Show patches with: Submitter = Andreas Klinger       |   103 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
iio: sgp40: retain documentation in driver iio: sgp40: retain documentation in driver - - - --- 2024-08-21 Andreas Klinger Accepted
iio: honeywell,mprls0025pa.yaml: fix function numbering iio: honeywell,mprls0025pa.yaml: fix function numbering - - - --- 2023-11-16 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v2] iio: bmp280: fix eoc interrupt usage [v2] iio: bmp280: fix eoc interrupt usage - 1 - --- 2023-10-19 Andreas Klinger Rejected
iio: bmp280: fix eoc interrupt usage iio: bmp280: fix eoc interrupt usage - 1 - --- 2023-10-18 Andreas Klinger Handled Elsewhere
[v5,3/3] MAINTAINERS: Add Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-05-16 Andreas Klinger Accepted
[v5,2/3] iio: pressure: Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-05-16 Andreas Klinger Accepted
[v5,1/3] dt-bindings: iio: pressure: Support Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - 1 - --- 2023-05-16 Andreas Klinger Accepted
[v4,3/3] MAINTAINERS: Add Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-05-05 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v4,2/3] iio: pressure: Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-05-05 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v4,1/3] dt-bindings: iio: pressure: Support Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - 1 - --- 2023-05-05 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v3,3/3] MAINTAINERS: Add Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-20 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v3,2/3] iio: pressure: Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-20 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v3,1/3] dt-bindings: iio: pressure: Support Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-20 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v2,1/1] dt-bindings: iio: pressure: Support Honeywell mprls0025pa sensor Support Honeywell mprls0025pa pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-14 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[3/3] MAINTAINERS: Add Honeywell mpr sensor Support Honeywell mpr pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-01 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[2/3] iio: pressure: Honeywell mpr pressure sensor Support Honeywell mpr pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-01 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[1/3] dt-bindings: iio: pressure: Support Honeywell mpr sensors Support Honeywell mpr pressure sensor - - - --- 2023-04-01 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v2,2/2] iio: chemical: Add driver support for sgp40 iio: chemical: Add support for sgp40 gas sensor - - - --- 2021-08-04 Andreas Klinger Accepted
[v2,1/2] dt-bindings: iio: chemical: Add trivial DT binding for sgp40 iio: chemical: Add support for sgp40 gas sensor 1 - - --- 2021-08-04 Andreas Klinger Accepted
[2/2] iio: chemical: Add driver support for sgp40 iio: chemical: Add support for sgp40 gas sensor - - - --- 2021-07-27 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[1/2] dt-bindings: iio: chemical: Add trivial DT binding for sgp40 iio: chemical: Add support for sgp40 gas sensor 1 - - --- 2021-07-27 Andreas Klinger Changes Requested
[v3] iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity [v3] iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity - - - --- 2020-05-04 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity [v2] iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity - - - --- 2020-04-29 Andreas Klinger New
iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity iio: bmp280: fix compensation of humidity - - - --- 2020-04-27 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,2/2] iio: srf04: add power management feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - - - --- 2020-01-20 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,1/2] dt-bindings: devantech-srf04.yaml: add pm feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - 1 - --- 2020-01-20 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/2] iio: srf04: add power management feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - - - --- 2020-01-09 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,1/2] dt-bindings: devantech-srf04.yaml: add pm feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - 1 - --- 2020-01-09 Andreas Klinger New
[2/2] iio: srf04: add power management feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - - - --- 2020-01-02 Andreas Klinger New
[1/2] dt-bindings: devantech-srf04.yaml: add pm feature iio: srf04: add support for power management - - - --- 2020-01-02 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,3/4] iio: ping: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-25 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,4/4] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for ping iio sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-18 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,3/4] iio: ping: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-18 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,2/4] dt-bindings: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - 1 - --- 2019-11-18 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,1/4] dt-bindings: add vendor prefix parallax iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors 1 - - --- 2019-11-18 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,4/4] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for ping iio sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-15 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,3/4] iio: ping: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-15 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/4] dt-bindings: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - 1 - --- 2019-11-15 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,1/4] dt-bindings: add vendor prefix parallax iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors 1 - - --- 2019-11-15 Andreas Klinger New
[5/5] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for ping iio sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-07 Andreas Klinger New
[4/5] iio: add ping sensors to kernel configuration iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-07 Andreas Klinger New
[3/5] iio: ping: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-07 Andreas Klinger New
[2/5] dt-bindings: add parallax ping sensors iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors - - - --- 2019-11-07 Andreas Klinger New
[1/5] dt-bindings: add vendor prefix parallax iio: add driver for ping))) and laserping sensors 1 - - --- 2019-11-07 Andreas Klinger New
[RFC] iio: srf04: add parallax ping sensors [RFC] iio: srf04: add parallax ping sensors - - - --- 2019-10-31 Andreas Klinger New
[v3] dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml [v3] dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml - 1 - --- 2019-10-07 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] iio: srf04: fix wrong limitation in distance measuring [v2] iio: srf04: fix wrong limitation in distance measuring - - 1 --- 2019-10-06 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml [v2] dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml - - - --- 2019-10-06 Andreas Klinger New
dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml dt-bindings: iio: maxbotix,mb1232.yaml: transform to yaml - - - --- 2019-09-23 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,3/3] iio: adc: hx711: remove unnecessary returns iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-09 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/3] iio: adc: hx711: optimize performance in read cycle iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-09 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,1/3] iio: adc: hx711: fix bug in sampling of data iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-09 Andreas Klinger New
[3/3] iio: adc: hx711: remove unnecessary returns iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-07 Andreas Klinger New
[2/3] iio: adc: hx711: remove unnecessary read cycle iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-07 Andreas Klinger New
[1/3] iio: adc: hx711: optimize sampling of data iio: adc: hx711: fix and optimize sampling of data - - - --- 2019-09-07 Andreas Klinger New
iio: srf04: fix wrong limitation in distance measuring iio: srf04: fix wrong limitation in distance measuring - - - --- 2019-06-23 Andreas Klinger New
[3/3] Kconfig: change configuration of srf04 ultrasonic iio sensor add Maxbotix ultrasonic iio sensors with gpio bitbanging - - - --- 2019-04-09 Andreas Klinger New
[2/3] devantech-srf04.yaml: add Maxbotix ultrasonic iio proximity sensors add Maxbotix ultrasonic iio sensors with gpio bitbanging - 1 - --- 2019-04-09 Andreas Klinger New
[1/3] srf04.c: add maxbotix ultrasonic sensors add Maxbotix ultrasonic iio sensors with gpio bitbanging - - - --- 2019-04-09 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] avia-hx711.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML [v2] avia-hx711.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML - 1 - --- 2019-04-01 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] bmp085.yaml: transform DT documentation of iio sensor into YAML [v2] bmp085.yaml: transform DT documentation of iio sensor into YAML - 1 - --- 2019-04-01 Andreas Klinger New
bmp085.yaml: transform DT documentation of iio sensor into YAML bmp085.yaml: transform DT documentation of iio sensor into YAML - - - --- 2019-03-31 Andreas Klinger New
avia-hx711.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML avia-hx711.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML - - - --- 2019-03-31 Andreas Klinger New
[v2] devantech-srf04.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML [v2] devantech-srf04.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML - 1 - --- 2019-03-26 Andreas Klinger New
[2/2] devantech-srf04.txt: remove old DT documentation transform devantech-srf04.txt into yaml format - - - --- 2019-03-26 Andreas Klinger New
[1/2] devantech-srf04.yaml: transform DT binding to YAML transform devantech-srf04.txt into yaml format - - - --- 2019-03-26 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,4/4] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for maxbotix ultrasonic driver add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-03-17 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,3/4] mb1232.c: add distance iio sensor with i2c add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-03-17 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,2/4] dt-bindings: maxbotix,mb1232: Add MaxBotix i2c ultrasonic rangers add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - 1 - --- 2019-03-17 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,1/4] dt-bindings: Add vendor prefix for MaxBotix add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - 2 - --- 2019-03-17 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,4/4] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for maxbotix ultrasonic driver add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-03-01 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,3/4] mb12x2.c: add distance iio sensor with i2c add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-03-01 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/4] dt-bindings: maxbotix,i2cxl: Add MaxBotix i2c ultrasonic rangers add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-03-01 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,1/4] dt-bindings: Add vendor prefix for MaxBotix add MaxBotix I2CXL ultrasonic iio driver - 2 - --- 2019-03-01 Andreas Klinger New
[4/4] MAINTAINERS: add maintainer for maxbotix ultrasonic driver add maxbotix ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-02-24 Andreas Klinger New
[3/4] mb12x2.c: add mb12x2 ultrasonic distance iio sensor add maxbotix ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-02-24 Andreas Klinger New
[2/4] iio/proximity: add mb12x2 driver to Kconfig and Makefile add maxbotix ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-02-24 Andreas Klinger New
[1/4] maxbotix,mb12x2.txt: add dt doc for maxbotix,mb12x2 add maxbotix ultrasonic iio driver - - - --- 2019-02-24 Andreas Klinger New
[v5,3/3] iio: hx711: fix spurious unit-address in example - 1 - --- 2018-07-10 Andreas Klinger New
[v5,2/3] iio: hx711: add delay until DOUT is ready - - - --- 2018-07-10 Andreas Klinger New
[v5,1/3] iio: hx711: add clock-frequency property in DT - 1 - --- 2018-07-10 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,3/3] iio: hx711: warning in dt binding example doc - - - --- 2018-07-04 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,2/3] iio: hx711: add delay until DOUT is ready - - - --- 2018-07-04 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,1/3] iio: hx711: add clock-frequency property in DT - - - --- 2018-07-04 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,3/3] iio: hx711: warning in dt binding example doc - - - --- 2018-07-03 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,2/3] iio: hx711: add delay until DOUT is ready - - - --- 2018-07-03 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,1/3] iio: hx711: add avia,data-ready-delay-ns property in DT - - - --- 2018-07-03 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,4/4] iio: hx711: warning in dt binding example doc - - - --- 2018-06-25 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,3/4] iio: hx711: add maintainer for driver - - - --- 2018-06-25 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/4] iio: hx711: add delay until DOUT is ready - - - --- 2018-06-25 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,1/4] iio: hx711: add data-ready-delay-ns property in DT - - - --- 2018-06-25 Andreas Klinger New
[3/3] iio: hx711: add maintainer for driver - - - --- 2018-06-23 Andreas Klinger New
[2/3] iio: hx711: add delay until DOUT is ready - - - --- 2018-06-23 Andreas Klinger New
[1/3] iio: hx711: add data-ready-delay-ns property in DT - - - --- 2018-06-23 Andreas Klinger New
iio: srf08: fix link error "devm_iio_triggered_buffer_setup" undefined - - - --- 2018-02-01 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,2/2] iio: hx711: fix bug in reset functionality - - - --- 2017-12-13 Andreas Klinger New
[v4,1/2] iio: hx711: add triggered buffer support - - - --- 2017-12-13 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,2/2] iio: hx711: fix bug in reset functionality - - - --- 2017-12-06 Andreas Klinger New
[v3,1/2] iio: hx711: add triggered buffer support - - - --- 2017-12-06 Andreas Klinger New
[v2,2/2] iio: hx711: fix bug in reset functionality - - - --- 2017-11-30 Andreas Klinger New
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