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[Autotest] KVM-test: Add a subtest 'qemu_img'

Message ID 1264748409-9503-1-git-send-email-yzhou@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
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Yolkfull Chow Jan. 29, 2010, 7 a.m. UTC
diff mbox


diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/qemu_img.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/qemu_img.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6352a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/qemu_img.py
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ 
+import re, os, logging, commands
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils, error
+import kvm_vm, kvm_utils
+def run_qemu_img(test, params, env):
+    """
+    `qemu-img' functions test:
+    1) Judge what subcommand is going to be tested
+    2) Run subcommand test
+    @param test: kvm test object
+    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
+    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
+    """
+    cmd = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir, params.get("qemu_img_binary"))
+    if not os.path.exists(cmd):
+        raise error.TestError("Binary of 'qemu-img' not found")
+    image_format = params.get("image_format")
+    image_size = params.get("image_size", "10G")
+    image_name = kvm_vm.get_image_filename(params, test.bindir)
+    def check(cmd, img):
+        cmd += " check %s" % img
+        logging.info("Checking image '%s'..." % img)
+        o = commands.getoutput(cmd)
+        if "does not support checks" in o or "No errors" in o:
+            return (True, "")
+        return (False, o)
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img check' test
+    # This tests will 'dd' to create a specified size file, and check it.
+    # Then convert it to supported image_format in each loop and check again.
+    def check_test(cmd):
+        test_image = params.get("image_name_dd")
+        create_image_cmd = params.get("create_image_cmd")
+        create_image_cmd = create_image_cmd % test_image
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(create_image_cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            raise error.TestError("Failed command: %s; Output is: %s" %
+                                                 (create_image_cmd, o))
+        s, o = check(cmd, test_image)
+        if not s:
+            raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed with error: %s" %
+                                                           (test_image, o))
+        for fmt in params.get("supported_image_formats").split():
+            output_image = test_image + ".%s" % fmt
+            convert(cmd, fmt, test_image, output_image)
+            s, o = check(cmd, output_image)
+            if not s:
+                raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' got error: %s" %
+                                                     (output_image, o))
+            os.remove(output_image)
+        os.remove(test_image)
+    def create(cmd, img_name, fmt, img_size=None, base_img=None,
+               base_img_fmt=None, encrypted="no"):
+        cmd += " create"
+        if encrypted == "yes":
+            cmd += " -e"
+        if base_img:
+            cmd += " -b %s" % base_img
+            if base_img_fmt:
+                cmd += " -F %s" % base_img_fmt
+        cmd += " -f %s" % fmt
+        cmd += " %s" % img_name
+        if img_size:
+            cmd += " %s" % img_size
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            raise error.TestFail("Create image '%s' failed: %s;Command:\n%s" %
+                                                           (img_name, o, cmd))
+        logging.info("Created image '%s'" % img_name)
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img create' test
+    def create_test(cmd):
+        image_large = params.get("image_name_large")
+        img = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir, image_large)
+        img += '.' + image_format
+        create(cmd, img_name=img, fmt=image_format,
+               img_size=params.get("image_size_large"))
+        os.remove(img)
+    def convert(cmd, output_fmt, img_name, output_filename,
+                fmt=None, compressed="no", encrypted="no"):
+        cmd += " convert"
+        if compressed == "yes":
+            cmd += " -c"
+        if encrypted == "yes":
+            cmd += " -e"
+        if fmt:
+            cmd += " -f %s" % fmt
+        cmd += " -O %s" % output_fmt
+        cmd += " %s %s" % (img_name, output_filename)
+        logging.info("Converting '%s' from format '%s' to '%s'" %
+                                     (img_name, fmt, output_fmt))
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            raise error.TestFail("Image converted failed; Command: %s;"
+                                 "Output is: %s" % (cmd, o))
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img convert' test
+    def convert_test(cmd):
+        dest_img_fmt = params.get("dest_image_format")
+        output_filename = "%s.converted_%s" % (image_name, dest_img_fmt)
+        convert(cmd, dest_img_fmt, image_name, output_filename,
+                image_format, params.get("compressed"), params.get("encrypted"))
+        if dest_img_fmt == "qcow2":
+            s, o = check(cmd, output_filename)
+            if s:
+                os.remove(output_filename)
+            else:
+                raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed with error: %s" %
+                                                        (output_filename, o))
+        else:
+            os.remove(output_filename)
+    def info(cmd, img, string=None, fmt=None):
+        cmd += " info"
+        if fmt:
+            cmd += " -f %s" % fmt
+        cmd += " %s" % img
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            logging.error("Get info of image '%s' failed: %s" % (img, o))
+            return None
+        if not string:
+            return o
+        string += ": (.*)"
+        str = re.findall(string, o)
+        if str:
+            return str[0]
+        return None
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img info' test
+    def info_test(cmd):
+        img_info = info(cmd, image_name)
+        logging.info("Info of image '%s': \n%s" % (image_name, img_info))
+        if not image_format in img_info:
+            raise error.TestFail("Got unexpected format of image '%s'"
+                                 " in info test" % image_name)
+        if not image_size in img_info:
+            raise error.TestFail("Got unexpected size of image '%s'"
+                                 " in info test" % image_name)
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img snapshot' test
+    def snapshot_test(cmd):
+        cmd += " snapshot"
+        for i in range(2):
+            crtcmd = cmd
+            sn_name = "snapshot%d" % i
+            crtcmd += " -c %s %s" % (sn_name, image_name)
+            s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(crtcmd)
+            if s != 0:
+                raise error.TestFail("Create snapshot failed via command: %s;"
+                                     "Output is: %s" % (crtcmd, o))
+            logging.info("Created snapshot '%s' in '%s'" % (sn_name,image_name))
+        listcmd = cmd
+        listcmd += " -l %s" % image_name
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(listcmd)
+        if not ("snapshot0" in o and "snapshot1" in o and s == 0):
+            raise error.TestFail("Snapshot created failed or missed;"
+                                 "snapshot list is: \n%s" % o)
+        for i in range(2):
+            sn_name = "snapshot%d" % i
+            delcmd = cmd
+            delcmd += " -d %s %s" % (sn_name, image_name)
+            s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(delcmd)
+            if s != 0:
+                raise error.TestFail("Delete snapshot '%s' failed: %s" %
+                                                     (sn_name, o))
+    #Subcommand 'qemu-img commit' test
+    def commit_test(cmd):
+        pass
+    def rebase(cmd, img_name, base_img, backing_fmt, mode="unsafe"):
+        cmd += " rebase"
+        if mode == "unsafe":
+            cmd += " -u"
+        cmd += " -b %s -F %s %s" % (base_img, backing_fmt, img_name)
+        logging.info("Trying to rebase '%s' to '%s'..." % (img_name, base_img))
+        s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        if s != 0:
+            raise error.TestError("Failed to rebase '%s' to '%s': %s" %
+                                               (img_name, base_img, o))
+    # Subcommand 'qemu-img rebase' test
+    # Change the backing file of a snapshot image in "unsafe mode":
+    # Assume the previous backing file had missed and we just have to change 
+    # reference of snapshot to new one. After change the backing file of a 
+    # snapshot image in unsafe mode, the snapshot should work still.
+    def rebase_test(cmd):
+        if not 'rebase' in utils.system_output(cmd+' --help',ignore_status=True):
+            raise error.TestNAError("Current kvm user space version does not"
+                                    " support 'rebase' subcommand")
+        sn_fmt = params.get("snapshot_format", "qcow2")
+        sn1 = params.get("image_name_snapshot1")
+        sn1 = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir, sn1) + ".%s" % sn_fmt
+        base_img = kvm_vm.get_image_filename(params, test.bindir)
+        create(cmd, sn1, sn_fmt, base_img=base_img, base_img_fmt=image_format)
+        # Create snapshot2 based on snapshot1
+        sn2 = params.get("image_name_snapshot2")
+        sn2 = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir, sn2) + ".%s" % sn_fmt
+        create(cmd, sn2, sn_fmt, base_img=sn1, base_img_fmt=sn_fmt)
+        rebase_mode = params.get("rebase_mode")
+        if rebase_mode == "unsafe":
+            os.remove(sn1)
+        rebase(cmd, sn2, base_img, image_format, mode=rebase_mode)
+        # Check sn2's format and backing_file
+        actual_base_img = info(cmd, sn2, "backing file")
+        base_img_name = os.path.basename(params.get("image_name"))
+        if not base_img_name in actual_base_img:
+            raise error.TestFail("After rebase the backing_file of 'sn2' is "
+                                 "'%s' which is not expected as '%s'"
+                                 % (actual_base_img, base_img_name))
+        s, o = check(cmd, sn2)
+        if not s:
+            raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed after rebase;"
+                                 "got error: %s" % (sn2, o))
+        try:
+            os.remove(sn2)
+            os.remove(sn1)
+        except:
+            pass
+    # Here starts test
+    subcommand = params.get("subcommand")
+    eval("%s_test(cmd)" % subcommand)
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
index 2d03f1f..e7670c7 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests_base.cfg.sample
@@ -273,6 +273,46 @@  variants:
         type = physical_resources_check
         catch_uuid_cmd = dmidecode | awk -F: '/UUID/ {print $2}'
+    - qemu_img:
+        type = qemu_img
+        vms = ''
+        variants:
+            - check:
+                subcommand = check
+                image_name_dd = dd_created_image
+                force_create_image_dd = no
+                remove_image_dd = yes
+                create_image_cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1G count=1"
+                # Test the convertion from 'dd_image_name' to specified format
+                supported_image_formats = qcow2 raw
+            - create:
+                subcommand = create
+                images += " large"
+                force_create_image_large = yes
+                image_size_large = 1G
+                image_name_large = create_large_image
+                remove_image_large = yes
+            - convert:
+                subcommand = convert
+                variants:
+                    - to_qcow2:
+                        dest_image_format = qcow2
+                        compressed = no
+                        encrypted = no
+                    - to_raw:
+                        dest_image_format = raw
+            - snapshot:
+                subcommand = snapshot
+            - commit:
+                subcommand = commit
+            - info:
+                subcommand = info
+            - rebase:
+                subcommand = rebase
+                rebase_mode = unsafe
+                image_name_snapshot1 = sn1
+                image_name_snapshot2 = sn2
 # NICs
     - @rtl8139: