diff mbox series

blk-mq: fix possible NULL pointer access in classic polling

Message ID 20221216150636.18111-1-huteng.ht@bytedance.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series blk-mq: fix possible NULL pointer access in classic polling | expand

Commit Message

huteng19901016@gmail.com Dec. 16, 2022, 3:06 p.m. UTC
From: "huteng.ht" <huteng.ht@bytedance.com>

Since poll method in blk_mq_ops may not be implemented by driver,
add a judgement to avoid NULL pointer access.

Signed-off-by: huteng.ht <huteng.ht@bytedance.com>
 block/blk-mq.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)


Keith Busch Dec. 16, 2022, 3:15 p.m. UTC | #1
On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 11:06:36PM +0800, huteng19901016@gmail.com wrote:
> From: "huteng.ht" <huteng.ht@bytedance.com>
> Since poll method in blk_mq_ops may not be implemented by driver,
> add a judgement to avoid NULL pointer access.

Have you actually observed this NULL pointer access occur? Because the
poll attempt should have been abandoned much earlier due to the queue
not having QUEUE_FLAG_POLL set. If a driver has that flag set without
actually implementing ->poll(), though, that'd be a different bug.
Jens Axboe Dec. 16, 2022, 3:15 p.m. UTC | #2
On 12/16/22 8:06 AM, huteng19901016@gmail.com wrote:
> From: "huteng.ht" <huteng.ht@bytedance.com>
> Since poll method in blk_mq_ops may not be implemented by driver,
> add a judgement to avoid NULL pointer access.

So the queue has QUEUE_FLAG_POLL set, but no -mq_ops->poll() set?
That seems like the real bug.

Where did you see this oops?
diff mbox series


diff --git a/block/blk-mq.c b/block/blk-mq.c
index c5cf0dbca1db..f58f166d1c75 100644
--- a/block/blk-mq.c
+++ b/block/blk-mq.c
@@ -4897,6 +4897,8 @@  static int blk_mq_poll_classic(struct request_queue *q, blk_qc_t cookie,
 	int ret;
 	do {
+		if (!q->mq_ops->poll)
+			break;
 		ret = q->mq_ops->poll(hctx, iob);
 		if (ret > 0) {