diff mbox series

[for-next,v3,1/5] null_blk: generate null_blk configfs features string

Message ID 20250115042910.1149966-2-shinichiro.kawasaki@wdc.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series null_blk: improve write failure simulation | expand


Context Check Description
shin/vmtest-for-next-PR success PR summary
shin/vmtest-for-next-VM_Test-0 success Logs for build-kernel

Commit Message

Shinichiro Kawasaki Jan. 15, 2025, 4:29 a.m. UTC
The null_blk configfs file 'features' provides a string that lists
available null_blk features for userspace programs to reference.
The string is defined as a long constant in the code, which tends to be
forgotten for updates. It also causes checkpatch.pl to report
"WARNING: quoted string split across lines".

To avoid these drawbacks, generate the feature string on the fly. Refer
to the ca_name field of each element in the nullb_device_attrs table and
concatenate them in the given buffer. Also, sorted nullb_device_attrs
table elements in alphabetical order.

Of note is that the feature "index" was missing before this commit.
This commit adds it to the generated string.

Suggested-by: Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org>
Signed-off-by: Shin'ichiro Kawasaki <shinichiro.kawasaki@wdc.com>
 drivers/block/null_blk/main.c | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)


Bart Van Assche Jan. 15, 2025, 6:14 p.m. UTC | #1
On 1/14/25 8:29 PM, Shin'ichiro Kawasaki wrote:
> The null_blk configfs file 'features' provides a string that lists
> available null_blk features for userspace programs to reference.
> The string is defined as a long constant in the code, which tends to be
> forgotten for updates. It also causes checkpatch.pl to report
> "WARNING: quoted string split across lines".
> To avoid these drawbacks, generate the feature string on the fly. Refer
> to the ca_name field of each element in the nullb_device_attrs table and
> concatenate them in the given buffer. Also, sorted nullb_device_attrs
> table elements in alphabetical order.
> Of note is that the feature "index" was missing before this commit.
> This commit adds it to the generated string.

Reviewed-by: Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org>
Damien Le Moal Jan. 17, 2025, 10:51 p.m. UTC | #2
On 1/15/25 1:29 PM, Shin'ichiro Kawasaki wrote:
> The null_blk configfs file 'features' provides a string that lists
> available null_blk features for userspace programs to reference.
> The string is defined as a long constant in the code, which tends to be
> forgotten for updates. It also causes checkpatch.pl to report
> "WARNING: quoted string split across lines".
> To avoid these drawbacks, generate the feature string on the fly. Refer
> to the ca_name field of each element in the nullb_device_attrs table and
> concatenate them in the given buffer. Also, sorted nullb_device_attrs
> table elements in alphabetical order.
> Of note is that the feature "index" was missing before this commit.
> This commit adds it to the generated string.
> Suggested-by: Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org>
> Signed-off-by: Shin'ichiro Kawasaki <shinichiro.kawasaki@wdc.com>

Nice cleanup !

Reviewed-by: Damien Le Moal <dlemoal@kernel.org>
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/block/null_blk/main.c b/drivers/block/null_blk/main.c
index d94ef37480bd..0725d221cff4 100644
--- a/drivers/block/null_blk/main.c
+++ b/drivers/block/null_blk/main.c
@@ -592,41 +592,41 @@  static ssize_t nullb_device_zone_offline_store(struct config_item *item,
 CONFIGFS_ATTR_WO(nullb_device_, zone_offline);
 static struct configfs_attribute *nullb_device_attrs[] = {
-	&nullb_device_attr_size,
-	&nullb_device_attr_completion_nsec,
-	&nullb_device_attr_submit_queues,
-	&nullb_device_attr_poll_queues,
-	&nullb_device_attr_home_node,
-	&nullb_device_attr_queue_mode,
+	&nullb_device_attr_badblocks,
+	&nullb_device_attr_blocking,
-	&nullb_device_attr_max_sectors,
-	&nullb_device_attr_irqmode,
+	&nullb_device_attr_cache_size,
+	&nullb_device_attr_completion_nsec,
+	&nullb_device_attr_discard,
+	&nullb_device_attr_fua,
+	&nullb_device_attr_home_node,
-	&nullb_device_attr_blocking,
-	&nullb_device_attr_use_per_node_hctx,
-	&nullb_device_attr_power,
-	&nullb_device_attr_memory_backed,
-	&nullb_device_attr_discard,
+	&nullb_device_attr_irqmode,
+	&nullb_device_attr_max_sectors,
-	&nullb_device_attr_cache_size,
-	&nullb_device_attr_badblocks,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zoned,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_size,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_capacity,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_nr_conv,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_max_open,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_max_active,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_append_max_sectors,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_readonly,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_offline,
-	&nullb_device_attr_zone_full,
-	&nullb_device_attr_virt_boundary,
+	&nullb_device_attr_memory_backed,
-	&nullb_device_attr_shared_tags,
-	&nullb_device_attr_shared_tag_bitmap,
-	&nullb_device_attr_fua,
+	&nullb_device_attr_poll_queues,
+	&nullb_device_attr_power,
+	&nullb_device_attr_queue_mode,
+	&nullb_device_attr_shared_tag_bitmap,
+	&nullb_device_attr_shared_tags,
+	&nullb_device_attr_size,
+	&nullb_device_attr_submit_queues,
+	&nullb_device_attr_use_per_node_hctx,
+	&nullb_device_attr_virt_boundary,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_append_max_sectors,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_capacity,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_full,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_max_active,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_max_open,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_nr_conv,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_offline,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_readonly,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zone_size,
+	&nullb_device_attr_zoned,
@@ -704,16 +704,28 @@  nullb_group_drop_item(struct config_group *group, struct config_item *item)
 static ssize_t memb_group_features_show(struct config_item *item, char *page)
-	return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE,
-			"badblocks,blocking,blocksize,cache_size,fua,"
-			"completion_nsec,discard,home_node,hw_queue_depth,"
-			"irqmode,max_sectors,mbps,memory_backed,no_sched,"
-			"poll_queues,power,queue_mode,shared_tag_bitmap,"
-			"shared_tags,size,submit_queues,use_per_node_hctx,"
-			"virt_boundary,zoned,zone_capacity,zone_max_active,"
-			"zone_max_open,zone_nr_conv,zone_offline,zone_readonly,"
-			"zone_size,zone_append_max_sectors,zone_full,"
-			"rotational\n");
+	struct configfs_attribute **entry;
+	char delimiter = ',';
+	size_t left = PAGE_SIZE;
+	size_t written = 0;
+	int ret;
+	for (entry = &nullb_device_attrs[0]; *entry && left > 0; entry++) {
+		if (!*(entry + 1))
+			delimiter = '\n';
+		ret = snprintf(page + written, left, "%s%c", (*entry)->ca_name,
+			       delimiter);
+		if (ret >= left) {
+			WARN_ONCE(1, "Too many null_blk features to print\n");
+			memzero_explicit(page, PAGE_SIZE);
+			return -ENOBUFS;
+		}
+		left -= ret;
+		written += ret;
+	}
+	return written;
 CONFIGFS_ATTR_RO(memb_group_, features);