diff mbox

[3/6] helpextract: tool to extract the info for the help from the source.

Message ID 20110719161211.3210.54842.stgit@venice.bhome (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Goffredo Baroncelli July 19, 2011, 4:12 p.m. UTC
From: Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijack@inwind.it>

It is created the file helpextract.c, which is the source for the tool
"helpextract". This program extract the info showed in the man page and
the help command from the sources comments.
 helpextract.c |  435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 435 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 helpextract.c

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diff mbox


diff --git a/helpextract.c b/helpextract.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9489ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpextract.c
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ 
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define PREFIX_MAN	"/**** man: "
+#define PREFIX_TEXT	"/**** text: "
+#define PREFIX_END 	" ****"
+#define PREFIX_SKIP	" * "
+#define LINEBUF		1024
+char **msgs=0;
+int nmsg=0;
+static char *xstrdup(char *str){
+	char	*new = strdup(str);
+	if(!new){
+		fprintf(stderr,"*** Memory allocation fail ! (xstrdup)\n");
+		exit(101);
+	}
+	return new;
+static void *xrealloc(void *ptr, int newsize){
+	void *new = realloc(ptr, newsize);
+	if(!new){
+		fprintf(stderr,"*** Memory allocation fail ! (xrealloc)\n");
+		exit(101);
+	}
+	return new;
+static char *xstrip(char *s){
+	char *last=NULL;
+	char *first;
+	while(*s && isspace(*s) ) s++;
+	first=s;
+	while(*s){
+		if(isspace(*s)) last=s;
+		s++;
+	}
+	if(last) *last=0;
+	return first;
+static void addtuple(char *key, char *cmdline, char *short_help, 
+		char *long_help){
+	msgs = (char**)xrealloc(msgs, sizeof(char *)*(nmsg+1)*4);
+	key = xstrip(key);
+	if( !long_help || !strcmp(long_help,"\n"))
+		long_help = short_help;
+	else if(!short_help || !strcmp(short_help, "\n"))
+		short_help = long_help;
+	msgs[nmsg*4] = key;
+	msgs[nmsg*4+1] = cmdline;
+	msgs[nmsg*4+2] = short_help;
+	msgs[nmsg*4+3] = long_help;
+	nmsg++;
+static int search_in_file(char *nf){
+	char	buf[LINEBUF+1];
+	FILE	*fp;
+	int	status; 
+	char	*key=NULL;
+	char	*cmdline=NULL;
+	char	*short_help=NULL;
+	char	*long_help=NULL;
+	fp = fopen(nf,"r");
+	if(!fp){
+		int	e=errno;
+		fprintf(stderr, "*** Cannot open '%s'; error = %d - '%s'\n",
+			nf, e, strerror(e));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	status = 0;
+	while(fgets(buf,LINEBUF,fp)){
+	//	printf("status = %d, buf=%s",status, buf);
+		if(status == 0){
+			if(!strncmp(buf,PREFIX_MAN, strlen(PREFIX_MAN)) ){
+				key = xstrdup(buf+strlen(PREFIX_MAN));
+				status++;
+			}else if(!strncmp(buf,PREFIX_TEXT, 
+					strlen(PREFIX_TEXT))){
+				key = xstrdup(buf+strlen(PREFIX_TEXT));
+				status=5;
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( !strncmp(buf,PREFIX_END, strlen(PREFIX_END)) || 
+				strncmp(buf, PREFIX_SKIP,2)){
+			addtuple(key, cmdline, short_help, long_help);
+			key = cmdline = short_help = long_help = 0;
+			status = 0;
+			continue;
+		} 
+		if( status == 2){
+			if(strlen(buf)>strlen(PREFIX_SKIP))
+				cmdline = xstrdup(buf+strlen(PREFIX_SKIP));
+			status++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( status == 4){
+			int len;
+			int len2;
+			char *p;
+			if(strlen(buf)<=strlen(PREFIX_SKIP)){
+				status++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			p=buf+3;
+			while(isspace(*p) && *p ) p++;
+			if(!*p){
+				status++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			len2 = strlen(buf)-strlen(PREFIX_SKIP);
+			if(short_help)
+				len = strlen(short_help);
+			else
+				len = 0;
+			short_help = (char*)xrealloc(short_help, len+len2+1);
+			strcpy(short_help+len,buf+strlen(PREFIX_SKIP));
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( status == 5){
+			int len;
+			int len2 = strlen(buf)-strlen(PREFIX_SKIP);
+			if(long_help)
+				len = strlen(long_help);
+			else
+				len = 0;
+			long_help = (char*)xrealloc(long_help, len+len2+1);
+			strcpy(long_help+len,buf+strlen(PREFIX_SKIP));
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( status == 1 || status == 3 ){
+			status++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr,"*** Internal error: status = %d\n",status);
+		exit(100);
+	}
+	if( status != 0 ){
+		fprintf(stderr,"*** Parse error: file = '%s', "
+				"status = %d at the end of file\n",
+				nf, status);
+		exit(100);
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return 0;
+/* remove all the escape sequence excepet \\ */
+static char * my_escape(char *src, char *filters[] ){
+	static char buffer[LINEBUF*5];
+	int	i=0;
+	while(*src){
+		int 	j;
+		int	next_char = *(src+1);
+		if(*src != '\\'){
+			buffer[i++]=*src++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(!next_char){
+			buffer[i++]=*src++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( !filters ){
+			src +=2;
+			continue;
+		}
+		j=0;
+		while(filters[j]){
+			if(filters[j][0] == next_char ){
+				strcpy(buffer+i, filters[j]+2);
+				i+=strlen(filters[j]+2);
+				break;
+			}
+			j++;
+		}
+		if(!filters[j]){
+			char *p=src;
+			int l=40;
+			fprintf(stderr, 
+				"Unknow escape sequence '\%c' in [\"",
+				next_char);
+			while(*p && l--) fputc(*p++, stderr);
+			fprintf(stderr, "\"...]\n");
+		}
+		src += 2;
+	}
+	buffer[i]=0;
+	return buffer;
+static char * escape_c_array(char *src ){
+	static char *filters[]={
+		/* remove the all know esc-sequence */
+		"B ",	/* bold */
+		"b ",	/* end bold */
+		"I ",	/* italic */
+		"i ",	/* end italic */
+		"c ",	/* comment */
+		"P ",	/* start paragraph */
+		"p ",	/* indented paragraph */
+		"h ",	/* header */
+		"d ",	/* bold regular */
+		"e ",	/* bold */
+		"t ",	/* indented paragraph */
+		"w ",	/* move the left margin */
+		"q ",	/* move the left margin back */
+		"\\ \\\\",
+		"- -",
+		0
+	};
+	return my_escape(src, filters);
+static char *escape_man_page(char *src){
+	/* from Gnu troff manual */
+	static char *filters[]={
+		"B \\fB",	/* bold */
+		"b \\fP",	/* end bold */
+		"I \\fI",	/* italic */
+		"i \\fP",	/* end italic */
+		"c .\\\"",	/* comment */
+		"P .PP",	/* start paragraph */
+		"p .TP",	/* indented paragraph */
+		"h .SH",	/* header */
+		"d .BR",	/* bold regular */
+		"e .B",		/* bold */
+		"t .IP",	/* indented paragraph */
+		"w .RS",	/* move the left margin */
+		"q .RE",	/* move the left margin back */
+		"- \\-",	/* escape the minus sign */
+		"\\ \\",
+		0
+	};
+	return my_escape(src, filters);
+static void dump_c_array(){
+	int	i;
+	printf("{");
+	for(i=0; i < nmsg*4 ; i++){
+		char *c = msgs[i];
+		int begin;
+		if(!(i%4) && strncmp(c,"btrfs ",5)){
+			i+=3;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(i>0){
+			putchar(',');
+			if(!(i%4)) putchar('\n');
+		}
+		if(!c){
+			printf("\n  NULL");
+			continue;
+		}
+		c = escape_c_array(c);
+		begin = 1;
+		while( *c ){
+			if(begin)
+				printf("\n  \"");
+			begin = 0;
+			if( *c == '\n' ){
+				printf("\\n\"");
+				begin = 1;
+			}else if( *c == '"' ){
+				printf("\\\"");
+			}else{
+				putchar(*c);
+			}
+			c++;
+		}
+		if(!begin) putchar('"');
+	}
+	printf(",\n\n  ");
+	for(i=0; i < 4; i++){
+		if(i>0) putchar(',');
+		printf("NULL");
+	}
+	printf("\n}\n");
+static int my_sort_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2){
+	return strcmp(*(char**)p1, *(char **)p2);
+static void my_sort(){
+	qsort(msgs, nmsg, sizeof(char*)*4, my_sort_cmp);
+static int find_section(char *key){
+	int 	i;
+	for(i = 0 ; i < nmsg ; i++ )
+		if(!strcmp( msgs[i*4],key) )	return i;
+	return -1;
+static void dump_man_page(){
+	int	i, fmt;
+	i = find_section("man btrfs header");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(msgs[i*4+3]);
+	i = find_section("man btrfs synopsis");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(msgs[i*4+3]);
+	fmt = find_section("man btrfs synopsis format");
+	for(i = 0; i < nmsg && fmt>=0; i++ ){
+		if( strncmp("btrfs ",msgs[i*4], 6) ||
+		    !strcmp("btrfs introduction", msgs[i*4] ) ||
+		    !strcmp("btrfs notes", msgs[i*4] ) )
+		    		continue;
+		printf(msgs[fmt*4+3], escape_man_page(msgs[i*4+1]));
+	}
+	i = find_section("btrfs introduction");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(escape_man_page(msgs[i*4+3]));
+	i = find_section("man btrfs commands");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(msgs[i*4+3]);
+	fmt = find_section("man btrfs command format");
+	for(i = 0; i < nmsg && fmt>=0; i++ ){
+		char big2[LINEBUF*5];
+		if( strncmp("btrfs ",msgs[i*4], 6) ||
+		    !strcmp("btrfs introduction", msgs[i*4] ) ||
+		    !strcmp("btrfs notes", msgs[i*4] ) )
+		    		continue;
+		strcpy(big2, escape_man_page(msgs[i*4+3]));
+		printf(msgs[fmt*4+3], escape_man_page(msgs[i*4+1]), big2);
+	}
+	i = find_section("man btrfs notes");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(msgs[i*4+3]);
+	i = find_section("btrfs notes");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(escape_man_page(msgs[i*4+3]));
+	i = find_section("man btrfs footer");
+	if( i>= 0 ) printf(msgs[i*4+3]);
+static void usage(char *np){
+	printf("usage: %s --man-page|--c-array <file> [<file> [...]]\n", np);
+int main(int argc, char **argv ){
+	int	i;
+	if( argc < 3 || ( strcmp(argv[1],"--man-page") && 
+			  strcmp(argv[1],"--c-array") )){
+		usage(argv[0]);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	for(i=2; i < argc ; i++)
+		search_in_file(argv[i]);
+	my_sort();
+	if(!strcmp(argv[1], "--man-page"))
+		dump_man_page();
+	else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--c-array"))
+		dump_c_array();
+	return 0;