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[v4,AUTOTEST] KVM test: client parallel test execution

Message ID 1254309873-3028-1-git-send-email-lmr@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
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Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues Sept. 30, 2009, 11:24 a.m. UTC
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diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel b/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1f20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ 
+AUTHOR = """
+uril@redhat.com (Uri Lublin)
+drusso@redhat.com (Dror Russo)
+mgoldish@redhat.com (Michael Goldish)
+dhuff@redhat.com (David Huff)
+aeromenk@redhat.com (Alexey Eromenko)
+mburns@redhat.com (Mike Burns)
+NAME = 'KVM test'
+TEST_TYPE = 'client'
+TEST_CLASS = 'Virtualization'
+TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
+DOC = """
+Executes the KVM test framework on a given host. This module is separated in
+minor functions, that execute different tests for doing Quality Assurance on
+KVM (both kernelspace and userspace) code.
+import sys, os, commands, re
+# set English environment (command output might be localized, need to be safe)
+os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
+# Enable modules import from current directory (tests/kvm)
+pwd = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'],'tests/kvm')
+# ------------------------
+# create required symlinks
+# ------------------------
+# When dispatching tests from autotest-server the links we need do not exist on
+# the host (the client). The following lines create those symlinks. Change
+# 'rootdir' here and/or mount appropriate directories in it.
+# When dispatching tests on local host (client mode) one can either setup kvm
+# links, or same as server mode use rootdir and set all appropriate links and
+# mount-points there. For example, guest installation tests need to know where
+# to find the iso-files.
+# We create the links only if not already exist, so if one already set up the
+# links for client/local run we do not touch the links.
+iso=os.path.join(rootdir, 'iso')
+images=os.path.join(rootdir, 'images')
+qemu=os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu')
+qemu_img=os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu-img')
+def link_if_not_exist(ldir, target, link_name):
+    t = target
+    l = os.path.join(ldir, link_name)
+    if not os.path.exists(l):
+        os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (t, l))
+# Create links only if not already exist
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, '../../', 'autotest')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, iso, 'isos')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, images, 'images')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, qemu, 'qemu')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, qemu_img, 'qemu-img')
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# Params that will be passed to the KVM install/build test
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+params = {
+    "name": "build",
+    "shortname": "build",
+    "type": "build",
+    "mode": "release",
+    #"mode": "snapshot",
+    #"mode": "localtar",
+    #"mode": "localsrc",
+    #"mode": "git",
+    #"mode": "noinstall",
+    #"mode": "koji",
+    ## Are we going to load modules built by this test?
+    ## Defaults to 'yes', so if you are going to provide only userspace code to
+    ## be built by this test, please set load_modules to 'no', and make sure
+    ## the kvm and kvm-[vendor] module is already loaded by the time you start
+    ## it.
+    "load_modules": "no",
+    ## Install from a kvm release ("mode": "release"). You can optionally
+    ## specify a release tag. If you omit it, the test will get the latest
+    ## release tag available.
+    #"release_tag": '84',
+    "release_dir": 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/kvm/',
+    # This is the place that contains the sourceforge project list of files
+    "release_listing": 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/kvm/files/',
+    ## Install from a kvm snapshot location ("mode": "snapshot"). You can
+    ## optionally specify a snapshot date. If you omit it, the test will get
+    ## yesterday's snapshot.
+    #"snapshot_date": '20090712'
+    #"snapshot_dir": 'http://foo.org/kvm-snapshots/',
+    ## Install from a tarball ("mode": "localtar")
+    #"tarball": "/tmp/kvm-84.tar.gz",
+    ## Install from a local source code dir ("mode": "localsrc")
+    #"srcdir": "/path/to/source-dir"
+    ## Install from koji build server ("mode": "koji")
+    ## Koji is the Fedora Project buildserver. It is possible to install
+    ## packages right from Koji if you provide a release tag or a build.
+    ## Tag (if available)
+    #"koji_tag": 'dist-f11',
+    ## Build (if available, is going to override tag).
+    #"koji_build": 'qemu-0.10-16.fc11',
+    ## Command to interact with the build server
+    #"koji_cmd": '/usr/bin/koji',
+    ## The name of the source package that's being built
+    #"src_pkg": 'qemu',
+    ## Name of the rpms we need installed
+    #"pkg_list": ['qemu-kvm', 'qemu-kvm-tools', 'qemu-system-x86', 'qemu-common', 'qemu-img'],
+    ## Paths of the qemu relevant executables that should be checked
+    #"qemu_bin_paths": ['/usr/bin/qemu-kvm', '/usr/bin/qemu-img'],
+    ## Install from git ("mode": "git")
+    ## If you provide only "git_repo" and "user_git_repo", the build test
+    ## will assume it will perform all build from the userspace dir, building
+    ## modules trough make -C kernel LINUX=%s sync. As of today (07-13-2009)
+    ## we need 3 git repos, "git_repo" (linux sources), "user_git_repo" and 
+    ## "kmod_repo" to build KVM userspace + kernel modules.
+    #"git_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/avi/kvm.git',
+    #"kernel_branch": 'kernel_branch_name',
+    #"kernel_lbranch": 'kernel_lbranch_name',
+    #"kernel_tag": 'kernel_tag_name',
+    #"user_git_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/virt/kvm/qemu-kvm.git',
+    #"user_branch": 'user_branch_name',
+    #"user_lbranch": 'user_lbranch_name',
+    #"user_tag": 'user_tag_name',
+    #"kmod_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/virt/kvm/kvm-kmod.git',
+    #"kmod_branch": 'kmod_branch_name',
+    #"kmod_lbranch": 'kmod_lbranch_name',
+    #"kmod_tag": 'kmod_tag_name',
+# If you don't want to execute the build stage, just use 'noinstall' as the
+# install type. If you run the tests from autotest-server, make sure that
+# /tmp/kvm-autotest-root/qemu is a link to your existing executable. Note that
+# if kvm_install is chose to run, it overwrites existing qemu and qemu-img
+# links to point to the newly built executables.
+r = True
+r = job.run_test("kvm", params=params, tag=params.get("shortname"))
+if not r:
+    print 'kvm_installation failed ... exiting'
+    sys.exit(1)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+# Get test set (dictionary list) from the configuration file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+import kvm_config
+filename = os.path.join(pwd, "kvm_tests.cfg")
+cfg = kvm_config.config(filename)
+# If desirable, make changes to the test configuration here.  For example:
+# cfg.parse_string("only fc8_quick")
+# cfg.parse_string("display = sdl")
+filename = os.path.join(pwd, "kvm_address_pools.cfg")
+if os.path.exists(filename):
+    cfg.parse_file(filename)
+    hostname = os.uname()[1].split(".")[0]
+    if cfg.filter("^" + hostname):
+        cfg.parse_string("only ^%s" % hostname)
+    else:
+        cfg.parse_string("only ^default_host")
+tests = cfg.get_list()
+# -------------
+# Run the tests
+# -------------
+import kvm_scheduler
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+# total_cpus defaults to the number of CPUs reported by /proc/cpuinfo
+total_cpus = utils.count_cpus()
+# total_mem defaults to 3/4 of the total memory reported by 'free'
+total_mem = int(commands.getoutput("free -m").splitlines()[1].split()[1]) * 3/4
+# We probably won't need more workers than CPUs
+num_workers = total_cpus
+# Start the scheduler and workers
+s = kvm_scheduler.scheduler(tests, num_workers, total_cpus, total_mem, pwd)
+             *[(s.worker, i, job.run_test) for i in range(num_workers)])
+# create the html report in result dir
+reporter = os.path.join(pwd, 'make_html_report.py')
+html_file = os.path.join(job.resultdir,'results.html')
+os.system('%s -r %s -f %s -R'%(reporter, job.resultdir, html_file))
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_scheduler.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_scheduler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b7df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_scheduler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ 
+import os, select
+import kvm_utils, kvm_vm, kvm_subprocess
+class scheduler:
+    """
+    A scheduler that manages several parallel test execution pipelines on a
+    single host.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tests, num_workers, total_cpus, total_mem, bindir):
+        """
+        Initialize the class.
+        @param tests: A list of test dictionaries.
+        @param num_workers: The number of workers (pipelines).
+        @param total_cpus: The total number of CPUs to dedicate to tests.
+        @param total_mem: The total amount of memory to dedicate to tests.
+        @param bindir: The directory where environment files reside.
+        """
+        self.tests = tests
+        self.num_workers = num_workers
+        self.total_cpus = total_cpus
+        self.total_mem = total_mem
+        self.bindir = bindir
+        # Pipes -- s stands for scheduler, w stands for worker
+        self.s2w = [os.pipe() for i in range(num_workers)]
+        self.w2s = [os.pipe() for i in range(num_workers)]
+        self.s2w_r = [os.fdopen(r, "r", 0) for r, w in self.s2w]
+        self.s2w_w = [os.fdopen(w, "w", 0) for r, w in self.s2w]
+        self.w2s_r = [os.fdopen(r, "r", 0) for r, w in self.w2s]
+        self.w2s_w = [os.fdopen(w, "w", 0) for r, w in self.w2s]
+        # "Personal" worker dicts contain modifications that are applied
+        # specifically to each worker.  For example, each worker must use a
+        # different environment file and a different MAC address pool.
+        self.worker_dicts = [{"env": "env%d" % i} for i in range(num_workers)]
+    def worker(self, index, run_test_func):
+        """
+        The worker function.
+        Waits for commands from the scheduler and processes them.
+        @param index: The index of this worker (in the range 0..num_workers-1).
+        @param run_test_func: A function to be called to run a test
+                (e.g. job.run_test).
+        """
+        r = self.s2w_r[index]
+        w = self.w2s_w[index]
+        self_dict = self.worker_dicts[index]
+        # Inform the scheduler this worker is ready
+        w.write("ready\n")
+        while True:
+            cmd = r.readline().split()
+            if not cmd:
+                continue
+            # The scheduler wants this worker to run a test
+            if cmd[0] == "run":
+                test_index = int(cmd[1])
+                test = self.tests[test_index].copy()
+                test.update(self_dict)
+                test_iterations = int(test.get("iterations", 1))
+                status = run_test_func("kvm", params=test,
+                                       tag=test.get("shortname"),
+                                       iterations=test_iterations)
+                w.write("done %s %s\n" % (test_index, status))
+                w.write("ready\n")
+            # The scheduler wants this worker to free its used resources
+            elif cmd[0] == "cleanup":
+                env_filename = os.path.join(self.bindir, self_dict["env"])
+                env = kvm_utils.load_env(env_filename, {})
+                for obj in env.values():
+                    if isinstance(obj, kvm_vm.VM):
+                        obj.destroy()
+                    elif isinstance(obj, kvm_subprocess.kvm_spawn):
+                        obj.close()
+                kvm_utils.dump_env(env, env_filename)
+                w.write("cleanup_done\n")
+                w.write("ready\n")
+            # There's no more work for this worker
+            elif cmd[0] == "terminate":
+                break
+    def scheduler(self):
+        """
+        The scheduler function.
+        Sends commands to workers, telling them to run tests, clean up or
+        terminate execution.
+        """
+        idle_workers = []
+        closing_workers = []
+        test_status = ["waiting"] * len(self.tests)
+        test_worker = [None] * len(self.tests)
+        used_cpus = [0] * self.num_workers
+        used_mem = [0] * self.num_workers
+        while True:
+            # Wait for a message from a worker
+            r, w, x = select.select(self.w2s_r, [], [])
+            someone_is_ready = False
+            for pipe in r:
+                worker_index = self.w2s_r.index(pipe)
+                msg = pipe.readline().split()
+                if not msg:
+                    continue
+                # A worker is ready -- add it to the idle_workers list
+                if msg[0] == "ready":
+                    idle_workers.append(worker_index)
+                    someone_is_ready = True
+                # A worker completed a test
+                elif msg[0] == "done":
+                    test_index = int(msg[1])
+                    test = self.tests[test_index]
+                    status = int(eval(msg[2]))
+                    test_status[test_index] = ("fail", "pass")[status]
+                    # If the test failed, mark all dependent tests as "failed" too
+                    if not status:
+                        for i, other_test in enumerate(self.tests):
+                            for dep in other_test.get("depend", []):
+                                if dep in test["name"]:
+                                    test_status[i] = "fail"
+                # A worker is done shutting down its VMs and other processes
+                elif msg[0] == "cleanup_done":
+                    used_cpus[worker_index] = 0
+                    used_mem[worker_index] = 0
+                    closing_workers.remove(worker_index)
+            if not someone_is_ready:
+                continue
+            for worker in idle_workers[:]:
+                # Find a test for this worker
+                test_found = False
+                for i, test in enumerate(self.tests):
+                    # We only want "waiting" tests
+                    if test_status[i] != "waiting":
+                        continue
+                    # Make sure the test isn't assigned to another worker
+                    if test_worker[i] is not None and test_worker[i] != worker:
+                        continue
+                    # Make sure the test's dependencies are satisfied
+                    dependencies_satisfied = True
+                    for dep in test["depend"]:
+                        dependencies = [j for j, t in enumerate(self.tests)
+                                        if dep in t["name"]]
+                        bad_status_deps = [j for j in dependencies
+                                           if test_status[j] != "pass"]
+                        if bad_status_deps:
+                            dependencies_satisfied = False
+                            break
+                    if not dependencies_satisfied:
+                        continue
+                    # Make sure we have enough resources to run the test
+                    test_used_cpus = int(test.get("used_cpus", 1))
+                    test_used_mem = int(test.get("used_mem", 128))
+                    # First make sure the other workers aren't using too many
+                    # CPUs (not including the workers currently shutting down)
+                    uc = (sum(used_cpus) - used_cpus[worker] -
+                          sum(used_cpus[i] for i in closing_workers))
+                    if uc and uc + test_used_cpus > self.total_cpus:
+                        continue
+                    # ... or too much memory
+                    um = (sum(used_mem) - used_mem[worker] -
+                          sum(used_mem[i] for i in closing_workers))
+                    if um and um + test_used_mem > self.total_mem:
+                        continue
+                    # If we reached this point it means there are, or will
+                    # soon be, enough resources to run the test
+                    test_found = True
+                    # Now check if the test can be run right now, i.e. if the
+                    # other workers, including the ones currently shutting
+                    # down, aren't using too many CPUs
+                    uc = (sum(used_cpus) - used_cpus[worker])
+                    if uc and uc + test_used_cpus > self.total_cpus:
+                        continue
+                    # ... or too much memory
+                    um = (sum(used_mem) - used_mem[worker])
+                    if um and um + test_used_mem > self.total_mem:
+                        continue
+                    # Everything is OK -- run the test
+                    test_status[i] = "running"
+                    test_worker[i] = worker
+                    idle_workers.remove(worker)
+                    # Update used_cpus and used_mem
+                    used_cpus[worker] = test_used_cpus
+                    used_mem[worker] = test_used_mem
+                    # Assign all related tests to this worker
+                    for j, other_test in enumerate(self.tests):
+                        for other_dep in other_test["depend"]:
+                            # All tests that depend on this test
+                            if other_dep in test["name"]:
+                                test_worker[j] = worker
+                                break
+                            # ... and all tests that share a dependency
+                            # with this test
+                            for dep in test["depend"]:
+                                if dep in other_dep or other_dep in dep:
+                                    test_worker[j] = worker
+                                    break
+                    # Tell the worker to run the test
+                    self.s2w_w[worker].write("run %s\n" % i)
+                    break
+                # If there won't be any tests for this worker to run soon, tell
+                # the worker to free its used resources
+                if not test_found and (used_cpus[worker] or used_mem[worker]):
+                    self.s2w_w[worker].write("cleanup\n")
+                    idle_workers.remove(worker)
+                    closing_workers.append(worker)
+            # If there are no more new tests to run, terminate the workers and
+            # the scheduler
+            if len(idle_workers) == self.num_workers:
+                for worker in idle_workers:
+                    self.s2w_w[worker].write("terminate\n")
+                break
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
index ceda7b3..61949ed 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@  image_size = 10G
 shell_port = 22
 display = vnc
+# Default scheduler params
+used_cpus = 1
+used_mem = 512
 # Port redirections
 redirs = remote_shell
 guest_port_remote_shell = 22
@@ -66,6 +70,7 @@  variants:
         migration_test_command = help
         kill_vm_on_error = yes
         iterations = 2
+        used_mem = 1024
     - autotest:     install setup
         type = autotest
@@ -112,6 +117,9 @@  variants:
         drift_threshold = 50
         # Fail if the drift after the rest period is higher than 10%
         drift_threshold_after_rest = 10
+        # For now, make sure this test is executed alone
+        used_cpus = 100
     - stress_boot:  install setup
         type = stress_boot
@@ -122,6 +130,9 @@  variants:
         kill_vm_vm1 = no
         kill_vm_gracefully = no
         extra_params += " -snapshot"
+        used_cpus = 5
+        used_mem = 2560
     - autoit:       install setup
         type = autoit
@@ -132,7 +143,7 @@  variants:
             - notepad:
                 autoit_script = autoit/notepad1.au3
-    - nic_hotplug:
+    - nic_hotplug:       install setup
         type = pci_hotplug
         pci_type = nic
         modprobe_acpiphp = no
@@ -151,7 +162,7 @@  variants:
                 pci_model = e1000
                 match_string = "Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
-    - block_hotplug:
+    - block_hotplug:       install setup
         type = pci_hotplug
         pci_type = block
         reference_cmd = lspci
@@ -641,6 +652,9 @@  variants:
     - @up:
     - smp2:
         extra_params += " -smp 2"
+        used_cpus = 2
+        stress_boot: used_cpus = 10
+        timedrift: used_cpus = 100