diff mbox

KVM test: Add a subtest physical_resources_check

Message ID 1259675436-10209-1-git-send-email-lmr@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues Dec. 1, 2009, 1:50 p.m. UTC
diff mbox


diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
index 5e15b30..9fb1ba8 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
@@ -255,6 +255,10 @@  variants:
         kill_vm_gracefully_vm2 = no
         address_index_vm2 = 1
+    - physical_resources_check: install setup unattended_install
+        type = physical_resources_check
+        catch_uuid_cmd = dmidecode | awk -F: '/UUID/ {print $2}'
 # NICs
     - @rtl8139:
@@ -280,6 +284,8 @@  variants:
         shell_port = 22
         file_transfer_client = scp
         file_transfer_port = 22
+        mem_chk_cmd = dmidecode -t 17 | awk -F: '/Size/ {print $2}'
+        cpu_chk_cmd = grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
             - Fedora:
@@ -553,6 +559,9 @@  variants:
         # This ISO will be used for all tests except install:
         cdrom = windows/winutils.iso
+        cpu_chk_cmd = echo %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%
+        mem_chk_cmd = wmic memphysical
             migration_test_command = ver && vol
             migration_bg_command = start ping -t localhost
@@ -594,6 +603,8 @@  variants:
             reference_cmd = wmic diskdrive list brief
             find_pci_cmd = wmic diskdrive list brief
             pci_test_cmd = echo select disk 1 > dt && echo online >> dt && echo detail disk >> dt && echo exit >> dt && diskpart /s dt
+        physical_resources_check:
+            catch_uuid_cmd = 
             - Win2000:
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_vm.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_vm.py
index 100b567..cc314d4 100755
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_vm.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_vm.py
@@ -821,3 +821,42 @@  class VM:
             return self.uuid
             return self.params.get("uuid", None)
+    def get_cpu_count(self):
+        """
+        Get the cpu count of the VM.
+        """
+        try:
+            session = self.remote_login()
+            if session:
+                cmd = self.params.get("cpu_chk_cmd")
+                s, count = session.get_command_status_output(cmd)
+                if s == 0:
+                    return int(count)
+            return None
+        finally:
+            session.close()
+    def get_memory_size(self):
+        """
+        Get memory size of the VM.
+        """
+        try:
+            session = self.remote_login()
+            if session:
+                cmd = self.params.get("mem_chk_cmd")
+                s, mem_str = session.get_command_status_output(cmd)
+                if s != 0:
+                    return None
+                mem = re.findall("([0-9][0-9][0-9]+)", mem_str)
+                mem_size = 0
+                for m in mem:
+                    mem_size += int(m)
+                if not "MB" in mem_str:
+                    mem_size /= 1024
+                return int(mem_size)
+            return None
+        finally:
+            session.close()
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/physical_resources_check.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/physical_resources_check.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce36627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/physical_resources_check.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ 
+import re, string, logging
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+import kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils
+def run_physical_resources_check(test, params, env):
+    """
+    Check physical resources assigned to KVM virtual machines:
+    1) Log into the guest
+    2) Verify whether cpu counts ,memory size, nics' model,
+       count and drives' format & count, drive_serial, UUID
+       reported by the guest OS matches what has been assigned
+       to the VM (qemu command line)
+    3) Verify all MAC addresses for guest NICs
+    @param test: kvm test object
+    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
+    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
+    """
+    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
+    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm)
+    logging.info("Starting physical resources check test")
+    logging.info("Values assigned to VM are the values we expect "
+                 "to see reported by the Operating System")
+    # Define a failure counter, as we want to check all physical
+    # resources to know which checks passed and which ones failed
+    nfail = 0
+    # Check cpu count
+    logging.info("CPU count check")
+    expected_cpu_nr = int(params.get("smp"))
+    actual_cpu_nr = vm.get_cpu_count()
+    if expected_cpu_nr != actual_cpu_nr:
+        nfail += 1
+        logging.error("CPU count mismatch:")
+        logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected_cpu_nr)
+        logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual_cpu_nr)
+    # Check memory size
+    logging.info("Memory size check")
+    expected_mem = int(params.get("mem"))
+    actual_mem = vm.get_memory_size()
+    if actual_mem != expected_mem:
+        nfail += 1
+        logging.error("Memory size mismatch:")
+        logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected_mem)
+        logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual_mem)
+    # Define a function for checking number of hard drivers & NICs
+    def check_num(devices, cmd, str):
+        expected_num = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, devices).__len__()
+        s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd(cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            nfail += 1
+            logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: %s" % cmd)
+        actual_num = string.count(o, str)
+        if expected_num != actual_num:
+            logging.error("%s number mismatch:")
+            logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %d" % expected_num)
+            logging.error("    Reported by OS: %d" % actual_num)
+        return expected_num
+    logging.info("Hard drive count check")
+    drives_num = check_num("images", "info block", "type=hd")
+    logging.info("NIC count check")
+    nics_num = check_num("nics", "info network", "model=")
+    # Define a function for checking hard drives & NICs' model
+    def chk_fmt_model(device, fmt_model, cmd, str):
+        devices = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, device)
+        for chk_device in devices:
+            expected = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, chk_device).get(fmt_model)
+            if not expected:
+                expected = "rtl8139"
+            s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd(cmd)
+            if s != 0:
+                nfail += 1
+                logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: %s" % cmd)
+            device_found = re.findall(str, o)
+            logging.debug("Found devices: %s" % device_found)
+            found = False
+            for fm in device_found:
+                if expected in fm:
+                    found = True
+            if not found:
+                nfail += 1
+                logging.error("%s model mismatch:")
+                logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % expected)
+                logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % device_found)
+    logging.info("NICs model check")
+    chk_fmt_model("nics", "nic_model", "info network", "model=(.*),")
+    logging.info("Drive format check")
+    chk_fmt_model("images", "drive_format", "info block", "(.*)\: type=hd")
+    logging.info("Network card MAC check")
+    s, o = vm.send_monitor_cmd("info network")
+    if s != 0:
+        nfail += 1
+        logging.error("qemu monitor command failed: %s" % cmd)
+    found_mac_addresses = re.findall("macaddr=(.*)", o)
+    logging.debug("Found MAC adresses: %s" % found_mac_addresses)
+    for nic_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics"):
+        nic_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, nic_name)
+        mac, ip = kvm_utils.get_mac_ip_pair_from_dict(nic_params)
+        if not string.lower(mac) in found_mac_addresses:
+            nfail += 1
+            logging.error("MAC address mismatch:")
+            logging.error("    Assigned to VM (not found): %s" % mac)
+    # Define a function to verify UUID & Serial number
+    def verify_device(expect, name, verify_cmd):
+        if verify_cmd:
+            actual = session.get_command_output(verify_cmd)
+            if not string.upper(expect) in actual:
+                nfail += 1
+                logging.error("%s mismatch:")
+                logging.error("    Assigned to VM: %s" % string.upper(expect))
+                logging.error("    Reported by OS: %s" % actual)
+    logging.info("UUID check")
+    if vm.get_uuid():
+        verify_device(vm.get_uuid(), "UUID", params.get("catch_uuid_cmd"))
+    logging.info("Hard Disk serial number check")
+    catch_serial_cmd = params.get("catch_serial_cmd")
+    verify_device(params.get("drive_serial"), "Serial", catch_serial_cmd)
+    if nfail != 0:
+        raise error.TestFail("Physical resources check test reported %s "
+                             "failures. Please verify the test logs." % nfail)
+    session.close()