From patchwork Wed Dec 18 23:36:31 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Fabien Parent X-Patchwork-Id: 13914290 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id EFBEA1FD78C; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 23:37:19 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1734565042; cv=none; b=XfXKVEzYpfAmiXuSxVnBojUd0OOi0gYhCjfhME0i3zdVtfJ01NxqDvG85BFIWEJEzioQK3BzSh/U1vJ7rTsKBvdPOcf0aYPPWSsDdG7yUbpZDpNQojGl9pWw4aMC5ILQj2JOx5wMShUXqwiMQKK/oY0sR8eQV0StVqc8qwavlHM= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1734565042; c=relaxed/simple; bh=4SE9setPSSrH0hJjJY1xCu9tx2HYa/TBhF8z5FVIs4g=; h=From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-Id:References: In-Reply-To:To:Cc; b=q8sC7ocsogEHQ0o7Jz9kSi0vjPb6XeKj+aNKDkhlCBUEC3tAzJgflGeTdLst18oez23Nl0zByt+5R+Ct59Xi1T3iqhPGRZrs6Cuxs6ua+AMCVk6KfSaHXz9VhC3pzs9j1LoS9101o9c0FHPi8kE4zXup83rkuQ6EawKZYPZpGSg= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=b4es2Ivx; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="b4es2Ivx" Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-21654fdd5daso1958805ad.1; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:19 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1734565039; x=1735169839;; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=UhAzgwSjNox/FIb+hLHlHMNNI9yeP1VLZ/ht4Xnzx9w=; b=b4es2Ivx440lTh6viRB9LN5BYyxzNn55qYZowsx6aFWnjagV4qKvrwqBh9UkKIH7Sy LI3NG61EhxWMxbzPeBKEGqOyy0jhUT2dZmxlQrZhxv3YtkDlFUjDDEJU2WDk6fLosDMV tmzO7njsMRSUwbLQ7yiyuy3AdZXl3HK/mRHpr1ihMDIEyuyWfA6khYXJ6jb57F8g8ROE l8wMzYnq7hKdAgPL3rPcuOxUy4G6o2Y2wi1zvsvFyKLfYr/9ZwDEyEXGZrqtih9o796W 93/6o9MC2tAFW8opb8klHeLuq14oteCmRNzDcgQDBToJbAprKtIRBuPqUuRLtM6l+Jzx 7R2A== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1734565039; x=1735169839; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=UhAzgwSjNox/FIb+hLHlHMNNI9yeP1VLZ/ht4Xnzx9w=; b=K4H0pzWnvI/aGwSASqsn5TC+IwJ8GTjJ+FD6TGk0fZRMROelEdx0Bu6fcTihavjRuV V64OxIDEzvsck+xmTUkeA00NA5acAVA0zwgJ7apAeqjzvN2gZqk+HAMjgthCMkdXC/eg fIQJpUiXNzbpIXWGlSTtnV6409U0vKuopTao45WSLQwaUmCBbS4R5DCS5Z8TYD2QKdEs xZUNQlc0S0KclK83p2Nbac5wPoOODtxjEKehk+WDUWj+XqATRmQNManMWm7zq4ThNpqz sJsH7nS1539sKhqlo/v4ApDOp5yAwi4RND6HoOKwJYeBK4DmyABdkzZc/np1ArvzMyyp g8ww== X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1;,, AJvYcCWnrtplwpG8FZiNZ/WTuziE+Brd3O7W6/, AJvYcCXHUAm7KmTsM5H7Gvh12Jr/0KJk3XxJxwhlM1ZM/ X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YyVnUYUmb/nwrLtfrAj76ZR8f9WSnjWu2SCY/XRr8bFo2/crtHf DV6LdIfYE6xQO+Eu50i/BBOkNEfxCQVAM3R0i5UUrJgsPoj3yy+a X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncvwhtRtHg/zmbj3HOhOLbf7m9PkrRhPv+Kt4MMbE9v4873uRcAsfjf7SwECm10 3gPVKC4JZY6bPSk+nG48yTrLt/lEasI6CiDf9B51vgO5V+GNLEdBuHRI6dWM5M3NYf7IUe0nPSa a0Hya5ywlVGHtklFti11UqnwYCLJHVpxu6p49RFCVTahJxOcW8+9hVZYJjlp5OdchmWm2w4pdmO bdsn2NqPaMRDa4IWNeoltS+99oxBJjEl1Nc/YeG0wV3ANbhF/lqExkL X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IG25MGGi4G1Umt/pBxrQoT0UKWAYNG0VN2GMrkgQXxU0hwxukqEiX52e1fIsrdjr9zWG8xfmg== X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:ec81:b0:216:5568:38c9 with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-218d72349edmr71021735ad.31.1734565039076; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:19 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ([2001:569:fcea:600:2e06:283e:5daa:4d0f]) by with ESMTPSA id d9443c01a7336-219dc9f6967sm802335ad.214.2024. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:18 -0800 (PST) From: Fabien Parent Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:36:31 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] rust: i2c: add basic I2C client abstraction Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> To: Rob Herring , Saravana Kannan , Miguel Ojeda , Alex Gaynor , Boqun Feng , Gary Guo , =?utf-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn_Roy_Baron?= , Benno Lossin , Andreas Hindborg , Alice Ryhl , Trevor Gross , Greg Kroah-Hartman , "Rafael J. Wysocki" , Wolfram Sang , Mark Brown , Liam Girdwood , Krzysztof Kozlowski , Conor Dooley , Bjorn Andersson , Konrad Dybcio , Fabien Parent Cc:,,,,,, Fabien Parent , Fiona Behrens X-Mailer: b4 0.14.2 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=13005;; h=from:subject:message-id; bh=kd7a0C90uxuWTBjnlJWT2Q5dPINXmEd9sR6MvOUkVYg=; b=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgTUVTU0FHRS0tLS0tCgpvd0o0bkFGdEFwTDlrQTBEQUFvQmlKc2d4Q kw5cktRQnl5WmlBR2RqWEtMNE1RVFdRTFpsRGxBdVl0WHJwNFVPCjFvc1d6OTYvZUZFOVByUXNZ Z1NYWjRrQ013UUFBUW9BSFJZaEJONk0wZElMeXpzd3JmRnNxWWliSU1RUy9heWsKQlFKblkxeWl BQW9KRUlpYklNUVMvYXlrOFNZUC9SQzVQZGIvdktiZ2RaOXBoY2pvQWMzWElFemFzTm1SMHVmMA orRE5FQlQ2YmhISzFyQVM2NStoTU5ET1g4VlZVTFBBejNjQTVjWGJmSm1uVGtoelgzaEt6Z1pUS TNocjdrUXgwCmxXU3JpU1J1QnUzYVZCN2pJS3FlanhKU3JCNytUZStWeC9NbDNaYWNsWHJkZzFD NnNRc3lWSWRkbjNPd3hTVEEKenZERmxxZDN5d3FaR25ocXZkLy9iL3ZXdzlYcEJ3cXF3ZnJLL0R MdDRDQnZxeTB6eDhsYk9SYUNCa3pxVHUrMAp1cGkzRmUvQ2FIbXBUNXpjOFpMN3pZalNtRzU5WH p2c2g2RndRcklVT0N6eTcvUVZqMDhaNXpEMVZRdzhsYWRZCmw0YStacENWR3V2Smtld1hMVkJOa EV3U0MvbDFuOW9SUFhyVFVYUmlNWlNPcDZyV01hZ3NXdmhyem1aUk1GakcKU2NySkNUdEhZWTNL OFhnZmt3WlhZS1preVFkS2ZRUjV1Z3lxcjVDbnhNRWwzbisvZVlIMTFPQWhGU1BhY2lDNgpjNVJ RQWI2MGNUeHcvTCtKUjM4ckE4UnZiM2JHY25JTnRMRkZyUHZWYy9PN2ZJYnNoSS8rZHdFMGt0Nj ZoMCsvCmk3YjVMR01BM3ZIcGR0VUNmRDJyZDZxd0VOelJoODdMdERRWDNDcXpkeHJ5SG1FYnhhZ E52OTZaVVBhTWtuZnMKMEhjZzZmRERtYU9ycU5ZWnVhcDBxcWJ0VWlaM00vQ29OOGRqd0VPemho NDhBRjBUcUJjbUc5UU4ybUhRUE1TLwpVaW94UWEvbUZscDM0N1lKUWRqRzZNTVB6YUV5TGZrUFJ NbTJjN0o1bUUrZDNhbmxacllyQXdTNFl4QUFrMVNJCk5meVpWaHUvT0NBMytnPT0KPWpHVUMKLS 0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIE1FU1NBR0UtLS0tLQo= X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=07BB034F9E8E3AF0DF4CF7607AE864A1E16FA383 From: Fiona Behrens Implement an abstraction to write I2C device drivers. The abstraction is pretty basic and provides just the infrastructure to probe a device from I2C/OF device_id and abstract `i2c_client`. The client will be used by the Regmap abstraction to perform I/O on the I2C bus. Signed-off-by: Fiona Behrens Co-developed-by: Fabien Parent Signed-off-by: Fabien Parent --- MAINTAINERS | 1 + rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h | 1 + rust/helpers/helpers.c | 1 + rust/helpers/i2c.c | 13 ++ rust/kernel/ | 288 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rust/kernel/ | 2 + 6 files changed, 306 insertions(+) diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 6b9e10551392c185b9314c9f94edeaf6e85af58f..961fe4ed39605bf489d1d9e473f47bccb692ff14 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -10796,6 +10796,7 @@ F: include/linux/i2c-smbus.h F: include/linux/i2c.h F: include/uapi/linux/i2c-*.h F: include/uapi/linux/i2c.h +F: rust/kernel/ I2C SUBSYSTEM HOST DRIVERS M: Andi Shyti diff --git a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h index e9fdceb568b8f94e602ee498323e5768a40a6cba..a882efb90bfc27960ef1fd5f2dc8cc40533a1c27 100644 --- a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h +++ b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/rust/helpers/helpers.c b/rust/helpers/helpers.c index 0640b7e115be1553549312dcfdf842bcae3bde1b..630e903f516ee14a51f46ff0bcc68e8f9a64021a 100644 --- a/rust/helpers/helpers.c +++ b/rust/helpers/helpers.c @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #include "device.c" #include "err.c" #include "fs.c" +#include "i2c.c" #include "io.c" #include "jump_label.c" #include "kunit.c" diff --git a/rust/helpers/i2c.c b/rust/helpers/i2c.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ffdc454e7597cc61909da5b3597057aeb5f7299 --- /dev/null +++ b/rust/helpers/i2c.c @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +#include + +void *rust_helper_i2c_get_clientdata(const struct i2c_client *client) +{ + return i2c_get_clientdata(client); +} + +void rust_helper_i2c_set_clientdata(struct i2c_client *client, void *data) +{ + i2c_set_clientdata(client, data); +} diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efa03335e5b59e72738380e94213976b2464c25b --- /dev/null +++ b/rust/kernel/ @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +//! Abstractions for the I2C bus. +//! +//! C header: [`include/linux/i2c.h`](srctree/include/linux/i2c.h) + +use crate::{ + bindings, container_of, + device::Device, + device_id::{self, RawDeviceId}, + driver, + error::{to_result, Result}, + of, + prelude::*, + str::CStr, + types::{ARef, ForeignOwnable, Opaque}, + ThisModule, +}; + +/// Abstraction for `bindings::i2c_device_id`. +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(Clone, Copy)] +pub struct DeviceId(bindings::i2c_device_id); + +impl DeviceId { + /// Create a new device id from an I2C name. + pub const fn new(name: &CStr) -> Self { + let src = name.as_bytes_with_nul(); + // TODO: Replace with `bindings::i2c_device_id::default()` once stabilized for `const`. + // SAFETY: FFI type is valid to be zero-initialized. + let mut i2c: bindings::i2c_device_id = unsafe { core::mem::zeroed() }; + + let mut i = 0; + while i < src.len() { +[i] = src[i] as _; + i += 1; + } + + Self(i2c) + } +} + +// SAFETY: +// * `DeviceId` is a `#[repr(transparent)` wrapper of `i2c_device_id` and does not add +// additional invariants, so it's safe to transmute to `RawType`. +// * `DRIVER_DATA_OFFSET` is the offset to the `data` field. +unsafe impl RawDeviceId for DeviceId { + type RawType = bindings::i2c_device_id; + + const DRIVER_DATA_OFFSET: usize = core::mem::offset_of!(bindings::i2c_device_id, driver_data); + + fn index(&self) -> usize { + self.0.driver_data as _ + } +} + +/// I2C [`DeviceId`] table. +pub type IdTable = &'static dyn device_id::IdTable; + +/// An adapter for the registration of I2C drivers. +#[doc(hidden)] +pub struct Adapter(T); + +impl driver::RegistrationOps for Adapter { + type RegType = bindings::i2c_driver; + + fn register( + i2cdrv: &Opaque, + name: &'static CStr, + module: &'static ThisModule, + ) -> Result { + // SAFETY: It's safe to set the fields of `struct i2c_driver` on initialization. + unsafe { + (*i2cdrv.get()) = name.as_char_ptr(); + (*i2cdrv.get()).probe = Some(Self::probe_callback); + (*i2cdrv.get()).remove = Some(Self::remove_callback); + if let Some(t) = T::I2C_ID_TABLE { + (*i2cdrv.get()).id_table = t.as_ptr(); + } + if let Some(t) = T::OF_ID_TABLE { + (*i2cdrv.get()).driver.of_match_table = t.as_ptr(); + } + } + + // SAFETY: `i2cdrv` is guaranteed to be a valid `RegType`. + to_result(unsafe { bindings::i2c_register_driver(module.0, i2cdrv.get()) }) + } + + fn unregister(i2cdrv: &Opaque) { + // SAFETY: `i2cdrv` is guaranteed to be a valid `RegType`. + unsafe { bindings::i2c_del_driver(i2cdrv.get()) }; + } +} + +impl Adapter { + /// Get the [`Self::IdInfo`] that matched during probe. + fn id_info(client: &mut Client) -> Option<&'static T::IdInfo> { + let id = ::id_info(client.as_ref()); + if id.is_some() { + return id; + } + + // SAFETY: `client` and `client.as_raw()` are guaranteed to be valid. + let id = unsafe { bindings::i2c_client_get_device_id(client.as_raw()) }; + if !id.is_null() { + // SAFETY: `DeviceId` is a `#[repr(transparent)` wrapper of `struct i2c_device_id` and + // does not add additional invariants, so it's safe to transmute. + let id = unsafe { &*id.cast::() }; + return Some(T::I2C_ID_TABLE?.info(id.index())); + } + + None + } + + extern "C" fn probe_callback(client: *mut bindings::i2c_client) -> core::ffi::c_int { + // SAFETY: The i2c bus only ever calls the probe callback with a valid `client`. + let dev = unsafe { Device::get_device(core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*client).dev)) }; + // SAFETY: `dev` is guaranteed to be embedded in a valid `struct i2c_client` by the + // call above. + let mut client = unsafe { Client::from_dev(dev) }; + + let info = Self::id_info(&mut client); + match T::probe(&mut client, info) { + Ok(data) => { + // Let the `struct i2c_client` own a reference of the driver's private data. + // SAFETY: By the type invariant `client.as_raw` returns a valid pointer to a + // `struct i2c_client`. + unsafe { bindings::i2c_set_clientdata(client.as_raw(), data.into_foreign() as _) }; + } + Err(err) => return Error::to_errno(err), + } + + 0 + } + + extern "C" fn remove_callback(client: *mut bindings::i2c_client) { + // SAFETY: `client` is a valid pointer to a `struct i2c_client`. + let ptr = unsafe { bindings::i2c_get_clientdata(client) }; + + // SAFETY: `remove_callback` is only ever called after a successful call to + // `probe_callback`, hence it's guaranteed that `ptr` points to a valid and initialized + // `KBox` pointer created through `KBox::into_foreign`. + let _ = unsafe { KBox::::from_foreign(ptr) }; + } +} + +impl driver::Adapter for Adapter { + type IdInfo = T::IdInfo; + + fn of_id_table() -> Option> { + T::OF_ID_TABLE + } +} + +/// The I2C driver trait. +/// +/// Drivers must implement this trait in order to get a i2c driver registered. +/// +/// # Example +/// +///``` +/// # use kernel::{bindings, c_str, i2c, of}; +/// # +/// kernel::of_device_table!( +/// OF_ID_TABLE, +/// MODULE_OF_ID_TABLE, +/// ::IdInfo, +/// [(of::DeviceId::new(c_str!("onnn,ncv6336")), ()),] +/// ); +/// +/// kernel::i2c_device_table!( +/// I2C_ID_TABLE, +/// MODULE_I2C_ID_TABLE, +/// ::IdInfo, +/// [(i2c::DeviceId::new(c_str!("ncv6336")), ()),] +/// ); +/// +/// struct MyDriver; +/// +/// impl i2c::Driver for MyDriver { +/// type IdInfo = (); +/// const OF_ID_TABLE: Option> = Some(&OF_ID_TABLE); +/// const I2C_ID_TABLE: Option> = Some(&I2C_ID_TABLE); +/// +/// fn probe(_client: &mut i2c::Client, +/// id_info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result>> { +/// Ok(KBox::new(Self, GFP_KERNEL)?.into()) +/// } +/// } +///``` +pub trait Driver { + /// The type holding information about each device id supported by the driver. + // TODO: Use associated_type_defaults once stabilized: + // type IdInfo: 'static = (); + type IdInfo: 'static; + + /// An optional table of I2C device ids supported by the driver. + const I2C_ID_TABLE: Option>; + + /// An optional table of OF device ids supported by the driver. + const OF_ID_TABLE: Option>; + + /// I2C driver probe. + /// + /// Called when a new I2C client is added or discovered. + fn probe(client: &mut Client, id_info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result>>; +} + +/// An I2C Client. +/// +/// # Invariants +/// +/// `Client` holds a valid reference of `ARef` whose underlying `struct device` is a +/// member of a `struct i2c_client`. +#[derive(Clone)] +pub struct Client(ARef); + +impl Client { + /// Convert a raw kernel device into a `Client` + /// + /// # Safety + /// + /// `dev` must be an `Aref` whose underlying `bindings::device` is a member of a + /// `bindings::i2c_client`. + unsafe fn from_dev(dev: ARef) -> Self { + Self(dev) + } + + /// Returns the raw `struct i2c_client`. + pub fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut bindings::i2c_client { + // SAFETY: By the type invariant `self.0.as_raw` is a pointer to the `struct device` + // embedded in `struct i2c_client`. + unsafe { container_of!(self.0.as_raw(), bindings::i2c_client, dev) }.cast_mut() + } +} + +impl AsRef for Client { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &Device { + &self.0 + } +} + +/// Declares a kernel module that exposes a single I2C driver. +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// kernel::module_i2c_driver! { +/// type: MyDriver, +/// name: "Module name", +/// author: "Author name", +/// description: "Description", +/// license: "GPL v2", +/// } +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! module_i2c_driver { + ($($f:tt)*) => { + $crate::module_driver!(, $crate::i2c::Adapter, { $($f)* }); + }; +} + +/// Create an I2C `IdTable` with an "alias" for modpost. +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ``` +/// use kernel::{c_str, i2c}; +/// +/// kernel::i2c_device_table!( +/// I2C_ID_TABLE, +/// MODULE_I2C_ID_TABLE, +/// u32, +/// [(i2c::DeviceId::new(c_str!("ncv6336")), 0x6336),] +/// ); +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! i2c_device_table { + ($table_name:ident, $module_table_name:ident, $id_info_type: ty, $table_data: expr) => { + const $table_name: $crate::device_id::IdArray< + $crate::i2c::DeviceId, + $id_info_type, + { $table_data.len() }, + > = $crate::device_id::IdArray::new($table_data); + + $crate::module_device_table!("i2c", $module_table_name, $table_name); + }; +} diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/ index 7fb9858966e8457611d5868783000844ba640db9..71ef7df94302b689be665676a36bd5c2e6effff3 100644 --- a/rust/kernel/ +++ b/rust/kernel/ @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ #[cfg(CONFIG_RUST_FW_LOADER_ABSTRACTIONS)] pub mod firmware; pub mod fs; +#[cfg(CONFIG_I2C)] +pub mod i2c; pub mod init; pub mod ioctl; pub mod jump_label;