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[v8,06/10] iio: adc: Support ROHM BD79124 ADC

Message ID 2b7ebdbeaa163e320b4071c040ee8e24241d693d.1742225817.git.mazziesaccount@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series Support ROHM BD79124 ADC | expand

Commit Message

Matti Vaittinen March 17, 2025, 3:51 p.m. UTC
The ROHM BD79124 is a 12-bit, 8-channel, SAR ADC. The ADC supports
an automatic measurement mode, with an alarm interrupt for out-of-window
measurements. The window is configurable for each channel.

The I2C protocol for manual start of the measurement and data reading is
somewhat peculiar. It requires the master to do clock stretching after
sending the I2C slave-address until the slave has captured the data.
Needless to say this is not well suopported by the I2C controllers.

Thus do not support the BD79124's manual measurement mode but implement
the measurements using automatic measurement mode, relying on the
BD79124's ability of storing latest measurements into register.

Support also configuring the threshold events for detecting the
out-of-window events.

The BD79124 keeps asserting IRQ for as long as the measured voltage is
out of the configured window. Thus, prevent the user-space from choking
on the events and mask the received event for a fixed duration (1 second)
when an event is handled.

The ADC input pins can be also configured as general purpose outputs.
Make those pins which don't have corresponding ADC channel node in the
device-tree controllable as GPO.

Signed-off-by: Matti Vaittinen <mazziesaccount@gmail.com>

Revision history:
v7 => v8:
 - Use unsigned for regmap values
 - Commit message fine tuning
 - Check devm_mutex_init() return value
 - Typofixes
 - Styling as suggested by Andy
 - Handle cases where all pins are ADCs or GPOs
 - Report 1 to user to indicate enabled event, regardless the direction.
v6 => v7:
 - Styling
v5 => v6:
 - Styling as suggested by Jonathan
v4 => v5:
 - Drop unused interval defines
 - Append unit to interval define and drop a comment
 - Drop parenthesis around bitwise negation operation ~
 - Use proper block comment style
 - Improve the documentation of the re-enabling the events by moving
   comment explaining early return to the point of the return, and
   by adding own comment for the reason of locking before calling the
 - Indenting
 - Drop unused struct bd79124_reg_init
 - Drop bd79124_init_mux() wrapper and call the regmap_write() directly
v3 => v4:
 - Adapt to 'drop diff-channel support' changes to ADC-helpers
 - Don't parse fwnode in GPIO valid-mask callback but use pin config
   cached at probe()
 - Drop use of iio_adc_device_channels_by_property()
 - Open code the bd79124_reg_init loop (as suggested by Jonathan)
 - Use devm variant of mutex_init()
 - Styling
v2 => v3:
 - Fix uninitialized return value reported by the kernel test robot
 - Fix indent
 - Adapt to adc-helper changes supporting also single-ended and
   differential channels
RFC v1 => v2:
 - Add event throttling (constant delay of 1 sec)
 - rename variable 'd' to 'data'
 - Use ADC helpers to detect pins used for ADC
 - bd79124 drop MFD and pinmux && handle GPO in this driver
 - Drop adc suffix from the IIO file name
 drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig        |   12 +
 drivers/iio/adc/Makefile       |    1 +
 drivers/iio/adc/rohm-bd79124.c | 1138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1151 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/rohm-bd79124.c


Andy Shevchenko March 17, 2025, 4:43 p.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:51:25PM +0200, Matti Vaittinen wrote:
> The ROHM BD79124 is a 12-bit, 8-channel, SAR ADC. The ADC supports
> an automatic measurement mode, with an alarm interrupt for out-of-window
> measurements. The window is configurable for each channel.
> The I2C protocol for manual start of the measurement and data reading is
> somewhat peculiar. It requires the master to do clock stretching after
> sending the I2C slave-address until the slave has captured the data.
> Needless to say this is not well suopported by the I2C controllers.
> Thus do not support the BD79124's manual measurement mode but implement
> the measurements using automatic measurement mode, relying on the
> BD79124's ability of storing latest measurements into register.
> Support also configuring the threshold events for detecting the
> out-of-window events.
> The BD79124 keeps asserting IRQ for as long as the measured voltage is
> out of the configured window. Thus, prevent the user-space from choking
> on the events and mask the received event for a fixed duration (1 second)
> when an event is handled.
> The ADC input pins can be also configured as general purpose outputs.
> Make those pins which don't have corresponding ADC channel node in the
> device-tree controllable as GPO.


> +#include <linux/bitfield.h>
> +#include <linux/bitmap.h>
> +#include <linux/bits.h>

bits.h is guaranteed by bitmap.h, but it's up to you to leave
or remove this line.

> +#include <linux/byteorder/generic.h>

This is incorrect. In some cases it even may produce build failures.
Should be asm/byteorder.h...

> +#include <linux/device.h>
> +#include <linux/delay.h>
> +#include <linux/devm-helpers.h>
> +#include <linux/err.h>
> +#include <linux/gpio/driver.h>
> +#include <linux/i2c.h>
> +#include <linux/interrupt.h>
> +#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
> +#include <linux/module.h>
> +#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
> +#include <linux/regmap.h>
> +#include <linux/types.h>

...somewhere here.

> +#include <linux/iio/events.h>
> +#include <linux/iio/iio.h>
> +#include <linux/iio/adc-helpers.h>


> +#define BD79124_GET_LIMIT_REG(ch, dir) ((dir) == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING ?		\
> +		BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch) : BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(ch))

It's hard to read, better to split over few lines:

#define BD79124_GET_LIMIT_REG(ch, dir)						\
	((dir) == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING ?						\

or alike.


> +	/*
> +	 * The BD79124 does not allow disabling/enabling limit separately for
> +	 * one direction only. Hence, we do the disabling by changing the limit
> +	 * to maximum/minimum measurable value. This means we need to cache
> +	 * the limit in order to maintain it over the time limit is disabled.
> +	 */
> +	u16 alarm_r_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
> +	u16 alarm_f_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
> +	/* Bitmask of disabled events (for rate limiting) for each channel. */
> +	int alarm_suppressed[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
> +	/*
> +	 * The BD79124 is configured to run the measurements in the background.
> +	 * This is done for the event monitoring as well as for the read_raw().
> +	 * Protect the measurement starting/stopping using a mutex.
> +	 */
> +	struct mutex mutex;
> +	struct delayed_work alm_enable_work;

> +	struct gpio_chip gc;

Hmm... Have you tried to shuffle fields to see if you gain a better code
generation. Also I don't remember if I asked about struct device *dev to be
the same as in regmap and would it be worse code without it?

> +	u8 gpio_valid_mask;


> +static void bd79124gpo_set(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset, int value)
> +{
> +	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
> +
> +	if (value)
> +		regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));
> +	else
> +		regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));


> +}


> +static void bd79124gpo_set_multiple(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned long *mask,
> +				    unsigned long *bits)
> +{
> +	unsigned int val;
> +	int ret;
> +	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);

> +	/* Ensure all GPIOs in 'mask' are set to be GPIOs */

This sounds like it can utilise valid_mask, but it seems you already have it.
So the question is what is the practical issue here? I believe the condition
below will never be the case.

> +	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_PINCFG, &val);
> +	if (ret)
> +		return;

> +	if ((val & *mask) != *mask) {
> +		dev_dbg(data->dev, "Invalid mux config. Can't set value.\n");
> +		/* Do not set value for pins configured as ADC inputs */
> +		*mask &= val;
> +	}
> +
> +	regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, *mask, *bits);

Can you rather utilise the respective bitmap APIs?

> +}


> +struct bd79124_raw {
> +	u8 bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
> +	u8 bit4_11;
> +};
> +#define BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(r) ((r.bit4_11 << 4) | (r.bit0_3 >> 4))
> +#define BD79124_INT_TO_RAW(val) {					\
> +	.bit4_11 = (val) >> 4,						\
> +	.bit0_3 = (val) << 4,						\
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
> + * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
> + * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
> + * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.

I believe this comment should go on top of the data structure. Also this is
still confusing as variable name above suggests one bit mapping, while text
here is referencing to another. Can you elaborate this more, please?


	u8 foo_1; // represents bits 3 2 1 0 x x x x
	// ? or represents bits 0 1 2 3 x x x x

> + * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.
> + *
> + * Read data from register and convert to integer.
> + */


> +static int bd79124_read_reg_to_int(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
> +				   unsigned int *val)
> +{
> +	int ret;
> +	struct bd79124_raw raw;
> +
> +	ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->map, reg, &raw, sizeof(raw));
> +	if (ret) {

> +		dev_dbg(data->dev, "bulk_read failed %d\n", ret);

Do we need this (and alike)? It can be achieved via regmap tracepoints.

> +		return ret;
> +	}
> +
> +	*val = BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(raw);
> +
> +	return 0;
> +}


> +/*
> + * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
> + * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
> + * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
> + * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.
> + * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.

Same as above, rather comment once at data type.

> + * Convert the integer to register format and write it using rmw cycle.
> + */


> +	raw.bit0_3 |= (0xf & tmp);

Btw, why Yoda style?


> +static int bd79124_stop_measurement(struct bd79124_data *data, int chan)
> +{
> +	unsigned int val;
> +	int ret;
> +
> +	/* See if already stopped */
> +	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, &val);
> +	if (!(val & BIT(chan)))
> +		return 0;
> +
> +	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
> +				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
> +
> +	/* Clear the channel from the measured channels */
> +	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS,
> +			   ~BIT(chan) & val);
> +	if (ret)
> +		return ret;
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * Stop background conversion for power saving if it was the last
> +	 * channel

Missing period.

> +	 */
> +	if (!(~BIT(chan) & val)) {

Seems to me as you have the same above, perhaps just update the val?

> +		int regval = FIELD_PREP(BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE,
> +					BD79124_CONV_MODE_MANSEQ);
> +
> +		ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
> +					 BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
> +		if (ret)
> +			return ret;
> +	}
> +
> +	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
> +			       BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
> +}


> +	/* Add the channel to the list of monitored channels */
> +	ret = regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_ALERT_CH_SEL,
> +			      BIT(channel));

Perfectly one line, and you have similar cases with 82 characters already,
while here it's just 81.

> +	if (ret)
> +		return ret;


> +	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GEN_CFG,
> +				      BD79124_MSK_DWC_EN);

Can be done here, as it's only 83 characters.


> +{
> +	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
> +	int reg;
> +
> +	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +
> +	switch (info) {
> +		if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING) {
> +			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);

What does this mutex protect? chan->channel access? I don't think so, then it
can be scoped_guard().

> +			data->alarm_r_limit[chan->channel] = val;
> +			reg = BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
> +		} else if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING) {
> +			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);


> +			data->alarm_f_limit[chan->channel] = val;
> +			reg = BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
> +		} else {
> +			return -EINVAL;
> +		}
> +		/*
> +		 * We don't want to enable the alarm if it is not enabled or
> +		 * if it is suppressed. In that case skip writing to the
> +		 * register.
> +		 */
> +		if (!(data->alarm_monitored[chan->channel] & BIT(dir)) ||
> +		    data->alarm_suppressed[chan->channel] & BIT(dir))
> +			return 0;
> +
> +		return bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, val);
> +
> +		reg = BD79124_GET_HYSTERESIS_REG(chan->channel);
> +		val >>= 3;
> +
> +		return regmap_update_bits(data->map, reg, BD79124_MSK_HYSTERESIS,
> +					  val);
> +	default:
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +	}
> +}


> +static int bd79124_read_raw(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
> +			    struct iio_chan_spec const *chan,
> +			    int *val, int *val2, long m)
> +{
> +	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
> +	int ret;
> +
> +	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +
> +	switch (m) {
> +	{
> +		unsigned int old_chan_cfg, regval;
> +		int tmp;
> +
> +		guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
> +
> +		/*
> +		 * Start the automatic conversion. This is needed here if no
> +		 * events have been enabled.
> +		 */

> +		regval = FIELD_PREP(BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE,
> +				    BD79124_CONV_MODE_AUTO);

Only 83 characters for one line.

> +		ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
> +					 BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
> +		if (ret)
> +			return ret;
> +
> +		ret = bd79124_single_chan_seq(data, chan->channel, &old_chan_cfg);
> +		if (ret)
> +			return ret;
> +
> +		/* The maximum conversion time is 6 uS. */
> +		udelay(6);
> +
> +		ret = bd79124_read_reg_to_int(data,
> +			BD79124_GET_RECENT_RES_REG(chan->channel), val);
> +		/*
> +		 * Return the old chan config even if data reading failed in
> +		 * order to re-enable the event monitoring.
> +		 */
> +		tmp = bd79124_single_chan_seq_end(data, old_chan_cfg);
> +		if (tmp)
> +			dev_err(data->dev,
> +				"Failed to return config. Alarms may be disabled\n");
> +
> +		if (ret)
> +			return ret;
> +
> +		return IIO_VAL_INT;
> +	}
> +		*val = data->vmax / 1000;
> +		*val2 = BD79124_ADC_BITS;
> +	default:
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +	}
> +}


> +static int __bd79124_event_ratelimit(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
> +				     unsigned int limit)
> +{
> +	int ret;
> +
> +	if (limit > BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX)
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +
> +	ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, limit);
> +	if (ret)
> +		return ret;
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * We use 1 sec 'grace period'. At the moment I see no reason to make
> +	 * this user configurable. We need an ABI for this if configuration is
> +	 * needed.
> +	 */
> +	schedule_delayed_work(&data->alm_enable_work,
> +			      msecs_to_jiffies(1000));

Perfectly one line even for the 80 character limit fanatics :-)

> +	return 0;
> +}

> +static int bd79124_get_gpio_pins(const struct iio_chan_spec *cs, int num_channels)
> +{
> +	int i, gpio_channels;
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * Let's initialize the mux config to say that all 8 channels are
> +	 * GPIOs. Then we can just loop through the iio_chan_spec and clear the
> +	 * bits for found ADC channels.
> +	 */
> +	gpio_channels = GENMASK(7, 0);
> +	for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++)
> +		gpio_channels &= ~BIT(cs[i].channel);
> +
> +	return gpio_channels;
> +}


> +	ret = devm_iio_adc_device_alloc_chaninfo_se(dev, template,
> +		BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1, &cs);
> +	if (ret < 0) {
> +		if (ret == -ENOENT)
> +			goto register_gpios;
> +		return ret;
> +	}

Also can be written as

	ret = devm_iio_adc_device_alloc_chaninfo_se(dev, template,
		BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1, &cs);
	/* Register all channels as GPIOs in case no ADC functionality required */
	if (ret == -ENOENT)
		goto register_gpios;
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;
Matti Vaittinen March 18, 2025, 7:35 a.m. UTC | #2
On 17/03/2025 18:43, Andy Shevchenko wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 05:51:25PM +0200, Matti Vaittinen wrote:
>> The ROHM BD79124 is a 12-bit, 8-channel, SAR ADC. The ADC supports
>> an automatic measurement mode, with an alarm interrupt for out-of-window
>> measurements. The window is configurable for each channel.
>> The I2C protocol for manual start of the measurement and data reading is
>> somewhat peculiar. It requires the master to do clock stretching after
>> sending the I2C slave-address until the slave has captured the data.
>> Needless to say this is not well suopported by the I2C controllers.
>> Thus do not support the BD79124's manual measurement mode but implement
>> the measurements using automatic measurement mode, relying on the
>> BD79124's ability of storing latest measurements into register.
>> Support also configuring the threshold events for detecting the
>> out-of-window events.
>> The BD79124 keeps asserting IRQ for as long as the measured voltage is
>> out of the configured window. Thus, prevent the user-space from choking
>> on the events and mask the received event for a fixed duration (1 second)
>> when an event is handled.
>> The ADC input pins can be also configured as general purpose outputs.
>> Make those pins which don't have corresponding ADC channel node in the
>> device-tree controllable as GPO.
> ...
>> +#include <linux/bitfield.h>
>> +#include <linux/bitmap.h>
>> +#include <linux/bits.h>
> bits.h is guaranteed by bitmap.h, but it's up to you to leave
> or remove this line.
>> +#include <linux/byteorder/generic.h>
> This is incorrect. In some cases it even may produce build failures.
> Should be asm/byteorder.h...

I had no idea. Thanks.

>> +#include <linux/device.h>
>> +#include <linux/delay.h>
>> +#include <linux/devm-helpers.h>
>> +#include <linux/err.h>
>> +#include <linux/gpio/driver.h>
>> +#include <linux/i2c.h>
>> +#include <linux/interrupt.h>
>> +#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
>> +#include <linux/module.h>
>> +#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
>> +#include <linux/regmap.h>
>> +#include <linux/types.h>
> ...somewhere here.

What is the rationale having the "asm/byteorder.h" located down here?

>> +#include <linux/iio/events.h>
>> +#include <linux/iio/iio.h>
>> +#include <linux/iio/adc-helpers.h>
> ...
>> +#define BD79124_GET_LIMIT_REG(ch, dir) ((dir) == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING ?		\
>> +		BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch) : BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(ch))
> It's hard to read, better to split over few lines:
> #define BD79124_GET_LIMIT_REG(ch, dir)						\
> 	((dir) == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING ?						\
> 		BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch) : BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(ch))
> or alike.
> ...
>> +	/*
>> +	 * The BD79124 does not allow disabling/enabling limit separately for
>> +	 * one direction only. Hence, we do the disabling by changing the limit
>> +	 * to maximum/minimum measurable value. This means we need to cache
>> +	 * the limit in order to maintain it over the time limit is disabled.
>> +	 */
>> +	u16 alarm_r_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
>> +	u16 alarm_f_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
>> +	/* Bitmask of disabled events (for rate limiting) for each channel. */
>> +	int alarm_suppressed[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
>> +	/*
>> +	 * The BD79124 is configured to run the measurements in the background.
>> +	 * This is done for the event monitoring as well as for the read_raw().
>> +	 * Protect the measurement starting/stopping using a mutex.
>> +	 */
>> +	struct mutex mutex;
>> +	struct delayed_work alm_enable_work;
>> +	struct gpio_chip gc;
> Hmm... Have you tried to shuffle fields to see if you gain a better code
> generation.

No, I haven't. Effects of such suffling would in any case depend on the 
architecture. Furthermore, it is not expected there will be really many 
instances of this structure so potential savings would be negligible.

> Also I don't remember if I asked about struct device *dev to be
> the same as in regmap and would it be worse code without it?

Not sure I understood your comment. Are you suggesting I would extract 
the device pointer from the regmap in every function where it is needed, 
instead of storing it here?

If so, I prefer storing the pointer in probe and have it directly usable 
where prints are wanted/needed. Results cleaner looking code with the 
cost of one pointer. And again, it is not expected to see this struct 
instantiated a lot. If this happens we can go optimizing, but until that 
I prefer cleaner code.

>> +	u8 gpio_valid_mask;
> ...
>> +static void bd79124gpo_set(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset, int value)
>> +{
>> +	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
>> +
>> +	if (value)
>> +		regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));
>> +	else
>> +		regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));
> regmap_assign_bits()

Thanks. I think I've missed introduction of this function :)

>> +}
> ...
>> +static void bd79124gpo_set_multiple(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned long *mask,
>> +				    unsigned long *bits)
>> +{
>> +	unsigned int val;
>> +	int ret;
>> +	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
>> +	/* Ensure all GPIOs in 'mask' are set to be GPIOs */
> This sounds like it can utilise valid_mask, but it seems you already have it.


> So the question is what is the practical issue here? I believe the condition
> below will never be the case.

It can until this gets merged:

Furthermore, the cost of the check is fairly low. Knowing that the 
drivers tend to get backported (because very few if any device makers 
use latest kernels) I will keep it here for couple of cycles.

>> +	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_PINCFG, &val);
>> +	if (ret)
>> +		return;
>> +	if ((val & *mask) != *mask) {
>> +		dev_dbg(data->dev, "Invalid mux config. Can't set value.\n");
>> +		/* Do not set value for pins configured as ADC inputs */
>> +		*mask &= val;
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, *mask, *bits);
> Can you rather utilise the respective bitmap APIs?

Please elaborate. Which APIs and what's the added benefit? It's not easy 
for me to see how this could get much simpler.

>> +}
> ...
>> +struct bd79124_raw {
>> +	u8 bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
>> +	u8 bit4_11;
>> +};
>> +#define BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(r) ((r.bit4_11 << 4) | (r.bit0_3 >> 4))
>> +#define BD79124_INT_TO_RAW(val) {					\
>> +	.bit4_11 = (val) >> 4,						\
>> +	.bit0_3 = (val) << 4,						\
>> +}
>> +
>> +/*
>> + * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
>> + * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
>> + * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
>> + * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.
> I believe this comment should go on top of the data structure.

Not sure. I think having this comment preceding the functions which are 
actually used to read/write the register makes sense. The structs / 
macros are only used from this function. Anyone who needs to be reading 
this code _after_ the review stage, is likely to trace the execution of 
the functions (and see the structure definitions only when they're used 
from a function) and not go jumping through the structures alone. Hence, 
having the explanation of a register layout on top of a function which 
reads / writes the register.

> Also this is
> still confusing as variable name above suggests one bit mapping, while text
> here is referencing to another. Can you elaborate this more, please?

Huh? Sorry, but I think the text and variable names match.

Variable names in:
struct bd79124_raw {
	u8 bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
	u8 bit4_11;

represent the value. Eg, first byte contains the bits [3:0] of the 12bit 
value. Comment tells that these bits are stored to the high bits of the 
Similarly the "bit4_11" represents the bits of the value. I am fairly 
sure you didn't think the "bit4_11" was referring to bits of a 8-bit 

> Like
> 	u8 foo_1; // represents bits 3 2 1 0 x x x x
> 	// ? or represents bits 0 1 2 3 x x x x

Now, I don't understand what you're saying here. I've a feeling that 
type of comment would just make it more confusing - at least for me.

I suppose I could do:
  struct bd79124_raw {
-       u8 bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
-       u8 bit4_11;
+       u8 val_bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
+       u8 val_bit4_11;

but I am not at all sure this would help?

>> + * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.
>> + *
>> + * Read data from register and convert to integer.
>> + */
> ...
>> +static int bd79124_read_reg_to_int(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
>> +				   unsigned int *val)
>> +{
>> +	int ret;
>> +	struct bd79124_raw raw;
>> +
>> +	ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->map, reg, &raw, sizeof(raw));
>> +	if (ret) {
>> +		dev_dbg(data->dev, "bulk_read failed %d\n", ret);
> Do we need this (and alike)? It can be achieved via regmap tracepoints.

I can't speak on anyone else's behalf, but when things fail I am still 
looking at the prints as a first step. This includes enabling the debugs 
too. Something like regmap tracepoints would come to play only if I 
can't find anything using the prints - although, I am not sure I 
wouldn't try _adding_ prints prior using tracepoints.

This is especially true in use-case like this one. This is a path which 
handles the user's data-reading. Imagine you're reading ADC data:

cat /sys/bus/iio/.../..._raw

and get an error. I (and I believe many others) would say "dmesg" (or 
equivalent) as next step. If nothing is visible, changing log level and 
retrying would be my next step.

regmap tracepoints? Maybe after seeing the "bulk_read failed" - but not 
as a first thing to try. And, it's not like the driver has polluted each 
regmap call-site with prints, so cost is again negligible.

>> +		return ret;
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	*val = BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(raw);
>> +
>> +	return 0;
>> +}
> ...
>> +/*
>> + * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
>> + * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
>> + * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
>> + * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.
>> + * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.
> Same as above, rather comment once at data type.

I think this comment is tightly related to the purpose of this function.
>> + * Convert the integer to register format and write it using rmw cycle.
>> + */
> ...
>> +	raw.bit0_3 |= (0xf & tmp);
> Btw, why Yoda style?

I had to google the Yoda style. So, I assume you mean why:

0xf & tmp
and not
tmp & 0xf.

Absolutely for no reason. I suppose it has just been flowing out of my 
fingers that way :) It can be flipped if it bothers.

>> +static int bd79124_stop_measurement(struct bd79124_data *data, int chan)
>> +{
>> +	unsigned int val;
>> +	int ret;
>> +
>> +	/* See if already stopped */
>> +	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, &val);
>> +	if (!(val & BIT(chan)))
>> +		return 0;
>> +
>> +	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
>> +				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
>> +
>> +	/* Clear the channel from the measured channels */
>> +	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS,
>> +			   ~BIT(chan) & val);
>> +	if (ret)
>> +		return ret;
>> +
>> +	/*
>> +	 * Stop background conversion for power saving if it was the last
>> +	 * channel
>> +	 */
>> +	if (!(~BIT(chan) & val)) {
> Seems to me as you have the same above, perhaps just update the val?

Good catch. This gets much more readable if the 'val' is renamed as 
'enabled_chans' and updated in place. Thanks!

>> +		int regval = FIELD_PREP(BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE,
>> +					BD79124_CONV_MODE_MANSEQ);
>> +
>> +		ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
>> +					 BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
>> +		if (ret)
>> +			return ret;
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
>> +			       BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
>> +}


> Can be done here, as it's only 83 characters.

The 80 char lines is something we already discussed several times. Won't 
reply on other places.

> ...
>> +{
>> +	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
>> +	int reg;
>> +
>> +	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
>> +		return -EINVAL;
>> +
>> +	switch (info) {
>> +	case IIO_EV_INFO_VALUE:
>> +		if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING) {
>> +			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
> What does this mutex protect? chan->channel access? I don't think so, then it
> can be scoped_guard().

I am not sure I understand what you are after here. I'd be grateful if 
you explained.

In any case, after taking another look at this, I think the check for 
suppressed/monitored alarms below is racy. It looks like the mutex 
should be held for the duration of the whole "case IIO_EV_INFO_VALUE" 
here. So, thanks.

>> +			data->alarm_r_limit[chan->channel] = val;
>> +			reg = BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
>> +		} else if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING) {
>> +			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
> Ditto.
>> +			data->alarm_f_limit[chan->channel] = val;
>> +			reg = BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
>> +		} else {
>> +			return -EINVAL;
>> +		}
>> +		/*
>> +		 * We don't want to enable the alarm if it is not enabled or
>> +		 * if it is suppressed. In that case skip writing to the
>> +		 * register.
>> +		 */
>> +		if (!(data->alarm_monitored[chan->channel] & BIT(dir)) ||
>> +		    data->alarm_suppressed[chan->channel] & BIT(dir))
>> +			return 0;
>> +
>> +		return bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, val);
>> +
>> +		reg = BD79124_GET_HYSTERESIS_REG(chan->channel);
>> +		val >>= 3;
>> +
>> +		return regmap_update_bits(data->map, reg, BD79124_MSK_HYSTERESIS,
>> +					  val);
>> +	default:
>> +		return -EINVAL;
>> +	}
>> +}
> ...
>> +static int __bd79124_event_ratelimit(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
>> +				     unsigned int limit)
>> +{
>> +	int ret;
>> +
>> +	if (limit > BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX)
>> +		return -EINVAL;
>> +
>> +	ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, limit);
>> +	if (ret)
>> +		return ret;
>> +
>> +	/*
>> +	 * We use 1 sec 'grace period'. At the moment I see no reason to make
>> +	 * this user configurable. We need an ABI for this if configuration is
>> +	 * needed.
>> +	 */
>> +	schedule_delayed_work(&data->alm_enable_work,
>> +			      msecs_to_jiffies(1000));
> Perfectly one line even for the 80 character limit fanatics :-)


>> +	return 0;
>> +}
>> +static int bd79124_get_gpio_pins(const struct iio_chan_spec *cs, int num_channels)
>> +{
>> +	int i, gpio_channels;
>> +
>> +	/*
>> +	 * Let's initialize the mux config to say that all 8 channels are
>> +	 * GPIOs. Then we can just loop through the iio_chan_spec and clear the
>> +	 * bits for found ADC channels.
>> +	 */
>> +	gpio_channels = GENMASK(7, 0);
>> +	for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++)
>> +		gpio_channels &= ~BIT(cs[i].channel);
>> +
>> +	return gpio_channels;
>> +}
> ...
>> +	ret = devm_iio_adc_device_alloc_chaninfo_se(dev, template,
>> +		BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1, &cs);
>> +	if (ret < 0) {
>> +		if (ret == -ENOENT)
>> +			goto register_gpios;
>> +		return ret;
>> +	}
> Also can be written as
> 	ret = devm_iio_adc_device_alloc_chaninfo_se(dev, template,
> 		BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1, &cs);
> 	/* Register all channels as GPIOs in case no ADC functionality required */

I like the comment you added.

> 	if (ret == -ENOENT)
> 		goto register_gpios;
> 	if (ret < 0)
> 		return ret;

We don't need the other check when return value is > 0. This should be 
the majority of cases. The no ADC channels case is very unlikely because 
this IC is meant to be an ADC. Original code reflects that better.

Thanks for the review.

	-- Matti
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig b/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig
index 0993008a1586..74d749c0cd8f 100644
--- a/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig
@@ -1191,6 +1191,18 @@  config RN5T618_ADC
 	  This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
 	  will be called rn5t618-adc.
+config ROHM_BD79124
+	tristate "Rohm BD79124 ADC driver"
+	depends on I2C
+	select REGMAP_I2C
+	help
+	  Say yes here to build support for the ROHM BD79124 ADC. The
+	  ROHM BD79124 is a 12-bit, 8-channel, SAR ADC. The ADC supports
+	  also an automatic measurement mode, with an alarm interrupt for
+	  out-of-window measurements. The window is configurable for each
+	  channel.
 	tristate "Rockchip SARADC driver"
diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile b/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile
index 1c410f483029..3e10af9ec4c4 100644
--- a/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@  obj-$(CONFIG_QCOM_VADC_COMMON) += qcom-vadc-common.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RCAR_GYRO_ADC) += rcar-gyroadc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RICHTEK_RTQ6056) += rtq6056.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RN5T618_ADC) += rn5t618-adc.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_ROHM_BD79124) += rohm-bd79124.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_SARADC) += rockchip_saradc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RZG2L_ADC) += rzg2l_adc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SC27XX_ADC) += sc27xx_adc.o
diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/rohm-bd79124.c b/drivers/iio/adc/rohm-bd79124.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ab6286b5c090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/iio/adc/rohm-bd79124.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@ 
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ * ROHM ADC driver for BD79124 ADC/GPO device
+ * https://fscdn.rohm.com/en/products/databook/datasheet/ic/data_converter/dac/bd79124muf-c-e.pdf
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2025, ROHM Semiconductor.
+ */
+#include <linux/bitfield.h>
+#include <linux/bitmap.h>
+#include <linux/bits.h>
+#include <linux/byteorder/generic.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/devm-helpers.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/gpio/driver.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
+#include <linux/regmap.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/iio/events.h>
+#include <linux/iio/iio.h>
+#include <linux/iio/adc-helpers.h>
+#define BD79124_I2C_MULTI_READ		0x30
+#define BD79124_I2C_MULTI_WRITE		0x28
+#define BD79124_REG_MAX			0xaf
+#define BD79124_REG_SYSTEM_STATUS	0x00
+#define BD79124_REG_GEN_CFG		0x01
+#define BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG		0x04
+#define BD79124_REG_PINCFG		0x05
+#define BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL		0x0B
+#define BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG		0x10
+#define BD79124_REG_MANUAL_CHANNELS	0x11
+#define BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS	0x12
+#define BD79124_REG_ALERT_CH_SEL	0x14
+#define BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG		0x18
+#define BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI	0x1a
+#define BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO	0x1c
+#define BD79124_REG_HYSTERESIS_CH0	0x20
+#define BD79124_REG_EVENTCOUNT_CH0	0x22
+#define BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH0_LSB	0xa0
+#define BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH7_MSB	0xaf
+#define BD79124_ADC_BITS 12
+/* Masks for the BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG */
+#define BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE GENMASK(6, 5)
+#define BD79124_CONV_MODE_MANSEQ 0
+#define BD79124_CONV_MODE_AUTO 1
+#define BD79124_MSK_AUTO_INTERVAL GENMASK(1, 0)
+#define BD79124_INTERVAL_750_US 0
+/* Masks for the BD79124_REG_GEN_CFG */
+#define BD79124_MSK_DWC_EN BIT(4)
+#define BD79124_MSK_STATS_EN BIT(5)
+/* Masks for the BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG */
+#define BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START BIT(4)
+#define BD79124_MSK_SEQ_MODE GENMASK(1, 0)
+#define BD79124_MSK_SEQ_MANUAL 0
+#define BD79124_MSK_SEQ_SEQ 1
+#define BD79124_MSK_HYSTERESIS GENMASK(3, 0)
+#define BD79124_LOW_LIMIT_MIN 0
+#define BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX GENMASK(11, 0)
+ * The high limit, low limit and last measurement result are each stored in
+ * 2 consequtive registers. 4 bits are in the high bits of the first register
+ * and 8 bits in the next register.
+ *
+ * These macros return the address of the first reg for the given channel.
+ */
+#define BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch) (BD79124_REG_HYSTERESIS_CH0 + (ch) * 4)
+#define BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(ch) (BD79124_REG_EVENTCOUNT_CH0 + (ch) * 4)
+#define BD79124_GET_LIMIT_REG(ch, dir) ((dir) == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING ?		\
+		BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch) : BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(ch))
+#define BD79124_GET_RECENT_RES_REG(ch) (BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH0_LSB + (ch) * 2)
+ * The hysteresis for a channel is stored in the same register where the
+ * 4 bits of high limit reside.
+ */
+#define BD79124_GET_HYSTERESIS_REG(ch) BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(ch)
+#define BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS 8
+struct bd79124_data {
+	s64 timestamp;
+	struct regmap *map;
+	struct device *dev;
+	int vmax;
+	/*
+	 * Keep measurement status so read_raw() knows if the measurement needs
+	 * to be started.
+	 */
+	int alarm_monitored[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
+	/*
+	 * The BD79124 does not allow disabling/enabling limit separately for
+	 * one direction only. Hence, we do the disabling by changing the limit
+	 * to maximum/minimum measurable value. This means we need to cache
+	 * the limit in order to maintain it over the time limit is disabled.
+	 */
+	u16 alarm_r_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
+	u16 alarm_f_limit[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
+	/* Bitmask of disabled events (for rate limiting) for each channel. */
+	int alarm_suppressed[BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS];
+	/*
+	 * The BD79124 is configured to run the measurements in the background.
+	 * This is done for the event monitoring as well as for the read_raw().
+	 * Protect the measurement starting/stopping using a mutex.
+	 */
+	struct mutex mutex;
+	struct delayed_work alm_enable_work;
+	struct gpio_chip gc;
+	u8 gpio_valid_mask;
+static const struct regmap_range bd79124_ro_ranges[] = {
+	{
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH0_LSB,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH7_MSB,
+	},
+static const struct regmap_access_table bd79124_ro_regs = {
+	.no_ranges	= &bd79124_ro_ranges[0],
+	.n_no_ranges	= ARRAY_SIZE(bd79124_ro_ranges),
+static const struct regmap_range bd79124_volatile_ranges[] = {
+	{
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH0_LSB,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_RECENT_CH7_MSB,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_SYSTEM_STATUS,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_SYSTEM_STATUS,
+	},
+static const struct regmap_access_table bd79124_volatile_regs = {
+	.yes_ranges	= &bd79124_volatile_ranges[0],
+	.n_yes_ranges	= ARRAY_SIZE(bd79124_volatile_ranges),
+static const struct regmap_range bd79124_precious_ranges[] = {
+	{
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI,
+	}, {
+		.range_min = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO,
+		.range_max = BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO,
+	},
+static const struct regmap_access_table bd79124_precious_regs = {
+	.yes_ranges	= &bd79124_precious_ranges[0],
+	.n_yes_ranges	= ARRAY_SIZE(bd79124_precious_ranges),
+static const struct regmap_config bd79124_regmap = {
+	.reg_bits		= 16,
+	.val_bits		= 8,
+	.read_flag_mask		= BD79124_I2C_MULTI_READ,
+	.write_flag_mask	= BD79124_I2C_MULTI_WRITE,
+	.max_register		= BD79124_REG_MAX,
+	.cache_type		= REGCACHE_MAPLE,
+	.volatile_table		= &bd79124_volatile_regs,
+	.wr_table		= &bd79124_ro_regs,
+	.precious_table		= &bd79124_precious_regs,
+static int bd79124gpo_direction_get(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset)
+static void bd79124gpo_set(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned int offset, int value)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
+	if (value)
+		regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));
+	else
+		regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, BIT(offset));
+static void bd79124gpo_set_multiple(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned long *mask,
+				    unsigned long *bits)
+	unsigned int val;
+	int ret;
+	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
+	/* Ensure all GPIOs in 'mask' are set to be GPIOs */
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_PINCFG, &val);
+	if (ret)
+		return;
+	if ((val & *mask) != *mask) {
+		dev_dbg(data->dev, "Invalid mux config. Can't set value.\n");
+		/* Do not set value for pins configured as ADC inputs */
+		*mask &= val;
+	}
+	regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GPO_VAL, *mask, *bits);
+static int bd79124_init_valid_mask(struct gpio_chip *gc,
+				   unsigned long *valid_mask,
+				   unsigned int ngpios)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = gpiochip_get_data(gc);
+	*valid_mask = data->gpio_valid_mask;
+	return 0;
+/* Template for GPIO chip */
+static const struct gpio_chip bd79124gpo_chip = {
+	.label			= "bd79124-gpo",
+	.get_direction		= bd79124gpo_direction_get,
+	.set			= bd79124gpo_set,
+	.set_multiple		= bd79124gpo_set_multiple,
+	.init_valid_mask	= bd79124_init_valid_mask,
+	.can_sleep		= true,
+	.ngpio			= 8,
+	.base			= -1,
+struct bd79124_raw {
+	u8 bit0_3; /* Is set in high bits of the byte */
+	u8 bit4_11;
+#define BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(r) ((r.bit4_11 << 4) | (r.bit0_3 >> 4))
+#define BD79124_INT_TO_RAW(val) {					\
+	.bit4_11 = (val) >> 4,						\
+	.bit0_3 = (val) << 4,						\
+ * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
+ * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
+ * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
+ * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.
+ * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.
+ *
+ * Read data from register and convert to integer.
+ */
+static int bd79124_read_reg_to_int(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
+				   unsigned int *val)
+	int ret;
+	struct bd79124_raw raw;
+	ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->map, reg, &raw, sizeof(raw));
+	if (ret) {
+		dev_dbg(data->dev, "bulk_read failed %d\n", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	*val = BD79124_RAW_TO_INT(raw);
+	return 0;
+ * The high and low limits as well as the recent result values are stored in
+ * the same way in 2 consequent registers. The first register contains 4 bits
+ * of the value. These bits are stored in the high bits [7:4] of register, but
+ * they represent the low bits [3:0] of the value.
+ * The value bits [11:4] are stored in the next register.
+ *
+ * Convert the integer to register format and write it using rmw cycle.
+ */
+static int bd79124_write_int_to_reg(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
+				    unsigned int val)
+	struct bd79124_raw raw = BD79124_INT_TO_RAW(val);
+	unsigned int tmp;
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, reg, &tmp);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	raw.bit0_3 |= (0xf & tmp);
+	return regmap_bulk_write(data->map, reg, &raw, sizeof(raw));
+static const struct iio_event_spec bd79124_events[] = {
+	{
+		.type = IIO_EV_TYPE_THRESH,
+		.dir = IIO_EV_DIR_RISING,
+		.mask_separate = BIT(IIO_EV_INFO_VALUE) |
+	},
+	{
+		.type = IIO_EV_TYPE_THRESH,
+		.mask_separate = BIT(IIO_EV_INFO_VALUE) |
+	},
+	{
+		.type = IIO_EV_TYPE_THRESH,
+		.dir = IIO_EV_DIR_EITHER,
+		.mask_separate = BIT(IIO_EV_INFO_HYSTERESIS),
+	},
+static const struct iio_chan_spec bd79124_chan_template_noirq = {
+	.type = IIO_VOLTAGE,
+	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW),
+	.info_mask_shared_by_type = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE),
+	.indexed = 1,
+static const struct iio_chan_spec bd79124_chan_template = {
+	.type = IIO_VOLTAGE,
+	.info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW),
+	.info_mask_shared_by_type = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE),
+	.indexed = 1,
+	.event_spec = bd79124_events,
+	.num_event_specs = ARRAY_SIZE(bd79124_events),
+static int bd79124_read_event_value(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
+				    const struct iio_chan_spec *chan,
+				    enum iio_event_type type,
+				    enum iio_event_direction dir,
+				    enum iio_event_info info, int *val,
+				    int *val2)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	int ret, reg;
+	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	switch (info) {
+		if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING)
+			*val = data->alarm_r_limit[chan->channel];
+		else if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING)
+			*val = data->alarm_f_limit[chan->channel];
+		else
+			return -EINVAL;
+		return IIO_VAL_INT;
+		reg = BD79124_GET_HYSTERESIS_REG(chan->channel);
+		ret = regmap_read(data->map, reg, val);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		*val &= BD79124_MSK_HYSTERESIS;
+		/*
+		 * The data-sheet says the hysteresis register value needs to be
+		 * sifted left by 3.
+		 */
+		*val <<= 3;
+		return IIO_VAL_INT;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+static int bd79124_start_measurement(struct bd79124_data *data, int chan)
+	unsigned int val, regval;
+	int ret;
+	/* See if already started */
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, &val);
+	if (val & BIT(chan))
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * The sequencer must be stopped when channels are added/removed from
+	 * the list of the measured channels to ensure the new channel
+	 * configuration is used.
+	 */
+	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, val | BIT(chan));
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+			      BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * Start the measurement at the background. Don't bother checking if
+	 * it was started, regmap has cache.
+	 */
+	return regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
+static int bd79124_stop_measurement(struct bd79124_data *data, int chan)
+	unsigned int val;
+	int ret;
+	/* See if already stopped */
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, &val);
+	if (!(val & BIT(chan)))
+		return 0;
+	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	/* Clear the channel from the measured channels */
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS,
+			   ~BIT(chan) & val);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * Stop background conversion for power saving if it was the last
+	 * channel
+	 */
+	if (!(~BIT(chan) & val)) {
+		int regval = FIELD_PREP(BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE,
+					BD79124_CONV_MODE_MANSEQ);
+		ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
+					 BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+			       BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+static int bd79124_read_event_config(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
+				     const struct iio_chan_spec *chan,
+				     enum iio_event_type type,
+				     enum iio_event_direction dir)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	return !!(data->alarm_monitored[chan->channel] & BIT(dir));
+static int bd79124_disable_event(struct bd79124_data *data,
+				 enum iio_event_direction dir, int channel)
+	int dir_bit = BIT(dir);
+	int reg;
+	unsigned int limit;
+	guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+	/*
+	 * Set thresholds either to 0 or to 2^12 - 1 as appropriate to prevent
+	 * alerts and thus disable event generation.
+	 */
+	if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING) {
+		reg = BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(channel);
+		limit = BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX;
+	} else if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING) {
+		reg = BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(channel);
+		limit = BD79124_LOW_LIMIT_MIN;
+	} else {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	data->alarm_monitored[channel] &= ~dir_bit;
+	/*
+	 * Stop measurement if there is no more events to monitor.
+	 * We don't bother checking the retval because the limit
+	 * setting should in any case effectively disable the alarm.
+	 */
+	if (!data->alarm_monitored[channel]) {
+		bd79124_stop_measurement(data, channel);
+		regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_ALERT_CH_SEL,
+				  BIT(channel));
+	}
+	return bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, limit);
+static int bd79124_enable_event(struct bd79124_data *data,
+				enum iio_event_direction dir,
+				unsigned int channel)
+	int dir_bit = BIT(dir);
+	int reg, ret;
+	u16 *limit;
+	guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+	ret = bd79124_start_measurement(data, channel);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	data->alarm_monitored[channel] |= dir_bit;
+	/* Add the channel to the list of monitored channels */
+	ret = regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_ALERT_CH_SEL,
+			      BIT(channel));
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING) {
+		limit = &data->alarm_f_limit[channel];
+		reg = BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(channel);
+	} else {
+		limit = &data->alarm_f_limit[channel];
+		reg = BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(channel);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Don't write the new limit to the hardware if we are in the
+	 * rate-limit period. The timer which re-enables the event will set
+	 * the limit.
+	 */
+	if (!(data->alarm_suppressed[channel] & dir_bit)) {
+		ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, *limit);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Enable comparator. Trust the regmap cache, no need to check
+	 * if it was already enabled.
+	 *
+	 * We could do this in the hw-init, but there may be users who
+	 * never enable alarms and for them it makes sense to not
+	 * enable the comparator at probe.
+	 */
+	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GEN_CFG,
+				      BD79124_MSK_DWC_EN);
+static int bd79124_write_event_config(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
+				      const struct iio_chan_spec *chan,
+				      enum iio_event_type type,
+				      enum iio_event_direction dir, bool state)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (state)
+		return bd79124_enable_event(data, dir, chan->channel);
+	return bd79124_disable_event(data, dir, chan->channel);
+static int bd79124_write_event_value(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
+				     const struct iio_chan_spec *chan,
+				     enum iio_event_type type,
+				     enum iio_event_direction dir,
+				     enum iio_event_info info, int val,
+				     int val2)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	int reg;
+	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	switch (info) {
+		if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_RISING) {
+			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+			data->alarm_r_limit[chan->channel] = val;
+			reg = BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
+		} else if (dir == IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING) {
+			guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+			data->alarm_f_limit[chan->channel] = val;
+			reg = BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(chan->channel);
+		} else {
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * We don't want to enable the alarm if it is not enabled or
+		 * if it is suppressed. In that case skip writing to the
+		 * register.
+		 */
+		if (!(data->alarm_monitored[chan->channel] & BIT(dir)) ||
+		    data->alarm_suppressed[chan->channel] & BIT(dir))
+			return 0;
+		return bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, val);
+		reg = BD79124_GET_HYSTERESIS_REG(chan->channel);
+		val >>= 3;
+		return regmap_update_bits(data->map, reg, BD79124_MSK_HYSTERESIS,
+					  val);
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+static int bd79124_single_chan_seq(struct bd79124_data *data, int chan, unsigned int *old)
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * It may be we have some channels monitored for alarms so we want to
+	 * cache the old config and return it when the single channel
+	 * measurement has been completed.
+	 */
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, old);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, BIT(chan));
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Restart the sequencer */
+	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+			       BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+static int bd79124_single_chan_seq_end(struct bd79124_data *data, unsigned int old)
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, old);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+			       BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+static int bd79124_read_raw(struct iio_dev *iio_dev,
+			    struct iio_chan_spec const *chan,
+			    int *val, int *val2, long m)
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	int ret;
+	if (chan->channel >= BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	switch (m) {
+	{
+		unsigned int old_chan_cfg, regval;
+		int tmp;
+		guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+		/*
+		 * Start the automatic conversion. This is needed here if no
+		 * events have been enabled.
+		 */
+		regval = FIELD_PREP(BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE,
+				    BD79124_CONV_MODE_AUTO);
+		ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
+					 BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		ret = bd79124_single_chan_seq(data, chan->channel, &old_chan_cfg);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		/* The maximum conversion time is 6 uS. */
+		udelay(6);
+		ret = bd79124_read_reg_to_int(data,
+			BD79124_GET_RECENT_RES_REG(chan->channel), val);
+		/*
+		 * Return the old chan config even if data reading failed in
+		 * order to re-enable the event monitoring.
+		 */
+		tmp = bd79124_single_chan_seq_end(data, old_chan_cfg);
+		if (tmp)
+			dev_err(data->dev,
+				"Failed to return config. Alarms may be disabled\n");
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		return IIO_VAL_INT;
+	}
+		*val = data->vmax / 1000;
+		*val2 = BD79124_ADC_BITS;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+static const struct iio_info bd79124_info = {
+	.read_raw = bd79124_read_raw,
+	.read_event_config = &bd79124_read_event_config,
+	.write_event_config = &bd79124_write_event_config,
+	.read_event_value = &bd79124_read_event_value,
+	.write_event_value = &bd79124_write_event_value,
+static void bd79124_re_enable_lo(struct bd79124_data *data, unsigned int channel)
+	int ret, evbit = BIT(IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING);
+	/*
+	 * We should not re-enable the event if user has disabled it while
+	 * rate-limiting was enabled.
+	 */
+	if (!(data->alarm_suppressed[channel] & evbit))
+		return;
+	data->alarm_suppressed[channel] &= ~evbit;
+	if (!(data->alarm_monitored[channel] & evbit))
+		return;
+	ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+				       data->alarm_f_limit[channel]);
+	if (ret)
+		dev_warn(data->dev, "Low limit enabling failed for channel%d\n",
+			 channel);
+static void bd79124_re_enable_hi(struct bd79124_data *data, unsigned int channel)
+	int ret, evbit = BIT(IIO_EV_DIR_RISING);
+	/*
+	 * We should not re-enable the event if user has disabled it while
+	 * rate-limiting was enabled.
+	 */
+	if (!(data->alarm_suppressed[channel] & evbit))
+		return;
+	data->alarm_suppressed[channel] &= ~evbit;
+	if (!(data->alarm_monitored[channel] & evbit))
+		return;
+	ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+				       data->alarm_r_limit[channel]);
+	if (ret)
+		dev_warn(data->dev, "High limit enabling failed for channel%d\n",
+			 channel);
+static void bd79124_alm_enable_worker(struct work_struct *work)
+	int i;
+	struct bd79124_data *data = container_of(work, struct bd79124_data,
+						 alm_enable_work.work);
+	/* Take the mutex so there is no race with user disabling the alarm */
+	guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+	for (i = 0; i < BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {
+		bd79124_re_enable_hi(data, i);
+		bd79124_re_enable_lo(data, i);
+	}
+static int __bd79124_event_ratelimit(struct bd79124_data *data, int reg,
+				     unsigned int limit)
+	int ret;
+	if (limit > BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ret = bd79124_write_int_to_reg(data, reg, limit);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * We use 1 sec 'grace period'. At the moment I see no reason to make
+	 * this user configurable. We need an ABI for this if configuration is
+	 * needed.
+	 */
+	schedule_delayed_work(&data->alm_enable_work,
+			      msecs_to_jiffies(1000));
+	return 0;
+static int bd79124_event_ratelimit_hi(struct bd79124_data *data,
+				      unsigned int channel)
+	guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+	data->alarm_suppressed[channel] |= BIT(IIO_EV_DIR_RISING);
+	return __bd79124_event_ratelimit(data,
+					 BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+					 BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX);
+static int bd79124_event_ratelimit_lo(struct bd79124_data *data,
+				      unsigned int channel)
+	guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+	data->alarm_suppressed[channel] |= BIT(IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING);
+	return __bd79124_event_ratelimit(data,
+					 BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+					 BD79124_LOW_LIMIT_MIN);
+static irqreturn_t bd79124_event_handler(int irq, void *priv)
+	unsigned int i_hi, i_lo;
+	int i, ret;
+	struct iio_dev *iio_dev = priv;
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	/*
+	 * Return IRQ_NONE if bailing-out without acking. This allows the IRQ
+	 * subsystem to disable the offending IRQ line if we get a hardware
+	 * problem. This behaviour has saved my poor bottom a few times in the
+	 * past as, instead of getting unusably unresponsive, the system has
+	 * spilled out the magic words "...nobody cared".
+	 */
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI, &i_hi);
+	if (ret)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	ret = regmap_read(data->map, BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO, &i_lo);
+	if (ret)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	if (!i_lo && !i_hi)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	for (i = 0; i < BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {
+		u64 ecode;
+		if (BIT(i) & i_hi) {
+						     IIO_EV_TYPE_THRESH,
+						     IIO_EV_DIR_RISING);
+			iio_push_event(iio_dev, ecode, data->timestamp);
+			/*
+			 * The BD79124 keeps the IRQ asserted for as long as
+			 * the voltage exceeds the threshold. It causes the IRQ
+			 * to keep firing.
+			 *
+			 * Disable the event for the channel and schedule the
+			 * re-enabling the event later to prevent storm of
+			 * events.
+			 */
+			ret = bd79124_event_ratelimit_hi(data, i);
+			if (ret)
+				return IRQ_NONE;
+		}
+		if (BIT(i) & i_lo) {
+						     IIO_EV_TYPE_THRESH,
+						     IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING);
+			iio_push_event(iio_dev, ecode, data->timestamp);
+			ret = bd79124_event_ratelimit_lo(data, i);
+			if (ret)
+				return IRQ_NONE;
+		}
+	}
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_HI, i_hi);
+	if (ret)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_EVENT_FLAG_LO, i_lo);
+	if (ret)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static irqreturn_t bd79124_irq_handler(int irq, void *priv)
+	struct iio_dev *iio_dev = priv;
+	struct bd79124_data *data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	data->timestamp = iio_get_time_ns(iio_dev);
+static int bd79124_chan_init(struct bd79124_data *data, int channel)
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_GET_HIGH_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+			   BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_GET_LOW_LIMIT_REG(channel),
+			    BD79124_LOW_LIMIT_MIN);
+static int bd79124_get_gpio_pins(const struct iio_chan_spec *cs, int num_channels)
+	int i, gpio_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Let's initialize the mux config to say that all 8 channels are
+	 * GPIOs. Then we can just loop through the iio_chan_spec and clear the
+	 * bits for found ADC channels.
+	 */
+	gpio_channels = GENMASK(7, 0);
+	for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++)
+		gpio_channels &= ~BIT(cs[i].channel);
+	return gpio_channels;
+static int bd79124_hw_init(struct bd79124_data *data)
+	unsigned int regval;
+	int ret, i;
+	for (i = 0; i < BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {
+		ret = bd79124_chan_init(data, i);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		data->alarm_r_limit[i] = BD79124_HIGH_LIMIT_MAX;
+	}
+	/* Stop auto sequencer */
+	ret = regmap_clear_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+				BD79124_MSK_SEQ_START);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Enable writing the measured values to the regsters */
+	ret = regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_GEN_CFG,
+			      BD79124_MSK_STATS_EN);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Set no channels to be auto-measured */
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_AUTO_CHANNELS, 0x0);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Set no channels to be manually measured */
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_MANUAL_CHANNELS, 0x0);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
+				 BD79124_MSK_AUTO_INTERVAL, regval);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Sequencer mode to auto */
+	ret = regmap_set_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_SEQ_CFG,
+			      BD79124_MSK_SEQ_SEQ);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Don't start the measurement */
+	return regmap_update_bits(data->map, BD79124_REG_OPMODE_CFG,
+				  BD79124_MSK_CONV_MODE, regval);
+static int bd79124_probe(struct i2c_client *i2c)
+	struct bd79124_data *data;
+	struct iio_dev *iio_dev;
+	const struct iio_chan_spec *template;
+	struct iio_chan_spec *cs;
+	struct device *dev = &i2c->dev;
+	unsigned int gpio_pins;
+	int ret;
+	iio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc(dev, sizeof(*data));
+	if (!iio_dev)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	data = iio_priv(iio_dev);
+	data->dev = dev;
+	data->map = devm_regmap_init_i2c(i2c, &bd79124_regmap);
+	if (IS_ERR(data->map))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(data->map),
+				     "Failed to initialize Regmap\n");
+	ret = devm_regulator_get_enable_read_voltage(dev, "vdd");
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "Failed to get the Vdd\n");
+	data->vmax = ret;
+	ret = devm_regulator_get_enable(dev, "iovdd");
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "Failed to enable I/O voltage\n");
+	ret = devm_delayed_work_autocancel(dev, &data->alm_enable_work,
+					   bd79124_alm_enable_worker);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (i2c->irq) {
+		template = &bd79124_chan_template;
+	} else {
+		template = &bd79124_chan_template_noirq;
+		dev_dbg(dev, "No IRQ found, events disabled\n");
+	}
+	ret = devm_mutex_init(dev, &data->mutex);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = devm_iio_adc_device_alloc_chaninfo_se(dev, template,
+		BD79124_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1, &cs);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		if (ret == -ENOENT)
+			goto register_gpios;
+		return ret;
+	}
+	iio_dev->channels = cs;
+	iio_dev->num_channels = ret;
+	iio_dev->info = &bd79124_info;
+	iio_dev->name = "bd79124";
+	iio_dev->modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE;
+	ret = bd79124_hw_init(data);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (i2c->irq > 0) {
+		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, i2c->irq,
+			bd79124_irq_handler, &bd79124_event_handler,
+			IRQF_ONESHOT, "adc-thresh-alert", iio_dev);
+		if (ret)
+			return dev_err_probe(data->dev, ret,
+					     "Failed to register IRQ\n");
+	}
+	ret = devm_iio_device_register(data->dev, iio_dev);
+	if (ret)
+		return dev_err_probe(data->dev, ret, "Failed to register ADC\n");
+	gpio_pins = bd79124_get_gpio_pins(iio_dev->channels,
+					  iio_dev->num_channels);
+	/*
+	 * The mux should default to "all ADCs", but better to not trust it.
+	 * Thus we do set the mux even when we have only ADCs and no GPOs.
+	 */
+	ret = regmap_write(data->map, BD79124_REG_PINCFG, gpio_pins);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* No GPOs if all channels are reserved for ADC, so we're done. */
+	if (!gpio_pins)
+		return 0;
+	data->gpio_valid_mask = gpio_pins;
+	data->gc = bd79124gpo_chip;
+	data->gc.parent = dev;
+	return devm_gpiochip_add_data(dev, &data->gc, data);
+static const struct of_device_id bd79124_of_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "rohm,bd79124" },
+	{ }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, bd79124_of_match);
+static const struct i2c_device_id bd79124_id[] = {
+	{ "bd79124" },
+	{ }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, bd79124_id);
+static struct i2c_driver bd79124_driver = {
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "bd79124",
+		.of_match_table = bd79124_of_match,
+	},
+	.probe = bd79124_probe,
+	.id_table = bd79124_id,
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Matti Vaittinen <mazziesaccount@gmail.com>");