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[v3,0/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add features for vncl4040/4200

Message ID 20230517151406.368219-1-astrid.rost@axis.com (mailing list archive)
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Series iio: light: vcnl4000: Add features for vncl4040/4200 | expand


Astrid Rost May 17, 2023, 3:13 p.m. UTC
Add a more complete support for vncl4040 and vcnl4200, which allows to
change the distance of proximity detection and interrupt support for the
illuminance sensor.

Proximity functionality:
  - Interrupt support (new on vcnl4200).

Proximity reduce the amount of interrupts:
  - Adaptable integration time (new on vcnl4200) - the sampling rate
    changes according to this value.
  - Period - interrupt is asserted if the value is above or
    below a certain threshold.

Proximity change the activity distance:
  - Oversampling ratio - Amount of LED pulses per measured raw value.
  - Calibration bias - LED current calibration of the sensor.

Illuminance functionality:
  - Interrupt support.

Illuminance reduce the amount of interrupts:
  - Adaptable integration time - the sampling rate and scale changes
    according to this value.
  - Period – interrupt is asserted if the value is above or
    below a certain threshold.

changes v2:
- [PATCH v2 3/7] Fixed calculation of al_scale.
  Fix the value of vcnl4040 according to the data-sheet.
  Use div_u64 for the division.
scription for the branch

changes v3:
- [PATCH v3 1-3/7] Add differences between the chips as variables in
- [PATCH v3 4/7] Changed commit message.
- [PATCH v3 5/7] Use period instead of debounce time. This causes some
  calculations as the period is a time and the chip allows to set a certain
  amount of measurements above/below the threshold, before throwing an
- [PATCH v3 6/7] Changed commit message.

Astrid Rost (7):
  [PATCH v3 1/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add proximity irq for vcnl4200
  [PATCH v3 2/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add proximity ps_it for vcnl4200
  [PATCH v3 3/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add als_it for vcnl4040/4200
  [PATCH v3 4/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: add illuminance irq vcnl4040/4200
  [PATCH v3 5/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add period for vcnl4040/4200
  [PATCH v3 6/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add oversampling_ratio for 4040/4200
  [PATCH v3 7/7] iio: light: vcnl4000: Add calibration bias for 4040/4200

 drivers/iio/light/vcnl4000.c | 721 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 653 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
