Show patches with: Series = crypto: hisilicon/zip - misc clean up       |    Archived = No       |   4 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[RESEND,4/4] crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix the uninitalized 'curr_qm_qp_num' crypto: hisilicon/zip - misc clean up - 1 - --- 2020-09-25 Yang Shen herbert Accepted
[RESEND,3/4] crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix the return value when device is busy crypto: hisilicon/zip - misc clean up - 1 - --- 2020-09-25 Yang Shen herbert Accepted
[RESEND,2/4] crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix zero length input in GZIP decompress crypto: hisilicon/zip - misc clean up - - - --- 2020-09-25 Yang Shen herbert Accepted
[RESEND,1/4] crypto: hisilicon/zip - fix the uncleared debug registers crypto: hisilicon/zip - misc clean up - 1 - --- 2020-09-25 Yang Shen herbert Accepted