@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ static int copy_file(struct btrfs_root *root, int fd, struct btrfs_key *key,
#define MAYBE_NL (verbose && (next_pos >> display_shift) ? "\n" : "")
const u64 display_shift = 16;
struct stat st;
+ int dont_ask = 0;
path = btrfs_alloc_path();
if (!path) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of memory\n");
@@ -697,9 +697,21 @@ static int copy_file(struct btrfs_root *root, int fd, struct btrfs_key *key,
while (1) {
- if (loops >= 0 && loops++ >= 1024) {
+ int problem = 0;
+ if (st.st_size == _INVALID_SIZE && next_pos > st.st_size) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%swriting at offset %llu beyond size "
+ "of file (%llu)\n",
+ MAYBE_NL, next_pos, st.st_size);
+ problem = 1;
+ }
+ if ((++loops % 1024) == 0 && (next_pos / loops < 4096)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%smany loops (%d) and little progress "
+ "(%llu bytes)\n",
+ MAYBE_NL, loops, next_pos);
+ problem = 1;
+ }
+ if (problem && !dont_ask && loops++) {
enum loop_response resp;
resp = ask_to_continue(file);
if (resp == LOOP_STOP)