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[v7,02/11] dt-bindings: pinctrl: Add RaspberryPi RP1 gpio/pinctrl/pinmux bindings

Message ID 4e0e1525a3468c7eaaff100f16381cb5dca086b8.1738963156.git.andrea.porta@suse.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Add support for RaspberryPi RP1 PCI device using a DT overlay | expand

Commit Message

Andrea della Porta Feb. 7, 2025, 9:31 p.m. UTC
Add device tree bindings for the gpio/pin/mux controller that is part of
the RP1 multi function device, and relative entries in MAINTAINERS file.

Signed-off-by: Andrea della Porta <andrea.porta@suse.com>
Reviewed-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzysztof.kozlowski@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@linaro.org>
Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <florian.fainelli@broadcom.com>
 .../pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml         | 198 ++++++++++++++++++
 MAINTAINERS                                   |   2 +
 2 files changed, 200 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9528f8675b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: RaspberryPi RP1 GPIO/Pinconf/Pinmux Controller submodule
+  - Andrea della Porta <andrea.porta@suse.com>
+  The RP1 chipset is a Multi Function Device containing, among other
+  sub-peripherals, a gpio/pinconf/mux controller whose 54 pins are grouped
+  into 3 banks.
+  It works also as an interrupt controller for those gpios.
+  compatible:
+    const: raspberrypi,rp1-gpio
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 3
+    description: One reg specifier for each one of the 3 pin banks.
+  '#gpio-cells':
+    description: The first cell is the pin number and the second cell is used
+      to specify the flags (see include/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h).
+    const: 2
+  gpio-controller: true
+  gpio-ranges:
+    maxItems: 1
+  gpio-line-names:
+    maxItems: 54
+  interrupts:
+    maxItems: 3
+    description: One interrupt specifier for each one of the 3 pin banks.
+  '#interrupt-cells':
+    description:
+      Specifies the Bank number [0, 1, 2] and Flags as defined in
+      include/dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h.
+    const: 2
+  interrupt-controller: true
+  '-state$':
+    oneOf:
+      - $ref: '#/$defs/raspberrypi-rp1-state'
+      - patternProperties:
+          '-pins$':
+            $ref: '#/$defs/raspberrypi-rp1-state'
+        additionalProperties: false
+  raspberrypi-rp1-state:
+    allOf:
+      - $ref: pincfg-node.yaml#
+      - $ref: pinmux-node.yaml#
+    description:
+      Pin controller client devices use pin configuration subnodes (children
+      and grandchildren) for desired pin configuration.
+      Client device subnodes use below standard properties.
+    properties:
+      pins:
+        description:
+          List of gpio pins affected by the properties specified in this
+          subnode.
+        items:
+          pattern: '^gpio([0-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])$'
+      function:
+        enum: [ alt0, alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4, gpio, alt6, alt7, alt8, none,
+                aaud, dcd0, dpi, dsi0_te_ext, dsi1_te_ext, dsr0, dtr0, gpclk0,
+                gpclk1, gpclk2, gpclk3, gpclk4, gpclk5, i2c0, i2c1, i2c2, i2c3,
+                i2c4, i2c5, i2c6, i2s0, i2s1, i2s2, ir, mic, pcie_clkreq_n,
+                pio, proc_rio, pwm0, pwm1, ri0, sd0, sd1, spi0, spi1, spi2,
+                spi3, spi4, spi5, spi6, spi7, spi8, uart0, uart1, uart2, uart3,
+                uart4, uart5, vbus0, vbus1, vbus2, vbus3 ]
+        description:
+          Specify the alternative function to be configured for the specified
+          pins.
+      bias-disable: true
+      bias-pull-down: true
+      bias-pull-up: true
+      input-enable: true
+      input-schmitt-enable: true
+      output-enable: true
+      output-high: true
+      output-low: true
+      slew-rate:
+        description: 0 is slow slew rate, 1 is fast slew rate
+        enum: [ 0, 1 ]
+      drive-strength:
+        enum: [ 2, 4, 8, 12 ]
+    additionalProperties: false
+  - $ref: pinctrl.yaml#
+  - reg
+  - compatible
+  - '#gpio-cells'
+  - gpio-controller
+  - interrupts
+  - '#interrupt-cells'
+  - interrupt-controller
+unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+    rp1 {
+        #address-cells = <2>;
+        #size-cells = <2>;
+        rp1_gpio: pinctrl@c0400d0000 {
+            reg = <0xc0 0x400d0000  0x0 0xc000>,
+                  <0xc0 0x400e0000  0x0 0xc000>,
+                  <0xc0 0x400f0000  0x0 0xc000>;
+            compatible = "raspberrypi,rp1-gpio";
+            gpio-controller;
+            #gpio-cells = <2>;
+            interrupt-controller;
+            #interrupt-cells = <2>;
+            interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
+                         <1 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
+                         <2 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+            gpio-line-names =
+                   "ID_SDA", // GPIO0
+                   "ID_SCL", // GPIO1
+                   "GPIO2", "GPIO3", "GPIO4", "GPIO5", "GPIO6",
+                   "GPIO7", "GPIO8", "GPIO9", "GPIO10", "GPIO11",
+                   "GPIO12", "GPIO13", "GPIO14", "GPIO15", "GPIO16",
+                   "GPIO17", "GPIO18", "GPIO19", "GPIO20", "GPIO21",
+                   "GPIO22", "GPIO23", "GPIO24", "GPIO25", "GPIO26",
+                   "GPIO27",
+                   "PCIE_RP1_WAKE", // GPIO28
+                   "FAN_TACH", // GPIO29
+                   "HOST_SDA", // GPIO30
+                   "HOST_SCL", // GPIO31
+                   "ETH_RST_N", // GPIO32
+                   "", // GPIO33
+                   "CD0_IO0_MICCLK", // GPIO34
+                   "CD0_IO0_MICDAT0", // GPIO35
+                   "RP1_PCIE_CLKREQ_N", // GPIO36
+                   "", // GPIO37
+                   "CD0_SDA", // GPIO38
+                   "CD0_SCL", // GPIO39
+                   "CD1_SDA", // GPIO40
+                   "CD1_SCL", // GPIO41
+                   "USB_VBUS_EN", // GPIO42
+                   "USB_OC_N", // GPIO43
+                   "RP1_STAT_LED", // GPIO44
+                   "FAN_PWM", // GPIO45
+                   "CD1_IO0_MICCLK", // GPIO46
+                   "2712_WAKE", // GPIO47
+                   "CD1_IO1_MICDAT1", // GPIO48
+                   "EN_MAX_USB_CUR", // GPIO49
+                   "", // GPIO50
+                   "", // GPIO51
+                   "", // GPIO52
+                   ""; // GPIO53
+            rp1-i2s0-default-state {
+                function = "i2s0";
+                pins = "gpio18", "gpio19", "gpio20", "gpio21";
+                bias-disable;
+            };
+            rp1-uart0-default-state {
+                txd-pins {
+                    function = "uart0";
+                    pins = "gpio14";
+                    bias-disable;
+                };
+                rxd-pins {
+                    function = "uart0";
+                    pins = "gpio15";
+                    bias-pull-up;
+                };
+            };
+        };
+    };
index 266569c1edd9..d45c88955072 100644
@@ -19752,7 +19752,9 @@  RASPBERRY PI RP1 PCI DRIVER
 M:	Andrea della Porta <andrea.porta@suse.com>
 S:	Maintained
 F:	Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/raspberrypi,rp1-clocks.yaml
+F:	Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/raspberrypi,rp1-gpio.yaml
 F:	include/dt-bindings/clock/rp1.h
+F:	include/dt-bindings/misc/rp1.h
 M:	Sean Young <sean@mess.org>