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[v5,11/11] misc: amd-sbi: Add document for AMD SB IOCTL description

Message ID 20250303105902.215009-12-akshay.gupta@amd.com (mailing list archive)
State Handled Elsewhere
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Series misc: Move AMD side band interface(SBI) functionality | expand

Commit Message

Gupta, Akshay March 3, 2025, 10:59 a.m. UTC
- This document provides AMD side band IOCTL description defined
  for APML and its usage.
  Multiple AMD custom protocols defined for side band system
  management uses this IOCTL.
  User space C-APIs are made available by esmi_oob_library [1],
  which is provided by the E-SMS project [2].

Link: https://github.com/amd/esmi_oob_library [1]
Link: https://www.amd.com/en/developer/e-sms.html [2]

Reviewed-by: Naveen Krishna Chatradhi <naveenkrishna.chatradhi@amd.com>
Signed-off-by: Akshay Gupta <akshay.gupta@amd.com>
Changes since v4:
- Previously patch 9
- Update description as per review comment
- Address the review comments for documentation warning

Changes since v3:
- Address the review comments 

Changes since v2:
- update the MACROS name as per feedback

Changes since v1:
- New patch

 Documentation/misc-devices/amd-sbi.rst | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/misc-devices/amd-sbi.rst
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diff --git a/Documentation/misc-devices/amd-sbi.rst b/Documentation/misc-devices/amd-sbi.rst
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index 000000000000..9fbb01b33032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/misc-devices/amd-sbi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ 
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+AMD SIDE BAND interface
+Some AMD Zen based processors supports system management
+functionality via side-band interface (SBI) called
+Advanced Platform Management Link (APML). APML is an I2C/I3C
+based 2-wire processor target interface. APML is used to
+communicate with the Remote Management Interface
+(SB Remote Management Interface (SB-RMI)
+and SB Temperature Sensor Interface (SB-TSI)).
+More details on the interface can be found in chapter
+"5 Advanced Platform Management Link (APML)" of the family/model PPR [1]_.
+.. [1] https://www.amd.com/content/dam/amd/en/documents/epyc-technical-docs/programmer-references/55898_B1_pub_0_50.zip
+SBRMI device
+apml_sbrmi driver under the drivers/misc/amd-sbi creates miscdevice
+/dev/sbrmi-* to let user space programs run APML mailbox, CPUID,
+MCAMSR and register xfer commands.
+Register sets is common across APML protocols. IOCTL is providing synchronization
+among protocols as transactions may create race condition.
+$ ls -al /dev/sbrmi-3c
+crw-------    1 root     root       10,  53 Jul 10 11:13 /dev/sbrmi-3c
+apml_sbrmi driver registers hwmon sensors for monitoring power_cap_max,
+current power consumption and managing power_cap.
+Characteristics of the dev node:
+ * message ids are defined to run differnet xfer protocols:
+	* Mailbox:		0x0 ... 0x999
+	* CPUID:		0x1000
+	* MCA_MSR:		0x1001
+	* Register xfer:	0x1002
+Access restrictions:
+ * Only root user is allowed to open the file.
+ * APML Mailbox messages and Register xfer access are read-write,
+ * CPUID and MCA_MSR access is read-only.
+Driver IOCTLs
+.. c:macro:: SBRMI_IOCTL_CMD
+.. kernel-doc:: include/uapi/misc/amd-apml.h
+User-space usage
+To access side band interface from a C program.
+First, user need to include the headers::
+  #include <uapi/misc/amd-apml.h>
+Which defines the supported IOCTL and data structure to be passed
+from the user space.
+Next thing, open the device file, as follows::
+  int file;
+  file = open("/dev/sbrmi-*", O_RDWR);
+  if (file < 0) {
+    exit(1);
+  }
+The following IOCTL is defined:
+``#define SB_BASE_IOCTL_NR      0xF9``
+``#define SBRMI_IOCTL_CMD          _IOWR(SB_BASE_IOCTL_NR, 0, struct apml_message)``
+User space C-APIs are made available by esmi_oob_library, hosted at
+[2]_ which is provided by the E-SMS project [3]_.
+.. [2] https://github.com/amd/esmi_oob_library
+.. [3] https://www.amd.com/en/developer/e-sms.html