From patchwork Wed Dec 18 23:36:32 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Fabien Parent X-Patchwork-Id: 13914291 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 64D1F1FDE0E; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 23:37:22 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1734565045; cv=none; b=M2SfkB3YnWo9I/wnB+1WyE5hTZmUOf68BwW145r0rqUrXina53StkBJ3TBSNcbLgCGsua0649r38IT0yAiLfoHbHqKZP/3vNKfkf1TWgI3a/0OSXpjhte7/zNTDeicIeqPFB9V7pDb2fGk6oV9lV72StbrmN5m7HnDKVqMNYwxE= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1734565045; c=relaxed/simple; bh=j3wc2EEDIkSt7Jt4Tu4hX3JgRdd8DStHRuD6IWi4vaQ=; h=From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-Id:References: In-Reply-To:To:Cc; b=r17bzvcNSMRMPKFG4DWHEWSWMqP1sbgi3EvraS8Sb2WYJZDWzejL8TB8arrN57vrERbZwhJjcJ21QixcWu+TxvZNH103cGwfcpEXA1Yw9GUt70o1lYUYstCRgi69S18NHxiBvyjHGSaBMBOXHse9SSarMyYrH3Vy4bvAwGbs+T4= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=Z5Rd4rcq; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="Z5Rd4rcq" Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-21675fd60feso2537965ad.2; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:22 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1734565042; x=1735169842;; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=ockGlkCd98WlE+xo+Tpb4P4fffRELdWNwnS7jE1fxFQ=; b=Z5Rd4rcqYuS64WP9/p0DttLy33ElCmJ0gniq8w1v2qpGQqj/1lH4WovH+QgxPpBgS7 LtAVTywsd70sHbfLgmOeXnzCjBM+smER03caRycl3uNvVr7hV7AChTamEj9XvvPZECPB h8ERNz11qmE4O/Dcrj+CHdHe9NPfKfqlHDmbST0T9ElY3DR6wVukaCnGvQADlYMLBA8J 66ID5pZRg6pPdCt1Lk+v5vCuotG+7i6RnSozOErH2K/IsEiH4UoNARJ2vnca8WJ2iUW6 XlEjl6RDy3JjqQAWr6ENX5Wx/8xdq4B9DJWQtRHXCTxbgk37sjwmDNeqVqU6ui3b6tz6 zsug== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1734565042; x=1735169842; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ockGlkCd98WlE+xo+Tpb4P4fffRELdWNwnS7jE1fxFQ=; b=n1GCBqdh07lQQ+XfAWrfOlIoNZpzIkZ531dNbvYkj2VGc2hi0oR8/Z5yl1USvDik/6 6aHQ4VvPDuRyeAM3fID4R7vgj2W92VeNFEA/tgTevddgfF+hgW61n1hRDr7q2HNzDUTi E6QC9t2wm05bxX22Hm6tD6jGjj5I6e0jLk9M7xhT8zOV6DlzLMTPlKcTDkb0O/CxYq0q hHWC+hmeokKw8kH6yM1Wo5x10Q2RHYiDThKCaR81/ybgeg3iNf5LI4sUIF0gQPdyzP03 44kasYrp6xqJIOweFbdKg4tUZM4xWZKKHoXOwJ44yADvvCM2OQD19W3KwR5i5Lyhd5pz l5pg== X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1;, AJvYcCWmDYOeXj+h5Zaj0lO/lgSgDFfZpwAORB1rsn6Op+1yMyiEr0gXFr8wxviJuPnHehh5RgCCKxSy/, AJvYcCXFwxiNVfTkNu6AbWbymWb38uuNDSVe0dUFbYwIKadkgDlIBcvVSQkymfUiPXPpf/, X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YwsGDlcgyfgLPOZ8gJe1XR8hLhSDD7De538ZUjPYhf+elgBhw3M g8gvOWRAkpKpEhOG0lMOdPf+ijWGz5rua1dBd9FuIuERH5FHPzjx X-Gm-Gg: ASbGnctF/9f+WQtzoNjhZeg6PXXi91dmq7ZkAF3wGP7U8yk9qP26QAXhwoJ57jdIdDb OvHT7OE9bNynI8g93yW/g7cBQOAG3ixy3R9s//Izh9IR/460Iw9cRv+/nlNt6HLYvUdQJby/Vi8 fA4ZXFwU8EvsKkaUPeZVpcbZpfyvTTSQesTmLa76OxmgToQf2Cy5ka1Nm0h3gGNE3djqB5+qXrJ eL7I4KBXSLGyab0KO1Vjq0Bt0AINSAjn88+Pi7AsEeucQ4UgttGkJxb X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHYH3KVwnRTvYRwZC7AJ0r+S6sHw+o4bGhziQYszB3LQZl42HyGhMJEzegvZl87Cbw65ACw6w== X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:ecd1:b0:215:5625:885b with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-218d726d4a4mr58689935ad.52.1734565041440; Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:21 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ([2001:569:fcea:600:2e06:283e:5daa:4d0f]) by with ESMTPSA id d9443c01a7336-219dc9f6967sm802335ad.214.2024. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:37:20 -0800 (PST) From: Fabien Parent Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:36:32 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] rust: add abstraction for regmap Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> To: Rob Herring , Saravana Kannan , Miguel Ojeda , Alex Gaynor , Boqun Feng , Gary Guo , =?utf-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn_Roy_Baron?= , Benno Lossin , Andreas Hindborg , Alice Ryhl , Trevor Gross , Greg Kroah-Hartman , "Rafael J. Wysocki" , Wolfram Sang , Mark Brown , Liam Girdwood , Krzysztof Kozlowski , Conor Dooley , Bjorn Andersson , Konrad Dybcio , Fabien Parent Cc:,,,,,, Fabien Parent X-Mailer: b4 0.14.2 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=42675;; h=from:subject:message-id; bh=JJ70W7lDM4S7VasavE0jv8kh6nau/IdZ3LdUVUbKmtA=; b=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgTUVTU0FHRS0tLS0tCgpvd0o0bkFGdEFwTDlrQTBEQUFvQmlKc2d4Q kw5cktRQnl5WmlBR2RqWEtOOFk1bHhYUjdJYmlIdDhXckQrSGRaCk9YUm9tTVBjd3pYNGtvYUNl eUF0Rm9rQ013UUFBUW9BSFJZaEJONk0wZElMeXpzd3JmRnNxWWliSU1RUy9heWsKQlFKblkxeWp BQW9KRUlpYklNUVMvYXlrdzJRUC9pc29iVFcwVWo2V1VDbFlid0NSQ3k5bThMOC9RKzBtdG9SbA p6bjJlRUJNeVdtQlYxVjBYbHRkamtvRkVLYUllYmZ1aHFvYnU1TUQzRGVTR1JrSzhRanlNd1FhU HIxL0F5MVVOCjJlSitIT2Z5QTltSDBWRDc2V2NNTFRITFMxR0h3TWQ0MmlsVjd4ekZZOTVGdUZ0 MVRzN1lQaWc0b2VPNC9vTUQKekxIQWdnV3V1WFlqdFJOeU1JNlhjeVFqQ1BlS2NSQnJjZU8vQ2M 4NUxDUlE2eUhHazZUV0l0UmUrZjBMRTdQTgo3eitOamEyaFlUQ2pDRkg4QXFCeTZ0dlMvLzkvRG dMblJtekxvZTh0ZFVVdVlITEQxYXJUUGs2V0NDNlp6WFZECnBEWFZzS2xMbXRUSFdKd2cveFBxR XFHWmRzZEE5SkV3K2NPWVdocktuTEswbjBSYlVxeHBvMzBCVjRta0QvSTcKZE9YQml1dUJaODRk ejFDb0NDL2VKdGFST0gzR2ZIZVVoM0Q1T1F6YmUyVFh2ZVpRWnU1akx5amNZK1VwUDN2QgpjRUN rNThYcExySjJ1UkZUaDl2OXI4T2hHVzJhZE9QSzlTdHVabDFqRStjUmdOY3RUNVZiRjBZc3pQYk NBTEV6CjF2SkV0MkNxWkJyeURQcmxZdDUwemtBSW4xbzZoTW45OXV5M2xHSzhMVW04YUxTS2VVb mEyeXFxbXp3SjFsOSsKaFNxL1hFOXhWQXc4bTZ3MHlQRjlqeWU4SVFWQ0wxeUNtelUxM0dUVHhl Q0lBTUtPb2ZqVkpVdGY3bFlUVUw4UwpsazRUTmQ3U3JVZkV0Tk1LSUltcnpoeTF3L3RvNENqZ0Z LblJpZmxsUC84K3gvQXJpQVN5dGsxd1MwelFEdTFpCnI0eXJQdW9GTXJZdzVnPT0KPXlGMlkKLS 0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIE1FU1NBR0UtLS0tLQo= X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=07BB034F9E8E3AF0DF4CF7607AE864A1E16FA383 From: Fabien Parent This regmap abstraction is implemented using only the regmap_field APIs. This abstraction tries to bring some type-safety features and ease of use by enhancing the regmap API through extensive macro use to generate code. The abstraction is bringing only a small subset of all the features provided by regmap by only supporting the most vital field from `struct regmap_config`. This abstraction is used by the Regulator abstraction as well as the following driver: Signed-off-by: Fabien Parent --- MAINTAINERS | 1 + rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h | 1 + rust/helpers/helpers.c | 1 + rust/helpers/regmap.c | 48 ++ rust/kernel/ | 2 + rust/kernel/ | 1043 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 1096 insertions(+) diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 961fe4ed39605bf489d1d9e473f47bccb692ff14..acb3942eb1b66ec2bc09ac50f51c2054b7b45355 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -19790,6 +19790,7 @@ T: git git:// F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regmap/ F: drivers/base/regmap/ F: include/linux/regmap.h +F: rust/kernel/ REMOTE PROCESSOR (REMOTEPROC) SUBSYSTEM M: Bjorn Andersson diff --git a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h index a882efb90bfc27960ef1fd5f2dc8cc40533a1c27..48d2b91b34067e7e9ee9c64c2e42681e988e9aad 100644 --- a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h +++ b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/rust/helpers/helpers.c b/rust/helpers/helpers.c index 630e903f516ee14a51f46ff0bcc68e8f9a64021a..f78371d1932939821ecc5f57b065bd63b8bc9dee 100644 --- a/rust/helpers/helpers.c +++ b/rust/helpers/helpers.c @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include "rbtree.c" #include "rcu.c" #include "refcount.c" +#include "regmap.c" #include "security.c" #include "signal.c" #include "slab.c" diff --git a/rust/helpers/regmap.c b/rust/helpers/regmap.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2426e563df339a9c7c9c52a72f9982eea5a0ed29 --- /dev/null +++ b/rust/helpers/regmap.c @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +#include +#include + +#if IS_BUILTIN(CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C) +struct regmap *rust_helper_regmap_init_i2c(struct i2c_client *i2c, + const struct regmap_config *config) +{ + return regmap_init_i2c(i2c, config); +} +#endif + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_write(struct regmap_field *field, unsigned int val) +{ + return regmap_field_write(field, val); +} + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_force_write(struct regmap_field *field, + unsigned int val) +{ + return regmap_field_force_write(field, val); +} + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_update_bits(struct regmap_field *field, + unsigned int mask, unsigned int val) +{ + return regmap_field_update_bits(field, mask, val); +} + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_set_bits(struct regmap_field *field, + unsigned int bits) +{ + return regmap_field_set_bits(field, bits); +} + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_clear_bits(struct regmap_field *field, + unsigned int bits) +{ + return regmap_field_clear_bits(field, bits); +} + +int rust_helper_regmap_field_force_update_bits(struct regmap_field *field, + unsigned int mask, + unsigned int val) +{ + return regmap_field_force_update_bits(field, mask, val); +} diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/ index 71ef7df94302b689be665676a36bd5c2e6effff3..456e979724d1079045cb157086ff2b2ed0fcca3b 100644 --- a/rust/kernel/ +++ b/rust/kernel/ @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ pub mod prelude; pub mod print; pub mod rbtree; +#[cfg(CONFIG_REGMAP)] +pub mod regmap; pub mod revocable; pub mod security; pub mod seq_file; diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..232fe93df769eee97966703e0ba92c969b8f506e --- /dev/null +++ b/rust/kernel/ @@ -0,0 +1,1043 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +//! Register map access API. +//! +//! C header: [`include/linux/regmap.h`](srctree/include/linux/regmap.h) +//! +//! # Examples +//! +//! ```ignore +//! regmap::define_regmap_field_descs!(FIELD_DESCS, { +//! (pid, 0x3, READ, { value => raw([7:0], ro) }), +//! (limconf, 0x16, RW, { +//! rearm => bit(0, rw), +//! rststatus => bit(1, rw), +//! tpwth => enum([5:4], rw, { +//! Temp83C = 0x0, +//! Temp94C = 0x1, +//! Temp105C = 0x2, +//! Temp116C = 0x3, +//! }), +//! }) +//! }); +//! +//! fn probe(client: &mut i2c::Client) -> Result { +//! let config = regmap::Config::::new(8, 8) +//! .with_max_register(0x16) +//! .with_cache_type(regmap::CacheType::RbTree); +//! let regmap = regmap::Regmap::init_i2c(client, &config); +//! let mut fields = regmap.alloc_fields(&FIELD_DESCS)?; +//! +//! dev_info!(client.as_ref(), "PID: {:#x}", pid::value::read(&mut fields)?); +//! } +//! ``` + +use crate::{ + bindings, + error::{code::*, to_result, Error, Result}, + macros::paste, + sync::Arc, +}; +#[cfg(CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C = "y")] +use crate::{error::from_err_ptr, i2c}; +use core::{marker::PhantomData, ptr::NonNull}; + +/// Type of caching +#[repr(u32)] +pub enum CacheType { + /// Don't cache anything + None = bindings::regcache_type_REGCACHE_NONE, + /// Use RbTree caching + RbTree = bindings::regcache_type_REGCACHE_RBTREE, + /// Use Flat caching + Flat = bindings::regcache_type_REGCACHE_FLAT, + /// Use Maple caching + Maple = bindings::regcache_type_REGCACHE_MAPLE, +} + +/// Register map +/// +/// Note for Rust abstractions using Regmap: +/// Regmap C structure does not implement reference count, so in order to keep the abstractions +/// safe it is essential to keep a `Arc` instance whenever the associated C API is holding +/// on the `struct regmap` pointer. +/// +/// # Invariants +/// +/// * `self.0` is valid, non-zero, and the memory is owned by `self`. +/// * This abstraction does not allow to disable regmap locking. +pub struct Regmap(NonNull); + +impl Regmap { + #[cfg(CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C = "y")] + /// Initialize a [`Regmap`] instance for an `i2c` client. + pub fn init_i2c(i2c: &i2c::Client, config: &Config) -> Result { + // SAFETY: Type invariants guarantee that `i2c.as_raw` is valid and non-null and + // the Config type invariant guarantee that `config.raw` always contains valid data. + let regmap = from_err_ptr(unsafe { bindings::regmap_init_i2c(i2c.as_raw(), &config.raw) })?; + + Ok(Regmap(NonNull::new(regmap).ok_or(EINVAL)?)) + } + + /// Return the raw pointer of this regmap. + pub fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut bindings::regmap { + self.0.as_ptr() + } +} + +impl Drop for Regmap { + fn drop(&mut self) { + // SAFETY: By the type invariant, `self.as_raw` is a valid pointer and it can be freed + // because we own the memory. + unsafe { bindings::regmap_exit(self.as_raw()) } + } +} + +// SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that the memory of `bindings::regmap` is owned and +// guarantee that the C API is using locked accesses. +unsafe impl Send for Regmap {} + +/// Field Descriptors +/// +/// FieldDescriptors can be created by calling the [`define_regmap_field_descs`] macro. +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// use kernel::regmap::{define_regmap_field_descs, Fields}; +/// +/// define_regmap_field_descs!(DESCS, { +/// (pid, 0x3, READ, { value => raw([7:0], ro) }) +/// }); +/// +/// struct Registrations { +/// fields: Fields<{ DESCS.len() }>, +/// } +/// ``` +pub struct FieldDescs([bindings::reg_field; N]); + +impl FieldDescs { + // macro use only + #[doc(hidden)] + pub const fn new(fields: [bindings::reg_field; N]) -> Self { + Self(fields) + } + + /// Number of fields being held by `FieldDescs` + /// + /// This function can be used to retrieve the number of fields that were + /// created when calling [`define_regmap_field_descs`]. + #[allow(clippy::len_without_is_empty)] + pub const fn len(&self) -> usize { + N + } +} + +/// Regmap fields +/// +/// # Invariants +/// +/// `self.fields` array is garanteed to contains valid and non-null pointers. +/// `self.fields[0]` memory is owned by `Fields`. +/// `self.fields[*]` values cannot be modified. +pub struct Fields { + fields: [NonNull; N], + + // Each regmap_field hold a pointer to the `struct regmap` instance, so we need to keep a copy + // of the wrapper around. + _regmap: Arc, +} +impl Fields { + /// Allocate regmap [`Fields`] + /// + /// This function allocate regmap fields from the `reg_fields` descriptors + pub fn new(regmap: &Arc, descs: &'static FieldDescs) -> Result { + let mut fields = [NonNull::::dangling(); N]; + // SAFETY: + // * [`Regmap`] type invariants guarantee that `Regmap::as_raw` returns a valid pointer. + // * `FieldDescs::` is guaranteed to hold a valid array of size N. + to_result(unsafe { + bindings::regmap_field_bulk_alloc( + regmap.as_raw(), + fields.as_mut_ptr().cast(), + descs.0.as_ptr().cast(), + descs.0.len() as i32, + ) + })?; + + Ok(Fields { + fields, + _regmap: regmap.clone(), + }) + } + + /// Get field `index` + pub fn index(&mut self, index: usize) -> *mut bindings::regmap_field { + self.fields[index].as_ptr() + } + + // macro use only + #[doc(hidden)] + pub fn read(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result { + let mut val = 0; + + // Make sure we don't panic if the index is out of bound. + if index >= N { + return Err(EINVAL); + } + + // SAFETY: By the type invariants, we are garanteed that all fields entries point + // to valid and initialized values, hence it is safe to make this FFI call. + let ret = unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_read(self.fields[index].as_ptr(), &mut val) }; + if ret < 0 { + return Err(Error::from_errno(ret)); + } + + Ok(val) + } +} + +impl Drop for Fields { + fn drop(&mut self) { + // SAFETY: Per type invariant, `self.fields[0].as_mut` is garanteed to be valid and + // are owned by `Fields`. + unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_bulk_free(core::ptr::from_mut(self.fields[0].as_mut())) } + } +} + +// SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that we own the `struct regmap_field` data and that they +// cannot be modified after allocation, and _regmap is Send, so it is safe for `Fields` to be Send. +unsafe impl Send for Fields {} + +macro_rules! config_with { + ($(#[$meta:meta])* $name:ident: $type:ty) => { + config_with!($(#[$meta])* $name: $type, $name); + }; + + ($(#[$meta:meta])* $name:ident: $type:ty, $e:expr) => { + paste! { + $(#[$meta])* + pub const fn [](mut self, $name: $type) -> Self { + self.raw.$name = $e; + self + } + } + }; +} + +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +pub trait ConfigOps { + fn is_readable_reg(reg: u32) -> bool; + fn is_writeable_reg(reg: u32) -> bool; + fn is_volatile_reg(reg: u32) -> bool; + fn is_precious_reg(reg: u32) -> bool; +} + +/// Regmap Configuration +/// +/// # Invariants +/// +/// `self.raw` always contain valid data. +pub struct Config { + raw: bindings::regmap_config, + _phantom: PhantomData, +} +impl Config { + /// Create a new regmap Config + pub const fn new(reg_bits: i32, val_bits: i32) -> Self { + // SAFETY: FFI type is valid to be zero-initialized. + let mut cfg: bindings::regmap_config = unsafe { core::mem::zeroed() }; + + cfg.reg_bits = reg_bits; + cfg.val_bits = val_bits; + cfg.writeable_reg = Some(Self::writeable_reg_callback); + cfg.readable_reg = Some(Self::readable_reg_callback); + cfg.volatile_reg = Some(Self::volatile_reg_callback); + cfg.precious_reg = Some(Self::precious_reg_callback); + + Self { + raw: cfg, + _phantom: PhantomData, + } + } + + config_with!( + /// Specifies the maximum valid register address. + max_register: u32 + ); + + config_with!( + /// Type of caching being performed. + cache_type: CacheType, cache_type as _ + ); + + /// # Safety + /// + /// `_dev` must be a non-null and valid `struct device` pointer. + unsafe extern "C" fn writeable_reg_callback(_dev: *mut bindings::device, reg: u32) -> bool { + T::is_writeable_reg(reg) + } + + /// # Safety + /// + /// `_dev` must be a non-null and valid `struct device` pointer. + unsafe extern "C" fn readable_reg_callback(_dev: *mut bindings::device, reg: u32) -> bool { + T::is_readable_reg(reg) + } + + /// # Safety + /// + /// `_dev` must be a non-null and valid `struct device` pointer. + unsafe extern "C" fn volatile_reg_callback(_dev: *mut bindings::device, reg: u32) -> bool { + T::is_volatile_reg(reg) + } + + /// # Safety + /// + /// `_dev` must be a non-null and valid `struct device` pointer. + unsafe extern "C" fn precious_reg_callback(_dev: *mut bindings::device, reg: u32) -> bool { + T::is_precious_reg(reg) + } +} + +/// Definitions describing how registers can be accessed. +pub mod access { + /// Register can be read from. + pub const READ: u32 = 0b000001; + /// Register can be written to. + pub const WRITE: u32 = 0b000010; + /// Register should not be read outside of a call from the driver. + pub const PRECIOUS: u32 = 0b000100; + /// Register value can't be cached. + pub const VOLATILE: u32 = 0b001000; + + /// Register can be read from and written to. + pub const RW: u32 = READ | WRITE; +} + +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_check_access { + ($type:ident, $access:expr, $reg:ident, $addr:literal) => { + if kernel::regmap::access::$type & $access > 0 && $reg == $addr { + return true; + } + }; +} +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +pub use regmap_check_access; + +/// Common operations for all field types +pub trait FieldCommonOps { + /// Get the Mask for the field + fn mask() -> u32; +} + +/// Read operations for fields with `bit` type +pub trait BitFieldReadOps { + /// Returns whether the bit is set + fn is_set(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; +} + +/// Write operations for fields with `bit` type +pub trait BitFieldWriteOps { + /// Set the bit + fn set(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; + + /// Force set the bit + fn force_set(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; + + /// Clear the bit + fn clear(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; + + /// Force clear the bit + fn force_clear(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; +} + +/// Read operations for fields with `enum` type +pub trait EnumFieldReadOps { + #[doc(hidden)] + /// Underlying enum type reprensenting the field values + type EnumType; + + /// Read the field + fn read(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; +} + +/// Write operations for fields with `enum` type +pub trait EnumFieldWriteOps { + #[doc(hidden)] + /// Underlying enum type reprensenting the field values + type EnumType; + + /// Write the field + fn write(fields: &mut Fields, val: Self::EnumType) -> Result; + + /// Force write the field + fn force_write(fields: &mut Fields, val: Self::EnumType) -> Result; +} + +/// Read operations for fields with `raw` type +pub trait RawFieldReadOps { + /// Read the field + fn read(fields: &mut Fields) -> Result; + + /// Test the field bits + fn test_bits(fields: &mut Fields, bits: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result; +} + +/// Write operations for fields with `raw` type +pub trait RawFieldWriteOps { + /// Write the field + fn write(fields: &mut Fields, val: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result; + + /// Force write the field + fn force_write(fields: &mut Fields, val: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result; + + /// Update the field using a mask + fn update_bits( + fields: &mut Fields, + mask: core::ffi::c_uint, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result; + + /// Force update the field using a mask + fn force_update_bits( + fields: &mut Fields, + mask: core::ffi::c_uint, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result; + + /// Set field bits + fn set_bits(fields: &mut Fields, bits: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result; + + /// Clear the field bits + fn clear_bits(fields: &mut Fields, bits: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result; +} + +/// Bit field +/// +/// `bit` should be use when a feature is implemented through reading or writing a single bit of +/// a register. +/// +/// See [`BitFieldReadOps`] and [`BitFieldWriteOps`] for operations available.. +/// +/// # Syntax +/// +/// `bit(index, access)` +/// +/// where +/// * `index`: bit index starting from 0 +/// * `access`: access of the bit with the following possible values: +/// - `ro`: read-only ([`BitFieldReadOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `wo`: write-only ([`BitFieldWriteOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `rw`: read and write (both [`BitFieldReadOps`] and [`BitFieldWriteOps`] gets +/// implemented) +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// regmap::define_regmap_field_descs!(FIELD_DESCS, { +/// (command, 0x14, RW, { +/// vselgt => bit(0, rw), +/// pwmvsel1 => bit(6, rw), +/// pwmvsel0 => bit(7, rw), +/// }) +/// }); +/// +/// command::pwmvsel0::set(&mut fields); +/// command::pwmvsel0::is_set(&mut fields); +/// command::pwmvsel0::clear(&mut fields); +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_field_bit { + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, $pos:literal, rw) => { + kernel::static_assert!($access & kernel::regmap::access::RW == kernel::regmap::access::RW); + + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, $reg, $pos, reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, _ro); + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, $pos:literal, ro) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::READ == kernel::regmap::access::READ + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, $reg, $pos, reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, _ro); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, $pos:literal, wo) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::WRITE == kernel::regmap::access::WRITE + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, $reg, $pos, reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_bit!($field_name, _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $reg:literal, $pos:literal, reserved) => { + kernel::macros::paste! { + struct [<_Bit $pos >]; + } + + impl $field_name { + pub(crate) const fn reg_field() -> bindings::reg_field { + bindings::reg_field { + reg: $reg, + lsb: $pos, + msb: $pos + 1, + id_offset: 0, + id_size: 0, + } + } + + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub(crate) const fn mask() -> u32 { + kernel::genmask!($pos, $pos) as _ + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, _ro) => { + impl super::BitFieldReadOps for $field_name { + fn is_set(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + let mut val: core::ffi::c_uint = 0; + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_read(field, &mut val) })?; + Ok(val == 1) + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, _wo) => { + impl super::BitFieldWriteOps for $field_name { + fn set(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_write(field, 1) }) + } + + fn force_set(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_force_write(field, 1) }) + } + + fn clear(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_write(field, 0) }) + } + + fn force_clear(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_force_write(field, 0) }) + } + } + }; +} + +/// Enum field +/// +/// `enum` should be used when a series of contineous bits represent possible values that can be +/// enumerated. +/// `enum` fields provide type-safety and preventing to write into the fields incorrect values. +/// +/// See [`EnumFieldReadOps`] and [`EnumFieldWriteOps`] for operations available.. +/// +/// # Syntax +/// +/// `enum(bits_range, access, { variant_definitions })` +/// +/// where +/// * `bits_range`: bit used to store the data. +/// * `access`: access of the bits with the following possible values: +/// - `ro`: read-only ([`EnumFieldReadOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `wo`: write-only ([`EnumFieldWriteOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `rw`: read and write (both [`EnumFieldReadOps`] and [`EnumFieldWriteOps`] gets +/// implemented) +/// * `variant_definitions`: list of all the enum variants using the syntax: `VariantName = Value,`. +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// regmap::define_regmap_field_descs!(FIELD_DESCS, { +/// (limconf, 0x16, RW, { +/// ipeak => enum([7:6], rw, { +/// Peak3p5A = 0x0, +/// Peak4p0A = 0x1, +/// Peak4p5A = 0x2, +/// Peak5p0A = 0x3, +/// }), +/// }) +/// }); +/// +/// limconf::ipeak::write(&mut fields, limconf::ipeak::Peak4p0A); +/// limconf::ipeak::read(&mut fields); +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_field_enum { + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], ro, { + $($k:ident = $v:literal,)+ }) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::READ == kernel::regmap::access::READ + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved, { $($k = $v,)+ }); + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, _ro); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], rw, { + $($k:ident = $v:literal,)+ }) => { + kernel::static_assert!($access & kernel::regmap::access::RW == kernel::regmap::access::RW); + + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved, { $($k = $v,)+ }); + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, _ro); + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], wo, { + $($k:ident = $v:literal,)+ }) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::WRITE == kernel::regmap::access::WRITE + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved, { $($k = $v,)+ }); + $crate::regmap_field_enum!($field_name, _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], reserved, { + $($k:ident = $v:literal,)+ }) => { + kernel::macros::paste! { + #[repr(u32)] + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + pub(crate) enum [<$field_name _enum>] { + $($k = $v,)+ + } + + impl TryFrom for [<$field_name _enum>] { + type Error = kernel::error::Error; + + fn try_from(raw_value: core::ffi::c_uint) -> Result { + match raw_value { + $($v => Ok(Self::$k),)+ + _ => Err(kernel::error::code::EINVAL), + } + } + } + + impl $field_name { + pub(crate) const fn reg_field() -> bindings::reg_field { + bindings::reg_field { + reg: $reg, + lsb: $lsb, + msb: $msb, + id_offset: 0, + id_size: 0, + } + } + + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub(crate) const fn mask() -> u32 { + kernel::genmask!($msb, $lsb) as _ + } + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, _ro) => { + impl super::EnumFieldReadOps for $field_name { + type EnumType = kernel::macros::paste! {[<$field_name _enum>]}; + + fn read(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + Self::EnumType::try_from( as usize)?) + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, _wo) => { + impl super::EnumFieldWriteOps for $field_name { + type EnumType = kernel::macros::paste! {[<$field_name _enum>]}; + + fn write( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + val: Self::EnumType + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + let ret = unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_write(field, val as _) }; + kernel::error::to_result(ret) + } + + fn force_write( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + val: Self::EnumType + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + let ret = unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_force_write(field, val as _) }; + kernel::error::to_result(ret) + } + } + }; +} + +/// Raw field +/// +/// `raw` should be used when bits cannot be represented by any other field types. It provides +/// raw access to the register bits. +/// +/// # Syntax +/// +/// `raw(bits_range, access)` +/// +/// where +/// * `bits_range`: bits used to store the data. +/// * `access`: access of the bit with the following possible values: +/// - `ro`: read-only ([`RawFieldReadOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `wo`: write-only ([`RawFieldWriteOps`] gets implemented) +/// - `rw`: read and write (both [`RawFieldReadOps`] and [`RawFieldWriteOps`] gets +/// implemented) +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// regmap::define_regmap_field_descs!(FIELD_DESCS, { +/// (pid, 0x3, READ, { value => raw([7:0], ro) }), +/// (progvsel1, 0x10, RW, { +/// voutvsel1 => raw([6:0], rw), +/// }) +/// }); +/// +/// pid::value::read(&mut fields); +/// progvsel1::voutvsel1::write(&mut fields, 0x42); +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_field_raw { + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], rw) => { + kernel::static_assert!($access & kernel::regmap::access::RW == kernel::regmap::access::RW); + + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], _ro); + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], ro) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::READ == kernel::regmap::access::READ + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], _ro); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $access: expr, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], wo) => { + kernel::static_assert!( + $access & kernel::regmap::access::WRITE == kernel::regmap::access::WRITE + ); + + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], reserved); + $crate::regmap_field_raw!($field_name, $reg, [$msb:$lsb], _wo); + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], reserved) => { + impl $field_name { + pub(crate) const fn reg_field() -> bindings::reg_field { + bindings::reg_field { + reg: $reg, + lsb: $lsb, + msb: $msb, + id_offset: 0, + id_size: 0, + } + } + + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub(crate) const fn mask() -> u32 { + kernel::genmask!($msb, $lsb) as _ + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], _ro) => { + impl super::RawFieldReadOps for $field_name { + fn read(fields: &mut regmap::Fields) -> Result { + as usize) + } + + fn test_bits( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + bits: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_test_bits(field, bits) }) + } + } + }; + + ($field_name:ident, $reg:literal, [$msb:literal:$lsb:literal], _wo) => { + impl super::RawFieldWriteOps for $field_name { + fn write( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_write(field, val as _) }) + } + + fn force_write( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { + bindings::regmap_field_force_write(field, val as _) + }) + } + + fn update_bits( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + mask: core::ffi::c_uint, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { + bindings::regmap_field_update_bits(field, mask, val) + }) + } + + fn force_update_bits( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + mask: core::ffi::c_uint, + val: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { + bindings::regmap_field_force_update_bits(field, mask, val) + }) + } + + fn set_bits( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + bits: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_set_bits(field, bits) }) + } + + fn clear_bits( + fields: &mut regmap::Fields, + bits: core::ffi::c_uint, + ) -> Result { + let field = fields.index(Self::id() as usize); + // SAFETY: `Fields` guarantee that anything returned from `Fields::index` is valid + // and non-null, hence it is safe to perform the FFI function call. + kernel::error::to_result(unsafe { bindings::regmap_field_clear_bits(field, bits) }) + } + } + }; +} + +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_fields { + ($type:ident, $reg:ident, $access:expr, $name:ident, $($t:tt)*) => { + kernel::macros::paste! { + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + pub(crate) struct $name; + + impl $name { + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub(crate) const fn id() -> super::Fields { + super::Fields::[<$reg _ $name>] + } + } + + $crate::[]!($name, $access, $($t)*); + } + }; +} + +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_reg_field { + ($reg_name:ident, $field_name:ident) => { + register::$reg_name::$field_name::reg_field() + }; +} + +// macro use only +#[doc(hidden)] +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! regmap_count_fields { + () => { 0usize }; + ($type:ident $($rhs:ident)*) => { 1 + $crate::regmap_count_fields!($($rhs)*) }; +} + +/// Define regmap field descriptors +/// +/// # Syntax +/// +/// ```ignore +/// define_regmap_field_desc!(VAR_NAME, { , [, ...] }); +/// ``` +/// +/// where `VAR_NAME`: symbol under which the regmap [`Fields`] are available. +/// +/// register_definition: +/// ```ignore +/// (name, address, access_permission, { , [, ...] }) +/// ``` +/// where +/// +/// * name: symbol under which this field will be available +/// * address: register address +/// * access_permission: [`access`] permission of the register +/// +/// field_definition: +/// ```ignore +/// field_name => (...), +/// ``` +/// +/// where `field_name` is the symbol under which the field will be accessible. +/// +/// The following ``s are available: +/// * [bit](`regmap_field_bit`) +/// * [enum](`regmap_field_enum`) +/// * [raw](`regmap_field_raw`) +/// +/// # Examples +/// +/// ```ignore +/// regmap::define_regmap_field_descs!(FIELD_DESCS, { +/// (pid, 0x3, READ, { value => raw([7:0], ro) }), +/// (limconf, 0x16, RW, { +/// rearm => bit(0, rw), +/// rststatus => bit(1, rw), +/// tpwth => enum([5:4], rw, { +/// Temp83C = 0x0, +/// Temp94C = 0x1, +/// Temp105C = 0x2, +/// Temp116C = 0x3, +/// }), +/// }) +/// }); +/// ``` +#[macro_export] +macro_rules! define_regmap_field_descs { + ($name:ident, { + $(( + $reg_name:ident, $reg_addr:literal, $access:expr, { + $($field_name:ident => $type:ident($($x:tt),*)),* $(,)? + } + )),+ + }) => { + mod register { + use kernel::regmap::{ + access::*, + BitFieldReadOps, BitFieldWriteOps, + ConfigOps, + EnumFieldReadOps, EnumFieldWriteOps, + RawFieldReadOps, RawFieldWriteOps + }; + + kernel::macros::paste! { + $( + pub(crate) mod $reg_name { + use kernel::{bindings, error::{Result}, regmap::{self, access::*}}; + $( + $crate::regmap_fields!($type, $reg_name, $access, $field_name, + $reg_addr, $($x),*); + )* + + #[allow(dead_code)] + pub(crate) const fn addr() -> u32 { + $reg_addr + } + } + )+ + + #[repr(u32)] + #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] + pub(crate) enum Fields { + $($( + [<$reg_name _ $field_name>], + )*)+ + } + + pub(crate) struct AccessOps; + impl ConfigOps for AccessOps { + fn is_readable_reg(reg: u32) -> bool { + $( + kernel::regmap::regmap_check_access!(READ, $access, reg, $reg_addr); + )+ + + false + } + + fn is_writeable_reg(reg: u32) -> bool { + $( + kernel::regmap::regmap_check_access!(WRITE, $access, reg, $reg_addr); + )+ + + false + } + + fn is_volatile_reg(reg: u32) -> bool { + $( + kernel::regmap::regmap_check_access!(VOLATILE, $access, reg, $reg_addr); + )+ + + false + } + + fn is_precious_reg(reg: u32) -> bool { + $( + kernel::regmap::regmap_check_access!(PRECIOUS, $access, reg, $reg_addr); + )+ + + false + } + } + } + } + + const $name: regmap::FieldDescs<{$crate::regmap_count_fields!($($($type)*)+)}> = + regmap::FieldDescs::new([ + $( + $( + $crate::regmap_reg_field!($reg_name, $field_name) + ),* + ),+ + ]); + }; +} +pub use define_regmap_field_descs;