From patchwork Fri Mar 13 07:51:11 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Anup Patel X-Patchwork-Id: 11436091 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AD11714B4 for ; Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:52:16 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7239620746 for ; Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:52:16 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=fail reason="signature verification failed" (2048-bit key) header.b="fKbmO1RR"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="q2KR/vLy" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726377AbgCMHwM (ORCPT ); Fri, 13 Mar 2020 03:52:12 -0400 Received: from ([]:9620 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1726230AbgCMHwM (ORCPT ); Fri, 13 Mar 2020 03:52:12 -0400 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;; q=dns/txt;; t=1584085931; x=1615621931; h=from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:mime-version; bh=Teg9eEb5VJP+1Ss6lnd1Nc66hYDKd/EM9PavZThU0UU=; b=fKbmO1RRQa4KFLUczS+g6j19I3nXuY3KHS2qj18NQ3SEHD07Jeb1PVBA valW+9ibDyBpUWI2EK+7eV8jZO8pnO+TqbwjpZQEaI7W2HsU80kgdDZG8 Y8fsuyWDi4zcyp8eWhDaXkqtA7wLbZocWs2x+JZRFN1IQIvswzn9iBWQm XcKZrwQ3N1h9CYuhsrQqodJYZ0oJLIkL7en4dGm3WJZWs9lazTt8bDd+v Lh1bBJWxeFjMFvJlDDxmjpzI4RfnsiUrbUdWbVcy1FQpub4EroMk7IN4n lCLXDYdG2FED4rFZU2g18is7DB69caw76leifA2+IRgmRdsM/bjDzBnPG g==; IronPort-SDR: VEV4J6w4MuFlWGNQKZK++0QKfFgUqVkbj3J2PN0eEI1viYCj6oR2woy6Vw5cWRtQSYfOaUhFNE o2I0mHiTBZTJ8fFGoFTvAVSKiJ1mG7q9QkdxzorrsNiWAJ4MCAmfGBjoPftPSG0GHkZUMVbZoY zkMdTQacN4cMESyUNhiBmHf9Wp+lVwfmF6mErpnISpMaCPq6CzqOjPu9nV+U5chJNUMmaQJz/O nk2GljfA6iRcbGQozuSrkpnqABB2etkF2Ggyw6VMpY2cd0qXu1oS6KsFdEk/1KGmxddta/LCOO HHY= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.70,547,1574092800"; d="scan'208";a="132374480" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 13 Mar 2020 15:52:10 +0800 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=OBkbf8n8BW3Ymh3Di5aNzRO9US5uWW4Z8Uh8uchddPHvGs4MRucJhVtfd6/YsDg/CXCOI8CGquqhOhkW0mCYJx3v+j5I9mdtI50KakSm0ZDX0JgaM+ka84S1de6kj3GNhf5tNEGg6y149AyeMCLO9XUTdV1Jg6to7KVRLbnxcNXz3rKVPElFWg7/XMzBMdebgY1HFSZfga5TES8X7KUPRkdXzg7yWAVfJAPvR+5iiDyT+1d1PTnVsq0b+Uvaf9uE6ubkz6ry2UhvnQKDt+7oGs1xejwlkTRYoCn1Wm0+7/tK5f04K/1YQJ2NL13kqvqqDhv6r/e+FNJ0GWXKQOBhtA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; 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Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:52:08 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::159d:10c9:f6df:64c8]) by ([fe80::159d:10c9:f6df:64c8%6]) with mapi id 15.20.2814.018; Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:52:08 +0000 From: Anup Patel To: Palmer Dabbelt , Paul Walmsley , Albert Ou , Paolo Bonzini , Radim K Cc: Alexander Graf , Atish Patra , Alistair Francis , Damien Le Moal , Christoph Hellwig , Anup Patel ,,,,, Anup Patel Subject: [PATCH v11 00/20] KVM RISC-V Support Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 13:21:11 +0530 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 X-ClientProxiedBy: MA1PR0101CA0057.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:a00:20::19) To (2603:10b6:208:d8::15) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by MA1PR0101CA0057.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:a00:20::19) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2814.14 via Frontend Transport; Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:51:52 +0000 X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 X-Originating-IP: [] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 6934446b-cb62-4f4f-1a41-08d7c7236dfe X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: MN2PR04MB6637: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: WDCIPOUTBOUND: EOP-TRUE X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:277; X-Forefront-PRVS: 034119E4F6 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10019020)(4636009)(39860400002)(346002)(376002)(136003)(396003)(366004)(199004)(6666004)(1006002)(4326008)(8886007)(8676002)(81156014)(478600001)(7696005)(5660300002)(8936002)(36756003)(81166006)(52116002)(1076003)(44832011)(66476007)(26005)(316002)(66946007)(956004)(55016002)(186003)(2616005)(16526019)(966005)(54906003)(2906002)(7416002)(66556008)(86362001)(110136005)(36456003)(42580500001)(42976004);DIR:OUT;SFP:1102;SCL:1;SRVR:MN2PR04MB6637;;FPR:;SPF:None;LANG:en;PTR:InfoNoRecords;A:1; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData: bGY4UbLm9HYLUIGw9IhZNflNFTNs0uXv2VUC5HMbBAw0PqkNyTyaxxo0+jcDIxCcVJWL0tPJBhKMDyw4cHPRLq6h5VCSS85NSDx9C+kST5MHYMHLWwgndUbXDhh7gSv9IURgHnsEuygHJqkANKjfVA== X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 6934446b-cb62-4f4f-1a41-08d7c7236dfe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 13 Mar 2020 07:52:08.6222 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: b61c8803-16f3-4c35-9b17-6f65f441df86 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: bvxb7ZMAYM4VlkFfNkXhOQRzBt8qZ+vU5vQmx5HlhQXxzz1AFJ/mxLJ2MfzBDMY/7NbkEeMTOzKl6/E83jHF8g== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: MN2PR04MB6637 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: This series adds initial KVM RISC-V support. Currently, we are able to boot RISC-V 64bit Linux Guests with multiple VCPUs. Few key aspects of KVM RISC-V added by this series are: 1. Minimal possible KVM world-switch which touches only GPRs and few CSRs. 2. Full Guest/VM switch is done via vcpu_get/vcpu_put infrastructure. 3. KVM ONE_REG interface for VCPU register access from user-space. 4. PLIC emulation is done in user-space. 5. Timer and IPI emuation is done in-kernel. 6. MMU notifiers supported. 7. FP lazy save/restore supported. 8. SBI v0.1 emulation for KVM Guest available. 9. Forward unhandled SBI calls to KVM userspace. 10. Hugepage support for Guest/VM Here's a brief TODO list which we will work upon after this series: 1. SBI v0.2 emulation in-kernel 2. SBI v0.2 hart state management emulation in-kernel 3. In-kernel PLIC emulation 4. ..... and more ..... This series can be found in riscv_kvm_v11 branch at: https// Our work-in-progress KVMTOOL RISC-V port can be found in riscv_v2 branch at: https// The QEMU RISC-V hypervisor emulation is done by Alistair and is available in mainline/anup/riscv-hyp-ext-v0.5.3 branch at: To play around with KVM RISC-V, refer KVM RISC-V wiki at: Changes since v10: - Rebased patches on Linux-5.6-rc5 - Reduce RISCV_ISA_EXT_MAX from 256 to 64 - Separate PATCH for removing N-extension related defines - Added comments as requested by Palmer - Fixed HIDELEG CSR programming Changes since v9: - Squash PATCH19 and PATCH20 into PATCH5 - Squash PATCH18 into PATCH11 - Squash PATCH17 into PATCH16 - Added ONE_REG interface for VCPU timer in PATCH13 - Use HTIMEDELTA for VCPU timer in PATCH13 - Updated KVM RISC-V mailing list in MAINTAINERS entry - Update KVM kconfig option to depend on RISCV_SBI and MMU - Check for SBI v0.2 and SBI v0.2 RFENCE extension at boot-time - Use SBI v0.2 RFENCE extension in VMID implementation - Use SBI v0.2 RFENCE extension in Stage2 MMU implementation - Use SBI v0.2 RFENCE extension in SBI implementation - Moved to RISC-V Hypervisor v0.5 draft spec - Updated Documentation/virt/kvm/api.txt for timer ONE_REG interface - Rebased patches on Linux-5.5-rc3 Changes since v8: - Rebased series on Linux-5.4-rc3 and Atish's SBI v0.2 patches - Use HRTIMER_MODE_REL instead of HRTIMER_MODE_ABS in timer emulation - Fixed kvm_riscv_stage2_map() to handle hugepages - Added patch to forward unhandled SBI calls to user-space - Added patch for iterative/recursive stage2 page table programming - Added patch to remove per-CPU vsip_shadow variable - Added patch to fix race-condition in kvm_riscv_vcpu_sync_interrupts() Changes since v7: - Rebased series on Linux-5.4-rc1 and Atish's SBI v0.2 patches - Removed PATCH1, PATCH3, and PATCH20 because these already merged - Use kernel doc style comments for ISA bitmap functions - Don't parse X, Y, and Z extension in riscv_fill_hwcap() because it will be added in-future - Mark KVM RISC-V kconfig option as EXPERIMENTAL - Typo fix in commit description of PATCH6 of v7 series - Use separate structs for CORE and CSR registers of ONE_REG interface - Explicitly include asm/sbi.h in kvm/vcpu_sbi.c - Removed implicit switch-case fall-through in kvm_riscv_vcpu_exit() - No need to set VSSTATUS.MXR bit in kvm_riscv_vcpu_unpriv_read() - Removed register for instruction length in kvm_riscv_vcpu_unpriv_read() - Added defines for checking/decoding instruction length - Added separate patch to forward unhandled SBI calls to userspace tool Changes since v6: - Rebased patches on Linux-5.3-rc7 - Added "return_handled" in struct kvm_mmio_decode to ensure that kvm_riscv_vcpu_mmio_return() updates SEPC only once - Removed trap_stval parameter from kvm_riscv_vcpu_unpriv_read() - Updated git repo URL in MAINTAINERS entry Changes since v5: - Renamed KVM_REG_RISCV_CONFIG_TIMEBASE register to KVM_REG_RISCV_CONFIG_TBFREQ register in ONE_REG interface - Update SPEC in kvm_riscv_vcpu_mmio_return() for MMIO exits - Use switch case instead of illegal instruction opcode table for simplicity - Improve comments in stage2_remote_tlb_flush() for a potential remote TLB flush optimization - Handle all unsupported SBI calls in default case of kvm_riscv_vcpu_sbi_ecall() function - Fixed kvm_riscv_vcpu_sync_interrupts() for software interrupts - Improved unprivilege reads to handle traps due to Guest stage1 page table - Added separate patch to document RISC-V specific things in Documentation/virt/kvm/api.txt Changes since v4: - Rebased patches on Linux-5.3-rc5 - Added Paolo's Acked-by and Reviewed-by - Updated mailing list in MAINTAINERS entry Changes since v3: - Moved patch for ISA bitmap from KVM prep series to this series - Make vsip_shadow as run-time percpu variable instead of compile-time - Flush Guest TLBs on all Host CPUs whenever we run-out of VMIDs Changes since v2: - Removed references of KVM_REQ_IRQ_PENDING from all patches - Use kvm->srcu within in-kernel KVM run loop - Added percpu vsip_shadow to track last value programmed in VSIP CSR - Added comments about irqs_pending and irqs_pending_mask - Used kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable() in-place-of kvm_riscv_vcpu_has_interrupt() in system_opcode_insn() - Removed unwanted smp_wmb() in kvm_riscv_stage2_vmid_update() - Use kvm_flush_remote_tlbs() in kvm_riscv_stage2_vmid_update() - Use READ_ONCE() in kvm_riscv_stage2_update_hgatp() for vmid Changes since v1: - Fixed compile errors in building KVM RISC-V as module - Removed unused kvm_riscv_halt_guest() and kvm_riscv_resume_guest() - Set KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU capability only after MMU notifiers are implemented - Made vmid_version as unsigned long instead of atomic - Renamed KVM_REQ_UPDATE_PGTBL to KVM_REQ_UPDATE_HGATP - Renamed kvm_riscv_stage2_update_pgtbl() to kvm_riscv_stage2_update_hgatp() - Configure HIDELEG and HEDELEG in kvm_arch_hardware_enable() - Updated ONE_REG interface for CSR access to user-space - Removed irqs_pending_lock and use atomic bitops instead - Added separate patch for FP ONE_REG interface - Added separate patch for updating MAINTAINERS file Anup Patel (16): RISC-V: Export riscv_cpuid_to_hartid_mask() API RISC-V: Add bitmap reprensenting ISA features common across CPUs RISC-V: Remove N-extension related defines RISC-V: Add hypervisor extension related CSR defines RISC-V: Add initial skeletal KVM support RISC-V: KVM: Implement VCPU create, init and destroy functions RISC-V: KVM: Implement VCPU interrupts and requests handling RISC-V: KVM: Implement KVM_GET_ONE_REG/KVM_SET_ONE_REG ioctls RISC-V: KVM: Implement VCPU world-switch RISC-V: KVM: Handle MMIO exits for VCPU RISC-V: KVM: Handle WFI exits for VCPU RISC-V: KVM: Implement VMID allocator RISC-V: KVM: Implement stage2 page table programming RISC-V: KVM: Implement MMU notifiers RISC-V: KVM: Document RISC-V specific parts of KVM API RISC-V: KVM: Add MAINTAINERS entry Atish Patra (4): RISC-V: KVM: Add timer functionality RISC-V: KVM: FP lazy save/restore RISC-V: KVM: Implement ONE REG interface for FP registers RISC-V: KVM: Add SBI v0.1 support Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst | 193 ++++- MAINTAINERS | 11 + arch/riscv/Kconfig | 2 + arch/riscv/Makefile | 2 + arch/riscv/include/asm/csr.h | 78 +- arch/riscv/include/asm/hwcap.h | 22 + arch/riscv/include/asm/kvm_host.h | 264 +++++++ arch/riscv/include/asm/kvm_vcpu_timer.h | 44 ++ arch/riscv/include/asm/pgtable-bits.h | 1 + arch/riscv/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h | 127 +++ arch/riscv/kernel/asm-offsets.c | 148 ++++ arch/riscv/kernel/cpufeature.c | 83 +- arch/riscv/kernel/smp.c | 2 + arch/riscv/kvm/Kconfig | 34 + arch/riscv/kvm/Makefile | 14 + arch/riscv/kvm/main.c | 97 +++ arch/riscv/kvm/mmu.c | 762 ++++++++++++++++++ arch/riscv/kvm/tlb.S | 43 + arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu.c | 997 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_exit.c | 639 +++++++++++++++ arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_sbi.c | 171 ++++ arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_switch.S | 382 +++++++++ arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_timer.c | 225 ++++++ arch/riscv/kvm/vm.c | 86 ++ arch/riscv/kvm/vmid.c | 120 +++ drivers/clocksource/timer-riscv.c | 8 + include/clocksource/timer-riscv.h | 16 + include/uapi/linux/kvm.h | 8 + 28 files changed, 4564 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) create mode 100644 arch/riscv/include/asm/kvm_host.h create mode 100644 arch/riscv/include/asm/kvm_vcpu_timer.h create mode 100644 arch/riscv/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/Kconfig create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/main.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/mmu.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/tlb.S create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_exit.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_sbi.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_switch.S create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vcpu_timer.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vm.c create mode 100644 arch/riscv/kvm/vmid.c create mode 100644 include/clocksource/timer-riscv.h