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[v2] clk: qcom: ipq5424: fix software and hardware flow control error of UART

Message ID 20250124060914.1564681-1-quic_mmanikan@quicinc.com (mailing list archive)
State Awaiting Upstream, archived
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Series [v2] clk: qcom: ipq5424: fix software and hardware flow control error of UART | expand

Commit Message

Manikanta Mylavarapu Jan. 24, 2025, 6:09 a.m. UTC
The UART’s software and hardware flow control are currently not
functioning correctly.

For software flow control, the following error is encountered:
qcom_geni_serial 1a80000.serial: Couldn't find suitable
clock rate for 56000000, 3500000, 2500000, 1152000, 921600, 19200

During hardware flow control testing, a “Retry 0: Got ZCAN error” is

To address these issues, update the UART frequency table to include all
supported frequencies according to the frequency plan.

Fixes: 21b5d5a4a311 ("clk: qcom: add Global Clock controller (GCC) driver for IPQ5424 SoC")
Signed-off-by: Manikanta Mylavarapu <quic_mmanikan@quicinc.com>
Changes in V2:
	- Add Fixes tag.

 drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq5424.c | 16 +++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

base-commit: 853d1f41ba73e78d22e7075d9a95670aab187eba
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq5424.c b/drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq5424.c
index d5b218b76e29..37b1a3ff8f4e 100644
--- a/drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq5424.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq5424.c
@@ -592,13 +592,19 @@  static struct clk_rcg2 gcc_qupv3_spi1_clk_src = {
 static const struct freq_tbl ftbl_gcc_qupv3_uart0_clk_src[] = {
-	F(960000, P_XO, 10, 2, 5),
-	F(4800000, P_XO, 5, 0, 0),
-	F(9600000, P_XO, 2, 4, 5),
-	F(16000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 10, 1, 5),
+	F(3686400,  P_GCC_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN_DIV_CLK_SRC, 1, 144, 15625),
+	F(7372800,  P_GCC_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN_DIV_CLK_SRC, 1, 288, 15625),
+	F(14745600, P_GCC_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN_DIV_CLK_SRC, 1, 576, 15625),
 	F(24000000, P_XO, 1, 0, 0),
 	F(25000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 16, 1, 2),
-	F(50000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 16, 0, 0),
+	F(32000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 1, 25),
+	F(40000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 1, 20),
+	F(46400000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 29, 500),
+	F(48000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 3, 50),
+	F(51200000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 8, 125),
+	F(56000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 7, 100),
+	F(58982400, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 1152, 15625),
+	F(60000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 1, 3, 40),
 	F(64000000, P_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN, 12.5, 0, 0),
 	{ }