From patchwork Wed Apr 17 07:41:13 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Allen_Lin X-Patchwork-Id: 13632948 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 094E265BA8; Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:42:12 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1713339737; cv=fail; b=VSx8S9X8re9qFEfOXJnYhJboay4IOxRAn4iDC6NGu68M8zM0ICJo7+ESYILzQ4RvlC5sWAS6UqhQNAxh3/xJcFNjMxW6o/brBam1P/6OmhStENC8oPM/OnnJorp6tAgsKE3dPpgi/VxjujP1zlsFnarIBxLEDmw+a+pqDYCQs/4= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1713339737; c=relaxed/simple; bh=27g4H2QQxVwF4RKRk6EfLm4B/fOYXfj/HCIMKiljrOM=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: Content-Type:MIME-Version; b=c0SqXMawR9htHM6bORSyLcL1cv1/BUdU6ya7tM+3KUhVbP+0rx8e7vMuUqMo/Mxf2y9u3vapMifmw0C963hhBf4JeForBS89X08FPpMFP4emYTm1nmW8PmEEpt/L5BjlC4F5U52Y6bm66Dg6UTsEuOHZeR/cvOcXR5B78vX1CfI= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=oXoZ8Hht; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="oXoZ8Hht" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=B4IOsjfpkQo5uHQ45B/X4Cuu95RvMJs0YowonEghIsEWRxylYs/36Dc/aABBRLK72D29NfW6A3+r/onKVp/XzytQ6Vy60AGunNNXVQkiJNep4SN8jPPYifuWvL7Ji/w+ERS5QfulXZyEHoDr7VPf35/bDXViPKHowC8Zs5xLaVTajo3oZDLJeHweZfBgPELxivfBuX+46aigeaeb5HyR9/Kho7LyxCnNZ33HkncgXnYU7/NBVQFzTwJRS0deV5LiLirs1N6LwzHUPamiu1tE92k47xgtehHbRwDZFQP+iRtfDeKENGp0LiQJmwO8mC5o022SzOXzvSxHHniU8HmWpA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=IWcDS0lBCZ1ykKMtmMunZ+E9sxypEYxzQK/EwHwZ6N0=; b=OiJfqEV2lIO35EccYtTlv9ayBRkwQeszJFP6k9tjp5xzDAh//I1gSR9RQU7n0vQRqLzfCTUOYQ77wi3UYYLXp88X/cUyu8RBZRh8/tE/920OXQZ1IM7MK5MDJ97F0MNbQJk20/KPt/kvPrblFPs3ej283RXNcNtNJV74GLMAtxx0h6Ri62WLXtph1cr5et/agCKpIK8ZW+U1IAe6EoZM8M2jXVxxOONZfLcH1/7jr1m0pGHby6ZYFF6nNGBRTTPlcczztpCsNIiMhpQsxWcKjwEd9lPkAIzGaWZxWzFJTKWzM9nidoe61i2Al1jRudskdbp1v8je4UytF1iPLUuUSg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=none; dmarc=none; dkim=none; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=IWcDS0lBCZ1ykKMtmMunZ+E9sxypEYxzQK/EwHwZ6N0=; b=oXoZ8HhttCw82Brte4tdx0fF8vT7Ra9uKzgdeorhqp6y0gL0QfaMl1oS0Pqujozee/E1bVt7Vw2ZvSoGNpulnR4NnbzQW0wIQ6Yq2y/AT26qO5LGwnGHPHvxxV3pE91AEVMJVYZoSYovC8Zrv6te2Lh4oInT7eDAcvjUF1MhbLA8eyBJ7r6x37do6K4EIT0Rt4j88+XKyw8iH7JShTVoP1/ElCBe28pRr8sqDSvFSPclFZpG2jJilDa71HoCz4+Kv798xqEBH/Qsgd5o7S4OuM2cvke1z0UC6hPAa+9PNOwzTOwUNkDIlDWWgxZaNNZMfRE/5cQCMfVo7hO2HD4HWA== Received: from (2603:1096:400:31e::8) by (2603:1096:990:a2::6) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7452.50; Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:42:07 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::d57a:9f0e:1ee7:85bf]) by ([fe80::d57a:9f0e:1ee7:85bf%5]) with mapi id 15.20.7452.049; Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:42:07 +0000 From: Allen_Lin To:,,,,,,,, Cc: Allen_Lin Subject: [PATCH v4 2/4] HID: Add Himax HX83102J touchscreen driver Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:41:13 +0800 Message-ID: X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-TMN: [DthrJGOI2o3vOoNEBDgXpiJtf1idk9eK] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:803:15::28) To (2603:1096:400:31e::8) X-Microsoft-Original-Message-ID: <> Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: TY0PR06MB5611:EE_|JH0PR06MB7296:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 455cf65f-a3fb-4116-ce53-08dc5eb1e16c X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: sct-15-20-4755-11-msonline-outlook-3208f.templateTenant X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 455cf65f-a3fb-4116-ce53-08dc5eb1e16c X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Apr 2024 07:42:06.9918 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 84df9e7f-e9f6-40af-b435-aaaaaaaaaaaa X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-RMS-PersistedConsumerOrg: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: JH0PR06MB7296 Add a new driver for Himax HX83102J touchscreen controllers. This driver supports Himax IC using the SPI interface to acquire HID packets. After confirmed the IC's exsitence the driver loads the firmware image from flash to get the HID report descriptor, VID and PID. And use those information to register HID device. Signed-off-by: Allen_Lin --- MAINTAINERS | 1 + drivers/hid/Kconfig | 7 + drivers/hid/Makefile | 2 + drivers/hid/hid-himax.c | 1768 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/hid/hid-himax.h | 288 +++++++ 5 files changed, 2066 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/hid/hid-himax.c create mode 100644 drivers/hid/hid-himax.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index bb7b363cb2ed..34ec2f0241d7 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -9674,6 +9674,7 @@ M: Allen Lin L: S: Maintained F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/himax,hx83102j.yaml +F: drivers/hid/hid-himax.* HIMAX HX83112B TOUCHSCREEN SUPPORT M: Job Noorman diff --git a/drivers/hid/Kconfig b/drivers/hid/Kconfig index 4c682c650704..0e5146ee40d6 100644 --- a/drivers/hid/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/hid/Kconfig @@ -376,6 +376,13 @@ config HID_GLORIOUS Support for Glorious PC Gaming Race mice such as the Glorious Model O, O- and D. +config HID_HIMAX + tristate "Himax hx83102j touchscreen" + depends on HID + depends on SPI + help + Support for Himax TDDI hx83102j touchscreen. + config HID_HOLTEK tristate "Holtek HID devices" depends on USB_HID diff --git a/drivers/hid/Makefile b/drivers/hid/Makefile index 082a728eac60..2ad21d60492e 100644 --- a/drivers/hid/Makefile +++ b/drivers/hid/Makefile @@ -170,3 +170,5 @@ obj-$(INTEL_ISH_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOADER) += intel-ish-hid/ obj-$(CONFIG_AMD_SFH_HID) += amd-sfh-hid/ obj-$(CONFIG_SURFACE_HID_CORE) += surface-hid/ + +obj-$(CONFIG_HID_HIMAX) += hid-himax.o diff --git a/drivers/hid/hid-himax.c b/drivers/hid/hid-himax.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f8a417e07f0c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/hid/hid-himax.c @@ -0,0 +1,1768 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Himax hx83102j SPI Driver Code for HID. + * + * Copyright (C) 2024 Himax Corporation. + */ + +#include "hid-himax.h" + +static int himax_chip_init(struct himax_ts_data *ts); +static void himax_ts_work(struct himax_ts_data *ts); + +/** + * himax_spi_read() - Read data from SPI + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @cmd_len: Length of command + * @buf: Buffer to store data + * @len: Length of data to read + * + * Himax spi_sync wrapper for read. Read protocol start with write command, + * and received the data after that. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_spi_read(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 cmd_len, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int ret; + int retry_cnt; + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_transfer xfer = { + .len = cmd_len + len, + .tx_buf = ts->xfer_tx_data, + .rx_buf = ts->xfer_rx_data + }; + + spi_message_init(&msg); + spi_message_add_tail(&xfer, &msg); + + for (retry_cnt = 0; retry_cnt < HIMAX_BUS_RETRY; retry_cnt++) { + ret = spi_sync(ts->spi, &msg); + if (!ret) + break; + } + + if (retry_cnt == HIMAX_BUS_RETRY) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: SPI read error retry over %d\n", __func__, HIMAX_BUS_RETRY); + return -EIO; + } + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + if (msg.status < 0) + return msg.status; + + memcpy(buf, ts->xfer_rx_data + cmd_len, len); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_spi_write() - Write data to SPI + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @tx_buf: Buffer to write + * @tx_len: Length of data to write + * @written: Length of data written + * + * Himax spi_sync wrapper for write. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_spi_write(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 *tx_buf, u32 tx_len, u32 *written) +{ + int ret; + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_transfer xfer = { + .tx_buf = tx_buf, + .len = tx_len, + }; + + spi_message_init(&msg); + spi_message_add_tail(&xfer, &msg); + + *written = 0; + ret = spi_sync(ts->spi, &msg); + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + if (msg.status < 0) + return msg.status; + + *written = msg.actual_length; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_read() - Read data from Himax bus + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @cmd: Command to send + * @buf: Buffer to store data, caller should allocate the buffer + * @len: Length of data to read + * + * Basic read operation for Himax SPI bus. Which start with a 3 bytes command, + * 1st byte is the spi function select, 2nd byte is the command belong to the + * spi function and 3rd byte is the dummy byte for IC to process the command. + * + * The IC takes 1 basic operation at a time, so the read/write operation + * is proctected by rw_lock mutex_unlock. Also the buffer xfer_rx/tx_data is + * shared between read and write operation, protected by the same mutex lock. + * The xfer data limit by SPI constroller max xfer size + BUS_R/W_HLEN + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_read(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 cmd, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int ret; + + if (len + HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN > ts->spi_xfer_max_sz) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s, len[%u] is over %u\n", __func__, + len + HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN, ts->spi_xfer_max_sz); + return -EINVAL; + } + + mutex_lock(&ts->rw_lock); + + memset(ts->xfer_rx_data, 0, HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN + len); + ts->xfer_tx_data[0] = HIMAX_SPI_FUNCTION_READ; + ts->xfer_tx_data[1] = cmd; + ts->xfer_tx_data[2] = 0x00; + ret = himax_spi_read(ts, HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN, buf, len); + + mutex_unlock(&ts->rw_lock); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed = %d\n", __func__, ret); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_write() - Write data to Himax bus + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @cmd: Command to send + * @addr: Address to write + * @data: Data to write + * @len: Length of data to write + * + * Basic write operation for Himax IC. Which start with a 2 bytes command, + * 1st byte is the spi function select and 2nd byte is the command belong to the + * spi function. Else is the data to write. + * + * The IC takes 1 basic operation at a time, so the read/write operation + * is proctected by rw_lock mutex_unlock. Also the buffer xfer_tx_data is + * shared between read and write operation, protected by the same mutex lock. + * The xfer data limit by SPI constroller max xfer size + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_write(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 cmd, u8 *addr, const u8 *data, u32 len) +{ + int ret; + u8 offset; + u32 written; + u32 tmp_len; + + if (len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN > ts->spi_xfer_max_sz) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: len[%u] is over %u\n", __func__, + len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN, ts->spi_xfer_max_sz); + return -EFAULT; + } + + mutex_lock(&ts->rw_lock); + + memset(ts->xfer_tx_data, 0, len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN); + ts->xfer_tx_data[0] = HIMAX_SPI_FUNCTION_WRITE; + ts->xfer_tx_data[1] = cmd; + offset = HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN; + tmp_len = len; + + if (addr) { + memcpy(ts->xfer_tx_data + offset, addr, 4); + offset += 4; + tmp_len -= 4; + } + + if (data) + memcpy(ts->xfer_tx_data + offset, data, tmp_len); + + ret = himax_spi_write(ts, ts->xfer_tx_data, len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN, &written); + + mutex_unlock(&ts->rw_lock); + + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed, ret = %d\n", __func__, ret); + return ret; + } + + if (written != len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: actual write length mismatched: %u != %u\n", + __func__, written, len + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN); + return -EIO; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_set_burst_mode() - Set burst mode for MCU + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @auto_add_4_byte: Enable auto add 4 byte mode + * + * Set burst mode for MCU, which is used for read/write data from/to MCU. + * HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_CONTI config the IC to take data continuously, + * HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_INCR4 config the IC to auto increment the address by 4 byte when + * each 4 bytes read/write. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_mcu_set_burst_mode(struct himax_ts_data *ts, bool auto_add_4_byte) +{ + int ret; + u8 tmp_data[HIMAX_REG_SZ]; + + tmp_data[0] = HIMAX_AHB_CMD_CONTI; + + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_CONTI, NULL, tmp_data, 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_conti failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + tmp_data[0] = HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4; + if (auto_add_4_byte) + tmp_data[0] |= HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4_ADD_4_BYTE; + + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_INCR4, NULL, tmp_data, 1); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_incr4 failed\n", __func__); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_burst_mode_enable() - Enable burst mode for MCU if possible + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @addr: Address to read/write + * @len: Length of data to read/write + * + * Enable burst mode for MCU, helper function to determine the burst mode + * operation for MCU. When the address is HIMAX_REG_ADDR_SPI200_DATA, the burst + * mode is disabled. When the length of data is over HIMAX_REG_SZ, the burst + * mode is enabled. Else the burst mode is disabled. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_burst_mode_enable(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u32 addr, u32 len) +{ + int ret; + + if (addr == HIMAX_REG_ADDR_SPI200_DATA) + ret = himax_mcu_set_burst_mode(ts, false); + else if (len > HIMAX_REG_SZ) + ret = himax_mcu_set_burst_mode(ts, true); + else + ret = himax_mcu_set_burst_mode(ts, false); + + if (ret) + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: burst enable fail!\n", __func__); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_register_read() - Read data from IC register/sram + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @addr: Address to read + * @buf: Buffer to store data, caller should allocate the buffer + * @len: Length of data to read + * + * Himax TP IC has its internal register and SRAM, this function is used to + * read data from it. The reading protocol require a sequence of write and read, + * which include write address to IC and read data from IC. Thus the read/write + * operation is proctected by reg_lock mutex_unlock to protect the sequence. + * The first step is to set the burst mode for MCU, then write the address to + * AHB register to tell where to read. Then set the access direction to read, + * and read the data from AHB register. The max length of data to read is decided + * by AHB register max transfer size, but if it could't bigger then SPI controller + * max transfer size. When the length of data is over the max transfer size, + * the data will be read in multiple times. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_mcu_register_read(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int i; + int ret; + u8 direction_switch = HIMAX_AHB_CMD_ACCESS_DIRECTION_READ; + u32 read_sz; + const u32 max_trans_sz = + min(HIMAX_HX83102J_REG_XFER_MAX, ts->spi_xfer_max_sz - HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN); + union himax_dword_data target_addr; + + mutex_lock(&ts->reg_lock); + + ret = himax_burst_mode_enable(ts, addr, len); + if (ret) + goto read_end; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i += read_sz) { + target_addr.dword = cpu_to_le32(addr + i); + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_BYTE_0, target_addr.byte, NULL, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_byte_0 failed\n", __func__); + goto read_end; + } + + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_ACCESS_DIRECTION, NULL, + &direction_switch, 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_access_direction failed\n", __func__); + goto read_end; + } + + read_sz = min((len - i), max_trans_sz); + ret = himax_read(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_RDATA_BYTE_0, buf + i, read_sz); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read ahb_addr_rdata_byte_0 failed\n", __func__); + goto read_end; + } + } + +read_end: + mutex_unlock(&ts->reg_lock); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: addr = 0x%08X, len = %u, ret = %d\n", __func__, + addr, len, ret); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_register_write() - Write data to IC register/sram + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @addr: Address to write + * @buf: Data to write + * @len: Length of data to write + * + * Himax TP IC has its internal register and SRAM, this function is used to + * write data to it. The writing protocol require a sequence of write, which + * include write address to IC and write data to IC. Thus the write operation + * is proctected by reg_lock mutex_unlock to protect the sequence. The first + * step is to set the burst mode for MCU, then write the address and data to + * AHB register. The max length of data to read is decided by AHB register max + * transfer size, but if it could't bigger then SPI controller max transfer + * size. When the length of data is over the max transfer size, the data will + * be written in multiple times. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_mcu_register_write(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u32 addr, const u8 *buf, u32 len) +{ + int i; + int ret; + u32 write_sz; + const u32 max_trans_sz = min(HIMAX_HX83102J_REG_XFER_MAX, + ts->spi_xfer_max_sz - HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN - HIMAX_REG_SZ); + union himax_dword_data target_addr; + + mutex_lock(&ts->reg_lock); + + ret = himax_burst_mode_enable(ts, addr, len); + if (ret) + goto write_end; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i += max_trans_sz) { + write_sz = min((len - i), max_trans_sz); + target_addr.dword = cpu_to_le32(addr + i); + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_BYTE_0, + target_addr.byte, buf + i, write_sz + HIMAX_REG_SZ); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_byte_0 failed\n", __func__); + break; + } + } + +write_end: + mutex_unlock(&ts->reg_lock); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: addr = 0x%08X, len = %u, ret = %d\n", __func__, + addr, len, ret); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_interface_on() - Wakeup IC bus interface + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to wakeup IC bus interface. The IC may enter sleep mode + * and need to wakeup before any operation. The wakeup process is to read a dummy + * AHB register to wakeup the IC bus interface. Also, the function setup the burst + * mode as default for MCU and read back the burst mode setting to confirm the + * setting is written. The action is a double check to confirm the IC bus interface + * is ready for operation. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_mcu_interface_on(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + u8 buf[2][HIMAX_REG_SZ]; + u32 retry_cnt; + const u32 burst_retry_limit = 10; + + mutex_lock(&ts->reg_lock); + /* Read a dummy register to wake up BUS. */ + ret = himax_read(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_RDATA_BYTE_0, buf[0], 4); + mutex_unlock(&ts->reg_lock); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read ahb_addr_rdata_byte_0 failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + for (retry_cnt = 0; retry_cnt < burst_retry_limit; retry_cnt++) { + /* AHB: read/write to SRAM in sequential order */ + buf[0][0] = HIMAX_AHB_CMD_CONTI; + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_CONTI, NULL, buf[0], 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_conti failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + /* AHB: Auto increment SRAM addr+4 while each 4 bytes read/write */ + buf[0][0] = HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4; + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_INCR4, NULL, buf[0], 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: write ahb_addr_incr4 failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + /* Check cmd */ + ret = himax_read(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_CONTI, buf[0], 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read ahb_addr_conti failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + ret = himax_read(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_INCR4, buf[1], 1); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read ahb_addr_incr4 failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + if (buf[0][0] == HIMAX_AHB_CMD_CONTI && buf[1][0] == HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4) + return 0; + + usleep_range(1000, 1100); + } + + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed!\n", __func__); + + return -EIO; +} + +/** + * hx83102j_pin_reset() - Reset the touch chip by hardware pin + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to hardware reset the touch chip. By pull down the + * reset pin to low over 20ms, ensure the reset circuit perform a complete reset + * to the touch chip. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void hx83102j_pin_reset(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + gpiod_set_value(ts->pdata.gpiod_rst, 1); + usleep_range(10000, 10100); + gpiod_set_value(ts->pdata.gpiod_rst, 0); + usleep_range(20000, 20100); +} + +/** + * himax_int_enable() - Enable/Disable interrupt + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @enable: true for enable, false for disable + * + * This function is used to enable or disable the interrupt. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_int_enable(struct himax_ts_data *ts, bool enable) +{ + int irqnum = ts->himax_irq; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ts->irq_lock, flags); + if (enable && atomic_read(&ts->irq_state) == 0) { + atomic_set(&ts->irq_state, 1); + enable_irq(irqnum); + } else if (!enable && atomic_read(&ts->irq_state) == 1) { + atomic_set(&ts->irq_state, 0); + disable_irq_nosync(irqnum); + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ts->irq_lock, flags); + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: Interrupt %s\n", __func__, + atomic_read(&ts->irq_state) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_ic_reset() - Reset the touch chip and disable/enable interrupt + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @int_off: true for disable/enable interrupt, false for not + * + * This function is used to reset the touch chip with interrupt control. The + * TPIC will pull low the interrupt pin when IC is reset. When the ISR has been + * set and need to be take care of, the caller could set int_off to true to disable + * the interrupt before reset and enable the interrupt after reset. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_mcu_ic_reset(struct himax_ts_data *ts, bool int_off) +{ + if (int_off) + himax_int_enable(ts, false); + + hx83102j_pin_reset(ts); + + if (int_off) + himax_int_enable(ts, true); +} + +/** + * hx83102j_sense_off() - Stop MCU and enter safe mode + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @check_en: Check if need to ensure FW is stopped by its owne process + * + * Sense off is a process to make sure the MCU inside the touch chip is stopped. + * The process has two stage, first stage is to request FW to stop. Write + * HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_GO_SAFEMODE to HIMAX_REG_ADDR_CTRL_FW tells the FW to stop by its own. + * Then read back the FW status to confirm the FW is stopped. When check_en is true, + * the function will resend the stop FW command until the retry limit reached. + * There maybe a chance that the FW is not stopped by its own, in this case, the + * safe mode in next stage still stop the MCU, but FW internal flag may not be + * configured correctly. The second stage is to enter safe mode and reset TCON. + * Safe mode is a mode that the IC circuit ensure the internal MCU is stopped. + * Since this IC is TDDI, the TCON need to be reset to make sure the IC is ready + * for next operation. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int hx83102j_sense_off(struct himax_ts_data *ts, bool check_en) +{ + int ret; + u32 retry_cnt; + const u32 stop_fw_retry_limit = 35; + const u32 enter_safe_mode_retry_limit = 5; + const union himax_dword_data safe_mode = { + .dword = cpu_to_le32(HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_GO_SAFEMODE) + }; + union himax_dword_data data; + + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: check %s\n", __func__, check_en ? "True" : "False"); + if (!check_en) + goto without_check; + + for (retry_cnt = 0; retry_cnt < stop_fw_retry_limit; retry_cnt++) { + if (retry_cnt == 0 || + (data.byte[0] != HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_GO_SAFEMODE && + data.byte[0] != HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_RE_INIT && + data.byte[0] != HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_IN_SAFEMODE)) { + ret = himax_mcu_register_write(ts, HIMAX_REG_ADDR_CTRL_FW, + safe_mode.byte, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: stop FW failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + } + usleep_range(10000, 11000); + + ret = himax_mcu_register_read(ts, HIMAX_REG_ADDR_FW_STATUS, data.byte, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read central state failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + if (data.byte[0] != HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_STATE_RUNNING) { + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: Do not need wait FW, Status = 0x%02X!\n", __func__, + data.byte[0]); + break; + } + + ret = himax_mcu_register_read(ts, HIMAX_REG_ADDR_CTRL_FW, data.byte, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read ctrl FW failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + if (data.byte[0] == HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_IN_SAFEMODE) + break; + } + + if (data.byte[0] != HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_IN_SAFEMODE) + dev_warn(ts->dev, "%s: Failed to stop FW!\n", __func__); + +without_check: + for (retry_cnt = 0; retry_cnt < enter_safe_mode_retry_limit; retry_cnt++) { + /* set Enter safe mode : 0x31 ==> 0x9527 */ + data.word[0] = cpu_to_le16(HIMAX_HX83102J_SAFE_MODE_PASSWORD); + ret = himax_write(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_PSW_LB, NULL, data.byte, 2); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: enter safe mode failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + /* Check enter_save_mode */ + ret = himax_mcu_register_read(ts, HIMAX_REG_ADDR_FW_STATUS, data.byte, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read central state failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + if (data.byte[0] == HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_STATE_SAFE_MODE) { + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: Safe mode entered\n", __func__); + /* Reset TCON */ + data.dword = cpu_to_le32(HIMAX_REG_DATA_TCON_RST); + ret = himax_mcu_register_write(ts, HIMAX_HX83102J_REG_ADDR_TCON_RST, + data.byte, 4); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: reset TCON failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + usleep_range(1000, 1100); + return 0; + } + usleep_range(5000, 5100); + hx83102j_pin_reset(ts); + } + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed!\n", __func__); + + return -EIO; +} + +/** + * hx83102j_chip_detect() - Check if the touch chip is HX83102J + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to check if the touch chip is HX83102J. The process + * start with a hardware reset to the touch chip, then knock the IC bus interface + * to wakeup the IC bus interface. Then sense off the MCU to prevent bus conflict + * when reading the IC ID. The IC ID is read from the IC register, and compare + * with the expected ID. If the ID is matched, the chip is HX83102J. Due to display + * IC initial code may not ready before the IC ID is read, the function will retry + * to read the IC ID for several times to make sure the IC ID is read correctly. + * In any case, the SPI bus shouldn't have error when reading the IC ID, so the + * function will return error if the SPI bus has error. When the IC is not HX83102J, + * the function will return -ENODEV. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int hx83102j_chip_detect(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + u32 retry_cnt; + const u32 read_icid_retry_limit = 5; + const u32 ic_id_mask = GENMASK(31, 8); + union himax_dword_data data; + + hx83102j_pin_reset(ts); + ret = himax_mcu_interface_on(ts); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = hx83102j_sense_off(ts, false); + if (ret) + return ret; + + for (retry_cnt = 0; retry_cnt < read_icid_retry_limit; retry_cnt++) { + ret = himax_mcu_register_read(ts, HIMAX_REG_ADDR_ICID, data.byte, 4); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: Read IC ID Fail\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + data.dword = le32_to_cpu(data.dword); + if ((data.dword & ic_id_mask) == HIMAX_REG_DATA_ICID) { + ts->ic_data.icid = data.dword; + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: Detect IC HX83102J successfully\n", __func__); + return 0; + } + } + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: Read driver ID register Fail! IC ID = %X,%X,%X\n", __func__, + data.byte[3], data.byte[2], data.byte[1]); + + return -ENODEV; +} + +/** + * himax_ts_thread() - Thread for interrupt handling + * @irq: Interrupt number + * @ptr: Pointer to the touch screen data + * + * This function is used to handle the interrupt. The function will call himax_ts_work() + * to handle the interrupt. + * + * Return: IRQ_HANDLED + */ +static irqreturn_t himax_ts_thread(int irq, void *ptr) +{ + himax_ts_work((struct himax_ts_data *)ptr); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +/** + * __himax_ts_register_interrupt() - Register interrupt trigger + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to register the interrupt. The function will call + * devm_request_threaded_irq() to register the interrupt by the trigger type. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int __himax_ts_register_interrupt(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + if (ts->ic_data.interrupt_is_edge) + return devm_request_threaded_irq(ts->dev, ts->himax_irq, NULL, + himax_ts_thread, + IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT, + ts->dev->driver->name, ts); + + return devm_request_threaded_irq(ts->dev, ts->himax_irq, NULL, + himax_ts_thread, + IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW | IRQF_ONESHOT, + ts->dev->driver->name, ts); +} + +/** + * himax_ts_register_interrupt() - Register interrupt + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is a wrapper to call __himax_ts_register_interrupt() to register the + * interrupt and set irq_state. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_ts_register_interrupt(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + + if (!ts || !ts->himax_irq) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: ts or ts->himax_irq invalid!\n", __func__); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = __himax_ts_register_interrupt(ts); + if (!ret) { + atomic_set(&ts->irq_state, 1); + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: irq enabled at: %d\n", __func__, ts->himax_irq); + return 0; + } + + atomic_set(&ts->irq_state, 0); + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: request_irq failed\n", __func__); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * hx83102j_read_event_stack() - Read event stack from touch chip + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @buf: Buffer to store the data + * @length: Length of data to read + * + * This function is used to read the event stack from the touch chip. The event stack + * is an AHB output buffer, which store the touch report data. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int hx83102j_read_event_stack(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 *buf, u32 length) +{ + u32 i; + int ret; + const u32 max_trunk_sz = ts->spi_xfer_max_sz - HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN; + + for (i = 0; i < length; i += max_trunk_sz) { + ret = himax_read(ts, HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_EVENT_STACK, buf + i, + min(length - i, max_trunk_sz)); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read event stack error!\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_touch_get() - Get touch data from touch chip + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @buf: Buffer to store the data + * + * This function is a wrapper to call hx83102j_read_event_stack() to read the touch + * data from the touch chip. The touch_data_sz is the size of the touch data to read, + * which is calculated by hid report descriptor provided by the firmware. + * + * Return: HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS on success, negative error code on failure. We categorize + * the error code into HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL when the read fails, and HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS + * when the read is successful. The reason is that the may need special handling when + * the read fails. + */ +static int himax_touch_get(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 *buf) +{ + if (hx83102j_read_event_stack(ts, buf, ts->touch_data_sz)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "can't read data from chip!"); + return HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL; + } + + return HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS; +} + +/** + * himax_bin_desc_data_get() - Parse descriptor data from firmware token + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @addr: Address of the data in firmware image + * @descript_buf: token for parsing + * + * This function is used to parse the descriptor data from the firmware token. The + * descriptors are mappings of information in the firmware image. The function will + * check checksum of each token first, and then parse the token to get the related + * data. The data includes CID version, FW version, CFG version, touch config table, + * HID table, HID descriptor, and HID read descriptor. + * + * Return: true on success, false on failure + */ +static bool himax_bin_desc_data_get(struct himax_ts_data *ts, u32 addr, u8 *descript_buf) +{ + u16 chk_end; + u16 chk_sum; + u32 hid_table_addr; + u32 i, j; + u32 image_offset; + u32 map_code; + const u32 data_sz = 16; + const u32 report_desc_offset = 24; + union { + u8 *buf; + u32 *word; + } map_data; + + /* looking for mapping in page, each mapping is 16 bytes */ + for (i = 0; i < HIMAX_HX83102J_PAGE_SIZE; i = i + data_sz) { + chk_end = 0; + chk_sum = 0; + for (j = i; j < (i + data_sz); j++) { + chk_end |= descript_buf[j]; + chk_sum += descript_buf[j]; + } + if (!chk_end) { /* 1. Check all zero */ + return false; + } else if (chk_sum % 0x100) { /* 2. Check sum */ + dev_warn(ts->dev, "%s: chk sum failed in %X\n", __func__, i + addr); + } else { /* 3. get data */ + map_data.buf = &descript_buf[i]; + map_code = le32_to_cpup(map_data.word); + map_data.buf = &descript_buf[i + 4]; + image_offset = le32_to_cpup(map_data.word); + /* 4. load info from FW image by specified mapping offset */ + switch (map_code) { + /* Config ID */ + case HIMAX_FW_CID: + ts->fw_info_table.addr_cid_ver_major = image_offset; + ts->fw_info_table.addr_cid_ver_minor = image_offset + 1; + break; + /* FW version */ + case HIMAX_FW_VER: + ts->fw_info_table.addr_fw_ver_major = image_offset; + ts->fw_info_table.addr_fw_ver_minor = image_offset + 1; + break; + /* Config version */ + case HIMAX_CFG_VER: + ts->fw_info_table.addr_cfg_ver_major = image_offset; + ts->fw_info_table.addr_cfg_ver_minor = image_offset + 1; + break; + /* Touch config table */ + case HIMAX_TP_CONFIG_TABLE: + ts->fw_info_table.addr_cfg_table = image_offset; + break; + /* HID table */ + case HIMAX_HID_TABLE: + ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_table = image_offset; + hid_table_addr = image_offset; + ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_desc = hid_table_addr; + ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_rd_desc = + hid_table_addr + report_desc_offset; + break; + } + } + } + + return true; +} + +/** + * himax_mcu_bin_desc_get() - Check and get the bin description from the data + * @fw: Firmware data + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @max_sz: Maximum size to check + * + * This function is used to check and get the bin description from the firmware data. + * It will check the given data to see if it match the bin description format, and + * call himax_bin_desc_data_get() to get the related data. + * + * Return: true on mapping_count > 0, false on otherwise + */ +static bool himax_mcu_bin_desc_get(unsigned char *fw, struct himax_ts_data *ts, u32 max_sz) +{ + bool keep_on_flag; + u32 addr; + u32 mapping_count; + unsigned char *fw_buf; + const u8 header_id = 0x87; + const u8 header_id_loc = 0x0e; + const u8 header_sz = 8; + const u8 header[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 + }; + + /* Check bin is with description table or not */ + if (!(memcmp(fw, header, header_sz) == 0 && fw[header_id_loc] == header_id)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: No description table\n", __func__); + return false; + } + + for (addr = 0, mapping_count = 0; addr < max_sz; addr += HIMAX_HX83102J_PAGE_SIZE) { + fw_buf = &fw[addr]; + /* Get related data */ + keep_on_flag = himax_bin_desc_data_get(ts, addr, fw_buf); + if (keep_on_flag) + mapping_count++; + else + break; + } + + return mapping_count > 0; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_parse() - Parse the HID report descriptor + * @hid: HID device + * + * This function is used to parse the HID report descriptor. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_hid_parse(struct hid_device *hid) +{ + int ret; + struct himax_ts_data *ts; + + if (!hid) + return -ENODEV; + + ts = hid->driver_data; + if (!ts) + return -EINVAL; + + ret = hid_parse_report(hid, ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data, ts->hid_rd_data.rd_length); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed parse report\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_start - Start the HID device + * @hid: HID device + * + * The function for hid_ll_driver.start to start the HID device. + * This driver does not need to do anything here. + * + * Return: 0 for success + */ +static int himax_hid_start(struct hid_device *hid) +{ + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_stop - Stop the HID device + * @hid: HID device + * + * The function for hid_ll_driver.stop to stop the HID device. + * This driver does not need to do anything here. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_hid_stop(struct hid_device *hid) +{ +} + +/** + * himax_hid_open - Open the HID device + * @hid: HID device + * + * The function for to open the HID device. + * This driver does not need to do anything here. + * + * Return: 0 for success + */ +static int himax_hid_open(struct hid_device *hid) +{ + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_close - Close the HID device + * @hid: HID device + * + * The function for hid_ll_driver.close to close the HID device. + * This driver does not need to do anything here. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_hid_close(struct hid_device *hid) +{ +} + +/** + * himax_hid_get_raw_report - Process hidraw GET REPORT operation + * @hid: HID device + * @reportnum: Report ID + * @buf: Buffer for communication + * @len: Length of data in the buffer + * @report_type: Report type + * + * The function for hid_ll_driver.get_raw_report to handle the HIDRAW ioctl + * get report request. The report number to handle is based on the report + * descriptor of the HID device. The buf is used to communicate with user + * program, user pass the ID and parameters to the driver use this buf, and + * the driver will return the result to user also use this buf. The len is + * the length of data in the buf, passed by user program. The report_type is + * not used in this driver. We currently support the following report number: + * - HIMAX_ID_CONTACT_COUNT: Report the maximum number of touch points + * Case not listed here will return -EINVAL. + * + * Return: The length of the data in the buf on success, negative error code + */ +static int himax_hid_get_raw_report(const struct hid_device *hid, + unsigned char reportnum, __u8 *buf, + size_t len, unsigned char report_type) +{ + int ret; + struct himax_ts_data *ts; + + ts = hid->driver_data; + if (!ts) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "hid->driver_data is NULL"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + switch (reportnum) { + case HIMAX_ID_CONTACT_COUNT: + /* buf[0] is ID; buf[1] and later used as parameters for ID */ + buf[0] = HIMAX_ID_CONTACT_COUNT; + buf[1] = ts->ic_data.max_point; + ret = len; + break; + default: + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: Invalid report number\n", __func__); + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + }; + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_raw_request - Handle the HIDRAW ioctl request + * @hid: HID device + * @reportnum: Report ID + * @buf: Buffer for communication + * @len: Length of data in the buffer + * @rtype: Report type + * @reqtype: Request type + * + * The function for hid_ll_driver.raw_request to handle the HIDRAW ioctl + * request. We handle only the GET_REPORT and SET_REPORT request. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_raw_request(struct hid_device *hid, unsigned char reportnum, __u8 *buf, + size_t len, unsigned char rtype, int reqtype) +{ + int ret; + + switch (reqtype) { + case HID_REQ_GET_REPORT: + ret = himax_hid_get_raw_report(hid, reportnum, buf, len, rtype); + break; + default: + ret = -EINVAL; + } + + return ret; +} + +static struct hid_ll_driver himax_hid_ll_driver = { + .parse = himax_hid_parse, + .start = himax_hid_start, + .stop = himax_hid_stop, + .open = himax_hid_open, + .close = himax_hid_close, + .raw_request = himax_raw_request +}; + +/** + * himax_hid_report() - Report input data to HID core + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @data: Data to report + * @len: Length of the data + * + * This function is a wrapper to report input data to HID core. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_hid_report(const struct himax_ts_data *ts, u8 *data, s32 len) +{ + return hid_input_report(ts->hid, HID_INPUT_REPORT, data, len, 1); +} + +/** + * himax_hid_probe() - Probe the HID device + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to probe the HID device. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_hid_probe(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + struct hid_device *hid; + + hid = ts->hid; + if (hid) { + dev_warn(ts->dev, "%s: hid device already exist!\n", __func__); + hid_destroy_device(hid); + hid = NULL; + } + + hid = hid_allocate_device(); + if (IS_ERR(hid)) { + ret = PTR_ERR(hid); + return ret; + } + + hid->driver_data = ts; + hid->ll_driver = &himax_hid_ll_driver; + hid->bus = BUS_SPI; + hid->dev.parent = &ts->spi->dev; + + hid->version = ts->hid_desc.bcd_version; + hid->vendor = ts->hid_desc.vendor_id; + hid->product = ts->hid_desc.product_id; + snprintf(hid->name, sizeof(hid->name), "%s %04X:%04X", "hid-hxtp", + hid->vendor, hid->product); + + ret = hid_add_device(hid); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: failed add hid device\n", __func__); + goto err_hid_data; + } + ts->hid = hid; + + return 0; + +err_hid_data: + hid_destroy_device(hid); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_remove() - Remove the HID device + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to remove the HID device. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_hid_remove(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + if (ts && ts->hid) + hid_destroy_device(ts->hid); + else + return; + + ts->hid = NULL; +} + +/** + * himax_ts_operation() - Process the touch interrupt data + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to process the touch interrupt data. It will + * call the himax_touch_get() to get the touch data. + * If the hid is probed, it will call the himax_hid_report() to report the + * touch data to the HID core. Due to the report data must match the HID + * report descriptor, the size of report data is fixed. To prevent next report + * data being contaminated by the previous data, all the data must be reported + * wheather previous data is valid or not. + * + * Return: HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS on success, negative error code in + * himax_touch_report_status on failure + */ +static int himax_ts_operation(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + u32 offset; + + memset(ts->xfer_buf, 0x00, ts->xfer_buf_sz); + ret = himax_touch_get(ts, ts->xfer_buf); + if (ret == HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL) + return ret; + if (ts->hid_probed) { + offset = ts->hid_desc.max_input_length; + if (ts->ic_data.stylus_function) { + ret += himax_hid_report(ts, + ts->xfer_buf + offset + HIMAX_HID_REPORT_HDR_SZ, + ts->hid_desc.max_input_length - + HIMAX_HID_REPORT_HDR_SZ); + offset += ts->hid_desc.max_input_length; + } + } + + if (ret != 0) + return HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL; + + return HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS; +} + +/** + * himax_ts_work() - Work function for the touch screen + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to handle interrupt bottom half work. It will + * call the himax_ts_operation() to get the touch data, dispatch the data + * to HID core. If the touch data is not valid, it will reset the TPIC. + * + * Return: void + */ +static void himax_ts_work(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + if (himax_ts_operation(ts) == HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL) { + dev_info(ts->dev, "%s: Now reset the Touch chip\n", __func__); + himax_mcu_ic_reset(ts, true); + } +} + +/** + * himax_hid_rd_init() - Initialize the HID report descriptor + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * The function is used to calculate the size of the HID report descriptor, + * allocate the memory and copy the report descriptor from firmware data to + * the allocated memory for later hid device registration. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_hid_rd_init(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + u32 rd_sz; + + /* The rd_sz is taken from RD size in FW hid report table. */ + rd_sz = ts->hid_desc.report_desc_length; + /* fw_info_table should contain address of hid_rd_desc in FW image */ + if (ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_rd_desc != 0) { + /* if rd_sz has been change, need to release old one */ + if (ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data && + rd_sz != ts->hid_rd_data.rd_length) { + devm_kfree(ts->dev, ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data); + ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data = NULL; + } + + if (!ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data) { + ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data = devm_kzalloc(ts->dev, rd_sz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data) + return -ENOMEM; + } + /* Copy the base RD from firmware table */ + memcpy((void *)ts->hid_rd_data.rd_data, + &ts->himax_fw_data[ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_rd_desc], + ts->hid_desc.report_desc_length); + ts->hid_rd_data.rd_length = ts->hid_desc.report_desc_length; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_hid_register() - Register the HID device + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * The function is used to register the HID device. If the hid is probed, + * it will destroy the previous hid device and re-probe the hid device. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_hid_register(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + if (ts->hid_probed) { + hid_destroy_device(ts->hid); + ts->hid = NULL; + ts->hid_probed = false; + } + + if (himax_hid_probe(ts)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: hid probe fail\n", __func__); + ts->hid_probed = false; + } else { + ts->hid_probed = true; + } +} + +/** + * himax_hid_report_data_init() - Calculate the size of the HID report data + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * The function is used to calculate the final size of the HID report data. + * The base size is equal to the max_input_length of the hid descriptor. + * If the size of the HID report data is not equal to the previous size, it + * will free the previous allocated memory and allocate the new memory which + * size is equal to the final size of touch_data_sz. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_hid_report_data_init(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + ts->touch_data_sz = ts->hid_desc.max_input_length; + if (ts->ic_data.stylus_function) + ts->touch_data_sz += ts->hid_desc.max_input_length; + if (ts->touch_data_sz != ts->xfer_buf_sz) { + kfree(ts->xfer_buf); + ts->xfer_buf_sz = 0; + ts->xfer_buf = kzalloc(ts->touch_data_sz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->xfer_buf) + return -ENOMEM; + ts->xfer_buf_sz = ts->touch_data_sz; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_power_set() - Set the power supply of touch screen + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * @en: enable/disable regualtor + * + * This function is used to set the power supply of touch screen. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_power_set(struct himax_ts_data *ts, bool en) +{ + int ret; + struct himax_platform_data *pdata = &ts->pdata; + + if (pdata->vccd_supply) { + if (en) + ret = regulator_enable(pdata->vccd_supply); + else + ret = regulator_disable(pdata->vccd_supply); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: unable to %s vccd supply\n", __func__, + en ? "enable" : "disable"); + return ret; + } + } + + if (pdata->vccd_supply) + usleep_range(2000, 2100); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_power_deconfig() - De-configure the power supply of touchsreen + * @pdata: Himax platform data + * + * This function is used to de-configure the power supply of touch screen. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_power_deconfig(struct himax_platform_data *pdata) +{ + if (pdata->vccd_supply) { + regulator_disable(pdata->vccd_supply); + regulator_put(pdata->vccd_supply); + } +} + +/* load firmware data from flash, parse HID info and register HID */ +/** + * himax_load_config() - Load the firmware from the flash + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to load the firmware from the flash. It will read + * the firmware from the flash and parse the HID info. If the HID info is + * valid, it will initialize the HID report descriptor and register the HID + * device. If the HID device is probed, it will initialize the report data + * and enable the interrupt. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_load_config(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + s32 i; + s32 page_sz = (s32)HIMAX_HX83102J_PAGE_SIZE; + s32 flash_sz = (s32)HIMAX_HX83102J_FLASH_SIZE; + bool fw_load_status = false; + const u32 fw_bin_header_sz = 1024; + + ts->ic_boot_done = false; + + ts->himax_fw_data = devm_kzalloc(ts->dev, HIMAX_HX83102J_FLASH_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->himax_fw_data) + return -ENOMEM; + + for (i = 0; i < flash_sz; i += page_sz) { + ret = himax_mcu_register_read(ts, i, ts->himax_fw_data + i, + (flash_sz - i) > page_sz ? page_sz : (flash_sz - i)); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: read FW from flash fail!\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + } + /* Search mapping table in 1k header */ + fw_load_status = himax_mcu_bin_desc_get((unsigned char *)ts->himax_fw_data, + ts, fw_bin_header_sz); + if (!fw_load_status) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: FW load status fail!\n", __func__); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_desc != 0) { + memcpy(&ts->hid_desc, + &ts->himax_fw_data[ts->fw_info_table.addr_hid_desc], + sizeof(struct himax_hid_desc)); + ts->hid_desc.desc_length = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.desc_length); + ts->hid_desc.bcd_version = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.bcd_version); + ts->hid_desc.report_desc_length = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.report_desc_length); + ts->hid_desc.max_input_length = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.max_input_length); + ts->hid_desc.max_output_length = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.max_output_length); + ts->hid_desc.max_fragment_length = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.max_fragment_length); + ts->hid_desc.vendor_id = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.vendor_id); + ts->hid_desc.product_id = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.product_id); + ts->hid_desc.version_id = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.version_id); + ts->hid_desc.flags = + le16_to_cpu(ts->hid_desc.flags); + } + + if (himax_hid_rd_init(ts)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: hid rd init fail\n", __func__); + goto err_hid_rd_init_failed; + } + + himax_hid_register(ts); + if (!ts->hid_probed) { + goto err_hid_probe_failed; + } else { + if (himax_hid_report_data_init(ts)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: report data init fail\n", __func__); + goto err_report_data_init_failed; + } + } + + ts->himax_fw_data = NULL; + ts->ic_boot_done = true; + himax_int_enable(ts, true); + + return 0; + +err_report_data_init_failed: + himax_hid_remove(ts); + ts->hid_probed = false; +err_hid_probe_failed: +err_hid_rd_init_failed: + + return -EINVAL; +} + +/** + * himax_chip_init() - Initialize the Himax touch screen + * @ts: Himax touch screen data + * + * This function is used to initialize the Himax touch screen. It will + * initialize interrupt lock, register the interrupt, and disable the + * interrupt. If later part of initialization succeed, then interrupt will + * be enabled. + * It will also load the firmware from the flash, parse the HID info, and + * register the HID device by calling the himax_load_config(). + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_chip_init(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + + if (himax_ts_register_interrupt(ts)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: register interrupt failed\n", __func__); + return -EIO; + } + himax_int_enable(ts, false); + ret = himax_load_config(ts); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + ts->initialized = true; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_platform_deinit() - Deinitialize the platform related settings + * @ts: Pointer to the himax_ts_data structure + * + * This function deinitializes the platform related settings, frees the + * xfer_buf. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_platform_deinit(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + struct himax_platform_data *pdata = &ts->pdata; + + if (ts->xfer_buf_sz) { + kfree(ts->xfer_buf); + ts->xfer_buf = NULL; + ts->xfer_buf_sz = 0; + } + himax_power_deconfig(pdata); +} + +/** + * himax_platform_init - Initialize the platform related settings + * @ts: Pointer to the himax_ts_data structure + * + * This function initializes the platform related settings. + * The xfer_buf is used for interrupt data receive. gpio reset pin is set to + * active and then deactivate to reset the IC. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_platform_init(struct himax_ts_data *ts) +{ + int ret; + struct himax_platform_data *pdata = &ts->pdata; + + ts->xfer_buf_sz = 0; + ts->xfer_buf = kzalloc(HIMAX_HX83102J_FULL_STACK_SZ, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->xfer_buf) + return -ENOMEM; + ts->xfer_buf_sz = HIMAX_HX83102J_FULL_STACK_SZ; + + gpiod_set_value(pdata->gpiod_rst, 1); + ret = himax_power_set(ts, true); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: gpio power config failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + usleep_range(2000, 2100); + gpiod_set_value(pdata->gpiod_rst, 0); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * himax_spi_drv_probe - Probe function for the SPI driver + * @spi: Pointer to the spi_device structure + * + * This function is called when the SPI driver is probed. It initializes the + * himax_ts_data structure and assign the settings from spi device to + * himax_ts_data. The buffer for SPI transfer is allocate here. The SPI + * transfer settings also setup before any communication starts. + * + * Return: 0 on success, negative error code on failure + */ +static int himax_spi_drv_probe(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + int ret; + struct himax_ts_data *ts; + static struct himax_platform_data *pdata; + + dev_info(&spi->dev, "%s: Himax SPI driver probe\n", __func__); + ts = devm_kzalloc(&spi->dev, sizeof(struct himax_ts_data), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts) + return -ENOMEM; + if (spi->master->flags & SPI_MASTER_HALF_DUPLEX) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: Full duplex not supported by host\n", __func__); + return -EIO; + } + pdata = &ts->pdata; + ts->dev = &spi->dev; + if (!spi->irq) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: no IRQ?\n", __func__); + return -EINVAL; + } + ts->himax_irq = spi->irq; + pdata->gpiod_rst = devm_gpiod_get(ts->dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_HIGH); + if (IS_ERR(pdata->gpiod_rst)) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: gpio-rst value is not valid\n", __func__); + return -EIO; + } + + spi->bits_per_word = 8; + spi->mode = SPI_MODE_3; + spi->cs_setup.value = HIMAX_SPI_CS_SETUP_TIME; + + ts->spi = spi; + /* + * The max_transfer_size is used to allocate the buffer for SPI transfer. + * The size should be given by the SPI master driver, but if not available + * then use the HIMAX_MAX_TP_EV_STACK_SZ as default. Which is the least size for + * each TP event data. + */ + if (spi->master->max_transfer_size) + ts->spi_xfer_max_sz = spi->master->max_transfer_size(spi); + else + ts->spi_xfer_max_sz = HIMAX_MAX_TP_EV_STACK_SZ; + + ts->spi_xfer_max_sz = min(ts->spi_xfer_max_sz, HIMAX_BUS_RW_MAX_LEN); + /* SPI full-duplex rx_buf and tx_buf should be equal */ + ts->xfer_rx_data = devm_kzalloc(ts->dev, ts->spi_xfer_max_sz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->xfer_rx_data) + return -ENOMEM; + + ts->xfer_tx_data = devm_kzalloc(ts->dev, ts->spi_xfer_max_sz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ts->xfer_tx_data) + return -ENOMEM; + + spin_lock_init(&ts->irq_lock); + mutex_init(&ts->rw_lock); + mutex_init(&ts->reg_lock); + dev_set_drvdata(&spi->dev, ts); + spi_set_drvdata(spi, ts); + + ts->probe_finish = false; + ts->initialized = false; + ts->ic_boot_done = false; + + ret = himax_platform_init(ts); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: platform init failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + ret = hx83102j_chip_detect(ts); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: IC detect failed\n", __func__); + return ret; + } + + ret = himax_chip_init(ts); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + ts->probe_finish = true; + + return ret; + himax_platform_deinit(ts); +} + +/** + * himax_spi_drv_remove - Remove function for the SPI driver + * @spi: Pointer to the spi_device structure + * + * This function is called when the SPI driver is removed. It deinitializes the + * himax_ts_data structure and free the resources allocated for the SPI + * communication. + */ +static void himax_spi_drv_remove(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + struct himax_ts_data *ts = spi_get_drvdata(spi); + + if (ts->probe_finish) { + if (ts->ic_boot_done) { + himax_int_enable(ts, false); + + if (ts->hid_probed) + himax_hid_remove(ts); + } + himax_platform_deinit(ts); + } +} + +/** + * himax_shutdown - Shutdown the touch screen + * @spi: Himax touch screen spi device + * + * This function is used to shutdown the touch screen. It will disable the + * interrupt, set the reset pin to activate state. Then remove the hid device. + * + * Return: None + */ +static void himax_shutdown(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + struct himax_ts_data *ts = spi_get_drvdata(spi); + + if (!ts->initialized) { + dev_err(ts->dev, "%s: init not ready, skip!\n", __func__); + return; + } + + himax_int_enable(ts, false); + gpiod_set_value(ts->pdata.gpiod_rst, 1); + himax_power_deconfig(&ts->pdata); + himax_hid_remove(ts); +} + +#if defined(CONFIG_OF) +static const struct of_device_id himax_table[] = { + { .compatible = "himax,hx83102j" }, + {}, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, himax_table); +#endif + +static struct spi_driver himax_hid_over_spi_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "hx83102j", + .owner = THIS_MODULE, +#if defined(CONFIG_OF) + .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(himax_table), +#endif + }, + .probe = himax_spi_drv_probe, + .remove = himax_spi_drv_remove, + .shutdown = himax_shutdown, +}; + +static int __init himax_ic_init(void) +{ + return spi_register_driver(&himax_hid_over_spi_driver); +} + +static void __exit himax_ic_exit(void) +{ + spi_unregister_driver(&himax_hid_over_spi_driver); +} + +module_init(himax_ic_init); +module_exit(himax_ic_exit); + +MODULE_VERSION("1.3.4"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Himax HX83102J SPI driver for HID"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Himax, Inc."); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/hid/hid-himax.h b/drivers/hid/hid-himax.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..26b47be49714 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/hid/hid-himax.h @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Himax hx83102j SPI Driver Code for HID. + * + * Copyright (C) 2024 Himax Corporation. + */ + +#ifndef __HID_HIMAX_83102J_H__ +#define __HID_HIMAX_83102J_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* Constants */ +#define HIMAX_BUS_RETRY 3 +/* SPI bus read header length */ +#define HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN 3U +/* SPI bus write header length */ +#define HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN 2U +/* TP SRAM address size and data size */ +#define HIMAX_REG_SZ 4U +/* TP MAX TX/RX number */ +#define HIMAX_MAX_RX 144U +#define HIMAX_MAX_TX 48U +/* TP FW main code size */ +#define HIMAX_FW_MAIN_CODE_SZ 0x20000U +/* TP max event data size */ +#define HIMAX_MAX_TP_EVENT_SZ 128U +/* TP max interrupt data size : event size + raw data size(rx * tx 16bits) */ +#define HIMAX_MAX_TP_EV_STACK_SZ (HIMAX_BUS_R_HLEN + \ + HIMAX_MAX_TP_EVENT_SZ + \ + (HIMAX_MAX_RX * HIMAX_MAX_TX) * 2) +/* SPI Max read/write size for max possible usage, write FW main code */ +#define HIMAX_BUS_RW_MAX_LEN (HIMAX_FW_MAIN_CODE_SZ + \ + HIMAX_BUS_W_HLEN + HIMAX_REG_SZ) +/* SPI CS setup time */ +#define HIMAX_SPI_CS_SETUP_TIME 300 +/* HIDRAW report header size */ +#define HIMAX_HID_REPORT_HDR_SZ 2U +/* hx83102j IC parameters */ +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_DSRAM_SZ 73728U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_FLASH_SIZE 261120U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_RX_NUM 50U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_TX_NUM 32U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_PAGE_SIZE 128U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_SAFE_MODE_PASSWORD 0x9527 +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_STACK_SIZE 128U +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_FULL_STACK_SZ \ + (HIMAX_HX83102J_STACK_SIZE + \ + (2 + HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_RX_NUM * HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_TX_NUM + \ + HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_TX_NUM + HIMAX_HX83102J_MAX_RX_NUM) * 2) +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_REG_XFER_MAX 4096U +/* AHB register addresses */ +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_BYTE_0 0x00 +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_RDATA_BYTE_0 0x08 +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_ACCESS_DIRECTION 0x0c +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_INCR4 0x0d +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_CONTI 0x13 +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_EVENT_STACK 0x30 +#define HIMAX_AHB_ADDR_PSW_LB 0x31 +/* AHB register values/commands */ +#define HIMAX_AHB_CMD_ACCESS_DIRECTION_READ 0x00 +#define HIMAX_AHB_CMD_CONTI 0x31 +#define HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4 0x10 +#define HIMAX_AHB_CMD_INCR4_ADD_4_BYTE 0x01 +#define HIMAX_AHB_CMD_LEAVE_SAFE_MODE 0x0000 +/* hx83102j-specific register/dsram flags/data */ +#define HIMAX_HX83102J_REG_ADDR_TCON_RST 0x80020004 +/* hardware register addresses */ +#define HIMAX_REG_ADDR_SPI200_DATA 0x8000002c +#define HIMAX_REG_ADDR_CTRL_FW 0x9000005c +#define HIMAX_REG_ADDR_FW_STATUS 0x900000a8 +#define HIMAX_REG_ADDR_ICID 0x900000d0 +/* hardware reg data/flags */ +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_STATE_RUNNING 0x05 +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_STATE_SAFE_MODE 0x0c +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_RE_INIT 0x00 +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_GO_SAFEMODE 0xa5 +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_FW_IN_SAFEMODE 0x87 +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_ICID 0x83102900 +#define HIMAX_REG_DATA_TCON_RST 0x00000000 +/* HIMAX SPI function select, 1st byte of any SPI command sequence */ +#define HIMAX_SPI_FUNCTION_READ 0xf3 +#define HIMAX_SPI_FUNCTION_WRITE 0xf2 +/* Map code of FW 1k header */ +#define HIMAX_TP_CONFIG_TABLE 0x00000a00 +#define HIMAX_FW_CID 0x10000000 +#define HIMAX_FW_VER 0x10000100 +#define HIMAX_CFG_VER 0x10000600 +#define HIMAX_HID_TABLE 0x30000100 +#define HIMAX_FW_BIN_DESC 0x10000000 + +/** + * enum himax_hidraw_id_function - HIDRAW report IDs + * @HIMAX_ID_CONTACT_COUNT: Contact count report ID + */ +enum himax_hidraw_id_function { + HIMAX_ID_CONTACT_COUNT = 0x03, +}; + +/** + * enum himax_touch_report_status - ts operation return code for touch report + * @HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL: Get touch data fail + * @HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS: Get touch data success + */ +enum himax_touch_report_status { + HIMAX_TS_GET_DATA_FAIL = -4, + HIMAX_TS_SUCCESS = 0, +}; + +/** + * struct himax_fw_address_table - address/offset in firmware image + * @addr_fw_ver_major: Address to Major version of firmware + * @addr_fw_ver_minor: Address to Minor version of firmware + * @addr_cfg_ver_major: Address to Major version of config + * @addr_cfg_ver_minor: Address to Minor version of config + * @addr_cid_ver_major: Address to Major version of Customer ID + * @addr_cid_ver_minor: Address to Minor version of Customer ID + * @addr_cfg_table: Address to Configuration table + * @addr_hid_table: Address to HID tables start offset + * @addr_hid_desc: Address to HID descriptor table + * @addr_hid_rd_desc: Address to HID report descriptor table + */ +struct himax_fw_address_table { + u32 addr_fw_ver_major; + u32 addr_fw_ver_minor; + u32 addr_cfg_ver_major; + u32 addr_cfg_ver_minor; + u32 addr_cid_ver_major; + u32 addr_cid_ver_minor; + u32 addr_cfg_table; + u32 addr_hid_table; + u32 addr_hid_desc; + u32 addr_hid_rd_desc; +}; + +/** + * struct himax_hid_rd_data - HID report descriptor data + * @rd_data: Point to report description data + * @rd_length: Length of report description data + */ +struct himax_hid_rd_data { + u8 *rd_data; + u32 rd_length; +}; + +/** + * union himax_dword_data - 4 bytes data union + * @dword: 1 dword data + * @word: 2 words data in word array + * @byte: 4 bytes data in byte array + */ +union himax_dword_data { + u32 dword; + u16 word[2]; + u8 byte[4]; +}; + +/** + * struct himax_ic_data - IC information holder + * @stylus_ratio: Stylus ratio + * @rx_num: Number of RX + * @tx_num: Number of TX + * @button_num: Number of buttons + * @max_point: Maximum touch point + * @icid: IC ID + * @interrupt_is_edge: Interrupt is edge otherwise level + * @stylus_function: Stylus function available or not + * @stylus_v2: Is stylus version 2 + */ +struct himax_ic_data { + u8 stylus_ratio; + u32 rx_num; + u32 tx_num; + u32 button_num; + u32 max_point; + u32 icid; + bool interrupt_is_edge; + bool stylus_function; + bool stylus_v2; +}; + +/** + * struct himax_hid_desc - HID descriptor + * @desc_length: Length of HID descriptor + * @bcd_version: BCD version + * @report_desc_length: Length of report descriptor + * @max_input_length: Maximum input length + * @max_output_length: Maximum output length + * @max_fragment_length: Maximum fragment length + * @vendor_id: Vendor ID + * @product_id: Product ID + * @version_id: Version ID + * @flags: Flags + * @reserved: Reserved + * + * This structure is used to hold the HID descriptor. + * It directly maps to a sequence of bytes in firmware image, + * thus need to be packed. + */ +struct himax_hid_desc { + u16 desc_length; + u16 bcd_version; + u16 report_desc_length; + u16 max_input_length; + u16 max_output_length; + u16 max_fragment_length; + u16 vendor_id; + u16 product_id; + u16 version_id; + u16 flags; + u32 reserved; +} __packed; + +/** + * struct himax_platform_data - Platform data holder + * @vccd_supply: VCCD supply + * @gpiod_rst: GPIO reset + * + * This structure is used to hold the platform related data. + */ +struct himax_platform_data { + struct regulator *vccd_supply; + struct gpio_desc *gpiod_rst; +}; + +/** + * struct himax_ts_data - Touchscreen data holder + * @xfer_buf: Interrupt data buffer + * @xfer_rx_data: SPI Transfer receive data buffer + * @xfer_tx_data: SPI Transfer transmit data buffer + * @himax_fw_data: Firmware data holder from flash + * @himax_irq: IRQ number + * @spi_xfer_max_sz: Size of SPI controller max transfer size + * @xfer_buf_sz: Size of interrupt data buffer + * @irq_state: IRQ state + * @irq_lock: Spin lock for irq + * @initialized: Indicate the driver is initialized + * @probe_finish: Indicate the driver probe is finished + * @ic_boot_done: Indicate the IC boot is done + * @hid_probed: Indicate the HID device is probed + * @touch_data_sz: Size of each interrupt data from IC + * @dev: Device pointer + * @spi: SPI device pointer + * @hid: HID device pointer + * @reg_lock: Mutex lock for reg access + * @rw_lock: Mutex lock for read/write action + * @ic_data: IC information holder + * @pdata: Platform data holder + * @fw_info_table: Firmware information address table of firmware image + * @hid_desc: HID descriptor + * @hid_rd_data: HID report descriptor data + */ +struct himax_ts_data { + u8 *xfer_buf; + u8 *xfer_rx_data; + u8 *xfer_tx_data; + u8 *himax_fw_data; + s32 himax_irq; + u32 spi_xfer_max_sz; + u32 xfer_buf_sz; + atomic_t irq_state; + /* lock for irq_save */ + spinlock_t irq_lock; + bool initialized; + bool probe_finish; + bool ic_boot_done; + bool hid_probed; + int touch_data_sz; + struct device *dev; + struct spi_device *spi; + struct hid_device *hid; + /* lock for register operation */ + struct mutex reg_lock; + /* lock for bus read/write action */ + struct mutex rw_lock; + struct himax_ic_data ic_data; + struct himax_platform_data pdata; + struct himax_fw_address_table fw_info_table; + struct himax_hid_desc hid_desc; + struct himax_hid_rd_data hid_rd_data; +}; +#endif