From patchwork Fri Jul 10 08:25:47 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Anup Patel X-Patchwork-Id: 11656013 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DC65213B4 for ; Fri, 10 Jul 2020 08:28:13 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B29A8207FC for ; Fri, 10 Jul 2020 08:28:13 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=fail reason="signature verification failed" (2048-bit key) header.b="BGZWS/9W"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="pJJ/5zgk" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1728117AbgGJI2N (ORCPT ); Fri, 10 Jul 2020 04:28:13 -0400 Received: from ([]:31073 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1728051AbgGJI2H (ORCPT ); Fri, 10 Jul 2020 04:28:07 -0400 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;; q=dns/txt;; t=1594369686; x=1625905686; h=from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to: references:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version; bh=W0jTz/41TXqVBU2s3gwLOK8P0y1SQD6UG38dMdl+VjQ=; 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Fri, 10 Jul 2020 08:27:54 +0000 X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 X-Originating-IP: [] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b15f3a4b-97c4-4efa-bf4e-08d824ab2992 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: DM5PR04MB0461: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: WDCIPOUTBOUND: EOP-TRUE X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:6430; X-Forefront-PRVS: 046060344D X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: B5b/aL4QUFMwyRD6YP6KZhiZCEMXX/Tda2NHLLOXxZDqxfijuKwvBkWa3pRdLBDFHt5w7Wsr0XlFbGjaJgMjgljbmIijWY7cKLMxChQpTyMFaAQT7X9PpKWdSi2jg9Y+z/KTQmFInvrLQJA9IZWYN8qhbY5MsgzSBVGHMGj0B4bw9FytrAz+mFKWC2vxcGiarkYdIFzpk38h6ZHEPDA6ybiJ8kdveUtN2ii7UJGL1xfH+rtaJ4TAnLbtlTJZ0jAUFBFlubs0+2uWQNicQCZjg0jfJHb9wEM8VaSsAq8SR2kn/HwbiStwFVejCcBM/EviCg5xX8T3narfu0T6XLhtSaNSUYL1OLhP+AAGzLhpA2BgoQVgK+HA0FLK83Z22DlCc9geO5IUNXGNLKW/lUJ38Q== X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFTY:;SFS:(4636009)(366004)(39860400002)(136003)(376002)(396003)(346002)(2906002)(316002)(83380400001)(110136005)(54906003)(7416002)(478600001)(6666004)(86362001)(8936002)(966005)(5660300002)(7696005)(4326008)(2616005)(26005)(956004)(52116002)(30864003)(8886007)(8676002)(186003)(66946007)(66476007)(55016002)(36756003)(66556008)(44832011)(16526019)(1076003);DIR:OUT;SFP:1102; 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CC: Jonathan Corbet CC: Signed-off-by: Anup Patel --- Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 184 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst b/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst index 426f94582b7a..b9dab2ff13e7 100644 --- a/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst +++ b/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ translation mode. ------------------ :Capability: basic -:Architectures: x86, ppc, mips +:Architectures: x86, ppc, mips, riscv :Type: vcpu ioctl :Parameters: struct kvm_interrupt (in) :Returns: 0 on success, negative on failure. @@ -582,6 +582,23 @@ interrupt number dequeues the interrupt. This is an asynchronous vcpu ioctl and can be invoked from any thread. +RISC-V: +^^^^^^^ + +Queues an external interrupt to be injected into the virutal CPU. This ioctl +is overloaded with 2 different irq values: + +a) KVM_INTERRUPT_SET + + This sets external interrupt for a virtual CPU and it will receive + once it is ready. + +b) KVM_INTERRUPT_UNSET + + This clears pending external interrupt for a virtual CPU. + +This is an asynchronous vcpu ioctl and can be invoked from any thread. + 4.17 KVM_DEBUG_GUEST -------------------- @@ -1360,7 +1377,7 @@ for vm-wide capabilities. --------------------- :Capability: KVM_CAP_MP_STATE -:Architectures: x86, s390, arm, arm64 +:Architectures: x86, s390, arm, arm64, riscv :Type: vcpu ioctl :Parameters: struct kvm_mp_state (out) :Returns: 0 on success; -1 on error @@ -1377,7 +1394,8 @@ uniprocessor guests). Possible values are: ========================== =============================================== - KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE the vcpu is currently running [x86,arm/arm64] + KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE the vcpu is currently running + [x86,arm/arm64,riscv] KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED the vcpu is an application processor (AP) which has not yet received an INIT signal [x86] KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED the vcpu has received an INIT signal, and is @@ -1386,7 +1404,7 @@ Possible values are: is waiting for an interrupt [x86] KVM_MP_STATE_SIPI_RECEIVED the vcpu has just received a SIPI (vector accessible via KVM_GET_VCPU_EVENTS) [x86] - KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED the vcpu is stopped [s390,arm/arm64] + KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED the vcpu is stopped [s390,arm/arm64,riscv] KVM_MP_STATE_CHECK_STOP the vcpu is in a special error state [s390] KVM_MP_STATE_OPERATING the vcpu is operating (running or halted) [s390] @@ -1398,8 +1416,8 @@ On x86, this ioctl is only useful after KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP. Without an in-kernel irqchip, the multiprocessing state must be maintained by userspace on these architectures. -For arm/arm64: -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +For arm/arm64/riscv: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The only states that are valid are KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED and KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE which reflect if the vcpu is paused or not. @@ -1408,7 +1426,7 @@ KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE which reflect if the vcpu is paused or not. --------------------- :Capability: KVM_CAP_MP_STATE -:Architectures: x86, s390, arm, arm64 +:Architectures: x86, s390, arm, arm64, riscv :Type: vcpu ioctl :Parameters: struct kvm_mp_state (in) :Returns: 0 on success; -1 on error @@ -1420,8 +1438,8 @@ On x86, this ioctl is only useful after KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP. Without an in-kernel irqchip, the multiprocessing state must be maintained by userspace on these architectures. -For arm/arm64: -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +For arm/arm64/riscv: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The only states that are valid are KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED and KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE which reflect if the vcpu should be paused or not. @@ -2532,6 +2550,144 @@ following id bit patterns:: 0x7020 0000 0003 02 <0:3> +RISC-V registers are mapped using the lower 32 bits. The upper 8 bits of +that is the register group type. + +RISC-V config registers are meant for configuring a Guest VCPU and it has +the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8020 0000 01 (32bit Host) + 0x8030 0000 01 (64bit Host) + +Following are the RISC-V config registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x80x0 0000 0100 0000 isa ISA feature bitmap of Guest VCPU +======================= ========= ============================================= + +The isa config register can be read anytime but can only be written before +a Guest VCPU runs. It will have ISA feature bits matching underlying host +set by default. + +RISC-V core registers represent the general excution state of a Guest VCPU +and it has the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8020 0000 02 (32bit Host) + 0x8030 0000 02 (64bit Host) + +Following are the RISC-V core registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0000 regs.pc Program counter + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0001 regs.ra Return address + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0002 regs.sp Stack pointer + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0003 Global pointer + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0004 Task pointer + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0005 regs.t0 Caller saved register 0 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0006 regs.t1 Caller saved register 1 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0007 regs.t2 Caller saved register 2 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0008 regs.s0 Callee saved register 0 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0009 regs.s1 Callee saved register 1 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000a regs.a0 Function argument (or return value) 0 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000b regs.a1 Function argument (or return value) 1 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000c regs.a2 Function argument 2 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000d regs.a3 Function argument 3 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000e regs.a4 Function argument 4 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 000f regs.a5 Function argument 5 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0010 regs.a6 Function argument 6 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0011 regs.a7 Function argument 7 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0012 regs.s2 Callee saved register 2 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0013 regs.s3 Callee saved register 3 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0014 regs.s4 Callee saved register 4 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0015 regs.s5 Callee saved register 5 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0016 regs.s6 Callee saved register 6 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0017 regs.s7 Callee saved register 7 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0018 regs.s8 Callee saved register 8 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0019 regs.s9 Callee saved register 9 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001a regs.s10 Callee saved register 10 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001b regs.s11 Callee saved register 11 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001c regs.t3 Caller saved register 3 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001d regs.t4 Caller saved register 4 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001e regs.t5 Caller saved register 5 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 001f regs.t6 Caller saved register 6 + 0x80x0 0000 0200 0020 mode Privilege mode (1 = S-mode or 0 = U-mode) +======================= ========= ============================================= + +RISC-V csr registers represent the supervisor mode control/status registers +of a Guest VCPU and it has the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8020 0000 03 (32bit Host) + 0x8030 0000 03 (64bit Host) + +Following are the RISC-V csr registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0000 sstatus Supervisor status + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0001 sie Supervisor interrupt enable + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0002 stvec Supervisor trap vector base + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0003 sscratch Supervisor scratch register + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0004 sepc Supervisor exception program counter + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0005 scause Supervisor trap cause + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0006 stval Supervisor bad address or instruction + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0007 sip Supervisor interrupt pending + 0x80x0 0000 0300 0008 satp Supervisor address translation and protection +======================= ========= ============================================= + +RISC-V timer registers represent the timer state of a Guest VCPU and it has +the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8030 0000 04 + +Following are the RISC-V timer registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x8030 0000 0400 0000 frequency Time base frequency (read-only) + 0x8030 0000 0400 0001 time Time value visible to Guest + 0x8030 0000 0400 0002 compare Time compare programmed by Guest + 0x8030 0000 0400 0003 state Time compare state (1 = ON or 0 = OFF) +======================= ========= ============================================= + +RISC-V F-extension registers represent the single precision floating point +state of a Guest VCPU and it has the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8020 0000 05 + +Following are the RISC-V F-extension registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x8020 0000 0500 0000 f[0] Floating point register 0 + ... + 0x8020 0000 0500 001f f[31] Floating point register 31 + 0x8020 0000 0500 0020 fcsr Floating point control and status register +======================= ========= ============================================= + +RISC-V D-extension registers represent the double precision floating point +state of a Guest VCPU and it has the following id bit patterns:: + + 0x8020 0000 06 (fcsr) + 0x8030 0000 06 (non-fcsr) + +Following are the RISC-V D-extension registers: + +======================= ========= ============================================= + Encoding Register Description +======================= ========= ============================================= + 0x8030 0000 0600 0000 f[0] Floating point register 0 + ... + 0x8030 0000 0600 001f f[31] Floating point register 31 + 0x8020 0000 0600 0020 fcsr Floating point control and status register +======================= ========= ============================================= + 4.69 KVM_GET_ONE_REG -------------------- @@ -5154,6 +5310,25 @@ Note that KVM does not skip the faulting instruction as it does for KVM_EXIT_MMIO, but userspace has to emulate any change to the processing state if it decides to decode and emulate the instruction. +:: + + /* KVM_EXIT_RISCV_SBI */ + struct { + unsigned long extension_id; + unsigned long function_id; + unsigned long args[6]; + unsigned long ret[2]; + } riscv_sbi; +If exit reason is KVM_EXIT_RISCV_SBI then it indicates that the VCPU has +done a SBI call which is not handled by KVM RISC-V kernel module. The details +of the SBI call are available in 'riscv_sbi' member of kvm_run structure. The +'extension_id' field of 'riscv_sbi' represents SBI extension ID whereas the +'function_id' field represents function ID of given SBI extension. The 'args' +array field of 'riscv_sbi' represents parameters for the SBI call and 'ret' +array field represents return values. The userspace should update the return +values of SBI call before resuming the VCPU. For more details on RISC-V SBI +spec refer, + :: /* Fix the size of the union. */