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« 1 2 ... 3 4 5222 223 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v4,4/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: add bus mode setup iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 1 - --- 2025-01-14 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v4,3/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: modify stream enable iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 1 - --- 2025-01-14 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v4,2/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: clear reset status flag iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 2 - --- 2025-01-14 Angelo Dureghello Not Applicable
[v4,1/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-common: fix ad3541/2r ranges iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 2 - --- 2025-01-14 Angelo Dureghello Not Applicable
[v2,1/1] Documentation: iio: Add ADC documentation [v2,1/1] Documentation: iio: Add ADC documentation - - - --- 2025-01-14 Marcelo Schmitt Changes Requested
[v2] iio: hid-sensor-attributes: validate sensitivity attributes [v2] iio: hid-sensor-attributes: validate sensitivity attributes - - - --- 2025-01-14 Chia-Lin Kao (AceLan) Changes Requested
[v4,2/2] iio: adc: ad7173: don't make copy of ad_sigma_delta_info struct iio: adc: ad7173: fix non-const info struct - - - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Accepted
[v4,1/2] iio: adc: ad7173: move fwnode_irq_get_byname() call site iio: adc: ad7173: fix non-const info struct - - - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Accepted
[v7,17/17] iio: dac: ad5791: Add offload support spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,16/17] iio: dac: ad5791: sort include directives spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 1 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,15/17] doc: iio: ad4695: add SPI offload support spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - - - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,14/17] iio: adc: ad4695: Add support for SPI offload spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,13/17] dt-bindings: iio: adc: adi,ad4695: add SPI offload properties spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,12/17] doc: iio: ad7944: describe offload support spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 1 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,11/17] iio: adc: ad7944: add support for SPI offload spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,10/17] iio: adc: ad7944: don't use storagebits for sizing spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 1 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,09/17] iio: buffer-dmaengine: add devm_iio_dmaengine_buffer_setup_with_handle() spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,08/17] iio: buffer-dmaengine: split requesting DMA channel from allocating buffer spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Superseded
[v7,07/17] spi: axi-spi-engine: implement offload support spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,06/17] spi: dt-bindings: axi-spi-engine: add SPI offload properties spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,05/17] spi: add offload TX/RX streaming APIs spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,04/17] spi: offload-trigger: add PWM trigger driver spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,03/17] dt-bindings: trigger-source: add generic PWM trigger source spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,02/17] spi: offload: add support for hardware triggers spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v7,01/17] spi: add basic support for SPI offloading spi: axi-spi-engine: add offload support - 2 - --- 2025-01-13 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v4,5/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mc3510c support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-13 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v4,4/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add multiple devices support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-13 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v4,3/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add OF match table iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-13 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v4,2/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-13 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v4,1/5] dt-bindings: iio: accel: mc3230: document mc3510c iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support 1 - - --- 2025-01-13 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v1] iio: adc: pac1921: Move ACPI_FREE to cover all branches [v1] iio: adc: pac1921: Move ACPI_FREE to cover all branches - - - --- 2025-01-13 Superseded
[v3,5/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mc3510c support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v3,4/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add multiple devices support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v3,3/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add OF match table iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v3,2/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v3,1/5] dt-bindings: iio: accel: mc3230: document mc3510c iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support 1 - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v2,5/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mc3510c support iio: accel: mc3230: improve driver, add mc3510c - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v2,4/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add multiple devices support iio: accel: mc3230: improve driver, add mc3510c - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v2,3/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add OF match table iio: accel: mc3230: improve driver, add mc3510c - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v2,2/5] iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix support iio: accel: mc3230: improve driver, add mc3510c - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v2,1/5] dt-bindings: iio: accel: mc3230: document mc3510c iio: accel: mc3230: improve driver, add mc3510c - - - --- 2025-01-12 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Superseded
[v3,2/2] iio: magnetometer: si7210: add driver for Si7210 iio: magnetometer: add support for Si7210 - - - --- 2025-01-12 Antoni Pokusinski Changes Requested
[v3,1/2] dt-bindings: iio: magnetometer: add binding for Si7210 iio: magnetometer: add support for Si7210 - 1 - --- 2025-01-12 Antoni Pokusinski Changes Requested
iio: light: apds9306: fix max_scale_nano values iio: light: apds9306: fix max_scale_nano values - - 1 --- 2025-01-12 Javier Carrasco Accepted
[4/4] dt-bindings: iio: accel: mc3230: document mc3510c iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-11 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Changes Requested
[3/4] iio: accel: mc3230: add mc3510c support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-11 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Changes Requested
[2/4] iio: accel: mc3230: add OF match table iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-11 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Changes Requested
[1/4] iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix support iio: accel: mc3230: add mount matrix, of match and mc3510c support - - - --- 2025-01-11 Vasiliy Doylov via B4 Relay Changes Requested
iio: imu: bmi270: add temperature channel iio: imu: bmi270: add temperature channel - - - --- 2025-01-11 Gustavo Silva Superseded
[PULL] IIO: 1st set of new device support, features and cleanup for 6.14 [PULL] IIO: 1st set of new device support, features and cleanup for 6.14 - - - --- 2025-01-11 Jonathan Cameron Handled Elsewhere
[v2,4/4] counter: ti-eqep: add direction support counter: ti-eqep: add direction support - - - --- 2025-01-11 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v2,3/4] tools/counter: add direction change event to watcher counter: ti-eqep: add direction support - - - --- 2025-01-11 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v2,2/4] counter: add direction change event counter: ti-eqep: add direction support - - - --- 2025-01-11 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v2,1/4] tools/counter: gitignore counter_watch_events counter: ti-eqep: add direction support - - - --- 2025-01-11 David Lechner Handled Elsewhere
[v3,2/2] iio: adc: ad7173: don't make copy of ad_sigma_delta_info struct iio: adc: ad7173: fix non-const info struct - - 1 --- 2025-01-10 David Lechner Superseded
[v3,1/2] iio: adc: ad7173: remove special handling for irq number iio: adc: ad7173: fix non-const info struct - - 1 --- 2025-01-10 David Lechner Superseded
[v3,9/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: update function name (non functional) iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 2 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,8/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: add ad3541/2r support iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - - - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,7/9] iio: dac: ad3552r: share model data structures iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 2 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,6/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: use instruction mode for configuration iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - - - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,5/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: fix message on wrong chip id iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - - - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,4/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: add bus mode setup iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 1 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,3/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: modify stream enable iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 1 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v3,2/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: clear reset status flag iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 2 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v3,1/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-common: fix ad3541/2r ranges iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r Angelo Dureghello - 2 - --- 2025-01-10 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v3,8/8] arm64: dts: st: add timer nodes on stm32mp257f-ev1 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,7/8] arm64: dts: st: add timer pins for stm32mp257f-ev1 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,6/8] arm64: dts: st: add timer nodes on stm32mp251 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,5/8] arm64: defconfig: enable STM32 timers drivers Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,4/8] pwm: stm32: add support for stm32mp25 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,3/8] counter: stm32-timer-cnt: add support for stm32mp25 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers 1 - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,2/8] mfd: stm32-timers: add support for stm32mp25 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers - - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v3,1/8] dt-bindings: mfd: stm32-timers: add support for stm32mp25 Add STM32MP25 timers support: MFD, PWM, IIO and counter drivers 1 - - --- 2025-01-10 Fabrice Gasnier Handled Elsewhere
[v4,6/6] docs: iio: add documentation for adis16550 driver Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v4,5/6] iio: imu: adis16550: add adis16550 support Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v4,4/6] dt-bindings: iio: Add adis16550 bindings Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v4,3/6] iio: imu: adis: Add DIAG_STAT register size Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v4,2/6] iio: imu: adis: Add reset to custom ops Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v4,1/6] iio: imu: adis: Add custom ops struct Add support for ADIS16550 and ADIS16550W - - - --- 2025-01-10 Robert Budai Changes Requested
[v2,2/2] doc: iio: ad4695: describe oversampling support iio: adc: ad4695: add oversampling support - - - --- 2025-01-09 Trevor Gamblin New
[v2,1/2] iio: adc: ad4695: add offload-based oversampling support iio: adc: ad4695: add oversampling support - 1 - --- 2025-01-09 Trevor Gamblin New
iio: adc: stm32: Drop unnecessary DT property presence check iio: adc: stm32: Drop unnecessary DT property presence check 1 - 1 --- 2025-01-09 Rob Herring (Arm) Accepted
[RFC,v2,2/2] iio: adc: ad7173: add openwire detection support for single conversions iio: adc: ad7173: add ad4111 openwire detection support - - - --- 2025-01-09 Guillaume Ranquet Changes Requested
[RFC,v2,1/2] iio: introduce the OPENWIRE event type iio: adc: ad7173: add ad4111 openwire detection support - - - --- 2025-01-09 Guillaume Ranquet Changes Requested
[v4,3/3] iio: frequency: adf4371: add ref doubler ADF4371 refin mode and doubler support - 1 - --- 2025-01-09 Antoniu Miclaus Changes Requested
[v4,2/3] iio: frequency: adf4371: add refin mode ADF4371 refin mode and doubler support - 2 - --- 2025-01-09 Antoniu Miclaus Changes Requested
[v4,1/3] dt-bindings: iio: adf4371: add refin mode ADF4371 refin mode and doubler support - - - --- 2025-01-09 Antoniu Miclaus Changes Requested
iio: hid-sensor-attributes: validate sensitivity attributes iio: hid-sensor-attributes: validate sensitivity attributes - - - --- 2025-01-09 Chia-Lin Kao (AceLan) Superseded
[v2,2/2] iio: magnetometer: si7210: add driver for Si7210 iio: magnetometer: add support for Si7210 - - - --- 2025-01-08 Antoni Pokusinski Changes Requested
[v2,1/2] dt-bindings: iio: magnetometer: add binding for Si7210 iio: magnetometer: add support for Si7210 - 1 - --- 2025-01-08 Antoni Pokusinski Changes Requested
[v2,9/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: update function name (non functional) iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,8/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: add ad3541/2r support iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,7/9] iio: dac: ad3552r: share model data structures iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,6/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: use instruction mode for configuration iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,5/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: fix message on wrong chip id iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,4/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: add bus mode setup iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,3/9] iio: dac: adi-axi-dac: modify stream enable iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - - - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Changes Requested
[v2,2/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-hs: clear reset status flag iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 1 - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v2,1/9] iio: dac: ad3552r-common: fix ad3541/2r ranges iio: ad3552r-hs: add support for ad3541/42r - 1 - --- 2025-01-08 Angelo Dureghello Accepted
[v4,5/5] docs: iio: ad7380: add alert support iio: adc: ad7380: add alert support - 1 - --- 2025-01-08 Julien Stephan Accepted
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