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[03/33] dt-bindings: clock: document exynos7870 clock driver CMU bindings

Message ID 20250202190924.15036-1-kauschluss@disroot.org (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series None | expand

Commit Message

Kaustabh Chakraborty Feb. 2, 2025, 7:09 p.m. UTC
Provide dt-schema documentation for Exynos7870 SoC clock controller.

Signed-off-by: Kaustabh Chakraborty <kauschluss@disroot.org>
 .../clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml       | 246 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 246 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml


Krzysztof Kozlowski Feb. 3, 2025, 7:57 a.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 12:39:24AM +0530, Kaustabh Chakraborty wrote:

Subject - drop driver. Bindings are about hardware. This applies to all
your bindings patches

> +        clock-names:
> +          items:
> +            - const: oscclk
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_mfcmscl_mfc
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_mfcmscl_mscl
> +
> +  - if:
> +      properties:
> +        compatible:
> +          contains:
> +            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-peri
> +

Drop blank line

> +    then:
> +      properties:
> +        clocks:
> +          items:
> +            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
> +            - description: CMU_PERI bus clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: SPI0 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: SPI1 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: SPI2 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: SPI3 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: SPI4 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: UART0 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: UART1 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +            - description: UART2 clock (from CMU_MIF)
> +
> +        clock-names:
> +          items:
> +            - const: oscclk
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_bus
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi0
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi1
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi2
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi3
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi4
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart0
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart1
> +            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart2
> +
> +required:
> +  - compatible
> +  - "#clock-cells"
> +  - clocks
> +  - clock-names
> +  - reg

required block is just after properties.

> +
> +additionalProperties: false
> +
> +examples:
> +  # Clock controller node for CMU_PERI


> +  - |
> +    #include <dt-bindings/clock/exynos7870.h>
> +
> +    cmu_peri: clock-controller@101F0000 {

Lowercase hex

> +      compatible = "samsung,exynos7870-cmu-peri";
> +      reg = <0x101f0000 0x1000>;
> +      #clock-cells = <1>;
> +
> +      clock-names = "oscclk",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_bus",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi0",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi1",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi2",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi3",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi4",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart0",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart1",
> +                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart2";
> +      clocks = <&oscclk>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_BUS>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI0>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI1>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI2>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI3>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI4>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART0>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART1>,
> +               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART2>;
> +    };
> +
> +...
> -- 
> 2.48.1
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..697e03ca191d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/clock/samsung,exynos7870-clock.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Samsung Exynos7870 SoC clock controller
+  - Chanwoo Choi <cw00.choi@samsung.com>
+  - Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk@kernel.org>
+  - Sylwester Nawrocki <s.nawrocki@samsung.com>
+  - Tomasz Figa <tomasz.figa@gmail.com>
+description: |
+  Exynos7870 clock controller is comprised of several CMU units, generating
+  clocks for different domains. Those CMU units are modeled as separate device
+  tree nodes, and might depend on each other. The root clock in that root tree
+  is an external clock: OSCCLK (26 MHz). This external clock must be defined
+  as a fixed-rate clock in dts.
+  Each clock is assigned an identifier and client nodes can use this identifier
+  to specify the clock which they consume. All clocks available for usage
+  in clock consumer nodes are defined as preprocessor macros in
+  'dt-bindings/clock/exynos7870.h' header.
+  compatible:
+    enum:
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-mif
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-dispaud
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-fsys
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-g3d
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-isp
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-mfcmscl
+      - samsung,exynos7870-cmu-peri
+  clocks:
+    minItems: 1
+    maxItems: 10
+  clock-names:
+    minItems: 1
+    maxItems: 10
+  "#clock-cells":
+    const: 1
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 1
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-mif
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-dispaud
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: CMU_DISPAUD bus clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: DECON external clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: DECON vertical clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_dispaud_bus
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_dispaud_decon_eclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_dispaud_decon_vclk
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-fsys
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: CMU_FSYS bus clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: USB20DRD clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_fsys_bus
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_fsys_usb20drd_refclk
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-g3d
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: G3D switch clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_g3d_switch
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-isp
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: ISP camera clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: ISP clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: ISP VRA clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_isp_cam
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_isp_isp
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_isp_vra
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-mfcmscl
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: MSCL clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: MFC clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_mfcmscl_mfc
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_mfcmscl_mscl
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: samsung,exynos7870-cmu-peri
+    then:
+      properties:
+        clocks:
+          items:
+            - description: External reference clock (26 MHz)
+            - description: CMU_PERI bus clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: SPI0 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: SPI1 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: SPI2 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: SPI3 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: SPI4 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: UART0 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: UART1 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+            - description: UART2 clock (from CMU_MIF)
+        clock-names:
+          items:
+            - const: oscclk
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_bus
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi0
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi1
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi2
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi3
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi4
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart0
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart1
+            - const: gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart2
+  - compatible
+  - "#clock-cells"
+  - clocks
+  - clock-names
+  - reg
+additionalProperties: false
+  # Clock controller node for CMU_PERI
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/exynos7870.h>
+    cmu_peri: clock-controller@101F0000 {
+      compatible = "samsung,exynos7870-cmu-peri";
+      reg = <0x101f0000 0x1000>;
+      #clock-cells = <1>;
+      clock-names = "oscclk",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_bus",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi0",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi1",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi2",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi3",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_spi4",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart0",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart1",
+                    "gout_mif_cmu_peri_uart2";
+      clocks = <&oscclk>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_BUS>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI0>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI1>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI2>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI3>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_SPI4>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART0>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART1>,
+               <&cmu_mif CLK_GOUT_MIF_CMU_PERI_UART2>;
+    };