+ string, byte Destination [optional] - Holds the
+ route's destination IP prefix string and the prefix
+ length in bits. Absent for default routes.
+ string Router [optional] - Holds the router's IP
+ address. Absent for on-link routes.
+ string PreferredSource [optional] - Route source IP
+ address.
+ uint32 Lifetime [optional] - Remaining route validity
+ time in seconds at the time of the method call.
+ If absent the route doesn't expire.
+ uint32 Priority - Relative route priority.
+ byte Preference [optional] - ICMPv6 route preference:
+ 0 for medium, 1 for high and 3 for low.
+ uint32 MTU [optional] - Router MTU.
Possible Errors: net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Canceled
+ net.connman.iwd.Agent.Error.Failed
- void ConfigureIPv6(object device, string interface, dict config)
+ void ConfigureIPv6(object device, dict config)
Same as ConfigureIPv4 above but for IPv6.
- void Cancel(object device, string interface,
- string reason) [noreply]
+ void CancelIPv4(object device, string reason) [noreply]
- This method gets called to indicate that the connection
- request failed before a reply was returned. The
- argument will indicate why the request is being
- cancelled and may be "out-of-range", "user-canceled",
- "timed-out" or "shutdown".
+ This method gets called to indicate that the network
+ configuration was aborted before a reply was received
+ for an ongoing ConfigureIPv4 or ConfigureIPv6 call.
+ The last argument will indicate why the request is being
+ cancelled and may be one of: "aborted", "superseded",
+ "timed-out".
+ void CancelIPv6(object device, string reason) [noreply]
+ Same as CancelIPv4 above but for IPv6.