Show patches with: Series = [1/3] dmaengine: Add documentation for new memcpy scatter-gather function       |    Archived = No       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[3/3] dmaengine: Add consumer for the new DMA_MEMCPY_SG API function. [1/3] dmaengine: Add documentation for new memcpy scatter-gather function - - - --- 2021-11-01 Adrian Larumbe Accepted
[2/3] dmaengine: Add core function and capability check for DMA_MEMCPY_SG [1/3] dmaengine: Add documentation for new memcpy scatter-gather function - - - --- 2021-11-01 Adrian Larumbe Accepted
[1/3] dmaengine: Add documentation for new memcpy scatter-gather function [1/3] dmaengine: Add documentation for new memcpy scatter-gather function - - - --- 2021-11-01 Adrian Larumbe Accepted