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[v4,7/7] PCI: dw-rockchip: Describe Resizable BARs as Resizable BARs

Message ID 20250131182949.465530-16-cassel@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series PCI: endpoint: Allow EPF drivers to configure the size of Resizable BARs | expand

Commit Message

Niklas Cassel Jan. 31, 2025, 6:29 p.m. UTC
Looking at " USP_PCIE_RESBAR Registers Summary" in the rk3588 TRM,
we can see that none of the BARs are Fixed BARs, but actually Resizable

I couldn't find any reference in the rk3568 TRM, but looking at the
downstream PCIe endpoint driver, rk3568 and rk3588 are treated as the same,
so the BARs on rk3568 must also be Resizable BARs.

Now when we actually have support for Resizable BARs, let's configure
these BARs as such.

Reviewed-by: Manivannan Sadhasivam <manivannan.sadhasivam@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Niklas Cassel <cassel@kernel.org>
 drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-dw-rockchip.c | 22 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-dw-rockchip.c b/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-dw-rockchip.c
index 93698abff4d9..df2eaa35d045 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-dw-rockchip.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-dw-rockchip.c
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@  static const struct pci_epc_features rockchip_pcie_epc_features_rk3568 = {
 	.msi_capable = true,
 	.msix_capable = true,
 	.align = SZ_64K,
-	.bar[BAR_0] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_1] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_2] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_3] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_4] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_5] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
+	.bar[BAR_0] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_1] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_2] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_3] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_4] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_5] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@  static const struct pci_epc_features rockchip_pcie_epc_features_rk3588 = {
 	.msi_capable = true,
 	.msix_capable = true,
 	.align = SZ_64K,
-	.bar[BAR_0] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_1] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_2] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
-	.bar[BAR_3] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
+	.bar[BAR_0] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_1] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_2] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
+	.bar[BAR_3] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
 	.bar[BAR_4] = { .type = BAR_RESERVED, },
-	.bar[BAR_5] = { .type = BAR_FIXED, .fixed_size = SZ_1M, },
+	.bar[BAR_5] = { .type = BAR_RESIZABLE, },
 static const struct pci_epc_features *